Thermal preference

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The relationship between behavioral thermoregulation and physiological recovery following exhaustive exercise is not well understood. Behavioral thermoregulation could be beneficial for exercise recovery; for example, selection of cooler temperatures could reduce maintenance metabolic cost to preserve aerobic scope for recovery cost, or selection of warmer temperatures could accelerate recovery of exercise metabolites. While post-exercise behavioral thermoregulation has been observed in lizards and frogs, little is known about its importance in fish. We examined the influence of post-exercise recovery temperature on metabolic rate, thermal preference, and metabolite concentrations in juvenile brook char (Salvelinus fontinalis). Fish were acclimated to and exercised at 15 °C, then recovered at either 15 °C or 10 °C while their metabolic rate was measured via respirometry. Metabolite concentrations were measured in fish after exercise at 15 °C and recovery under one of three thermal treatments (to simulate various behavioral thermoregulation scenarios): (i) 6 h recovery at 15 °C, (ii) 6 h recovery at 10 °C, or (iii) 3 h recovery at 10 °C followed by 3 h recovery at 15 °C. Thermal preference was quantified using a static temperature preference system (15 °C vs. 10 °C). Metabolic rates returned to resting faster at 10 °C compared with 15 °C, although at 10 °C there was a tradeoff of delayed metabolite recovery. Specifically, post-exercise plasma osmolality, plasma lactate, and muscle lactate remained elevated for the entire period in fish recovering at 10 °C, whereas these parameters returned to resting levels by 6 h in fish from the other two recovery groups. Regardless, fish did not exhibit clear behavioral thermoregulation (i.e., fish overall did not consistently prefer one temperature) to prioritize either physiological recovery process. The advantage of metabolic rate recovery at cooler temperatures may balance against the advantage of metabolite recovery at warmer temperatures, lessening the usefulness of behavioral thermoregulation as a post-exercise recovery strategy in fish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transient Receptor Potential (TRP) ion channels are important for sensing environmental temperature. In rodents, TRPV4 senses warmth (25-34 °C), TRPV1 senses heat (>42 °C), TRPA1 putatively senses cold (<17 °C), and TRPM8 senses cool-cold (18-26 °C). We investigated if knockout (KO) mice lacking these TRP channels exhibited changes in thermal preference. Thermal preference was tested using a dual hot-cold plate with one thermoelectric surface set at 30 °C and the adjacent surface at a temperature of 15-45 °C in 5 °C increments. Blinded observers counted the number of times mice crossed through an opening between plates and the percentage of time spent on the 30 °C plate. In a separate experiment, observers blinded as to genotype also assessed the temperature at the location on a thermal gradient (1.83 m, 4-50 °C) occupied by the mouse at 5- or 10-min intervals over 2 h. Male and female wildtype mice preferred 30 °C and significantly avoided colder (15-20 °C) and hotter (40-45 °C) temperatures. Male TRPV1KOs and TRPA1KOs, and TRPV4KOs of both sexes, were similar, while female WTs, TRPV1KOs, TRPA1KOs and TRPM8KOs did not show significant thermal preferences across the temperature range. Male and female TRPM8KOs did not significantly avoid the coldest temperatures. Male mice (except for TRPM8KOs) exhibited significantly fewer plate crossings at hot and cold temperatures and more crossings at thermoneutral temperatures, while females exhibited a similar but non-significant trend. Occupancy temperatures along the thermal gradient exhibited a broad distribution that shrank somewhat over time. Mean occupancy temperatures (recorded at 90-120 min) were significantly higher for females (30-34 °C) compared to males (26-27 °C) of all genotypes, except for TRPA1KOs which exhibited no sex difference. The results indicate (1) sex differences with females (except TRPA1KOs) preferring warmer temperatures, (2) reduced thermosensitivity in female TRPV1KOs, and (3) reduced sensitivity to cold and innocuous warmth in male and female TRPM8KOs consistent with previous studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper presents data on pain perception in rats exposed to 6 GHz radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RF-EMR). Rats were divided into two groups: control (n = 10, 4 replicates per test) and RF-EMR exposed group (n = 10, 4 replicates per test). Nociceptive responses of the groups were measured using rodent analgesiometry. Rats were divided into control and RF-EMR exposed groups. Nociceptive responses were measured using rodent analgesiometry. RF-EMR exposed rats had a 15% delay in responding to hot plate thermal stimulation compared to unexposed rats. The delay in responding to radiant heat thermal stimulation was 21%. We determined that RF-EMR promoted the occurrence of pressure pain as statistical significance by + 42% (p < 0.001). We observed that RF-EMR exposure increased nociceptive pain by + 35% by promoting cold plate stimulation (p < 0.05). RF-EMR exposure did not affect thermal preference as statistical significance but did support the formation of pressure pain perception.
