Tobacco Use Disorder

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tobacco-related deaths remain the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. Veterans suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)-about 11% of those receiving care from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)-have triple the risk of developing tobacco use disorder (TUD). The most efficacious strategies being used at the VA for smoking cessation only result in a 23% abstinence rate, and veterans with PTSD only achieve a 4.5% abstinence rate. Therefore, there is a critical need to develop more effective treatments for smoking cessation. Recent studies suggest the insula is integrally involved in the neurocircuitry of TUD. Thus, we propose a feasibility phase II randomized controlled trial (RCT) to study a form of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) called intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS). iTBS has the advantage of allowing for a patterned form of stimulation delivery that we will administer at 90% of the subject\'s resting motor threshold (rMT) applied over a region in the right post-central gyrus most functionally connected to the right posterior insula. We hypothesize that by increasing functional connectivity between the right post-central gyrus and the right posterior insula, withdrawal symptoms and short-term smoking cessation outcomes will improve. Fifty eligible veterans with comorbid TUD and PTSD will be randomly assigned to active-iTBS + cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) + nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) (n = 25) or sham-iTBS + CBT + NRT (n = 25). The primary outcome, feasibility, will be determined by achieving a recruitment of 50 participants and retention rate of 80%. The success of iTBS will be evaluated through self-reported nicotine use, cravings, withdrawal symptoms, and abstinence following quit date (confirmed by bioverification) along with evaluation for target engagement through neuroimaging changes, specifically connectivity differences between the insula and other regions of interest.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although previous studies have shown that repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) can ameliorate addictive behaviors and cravings, the underlying neural mechanisms remain unclear. This study aimed to investigate the effect of high-frequency rTMS with the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (L-DLPFC) as a target region on smoking addiction in nicotine-dependent individuals by detecting the change of spontaneous brain activity in the reward circuitry. We recruited 17 nicotine-dependence participants, who completed 10 sessions of 10 Hz rTMS over a 2-week period and underwent evaluation of several dependence-related scales, and resting-state fMRI scan before and after the treatment. Functional connectivity (FC) analysis was conducted with reward-related brain regions as seeds, including ventral tegmental area, bilateral nucleus accumbens (NAc), bilateral DLPFC, and bilateral amygdala. We found that, after the treatment, individuals showed reduced nicotine dependence, alleviated tobacco withdrawal symptoms, and diminished smoking cravings. The right NAc showed increased FC with right fusiform gyrus, inferior temporal gyrus (ITG), calcarine fissure and surrounding cortex, superior occipital gyrus (SOG), lingual gyrus, and bilateral cuneus. No significant FC changes were observed in other seed regions. Moreover, the changes in FC between the right NAc and the right ITG as well as SOG before and after rTMS were negatively correlated with changes in smoking scale scores. Our findings suggest that high-frequency L-DLPFC-rTMS reduces nicotine dependence and improves tobacco withdrawal symptoms, and the dysfunctional connectivity in reward circuitry may be the underlying neural mechanism for nicotine addiction and its therapeutic target.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The anxiolytic effect of oxytocin (OXT) on psychosocial stress has been well documented, but the effectiveness under the interference of other factors still requires in-depth research. Previous studies have shown that nicotine addiction interacts with OXT on psychosocial stress on the behavioral level. However, the underlying neural mechanism of interaction between OXT and nicotine addiction on psychosocial stress has not been examined, and we conducted two experiments to reveal it. Firstly, after intranasal administration of randomized OXT or placebo (saline), a group of healthy participants (n = 27) and a group of smokers (n = 26) completed the Montreal Imaging Stress Task (MIST) in an MRI scanner. Secondly, a group of smokers (n = 22) was recruited to complete a transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) experiment, in which anodal tDCS was applied on subjects\' anterior right superior temporal gyrus (rSTG). In both experiment, subjective stress ratings, salivary cortisol samples and the amount of daily cigarette consumption were obtained from each participant. Analysis of variance were applied on both behavioral and neural data to examine the effects of OXT and nicotine addiction, and correlation analysis were used to examine relationships between neural and behavioral data. In first fMRI experiment, analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed an interaction of OXT and nicotine addiction on subjective stress. In smokers, OXT failed to suppress the elevation of subjective stress and craving ratings after psychosocial stress. A voxel-wise ANOVA of fMRI data identified an interaction between OXT and nicotine addiction in anterior rSTG, and its functional connectivity with right middle frontal gyrus. Correlations between this functional connectivity and subjective psychosocial stress were also found abnormal in smokers. In second tDCS experiment, we found that under tDCS, OXT successfully suppressed the elevation of subjective stress and craving ratings after stress. In summary, we found that nicotine addiction blocked OXT\'s anxiolytic on psychosocial stress, which was related to abnormalities in anterior rSTG. By applying anodal tDCS on anterior rSTG, OXT\'s anxiolytic effect was restored in smokers. These findings will support further development on oxytocin\'s intervention of psychosocial stress in nicotine addiction, and provides essential information for indicating OXT\'s effectiveness.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Anti-tobacco mass-media campaigns are an integral part of tobacco control. There is still a need to understand which mode of mass-media channels aids in promoting tobacco cessation. This study aimed to examine if exposure to anti-tobacco messages delivered through different media channels is associated with tobacco user\'s thoughts and attempts to quit.
