Tobacco control policies

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smoke-free laws (SFL) are more effective with public support. This study investigated the smoking prevalence, public perceptions of smoking rules, and support for comprehensive SFL among 1047 people who smoke (PWS) and 206 people who do not smoke (PNS) aged ≥18 in the 2020 International Tobacco Control Malaysia Survey. Smoking prevalence was highest in nighttime entertainment venues (85.7%), non-air-conditioned eateries (49.7%), and indoor workplaces (34.6%). Respondents reported that smoking was banned in most indoor workplaces (81.7% PNS, 69.2% PWS), air-conditioned eateries (84.7% PNS, 75.7% PWS), and non-air-conditioned eateries (81.2% PNS, 78.7% PWS), but much less so in nighttime entertainment venues (30.1% PNS, 24.6% PWS). Support for comprehensive SFL in public venues was highest among PNS (≥84.9%) but still substantial among PWS (≥49.9%). PWS under 40, Malay, married, and aware of smoking rules supported SFL more. Robust SFL enforcement is essential in Malaysia to reduce secondhand smoke exposure in public places.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We propose a compartmental model for investigating smoking dynamics in an Italian region (Tuscany). Calibrating the model on local data from 1993 to 2019, we estimate the probabilities of starting and quitting smoking and the probability of smoking relapse. Then, we forecast the evolution of smoking prevalence until 2043 and assess the impact on mortality in terms of attributable deaths. We introduce elements of novelty with respect to previous studies in this field, including a formal definition of the equations governing the model dynamics and a flexible modelling of smoking probabilities based on cubic regression splines. We estimate model parameters by defining a two-step procedure and quantify the sampling variability via a parametric bootstrap. We propose the implementation of cross-validation on a rolling basis and variance-based Global Sensitivity Analysis to check the robustness of the results and support our findings. Our results suggest a decrease in smoking prevalence among males and stability among females, over the next two decades. We estimate that, in 2023, 18% of deaths among males and 8% among females are due to smoking. We test the use of the model in assessing the impact on smoking prevalence and mortality of different tobacco control policies, including the tobacco-free generation ban recently introduced in New Zealand.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our paper evaluates the extent to which the brain disease model of addiction (BDMA) has contributed to reducing the prevalence of tobacco smoking and  tobacco-related harm over the past 20 years. We discuss the ways in which genetic and neuroscience research on nicotine addiction have contributed to our understanding of tobacco smoking. We then examine the extent to which the BDMA has produced more effective treatments to assist smoking cessation. We also assess the degree to which the BDMA has contributed to the tobacco control policies that have produced substantial reductions in tobacco-related morbidity and mortality in the two decades since the model was first proposed by Alan Leshner. We also assess whether the BDMA has reduced the stigmatisation of people who smoke tobacco.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tobacco vendors are critical stakeholders in the tobacco supply chain. This study examined their perception, compliance, and potential economic impact of Nigeria\'s tobacco control laws related to the retail setting. This was a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews of 24 purposively selected tobacco vendors. The face-to-face interviews were aided by a semi-structured interview guide, audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and analyzed using thematic analysis with NVivo version 12. Five themes emerged, encompassing reasons for selling tobacco, awareness, perception, compliance with tobacco sales laws, the potential economic impact of the laws, and law enforcement activities. Vendors commenced tobacco sales due to consumers\' demand, profit motives, and advice from close family relatives. They were unaware and non-compliant with most of the retail-related laws. Most participants had positive perceptions about the ban on sales to and by minors, were indifferent about the ban on Tobacco Advertising Promotion and Sponsorships (TAPS) and product display, and had negative perceptions about the ban on sales of single sticks. Most vendors stated quitting tobacco sales would not have a serious economic impact on their business. In conclusion, the vendors demonstrated limited awareness and non-compliance with various retail-oriented tobacco control laws in Nigeria. Addressing these gaps requires targeted educational campaigns and effective law enforcement strategies to enhance vendors\' compliance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The polluter\'s pay principle (PPP) aims to internalise external costs and assign liability to the polluter for the harmful cost of their products to society. Tobacco companies continue to manufacture and sell harmful cigarettes, earning billions in profits each year from these products. Meanwhile, governments and their people are left to \'clean up\' and deal with the detrimental health consequences. This paper explores with expert stakeholders how the PPP could be implemented within the context of tobacco control in the United Kingdom (UK).
