Toxoplasmosis, Congenital

  • 文章类型: Clinical Study
    BACKGROUND: Congenital toxoplasmosis is a treatable, preventable disease, but untreated causes death, prematurity, loss of sight, cognition and motor function, and substantial costs worldwide.
    OBJECTIVE: We asked whether high performance of an Immunochromatographic-test (ICT) could enable accurate, rapid diagnosis/treatment, establishing new, improved care-paradigms at point-of-care and clinical laboratory.
    METHODS: Data were obtained in 12 studies/analyses addressing: 1-feasibility/efficacy; 2-false-positives; 3-acceptability; 4-pink/black-line/all studies; 5-time/cost; 6-Quick-Information/Limit-of-detection; 7, 8-acute;-chronic; 9-epidemiology; 10-ADBio; 11,12-Commentary/Cases/Chronology.
    RESULTS: ICT was compared with gold-standard or predicate-tests. Overall, ICT performance for 1093 blood/4967 sera was 99.2%/97.5% sensitive and 99.0%/99.7% specific. However, in clinical trial, FDA-cleared-predicate tests initially caused practical, costly problems due to false-positive-IgM results. For 58 persons, 3/43 seronegative and 2/15 chronically infected persons had false positive IgM predicate tests. This caused substantial anxiety, concerns, and required costly, delayed confirmation in reference centers. Absence of false positive ICT results contributes to solutions: Lyon and Paris France and USA Reference laboratories frequently receive sera with erroneously positive local laboratory IgM results impeding patient care. Therefore, thirty-two such sera referred to Lyon\'s Reference laboratory were ICT-tested. We collated these with other earlier/ongoing results: 132 of 137 USA or French persons had false-positive local laboratory IgM results identified correctly as negative by ICT. Five false positive ICT results in Tunisia and Marseille, France, emphasize need to confirm positive ICT results with Sabin-Feldman-Dye-test or western blot. Separate studies demonstrated high performance in detecting acute infections, meeting FDA, CLIA, WHO REASSURED, CEMark criteria and patient and physician satisfaction with monthly-gestational-ICT-screening.
    CONCLUSIONS: This novel paradigm using ICT identifies likely false positives or raises suspicion that a result is truly positive, rapidly needing prompt follow up and treatment. Thus, ICT enables well-accepted gestational screening programs that facilitate rapid treatment saving lives, sight, cognition and motor function. This reduces anxiety, delays, work, and cost at point-of-care and clinical laboratories.
    BACKGROUND: NCT04474132,






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For decades, an immunosorbent agglutination assay (ISAGA) has been considered the gold standard method for the detection of Toxoplasma gondii-specific IgM in infants for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis (CT). The Toxoplasma IgM ISAGA was consistently reported as having superior sensitivity. Unfortunately, the commercial kit for the detection of Toxoplasma IgM ISAGA will no longer be available in 2024 and alternatives will only be available at a handful of reference laboratories as in-house or laboratory-developed tests. In a recent study, S. Arkhis, C. Rouges, N. Dahane, H. Guegan, et al. (J Clin Microbiol 62:e01222-23, 2024,, reported that the performance of the PLATELIA Toxo IgM was comparable to that of the ISAGA method for the diagnosis of CT. A second study revealing similar results supports the PLATELIA Toxo IgM as the new gold standard for the detection of T. gondii-specific IgM in infants. Although the laboratory toolbox for CT diagnosis has been reshuffled successfully, it is by universally implementing all available serological and molecular tools at the earliest possible time during gestation that we can best defend children\'s brain from the potential harm caused by trans-placentally transmitted T. gondii.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Toxoplasma gondii is a parasitic infection that can be transmitted in utero, resulting in fetal chorioretinitis and other long-term neurological outcomes. If diagnosed early, pregnancy-safe chemotherapeutics can prevent vertical transmission. Unfortunately, diagnosis of acute, primary infection among pregnant women remains neglected, particularly in low-and-middle-income countries. Clinically actionable diagnosis is complex due to the commonality of infection during childhood and early adulthood which spawn long-last antibody titers and historically unreliable direct molecular diagnostics. The current study employed a cross-sectional T. gondii perinatal surveillance study using digital PCR, a next generation molecular diagnostic platform, and a maternal-fetal outcomes survey to ascertain