
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microplastic (MP) pollution has gained considerable attention in various ecosystems; however, it has received relatively less attention in freshwater-riverine environments than in other ecosystems. The Ganges River Delta, one of the world\'s most densely populated areas, is a potential source of MP pollution in the freshwater ecosystem. MPs were identified throughout the year in the lower Ganges River water. Seasonally, the highest abundance was observed during the monsoon (14.66 ± 2.06 MPs/L), followed by the pre-monsoon (13.46 ± 1.75 MPs/L) and post-monsoon (11.50 ± 0.40 MPs/L). Throughout the year, MP discharge was estimated at 4.12 × 1012 to 2.17 × 1013 MPs/year. Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy identified plastic polymers in the water, like ethylene vinyl acetate, polystyrene, polypropylene, polyethylene, and nylon. Moderate contamination by MPs was assessed throughout the year. Significant correlations between MP abundance and both rainfall and discharge were observed. It is essential to implement preventative measures in the Ganges River Basin to mitigate MP pollution before the situation worsens. PRACTITIONER POINTS: Throughout the year, MP concentration ranged from 10.67 to 20.33 MPs/L The highest MP occurrence was observed in the monsoon season (14.66 ± 2.06 MPs/L) The lowest abundance was detected in the post-monsoon period (11.50 ± 0.40 MPs/L) There was a moderate level of MP contamination in the lower Ganges River water It was shown that discharge and rainfall were correlated with MP abundance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Water-Energy-Food Nexus (WEFN) has gained international attention as an approach for managing water more holistically, building on the progress made by the Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) approach. However, modelling the availability of water, energy, and food and their interconnections is complex, with major barriers that include the availability of both data and modelling platforms capable of assessing the interconnected systems of the WEFN. There have been attempts to model resource availability in each sector generally, but few attempts to consider the WEFN in complex transboundary basins, especially considering Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Here, a water, energy, and food availability model was developed using a combination of remotely sensed, national government reported, and global datasets. The model explores the complex interactions between the physical availability and production of water, energy, and food for several subbasins representing different states. Results showed the potential impacts of socioeconomic development, population changes and transboundary cooperation on resources. Transboundary cooperation in the case study Ma Basin in Southeast Asia, under existing resources and operations could improve monthly food security and reduce coal power operations using excess hydropower in the basin during the dry season. These findings show that transboundary cooperation improves access to energy and food, whilst potentially reducing demands for water. Furthermore, the research has highlighted ways in which transboundary cooperation can further assist in attaining SDGs 12 and 13 on responsible production and climate action, respectively. The modelling framework is easily transferable and can support similar analysis in other basins, contributing to global attainment of several SDGs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ability to strengthen governance institutions and fisheries restrictions and laws is needed to improve conservation and management of common-pool resources. We evaluated the potential for stimulating change with modest interventions by studying fishing village households before and after a 27-month intervention period in a high-priority coral reef conservation area. Interventions included training in catch monitoring, stock assessment, mapping fishing grounds, microcredit, gender inclusion, theatrical skills, fuel efficient stoves, and participation in the planning of a conservation proposal. There was a background increase in reported formal education, household size, group membership, and household wealth but a decrease in fish consumption and public services. Of conservation importance, the perceived strength of 13 governance institutions and benefits of 6 fisheries restrictions increased over the intervention period. Finally, correspondence between knowledge of and agreement with recent national fisheries laws was moderate to high and positively correlated. The intervention period was stronger than demographic factors that often influence perceptions, such as village, government services, gender, household size, membership in community groups, and age responses. In general, perceptions of strengths of governance and benefits of restrictions increased more among women and youth than adult men respondents. The largest changes in perceptions of increased benefits were among strict restrictions initially ranked low, specifically fisheries closures, parks, and species restrictions. Consequently, capacity building overrode demographic factors common to poor people with limited employment capacity that can have negative perceptions of strict conservation.