    In this study, we present data on pain perception in rats exposed to 6GHz RF-EMR. RF-EMR exposed rats showed delayed responses to hot plate and radiant heat thermal stimulation. RF-EMR increased pressure and nociceptive pain as statistically significance. In particular, the effects of RF-EMR should be considered when assessing hyperalgesic and hypoalgesic symptoms in the clinic. The results of this study indicate the need to take precautions against the possible negative effects of RF-EMR on human health with the rise of 5G technology.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the differences in the thermal preferences of pregnant women during various trimesters and the factors influencing these preferences. The survey was conducted in a hospital waiting room, encompassing the testing of thermal environmental parameters, and the distribution of questionnaires to pregnant women. These questionnaires encompassed various aspects, including basic information, thermal responses, pregnancy diseases, and more. In total, 1388 questionnaires were collected, distributed across the first trimester (225 participants), second trimester (498 participants), and third trimester (665 participants). The findings revealed a notable shift in the thermal preferences of pregnant women as their pregnancies progressed, transitioning from a preference for warmer conditions to a preference for cooler environments. Specifically, the mean thermal preference scores for the first, second, and third trimesters were 0.82, -0.27, and -1.76, respectively. These shifting preferences were associated with various factors, including pregnancy diseases, pre-pregnancy body mass index (PBMI), and exercise habits. Notably, hyperthyroidism, a higher PBMI, and regular exercise were correlated with a preference for cooler conditions, whereas hypothyroidism, anemia, a lower PBMI, and rare exercise were associated with a preference for warmer environments. Furthermore, it was observed that the actual neutral temperatures for pregnant women in the first, second, and third trimesters were 20.3 °C, 19.5 °C, and 19 °C, respectively. By contrast, the predicted neutral temperatures were 23.5 °C for the first and third trimesters and 23.4 °C for the second trimester. This indicated that the Predicted Mean Vote (PMV) model tended to underestimate the acceptability that pregnant women experienced in colder environments. Given the unique thermal preferences of pregnant women, further research is essential to refine thermal comfort parameters and the PMV model tailored specifically to this demographic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    AbstractThermal physiology helps us understand how ectotherms respond to novel environments and how they persist when introduced to new locations. Researchers generally measure thermal physiology traits immediately after animal collection or after a short acclimation period. Because many of these traits are plastic, the conclusions drawn from such research can vary depending on the duration of the acclimation period. In this study, we measured the rate of change and extent to which cold tolerance (critical thermal minimum [CTmin]) of nonnative Italian wall lizards (Podarcis siculus) from Hempstead, New York, changed during a cold acclimation treatment. We also examined how cold acclimation affected heat tolerance (critical thermal maximum [CTmax]), thermal preference (Tpref), evaporative water loss (EWL), resting metabolic rate (RMR), and respiratory exchange ratio (RER). We predicted that CTmin, CTmax, and Tpref would decrease with cold acclimation but that EWL and RMR would increase with cold acclimation. We found that CTmin decreased within 2 wk and that it remained low during the cold acclimation treatment; we suspect that this cold tolerance plasticity reduces risk of exposure to lethal temperatures during winter for lizards that have not yet found suitable refugia. CTmax and Tpref also decreased after cold acclimation, while EWL, RMR, and RER increased after cold acclimation, suggesting trade-offs with cold acclimation in the form of decreased heat tolerance and increased energy demands. Taken together, our findings suggest that cold tolerance plasticity aids the persistence of an established population of invasive lizards. More generally, our findings highlight the importance of accounting for the plasticity of physiological traits when investigating how invasive species respond to novel environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In ectothermic animals, body temperature is the most important factor affecting physiology and behavior. Reptiles depend on environmental temperature to regulate their body temperature, so geographic variation in environmental temperature can affect the biology of these organisms in the short and long term. We may expect physiological and behavioral responses to temperature change to be especially important in ectotherms inhabiting temperate zones, where different seasons present different thermal challenges. High-mountain temperate systems represent a natural laboratory for studies of evolutionary and plastic variation in thermal biology. The aim of the present study is to evaluate operative temperature with biophysical models, active body temperature under field conditions, preferred temperature in a thermal gradient in the laboratory, and thermal indexes in Sceloporus grammicus lizards along an elevational gradient. We measured these traits in three populations at 2500, 3400, and 4100 m elevation at different seasons of the year (spring, summer and autumn). Our results showed that operative temperature varied with season and elevation, with greater variation at middle and high elevations than at low elevations. Body temperature and preferred temperature varied with altitude and season but did not differ between sexes. Thermal quality was lowest in the high-altitude population and in the summer season. Thermoregulatory efficiency was highest in the three populations in the autumn. Our results suggest that thermoregulatory strategies vary with elevation and season, allowing individual lizards to confront annual fluctuations in the thermal environment and conflicting with some previous descriptions of Sceloporus lizards as thermally conservative.