the risk of vertical toxoplasmosis transmission in the Western Region of El Salvador. Of 198 enrolled mothers at the time of childbirth, 6.6% had evidence of recent T. gondii infection-85% of these cases were identified using digital PCR. Neonates born to these acutely infected mothers were significantly more likely to meconium aspiration syndrome and mothers were more likely to experience labor and delivery complications. Multivariable logistic regression found higher maternal T. gondii infection odds were associated with the presence of pet cats, the definitive T. gondii host. In closing, this study provides evidence of maternal T. gondii infection, vertical transmission and deleterious fetal outcomes in a vulnerable population near the El Salvador-Guatemala border. Further, this is the first published study to show clinical utility potential of digital PCR for accurate diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis cases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    The molecular detection of Toxoplasma gondii DNA is a key tool for the diagnosis of disseminated and congenital toxoplasmosis. This multicentric study from the Molecular Biology Pole of the French National Reference Center for toxoplasmosis aimed to evaluate Toxoplasma gondii Real-TM PCR kit (Sacace). The study compared the analytical and clinical performances of this PCR assay with the reference PCRs used in proficient laboratories. PCR efficiencies varied from 90% to 112%; linearity zone extended over four log units (R2 > 0.99) and limit of detection varied from 0.01 to ≤1 Tg/mL depending on the center. Determined on 173 cryopreserved DNAs from a large range of clinical specimens, clinical sensitivity was 100% [106/106; 95 confidence interval (CI): 96.5%-100%] and specificity was 100% (67/67; 95 CI: 94.6%-100%). The study revealed two potential limitations of the Sacace PCR assay: the first was the inconsistency of the internal control (IC) when added to the PCR mixture. This point was not found under routine conditions when the IC was added during the extraction step. The second is a lack of practicality, as the mixture is distributed over several vials, requiring numerous pipetting operations. Overall, this study provides useful information for the molecular diagnosis of toxoplasmosis; the analytical and clinical performances of the Sacace PCR kit were satisfactory, the kit having sensitivity and specificity similar to those of expert center methods and being able to detect low parasite loads, at levels where multiplicative analysis gives inconsistently positive results. Finally, the study recommends multiplicative analysis in particular for amniotic fluids, aqueous humor, and other single specimens.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) can be accompanied by serious organ manifestations, particularly retinochoroiditis, and may occur throughout life. We aimed to monitor long-term ocular prognosis in a large French cohort of patients with CT and its changes over time in the context of mandatory prenatal screening (since 1992) and incidence decrease since 2008.
    METHODS: Patients with CT diagnosed between 1987 and 2021 were prospectively included and followed for up to 35 years. The effect of the period of conception on the risk of first retinochoroiditis has been tested using a flexible extension of the Cox model. Incidence rates of retinochoroiditis were estimated.
    RESULTS: A total of 646 infected live born children were followed for a median of 12 years (range, 0.5-35); 187 patients (29%) had at least 1 ocular lesion (first at a median age of 5 years; range, 0-26 years) with peaks at 7 and 12 years. Early maternal infection and the presence of nonocular signs at birth were associated with a higher risk of retinochoroiditis, whereas delayed diagnosis of CT (after birth versus before or at birth) was associated with a lower risk (13% decrease for each additional month after birth; P = .01). A period effect for the risk of developing retinochoroiditis in patients born after 2008 was not detected.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite prenatal screening and prolonged perinatal treatment, retinochoroiditis is not a rare event in French patients with CT and can occur well into adulthood, with peak incidences at 7 and 12 years of age. It rarely causes severe damage but warrants regular follow-up into adulthood.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital toxoplasmosis (CT) can have severe early and late sequelae in children. In this study, we aimed to evaluate the demographic, clinical, treatment characteristics of patients diagnosed with congenital Toxoplasma infection and to highlight the long-term complications of the patients.