    Twenty-four semi-structured interviews and two follow-up discussion groups were conducted with UK and international experts on tobacco control, public health, economics, or law from the academic, public, private and third sector. Participants considered the facilitators and barriers to implementing the PPP to tobacco control in the UK. Thematic analysis was employed, aided by NVivo 12, and data were compared to examine the views expressed by the different types of experts.
    Stakeholders favoured the implementation of the PPP in the context of tobacco control and indicated that it could be acceptable and feasible to implement and that it would likely have support from policymakers and the public alike. Stakeholders unanimously agreed that any legislation and administration should be free from tobacco industry influence; however, differences arose concerning who should oversee the implementation.
    The PPP from environmental law was predominantly seen as an approach that could be usefully applied to the tobacco industry. However, there is no one size fits all template, therefore its implementation would need to be adapted to fit the UK context.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tobacco use and the associated health burden is a cause of concern in India and globally. Despite several tobacco control policies in place, their sub-optimal and variable implementation across Indian states has remained a concern. Studies evaluating the real-world implementation of policies such as Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (COTPA) or National Tobacco Control Program (NTCP) in India and its association with reductions in tobacco use are limited. In this paper, we analyse data from a nationally representative survey to examine how policy implementation is associated with the tobacco use prevalence in India.
    We analysed data from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS 2016-17) India using multivariable logistic regression. The dependent variables were the use of smoked tobacco, smokeless tobacco, and tobacco in any form. The independent variables were proxies of implementation of the COTPA and the NTCP. We followed a step-wise backward elimination technique to reach the best fit models.
    People exposed to no-smoking signages had lower odds of using tobacco (OR = 0.70, p < 0.001). People exposed to second-hand smoke (OR = 1.51, p < 0.001) and tobacco product advertisements (OR = 1.23, p < 0.001) had greater odds of using tobacco. Exposure to tobacco advertisements was associated with higher odds of using smokeless tobacco (OR = 1.23, p < 0.001), and smoked (OR = 1.33, p < 0.001) forms of tobacco.
    We find significant association between the implementation of tobacco control laws/programs and tobacco use in India. Our findings highlight the potential that policy implementation holds in reducing population-level tobacco use thus drawing attention towards the implementation phase of policies. The findings have implications on prioritising enforcement of specific tobacco control measures such as smokefree laws, modifying COTPA signages to encompass all tobacco products including against smokeless tobacco use and strengthening indirect advertising restrictions. Future research could focus on developing and validating predictors specific to policy implementation to support policy evaluation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) India 2016-17 has shown that increased regulations over time impacted tobacco use culture, which opened the doors for further regulation, making it an iterative process. But do the \'tobacco control policies\' reach till most deprived sections of society? This paper tries to answer this question.
    UNASSIGNED: In this paper, the relative reduction in tobacco use prevalence is seen (from 2009 to 10 to 2016-17) across different levels of material deprivation and educational attainment. The relative reduction in prevalence/ use of various forms of smoking and smokeless tobacco products was also studied.Material Deprivation as a new index was computed, where the weightage was given to various variables related to household ownership of various material things as available in data sets of GATS Survey. The recoded variables were then added and further categorised into six levels of material deprivation where Level 1 corresponds to least deprived and Level 6 corresponds to most deprived.The relative reduction in the prevalence of tobacco use was calculated with the formula [(P1-P2)/P1]*100, where P1 is the prevalence of tobacco use (smoking or smokeless) during GATS1 (2009-10), and P2 is the prevalence of tobacco use (smoking or smokeless) during GATS2 (2016-17).
    UNASSIGNED: It has been shown that the higher the level of material deprivation, the lesser the relative reduction in the prevalence of tobacco use. The relative reduction in tobacco use was more for higher levels of educational attainment. It has been found that relative reduction is more for smoking products as compared to smokeless tobacco (SLT) products. Khaini and Bidis are emerging as popular products, which are least regulated by existing tobacco control policies.