    Variabilidad demográfica y escalas de aceptación y rechazo sobre las restricciones en el manejo de recursos Resumen Se necesita de la capacidad para fortalecer a las instituciones de gobierno y las leyes y restricciones a la pesca para mejorar la conservación y manejo de los recursos comunes. Evaluamos el potencial para estimular el cambio con intervenciones modestas con un estudio en los hogares de una aldea pesquera antes y después de un periodo de intervención de 27 meses en un área de conservación de gran prioridad para un arrecife de coral. Las intervenciones incluyeron formación en el monitoreo de las capturas, análisis de stock, mapeo de las zonas de pesca, microcréditos, inclusión de género, habilidades teatrales, estufas ecológicas y participación en la planeación de una propuesta de conservación. Hubo un incremento en el trasfondo de la educación formal reportada, el tamaño del hogar, los miembros del grupo y la riqueza del hogar, pero una disminución en el consumo de pescado y en el servicio público. Fue de importancia para la conservación que la fuerza percibida de 13 de las instituciones de gobierno y los beneficios de seis restricciones a la pesquería incrementaron durante el periodo de intervención. Por último, la correspondencia entre el conocimiento sobre y la aceptación de las leyes recientes de pesca fue de moderada a alta y con una correlación positiva. El periodo de intervención fue más fuerte que los factores demográficos que con frecuencia influyen sobre las percepciones, como las respuestas de los servicios de gobierno, aldea, género, tamaño del hogar, membresía en un grupo comunitario y edad. En general, la percepción de la fuerza de la gobernanza y los beneficios de las restricciones incrementó más entre las mujeres y la juventud que entre los hombres respondientes. Los cambios más grandes en la percepción del aumento en beneficios fueron entre las restricciones estrictas marcadas como bajas al inicio, específicamente el cierre de pesquerías, parques y restricción de especies. Como consecuencia, la formación de capacidad sobrepasó los factores demográficos, que con frecuencia son personas con una capacidad limitada de empleo que pueden tener una percepción negativa de la conservación estricta.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is an important endemic disease in livestock in Southeast Asia. Transboundary movement of animals may result in the transnational disease spread. A major cattle market is located at the Thailand-Myanmar border, where most cattle imported from Myanmar are traded. In this study, we built a stochastic susceptible-exposed-infectious-recovered (SEIR) model to investigate the effectiveness of a private animal quarantine service center in preventing FMDV from entering the major cattle market. We computed with different parameters and found that, with 50 % vaccine effectiveness, the risk of releasing infected cattle to the market per batch was generally low during the quarantine period of 21 and 28 days, with the risk ranging from 0.071 to 0.078 and 0.032 to 0.036, respectively. Despite the best scenario, the zero-risk state is difficult to attain. The sensitivity analysis highlights that the percentage of immune animals before entering the quarantine centers and the vaccine effectiveness are important factors. In conclusion, the 21-day quarantine period mitigates the risk of FMDV introduction into the cattle market. This control measure should be rigorously maintained to sustainably prevent FMDV outbreaks through transboundary animal movements, especially among countries in FMD-endemic regions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Holistic study of glacial lakes and glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs) in the strategically important China-Nepal transportation corridors is imperative for regional connectivity and disaster risk reduction. This study focuses on four China-Nepal transportation corridors, namely Chentang-Kimathanka, Zhangmu-Kodari, Keyrung-Kathmandu and Taklakot-Hilsa from east to west in the Himalayan region. Within a remote integrated framework, we present the latest high-resolution inventory of glacial lakes, assess their decadal spatio-temporal changes (1992-2022), identify potentially dangerous glacial lakes, and apply hydrodynamic model to assess downstream impacts of possible GLOFs along the study area. The results show 2688 glacial lakes (≥0.001 km2) with a total area of 116.10 ± 8.53 km2 over the study area in 2022. Glacial lakes exhibited spatiotemporal heterogeneity in expansion, with overall expansion of 32 % during 30 years. Keyrung-Kathmandu corridor, among others, was assessed with high GLOF susceptibility. Furthermore, hydrodynamic modeling of four highly dangerous lakes in each transportation area reveals that GLOFs have cross-border effects, impacting ∼103 km of China-Nepal highway, 103 bridges, two major dry ports and 3301 buildings in both countries. Based on these findings, we emphasize the joint efforts of both countries for integrated disaster management for smooth connectivity between two countries and saving downstream population through joint cooperation from central to local government levels by initiating artificial lake lowering, developing cross-border early warning systems and cooperation. This study is valuable for presenting a synergistic study of glacial lakes and GLOF for informing decision- and policy-makers of both China and Nepal for a joint approach to disaster mitigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lumpy skin disease (LSD) is a contagious non-zoonotic viral disease of cattle. The disease raises great concern due to the recent rapid spread toward free countries and reoccurrence in countries where control and preventive measures had achieved eradication. Deep nodules involving skin, subcutaneous tissue, and occasionally muscles are localized mostly in the head, neck, perineum, genitalia, udder, and limbs. LSD can cause large economic losses mainly because of the decline in milk production and the decrease in hide value, in addition to