    Patients with CT were included in this study who were followed between 2010 and 2022 in Cukurova University Medical Faculty Hospital. Demographic, clinical and treatment characteristics were searched retrospectively. In the diagnosis of maternal and CT, Toxoplasma IgM, IgG, IgG avidity, T. gondii polymerase chain reaction tests were used along with clinical and symptoms.
    Eighteen children (two twins) with CT and their mothers (n=16) were included in the study. Median age was 1 month. Ten (55.5%) of the children were male. CT diagnosis was made during pregnancy in 7 mothers (resulting in 8 babies) and postnatally in 9 mothers (resulting in 10 babies). The mothers of 5 (31.1%) babies with CT received spiramycin treatment during pregnancy. Three (60%) of 5 pregnant women who received spiramycin were diagnosed in the first trimester, 4 (80%) of the babies did not have any sequale and only 1 (20%) had microphthalmia. Ocular involvement was the most common presentation of the disease occured in 10 patients (55.5%), hydrocephalus and intracranial calcification developed in five patients (27.7%). Hearing loss developed in 2 (11.1%) patients. During the follow-up period, seizures developed in 3 patients (16.6%), microcephaly in 2 patients (11.1%), and neurodevolopmental retardation in 7 patients (38.8%), two of the patients had severe mental retardation. One (5.5%) patient with hydrocephalus died at 36 months of age due to complications after ventriculoperitoneal shunt application.
    In our study, we observed severe sequelae in vision, hearing, and neurodevelopmental aspects in children diagnosed with CT at birth and during follow-ups. Early diagnosis and treatment of infants, along with the detection of Toxoplasma infection during pregnancy, are essential in preventing severe sequelae that may arise due to CT.
    Konjenital toksoplazma enfeksiyonu çocuklarda erken ve geç dönemde ağır sekellere neden olur. Biz bu çalışmada konjenital toksoplazma tanısı alan hastaların demografik, klinik, tanı, tedavi özelliklerini ve hastaların uzun dönemde gelişen komplikasyonlarını değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.
    Bu çalışmada Çukurova Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi’nde 2010-2022 yılları arasında konjenital Toksoplazma enfeksiyonu saptanan bebeklerin demografik, klinik, tanı, tedavi özellikleri ve prognozları retrospektif olarak değerlendirilmiştir. Maternal ve konjenital Toxoplasma enfeksiyonu tanısında, klinik belirti ve bulgularla birlikte Toxoplasma IgM, IgG ve IgG avidite, T. gondii polimeraz zincir reaksiyon testleri kullanıldı.
    Bu çalışmaya medyan yaşı 1 ay olan 10’u (%55,5) erkek, ikisi ikiz olan 18 konjenital Toxoplasma tanısı alan bebek ve bu bebeklerin anneleri (n=16) dahil edildi. Konjenital Toxoplasma tanısı, 7 annede gebelik sırasında (bunların 8 bebeği) ve 9 annede doğum sonrasında (bunların 10 bebeği) konuldu. Konjenital toksoplazmalı bebeklerin 5’inin (%31,1) annesinin gebeliğinde spiramisin tedavisi aldığı belirlendi. Spiramisin alan 5 gebeden 3’ünün (%60) ilk trimestarda tanı almasına rağmen bebeklerin 4’ünde organ tutulumu olmayıp yalnızca 1’inde mikroftalmi mevcut idi. Konjenital Toxoplasma tanısı alan bebeklerin tanı anında en sık 10 (%55,5) hastada göz tutulumu olduğu ve hastaların 5’inde (%27,7) hidrosefali ve intrakraniyal kalsifikasyon olduğu saptandı. İki (%11,1) hastada işitme kaybı geliştiği belirlendi. İzlemde 3 hastada (%16,6) nöbet, 2 hastada (%11,1) mikrosefali ve ikisi ağır mental retardasyon olan 7 hastada (%38,8) nörogelişimsel gerilik olduğu saptandı. Bir (%5,5) hastanın 36 aylıkken hidrosefali ve ventriküloperitoneal şant uygulanması sonrası gelişen komplikasyonlar nedeniyle yaşamını yitirdiği saptandı.