    UNASSIGNED: The reduction in the prevalence of tobacco use from GATS1 to GATS2 is inequitous across levels of material deprivation and levels of educational attainment by individuals. Also, there is a tendency for product substitution among tobacco users.






  • 文章类型: Randomized Controlled Trial
    There is little research on public support for banning the sale and purchase of combustible cigarettes even though a ban is an essential step towards achieving the endgame for tobacco products.
    We report the first studies designed to (a) examine predictors of support for a ban (Study 1), and (b) test interventions to increase such support (Studies 2-4).
    In Study 1, current, former, and never smokers (N = 479) were randomized to conditions measuring their willingness to ban the sale of cigarettes vs. an unspecified product. Smokers were randomized to a persuasive communication in Study 2 and a paradoxical thinking intervention in Study 3 (Ns = 300 and 302, respectively). In Study 4 (N = 336), we randomized smokers to self-persuasion and issue-framing interventions.
    Whereas nonsmokers were willing to ban the sale of both cigarettes and equivalent products, current and former smokers exempted cigarettes from a ban. Reactance to prohibition and perceived effectiveness predicted willingness to ban cigarette sales in all three smoking status groups (Study 1). Neither persuasive communication nor paradoxical thinking increased support for banning cigarette sales in Studies 2-3. However, self-persuasion and framing the ban as \"protecting Americans from avoidable harm\" both led to increased support for banning cigarette sales (Study 4).
    Reactance and doubt about the effectiveness of banning the sale of cigarettes are key barriers to supporting a ban. Self-persuasion and issue framing may be effective means of mobilizing policy support among smokers. The present research offers new insights relevant to promoting the \"Tobacco Endgame\" and helps specify directions for future research on public support for health policies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study aims to assess the implementation of tobacco control policies in Mexico from 2003 through 2017 using the Tobacco Control Scale (TCS). The TCS is a research tool widely used in the European region. It facilitates assessment of tobacco control policy implementation based on six cost-effective interventions: tobacco taxes, smoke-free policies, advertising bans, public spending on the information campaign, health warnings, and smoking cessation treatment, reflecting results in a total score between 0 and 100. From 2003 through 2017, Mexico\'s total score improved from 24/100 to 55/100, with substantial progress in raising tobacco taxes, 11 subnational smoke-free laws, and with placement on cigarette packs of large health warnings with pictograms. Progress in tobacco control policies implemented in this period corresponds with a decrease in smoking prevalence across Mexico. This tool is useful for monitoring tobacco policy implementation in low- and middle-income countries and be used for advocacy purposes to enforce and improve tobacco control legislation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To achieve equity in protection from poor health outcomes due to tobacco use, tobacco control policies and interventions need to affect socially disadvantaged groups more strongly than advantaged groups. Flavored tobacco bans have been seen as a policy with this potential. However, tobacco control researchers, in close concert with policy advocates, need to consider how to center equity throughout the policy process to achieve equitable outcomes from banning flavored tobacco. In this commentary, we outline the rationale for how and why tobacco control researchers should consider equity throughout the policy process to help fully achieve the potential of flavored tobacco ban policies. These recommendations emerged from a presentation at the Vermont Center on Behavior and Health 2021 Conference. Specifically, we focus on recommendations for tobacco control researchers to center equity including partnering with communities in agenda setting, examining how various policy formulations or exemptions may increase or decrease disparities, determining where flavor policies need to reach and whether policies are equitably reaching all populations disproportionately burdened by flavored tobacco, assessing whether policy implementation/enforcement is carried out equitably to maximize policy benefits, and evaluating policy impact with as much granularity as possible. Considering the entire policy process is central to enhancing equitable outcomes from banning flavored tobacco. Tobacco control researchers can play a key role in ensuring that these policies are viewed through an equity lens to, not just improve population health, but also to reduce harms to those disproportionately burdened by use of flavored products.





