Thymic epithelial cells

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    T cell development in the thymus is dependent on the thymic microenvironment, in which thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are the major component. However, TECs undergo both a qualitative and quantitative loss during aging, which is believed to be the major factor responsible for age-dependent thymic atrophy. FOXN1 plays a critical role in TEC development and adult TECs maintenance. We have previously reported that intrathymic injection of a recombinant (r) protein containing murine FOXN1 and a protein transduction domain increases the number of TECs in mice, leading to enhanced thymopoiesis. However, intrathymic injection may not be an ideal choice for clinical applications. In this study, we produced a rFOXN1 fusion protein containing the N-terminal of CCR9, human FOXN1 and a protein transduction domain. When injected intravenously into 14-month-old mice, the rFOXN1 fusion protein enters the thymus and TECs, and enhances thymopoiesis, resulting in increased T cell generation in the thymus and increased number of T cells in peripheral lymphoid organ. Our results suggest that the rFOXN1 fusion protein has the potential to be used in preventing and treating T cell immunodeficiency in older adults.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Age-related thymic involution is characterized by the loss of T cell development and the supporting epithelial network, which are replaced by adipose tissue. We previously showed that aging functionally impairs lymphohematopoietic progenitor cells, including thymic early T cell progenitors (ETPs), contributing to thymic involution. Considering that the thymic microenvironment is essential for thymocyte incubation, we aimed to investigate its role in age-related thymic involution and the mechanisms underlying these changes. The challenge in studying these processes led us to transplant T cell-depleted fetal thymus tissue into the kidney capsule of aged mice. This model allowed us to identify the mechanisms driving age-related changes in the thymic microenvironment and to assess whether these changes could be reversed. Flow cytometry was used to detect naïve T cells (CD62L+CD44-), including CD4 CD8 double-negative, double-positive, and single-positive T cells. Real-time PCR was used to detect and quantify signal-joint T cell receptor excision circles. We rearranged δRec-ΨJα in murine peripheral blood leukocytes to evaluate the thymic output of newly developed naïve T cells in the mice and gene expression in the thymus. Age-related thymic involution decreased naïve T cells and increased memory T cells, while fetal thymus transplantation improved thymic output and T cell production and reversed the impairment of thymopoiesis due to thymic involution in aged mice. Furthermore, the expression of key cytokines was restored and ETPs in the aged mice showed normal thymic T cell development. Our study suggests that degenerative changes in the thymic microenvironment are the primary cause of thymic dysfunction, leading to immunosenescence associated with age-related thymic involution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the advent of organoids has opened unprecedented perspectives for basic and translational research, immune system-related organoids remain largely underdeveloped. Here, we established organoids from the thymus, the lymphoid organ responsible for T-cell development. We identified conditions enabling mouse thymic epithelial progenitor cell proliferation and development into organoids with diverse cell populations and transcriptional profiles resembling in vivo thymic epithelial cells (TECs) more closely than traditional TEC cultures. In contrast to these two-dimensional cultures, thymic epithelial organoids maintained thymus functionality in vitro and mediated physiological T-cell development upon reaggregation with T-cell progenitors. The reaggregates showed in vivo-like epithelial diversity and the ability to attract T-cell progenitors. Thymic epithelial organoids are the first organoids originating from the stromal compartment of a lymphoid organ. They provide new opportunities to study TEC biology and T-cell development in vitro, paving the way for future thymic regeneration strategies in ageing or acute injuries.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The thymus is the organ where functional and self-tolerant T cells are selected through processes of positive and negative selection before migrating to the periphery. The antigenic peptides presented on MHC class I molecules of thymic epithelial cells (TECs) in the cortex and medulla of the thymus are key players in these processes. It has been theorized that these cells express different proteasome isoforms, which generate MHC class I immunopeptidomes with features that differentiate cortex and medulla, and hence positive and negative CD8+ T cell selection. This theory is largely based on mouse models and does not consider the large variety of noncanonical antigenic peptides that could be produced by proteasomes and presented on MHC class I molecules. Here, we review the multi-omics, biochemical and cellular studies carried out on mouse models and human thymi to investigate their content of proteasome isoforms, briefly summarize the implication that noncanonical antigenic peptide presentation in the thymus could have on CD8+ T cell repertoire and put these aspects in the larger framework of anatomical and immunological differences between these two species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thymic epithelial cells (TECs) are crucial to the ability of the thymus to generate T cells for the adaptive immune system in vertebrates. However, no in vitro system for studying TEC function exists. Overexpressing the transcription factor FOXN1 initiates transdifferentiation of fibroblasts into TEC-like cells (iTECs) that support T-cell differentiation in culture or after transplant. In this study, we have characterized iTEC programming at the cellular and molecular level in mouse to determine how it proceeds, and have identified mechanisms that can be targeted for improving this process. These data show that iTEC programming consists of discrete gene expression changes that differ early and late in the process, and that iTECs upregulate markers of both cortical and medullary TEC (cTEC and mTEC) lineages. We demonstrate that promoting proliferation enhances iTEC generation, and that Notch inhibition allows the induction of mTEC differentiation. Finally, we show that MHCII expression is the major difference between iTECs and fetal TECs. MHCII expression was improved by co-culturing iTECs with fetal double-positive T-cells. This study supports future efforts to improve iTEC generation for both research and translational uses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transposable elements (TEs) are repetitive sequences representing ~45% of the human and mouse genomes and are highly expressed by medullary thymic epithelial cells (mTECs). In