    Çalışmamızda, doğumda ve takiplerde konjenital Toxoplasma tanısı konulan çocuklarda görme, işitme ve nörogelişimsel alanlarda ciddi sonuçlar gözlemledik. Bebeklerin erken tanı ve tedavisi ile birlikte gebelikte Toxoplasma enfeksiyonunun tespiti, konjenital Toxoplasma kaynaklı ciddi sonuçların önlenmesinde esastır.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    The ISAGA immunocapture test for the detection of anti-Toxoplasma immunoglobulin M is a manual technique known for its excellent sensitivity and specificity. The purpose of this retrospective, multicenter study was to compare the performances and agreement between ISAGA and other IgM detection techniques before cessation of ISAGA production. The analytic performance of the different tests was evaluated using 1,341 serum samples from adults with positive IgM and negative IgG to Toxoplasma gondii, and 1,206 sera from neonates born to mothers with seroconversion. The agreement between the tests was evaluated on 13,506 adult and 5,795 child serum samples. The sensitivity of Toxo-ISAGA IgM® (adults 98.7%, neonates 63.1%) was similar to that of Platelia Toxo IgM® (adults 94.4%, neonates 64.6%), and significantly higher than Liaison Toxo IgM® (adults 90.6%), Architect/Alinity Toxo IgM® (adults 95.7%, neonates 48.6%), and Vidas Toxo IgM® (adults 81.8%, neonates 17.5%). However, the specificities varied between 24.4% (Platelia Toxo IgM®) and 95.2% (Liaison Toxo IgM®) in adults and were >95% for all tests in neonates. An analysis of the kappa coefficients showed better agreement between ISAGA IgM® and the other tests in children (0.75-0.83%) than in adults (0.11-0.53%). We conclude that, in the absence of Toxo-ISAGA IgM®, the association of a very sensitive technique (Platelia Toxo IgM® or Architect/Alinity Toxo IgM®) and a very specific technique (Vidas Toxo IgM® or Liaison Toxo IgM®) is recommended for IgM detection in adult sera. For neonates, Platelia Toxo IgM® appeared to be the best alternative to replace Toxo-ISAGA IgM®.
    UNASSIGNED: Performances comparatives des tests ISAGA IgM et ELISA pour le diagnostic des infections maternelles et congénitales à Toxoplasma : quelle technique pourrait remplacer ISAGA IgM ?
    UNASSIGNED: Le test d’immunocapture ISAGA pour la détection des immunoglobulines M anti-Toxoplasma est une technique manuelle connue pour son excellente sensibilité et spécificité. Le but de cette étude rétrospective et multicentrique était de comparer les performances et la concordance entre l’ISAGA et d’autres techniques de détection d’IgM avant l’arrêt de la commercialisation de l’ISAGA. Les performances analytiques des différents tests ont été évaluées à partir de 1 341 échantillons de sérum d’adultes présentant des IgM positives et des IgG négatives à Toxoplasma gondii, et de 1 206 sérums de nouveau-nés nés de mères présentant une séroconversion. La concordance entre les tests a été évaluée sur 13 506 échantillons de sérum d’adultes et 5 795 sérums d’enfants. La sensibilité de Toxo-ISAGA IgM® (adultes 98,7 %, nouveau-nés 63,1 %) était similaire à celle de Platelia Toxo IgM® (adultes 94,4 %, nouveau-nés 64,6 %) et significativement supérieure à celle de Liaison Toxo IgM® (adultes 90,6 %), Architect/Alinity Toxo IgM® (adultes 95,7 %, nouveau-nés 48,6 %) et Vidas Toxo IgM® (adultes 81,8 %, nouveau-nés 17,5 %). Cependant, les spécificités variaient entre 24,4 % (Platelia Toxo IgM®) et 95,2 % (Liaison Toxo IgM®) chez les adultes et étaient >95 % pour tous les tests chez les nouveau-nés. L’analyse des coefficients kappa a montré une meilleure concordance entre ISAGA IgM® et les autres tests chez les enfants (0,75–0,83%) que chez les adultes (0,11–0,53%). Nous concluons qu’en l’absence de Toxo-ISAGA IgM®, l’association d’une technique très sensible (Platelia Toxo IgM® ou Architect/Alinity Toxo IgM®) et d’une technique très spécifique (Vidas Toxo IgM® ou Liaison Toxo IgM®) est recommandée pour la détection des IgM dans les sérums adultes. Pour les nouveau-nés, Platelia Toxo IgM® apparaît comme la meilleure alternative en remplacement de Toxo-ISAGA IgM®.