    METHODS: We selected a sample of tobacco users (N=21857) from the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS-2), and assessed the association of noticing the anti-tobacco information through different media channels with tobacco user\'s thoughts and attempts to quit.
    RESULTS: Males reported noticing anti-tobacco information more than females in almost all modes of media channels. Among males, the odds were significant and were highest with exposure to radio (1.78 (1.4-2.27)), and internet (1.68 (1.12-2.52)) for thoughts to quit smoking and to radio (2.17 (1.63-2.89) and newspaper (1.46 (1.2-1.79) for thoughts to quitting smokeless tobacco (SLT). The attempt to quit smoking and SLT use among males was significant for exposure through public transportation (1.22 (1.03-1.44)), public walls (1.44 (1.21-1.71), internet (1.68 (1.06-2.66)), and radio (1.44 (1.1-1.87)). Exposure to more than two media resulted in a higher likelihood of thoughts of quitting tobacco, and those exposed to more than one media attempted to quit tobacco among males. Females reported no influence from the media exposure.
    CONCLUSIONS: The study underscores the importance of targeted and combination of different mass-media channels to maximize the quit behaviors among male tobacco users. The current study also highlights the need for future studies to identify effective ways to communicate anti-tobacco information to women and all socio-economic groups in the country.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Studies have demonstrated the potential of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) to decrease smoking cravings in individuals with tobacco use disorder (TUD). However, the neural features underlying the effects of rTMS treatment, especially the dynamic attributes of brain networks associated with the treatment, remain unclear.
    METHODS: Using dynamic functional connectivity analysis, this study first explored the differences in dynamic functional network features between 60 subjects with TUD and 64 nonsmoking healthy controls (HCs). Then, the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) was targeted for a five-day course of rTMS treatment in the 60 subjects with TUD (active rTMS in 42 subjects and sham treatment in 18 subjects). We explored the effect of rTMS on the dynamic network features associated with rTMS by comparing the actively treated group and the sham group.
    RESULTS: Compared to nonsmokers, TUD subjects exhibited an increased integration coefficient between the frontoparietal network (FPN) and the basal ganglia network (BGN) and a reduced integration coefficient between the medial frontal network (MFN) and the FPN. Analysis of variance revealed that rTMS treatment reduced the integration coefficient between the FPN and BGN and improved the recruitment coefficient of the FPN.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study involved a limited sample of young male smokers, and the findings may not generalize to older smokers or female smokers with an extensive history of smoking.
    CONCLUSIONS: rTMS treatment of the left DLPFC exhibited significant effectiveness in restructuring the neural circuits associated with TUD while significantly mitigating smoking cravings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Formal genetics studies show that smoking is influenced by genetic factors; exploring this on the molecular level can offer deeper insight into the etiology of smoking behaviours.
    METHODS: Summary statistics from the latest wave of the GWAS and Sequencing Consortium of Alcohol and Nicotine (GSCAN) were used to calculate polygenic risk scores (PRS) in a sample of ~2200 individuals who smoke/individuals who never smoked. The associations of smoking status with PRS for Smoking Initiation (i.e., Lifetime Smoking; SI-PRS), and Fagerström Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND) score with PRS for Cigarettes per Day (CpD-PRS) were examined, as were distinct/additive effects of parental smoking on smoking status.
    RESULTS: SI-PRS explained 10.56% of variance (Nagelkerke-R2) in smoking status (p=6.45x10-30). In individuals who smoke, CpD-PRS was associated with FTND score (R2=5.03%, p=1.88x10-12). Parental smoking alone explained R2=3.06% (p=2.43×10-12) of smoking status, and 0.96% when added to the most informative SI-PRS model (total R²=11.52%).
    CONCLUSIONS: These results show the potential utility of molecular genetic data for research investigating smoking prevention. The fact that PRS explains more variance than family history highlights progress from formal to molecular genetics; the partial overlap and increased predictive value when using both suggests the importance of combining these approaches.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To examine adolescents\' perspectives regarding external and internal influences of the e-cigarette initiation process.
    METHODS: Semi-structured, in-depth qualitative interviews.
    METHODS: California, remote videoconference.
    METHODS: Adolescents ages 13-17 who currently or previously used e-cigarettes (n = 47).
    METHODS: Interviews occurred from May 2020-February 2021. Two researchers coded transcripts based on a codebook developed inductively. Coded excerpts were reviewed to identify encompassing themes related to adolescent e-cigarette initiation.