this study, we investigated the role of TEs on T-cell development in the thymus. We performed multiomic analyses of TEs in human and mouse thymic cells to elucidate their role in T-cell development. We report that TE expression in the human thymus is high and shows extensive age- and cell lineage-related variations. TE expression correlates with multiple transcription factors in all cell types of the human thymus. Two cell types express particularly broad TE repertoires: mTECs and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs). In mTECs, transcriptomic data suggest that TEs interact with transcription factors essential for mTEC development and function (e.g., PAX1 and REL), and immunopeptidomic data showed that TEs generate MHC-I-associated peptides implicated in thymocyte education. Notably, AIRE, FEZF2, and CHD4 regulate small yet non-redundant sets of TEs in murine mTECs. Human thymic pDCs homogenously express large numbers of TEs that likely form dsRNA, which can activate innate immune receptors, potentially explaining why thymic pDCs constitutively secrete IFN ɑ/β. This study highlights the diversity of interactions between TEs and the adaptive immune system. TEs are genetic parasites, and the two thymic cell types most affected by TEs (mTEcs and pDCs) are essential to establishing central T-cell tolerance. Therefore, we propose that orchestrating TE expression in thymic cells is critical to prevent autoimmunity in vertebrates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Thymus plays a crucial role in cellular immunity by acting as a warehouse for proliferating and differentiating lymphocytes. Thymic stromal cells educate T-cells to differentiate self from non-self antigens while nurse cells and thymoproteasome play a major role in the maturation and differentiation of T-cells. The thymic conditions dictate T-cells to cope with the risk of cancer development. A study was designed to demonstrate potential mechanisms behind the failure to eliminate tumors and impaired immune surveillance as well as the impact of delay in thymus regression on cancer and autoimmune disorders. Scientific literature from Pubmed; Scopus; WOS; JSTOR; National Library of Medicine Bethesda, Maryland; The New York Academy of Medicine; Library of Speech Rehabilitation, NY; St. Thomas\' Hospital Library; The Wills Library of Guys Hospital; Repository of Kings College London; and Oxford Academic repository was explored for pathological, physiological, immunological and toxicological studies of thymus. Studies have shown that systemic chemotherapy may lead to micro inflammatory environment within thymus where conventionally and dynamically metastasized dormant cells seek refuge. The malfunctioning of the thymus and defective T and Treg cells, bypassing negative selection, contributes to autoimmune disorders, while AIRE and Fezf2 play significant roles in thymic epithelial cell solidity. Different vitamins, TCM, and live cell therapy are effective therapeutics. Vitamin A, C, D, and E, selenium and zinc, cinobufagin and dietary polysaccharides, and glandular extracts and live cell injections have strong potential to restore immune system function and thymus health. Moreover, the relationship between different ages/stages of thymus and their corresponding T-cell mediated anti-tumor immune response needs further exploration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is a hematological cancer characterized by the infiltration of immature T-cells in the bone marrow. Aberrant NOTCH signaling in T-ALL is mainly triggered by activating mutations of NOTCH1 and overexpression of NOTCH3, and rarely is it linked to NOTCH3-activating mutations. Besides the known critical role of NOTCH, the nature of intrathymic microenvironment-dependent mechanisms able to render immature thymocytes, presumably pre-leukemic cells, capable of escaping thymus retention and infiltrating the bone marrow is still unclear. An important challenge is understanding how leukemic cells shape their tumor microenvironment to increase their ability to infiltrate and survive within. Our previous data indicated that hyperactive NOTCH3 affects the CXCL12/CXCR4 system and may interfere with T-cell/stroma interactions within the thymus. This study aims to identify the biological effects of the reciprocal interactions between human leukemic cell lines and thymic epithelial cell (TEC)-derived soluble factors in modulating NOTCH signaling and survival programs of T-ALL cells and TECs. The overarching hypothesis is that this crosstalk can influence the progressive stages of T-cell development driving T-cell leukemia. Thus, we investigated the effect of extracellular space conditioned by T-ALL cell lines (Jurkat, TALL1, and Loucy) and TECs and studied their reciprocal regulation of cell cycle and survival. In support, we also detected metabolic changes as potential drivers of leukemic cell survival. Our studies could shed light on T-cell/stroma crosstalk to human leukemic cells and propose our culture system to test pharmacological treatment for T-ALL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The thymus is the primary site of T-cell development, enabling generation, and selection of a diverse repertoire of T cells that recognize non-self, whilst remaining tolerant to self- antigens. Severe congenital disorders of thymic development (athymia) can be fatal if left untreated due to infections, and thymic tissue implantation is the only cure. While newborn screening for severe combined immune deficiency has allowed improved detection at birth of congenital athymia, thymic disorders acquired later in life are still underrecognized and assessing the quality of thymic function in such conditions remains a challenge. The thymus is sensitive to injury elicited from a variety of endogenous and exogenous factors, and its self-renewal capacity decreases with age. Secondary and age-related forms of thymic dysfunction may lead to an increased risk of infections, malignancy, and autoimmunity. Promising results have been obtained in preclinical models and clinical trials upon administration of soluble factors promoting thymic regeneration, but to date no therapy is approved for clinical use. In this review we provide a background on thymus development, function, and age-related involution. We discuss disease mechanisms, diagnostic, and therapeutic approaches for primary and secondary thymic defects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Primary cell culture systems are widely used as a valuable method for analyzing the biological functions of specific cells in vitro. Recently, various serum-free primary cell culture methods have been developed that do not involve the use of animal serums. Since the thymus is comprised of many cell types, such as thymocytes, thymic epithelial cells, macrophages, and fibroblasts, thymic epithelial cells must be isolated for their functional analysis in vitro. This chapter describes the detailed protocol for the selective primary culture of thymic epithelial cells using defined serum-free medium.