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study aimed to determine the nPCR-RFLP genotypes of newly obtained T. gondii isolates from human congenital toxoplasmosis cases in Argentina and to determine their allelic profiles for virulence genes ROP18/ROP5. In addition, the ROP18/ROP5 profiles were also determined for previously characterized T. gondii samples. Isolation from congenital toxoplasmosis cases was carried out in mouse bioassay from two placentas (P1 and P2). Genotyping for the new human isolates was performed by nPCR-RFLP using 10 markers. The samples analyzed for ROP18/ROP5 included the two newly obtained isolates (from the congenital toxoplasmosis cases) and nine previously genotyped T. gondii DNA samples from humans and chickens. The results for P1 and P2 named as TgHm18-02Arg and TgHm19-01Arg showed ToxoDB genotypes #14 (non-archetypal) and #2 (clonal type III), respectively. Non-archetypal #14 has been isolated from human cases before in Argentina. However, this is the first report of T. gondii clonal type III in a human case in the country. The ROP18/ROP5 combination was detected in nine samples: 3/3 (n = 1), 4/3 (n = 4), 4/4 (n = 3), and 3-4/4 (n = 1). Notably, the 4/4 profile was identified for the first time and exclusively in T. gondii samples from Misiones province (which borders southern Brazil). Further studies are required to corroborate the regionalization of the ROP18/ROP5 profiles in Argentina.






  • 文章类型: Multicenter Study
    To assess the performance of PLATELIA Toxo IgM (Bio-Rad) and Toxo ISAGA (BioMérieux) to detect anti-Toxoplasma IgM in infants at risk of congenital toxoplasmosis, a retrospective multicenter study was conducted comparing serological results obtained in the framework of routine diagnosis work-up for congenital toxoplasmosis. All infants born to mothers infected with T. gondii during pregnancy from 2010 to 2020 with at least 6 months of serological follow-up were included (n = 1,010). One thousand ten cases were included, of which 250 infants (24.75%) had congenital toxoplasmosis. A total of 1039 sera were included. The concordance between the two techniques was 96%, with kappa coefficient of 0.87, showing an almost perfect agreement between ISAGA and PLATELIA. Cumulative sensitivity and specificity were 73.2% and 99.5.% and 74.8% and 100% for ISAGA and PLATELIA, respectively. The mean time to detect IgM using ISAGA and PLATELIA tests was 6.9 ± 20.1 days and 5.6 ± 14.7 days, respectively not significant (ns). Finally, the sensitivity of ISAGA and PLATELIA to detect IgM antibodies in infected neonates at 5 days of life was 62% and 64%, respectively. Performances of PLATELIA Toxo IgM assay were comparable to the gold standard ISAGA. This enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay is suitable for routine serology for the diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis in newborns. IMPORTANCE This study will help clinical microbiologists to chose an alternative serological method for the neonatal diagnosis of congenital toxoplasmosis, once the gold standard technique ISAGA will be withdrawn next year.