    RESULTS: Adolescents were often near e-cigarette use by peers, family members, and others, creating ample opportunities to try e-cigarettes in response to curiosity, peer pressure, and desires to cope with stress or belong to a group. Adverse first experiences were common (eg, throat irritation, nausea), but many adolescents vaped again or continued to use regularly in attempts to cement friendships or alleviate symptoms of stress and anxiety. Specific characteristics of e-cigarette devices, including low-cost, concealability, and variety in designs and flavors facilitated initiation, continued use, and nicotine dependence.
    CONCLUSIONS: Adolescents progress to e-cigarette use via a multistage process, starting where social expectations and opportunity converge. While individual circumstances vary, many continue to vape as a perceived coping tool for emotional issues, to gain social belonging, or influenced by e-cigarette characteristics that contribute to ongoing use and dependence. Efforts to deter use should address the devices themselves and the social forces driving youth interest in them.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Smoking is a significant risk factor for the development of many cancers. In addition, after a cancer dia-gnosis, it also has an adverse effect on survival, the course and effectiveness of cancer treatment and quality of life, and increases the likelihood of a number of other complications. Treating tobacco dependence reduces the risk of their occurrence or the extent of their consequences. A working group of authors from professional groups (the Section of Supportive Treatment and Care and the Section of Preventive Oncology of the Czech Society of Oncology of the Czech Medical Association of J. E. Purkyně, the Society for the Treatment of Tobacco Dependence, Czech Nurses Association, Working Group for the Prevention and Treatment of Tobacco Dependence of the Czech Medical Association J. E. P. and the Society for Treatment of Tobacco Dependence) prepared a simple basic scheme of intervention in contact with smokers in routine practice based on recommendations of professional societies, outcomes of studies, scientific literature and proven practice. A smoke-free environment, the importance of zero exposure to tobacco smoke, smoking cessation recommendations for smokers, relapse prevention for ex-smokers and the offer of tobacco dependence treatment should be a natural part of cancer care at least in the form of a brief DIK (abbreviation for \"question - intervention - contact\" in the Czech language) intervention. It is important to record smoking status, including exposure to second-hand smoke, in all patients, and to empathically repeat interventions in smokers (active and passive), including relapse prevention. This ap-proach contributes to abstinence in cancer patients and thus to higher efficacy of cancer treatment, longer survival and reduction of other risks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease. However, smokers have shown poor compliance with smoking cessation clinics. Smartphone applications present a promising opportunity to improve this compliance. This study aimed to explore the relationship between nicotine dependence, smartphone usage patterns, and anticipated compliance with a smoking cessation application among smokers, with the goal of informing future development of such applications.
    METHODS: A total of 53 current smokers were surveyed using a questionnaire. Nicotine dependence was assessed using the Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence (FTND). Variables included the number of hours spent using a phone, willingness to quit smoking, number of previous quit attempts, desired number of text messages about smoking cessation, expected duration of application usage, and FTND scores. Kendall\'s partial correlation, adjusted for age, was employed for the analysis.
    RESULTS: The amount of time smokers spent on their mobile devices was negatively correlated with the number of smoking cessation text messages they wanted to receive (τ coefficient = -0.210, p = 0.026) and the duration they intended to use the cessation application (τ coefficient = -0.260, p = 0.006). Conversely, the number of desired text messages was positively correlated with the intended duration of application usage (τ coefficient = 0.366, p = 0.00012).
    CONCLUSIONS: Smokers who spent more time on their mobile devices tended to prefer using the cessation application for shorter periods, whereas those who desired more text messages about smoking cessation were more inclined to use the application for longer durations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Internet gaming disorder (IGD) and tobacco use disorder (TUD) are two major addiction disorders that result in substantial financial loss. Identifying the similarities and differences between these two disorders is important to understand substance addiction and behavioral addiction. The current study was designed to compare these two disorders utilizing dynamic analysis.
    METHODS: Resting-state data were collected from 35 individuals with IGD, 35 individuals with TUD and 35 healthy controls (HCs). Dynamic coactivation pattern analysis was employed to decipher their dynamic patterns.
    RESULTS: IGD participants showed decreased coactivation patterns within the default mode network (DMN) and between the DMN and the salience network (SN). The SN showed reduced coactivation patterns with the executive control network (ECN) and DMN, and the ECN showed decreased coactivation patterns with the DMN. In the TUD group, the DMN exhibited decreased coactivation patterns with the SN, the SN exhibited reduced coactivation patterns with the DMN and ECN, and the ECN showed decreased coactivation patterns with the DMN and within the ECN. Furthermore, the triple network model was fitted to the dynamic properties of the two addiction disorders. Decoding analysis results indicated that addiction-related memory and memory retrieval displayed similar dysfunctions in both addictions.
    CONCLUSIONS: The dynamic characteristics of IGD and TUD suggest that there are similarities in the dynamic features between the SN and DMN and differences in the dynamic features between the DMN and ECN. Our results revealed that the two addiction disorders have dissociable brain mechanisms, indicating that future studies should consider these two addiction disorders as having two separate mechanisms to achieve precise treatment for their individualized targets.