the ban of movement of animals and animal products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The hispid hare, Caprolagus hispidus, belonging to the family Leporidae is a small grassland mammal found in the southern foothills of the Himalayas, in India, Nepal, and Bhutan. Despite having an endangered status according to the IUCN Red List, it lacks studies on its distribution and is threatened by habitat loss and land cover changes. Thus, the present study attempted to assess the habitat suitability using the species distribution model approach for the first time and projected its future in response to climate change, habitat, and urbanization factors. The results revealed that out of the total geographical extent of 188,316 km2, only 11,374 km2 (6.03%) were identified as suitable habitat for this species. The results also revealed that habitat significantly declined across its range (>60%) under certain climate change scenarios. Moreover, in the present climate scenario protected areas such as Shuklaphanta National Park (0.837) in Nepal exhibited the highest mean extent of habitat whereas, in India, Dibru-Saikhowa National Park (0.631) is found to be the most suitable habitat. Notably, two protected areas in Uttarakhand, India, specifically Corbett National Park (0.530) and Sonanandi Wildlife Sanctuary (0.423), have also demonstrated suitable habitats for C. hispidus. Given that protected areas showing a future rise in habitat suitability might also be regarded as potential sites for species translocation, this study underscores the importance of implementing proactive conservation strategies to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change on this species. It is essential to prioritize habitat restoration, focused protection measures, and further species-level ecological exploration to address these challenges effectively. Furthermore, fostering transboundary collaboration and coordinated conservation actions between nations is crucial to safeguarding the long-term survival of the species throughout its distribution range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Desalination can reduce both water scarcity and variability in supplies, two factors identified as drivers of transboundary water conflict. As such, some have predicted that increasing development of desalination capacity may reduce conflict over shared waters. Others have claimed that desalination may become a source of new conflicts. Additionally, desalination may open up new avenues for cooperation, but also may allow for unilateral action by parties, thereby decreasing cooperation. This study looks at the impact of the introduction of desalination on hydro-political relations in two protracted conflict settings: the island of Cyprus and the Arab-Israeli conflict. Using both quantitative and qualitative assessments, we find that desalination has fundamentally altered hydro-political relations, but find no consistent trends in terms of levels of conflict and cooperation. These findings suggest that the influence of desalination on hydro-political relations is likely to be a function of, rather than a transformer of, the larger geopolitical context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rapid identification and characterization of circulating foot-and-mouth disease virus (FMDV) strains is crucial for effective disease control. In Oman, a few serological and molecular studies have been conducted to identify the strains of FMDV responsible for the outbreaks that have been occurring within the country. In this study, 13 oral epithelial tissue samples from cattle were collected from suspected cases of FMD in Ash Sharqiyah North, Al Batinah North, Dhofar and Ad Dhakhyilia governorates of Oman between 2018 and 2021. FMDV RNA was detected in all samples by real-time RT-PCR and viruses were isolated after one- or two-blind passages in the porcine Instituto Biologico-Rim Suino-2 cell line. Antigen capture ELISA characterized all isolates as serotype A and VP1 phylogenetic analysis placed all sequences within a single clade of the G-I genotype within the A/AFRICA topotype. These sequences shared the closest nucleotide identities to viruses circulating in Bahrain in 2021 (93.5% to 99.5%) and Kenya in 2017 (93.4% to 99.1%). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that A/AFRICA/G-I viruses have been detected in Oman. Together with the closely related viruses detected recently in Bahrain, these findings reinforce the importance of deploying effective quarantine control measures to minimize the risks of transboundary transmission of FMD associated with the importation of cattle from East Africa.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Wolves have large spatial requirements and their expansion in Europe is occurring over national boundaries, hence the need to develop monitoring programs at the population level. Wolves in the Alps are defined as a functional population and management unit. The range of this wolf Alpine population now covers seven countries: Italy, France, Austria, Switzerland, Slovenia, Liechtenstein and Germany, making the development of a joint and coordinated monitoring program particularly challenging. In the framework of the Wolf Alpine Group (WAG), researchers developed uniform criteria for the assessment and interpretation of field data collected in the frame of different national monitoring programs. This standardization allowed for data comparability across borders and the joint evaluation of distribution and consistency at the population level. We documented the increase in the number of wolf reproductive units (packs and pairs) over 21 years, from 1 in 1993-1994 up to 243 units in 2020-2021, and examined the pattern of expansion over the Alps. This long-term and large-scale approach is a successful example of transboundary monitoring of a large carnivore population that, despite administrative fragmentation, provides robust indexes of population size and distribution that are of relevance for wolf conservation and management at the transnational Alpine scale.