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    An accurate understanding of boar temperature preferences may allow the swine industry to design and utilize environmental control systems in boar facilities more precisely. Therefore, the study objective was to determine the temperature preferences of sexually mature Duroc, Landrace, and Yorkshire boars. Eighteen, 8.57 ± 0.10-mo-old boars (N = 6 Duroc, 6 Landrace, and 6 Yorkshire; 186.25 ± 2.25 kg) were individually tested in thermal apparatuses (12.20 m × 1.52 m × 1.86 m) that allowed free choice of their preferred temperature within a 8.92 to 27.92 ºC range. For analyses, the apparatuses were divided into five thermal zones (3.71 m2/thermal zone) with temperature recorded 1.17 m above the floor in the middle of each zone. Target temperatures for thermal zones 1 to 5 were 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 ºC, respectively. All boars were given a 24-h acclimation phase followed by a 24-h testing phase within the thermal apparatuses. Daily feed allotments (3.63 kg/d) were provided to each boar and all boars were allowed to consume all feed prior to entering the thermal apparatus. Water was provided ad libitum within the thermal apparatuses with 1 waterer per thermal zone. During testing, boars were video recorded continuously to evaluate behavior (inactive, active, or other), posture (lying, standing, or other), and thermal zone the boar occupied. All parameters were recorded in 15 min intervals using instantaneous scan sampling. Data were analyzed using GLM in JMP 15. For the analyses, only time spent lying or inactive were used because they were observed most frequently (lying 80.02%, inactive 77.64%) and were deemed to be associated with comfort based on previous research. Percent time spent active (19.73%) or standing (15.87%) were associated with latrine or drinking activity and were too low to accurately analyze as an indicator of thermal preference. Breed did not affect temperature preference (P > 0.05). A cubic regression model determined that boars spent the majority of their time inactive at 25.50 ºC (P < 0.01) and lying (both sternal and lateral) at 25.90 ºC (P < 0.01). These data suggest that boar thermal preferences did not differ by breed and that boars prefer temperatures at the upper end of current guidelines (10.00 to 25.00 ºC).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Core temperature stability is the result of a dynamically regulated balance of heat loss and gain, which is not reflected by a simple thermometer reading. One way in which these changes manifest is in perceived thermal comfort, \'feeling too cold\' or \'feeling too hot\', which can activate stress pathways. Unfortunately, there is surprisingly little preclinical research that tracks changes in perceived thermal comfort in response to either disease progression or various treatments. Without measuring this endpoint, there may be missed opportunities to evaluate disease and therapy outcomes in murine models of human disease. Here, we discuss the possibility that changes in thermal comfort in mice could be a useful and physiologically relevant measure of energy trade-offs required under various physiological or pathological conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in thermal environments are a challenge for many ectotherms, as they would have to acclimate their physiology to new thermal environments to maintain high-levels of performance. Time spent basking is key for many ectothermic animals to keep their body temperature within optimal thermal ranges. However, little is known about the impact of changes in basking time on the thermal physiology of ectothermic animals. We investigated how different basking regimes (low intensity vs high intensity) affected key thermal physiological traits of a widespread Australian skink (Lampropholis delicata). We quantified thermal performance curves and thermal preferences of skinks subjected to low and high intensity basking regimes over a 12-week period. We found that skinks acclimated their thermal performance breadth in both basking regimes, with the skinks from the low-intensity basking regime showing narrower performance breadths. Although maximum velocity and optimum temperatures increased after the acclimation period, these traits did not differ between basking regimes. Similarly, no variation was detected for thermal preference. These results provide insight into mechanisms that allow these skinks to successfully overcome environmental constraints in the field. Acclimation of thermal performance curves seems to be key for widespread species to colonise new environments, and can buffer ectothermic animals in novel climatic scenarios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Behavioural responses to heat and desiccation stress in ectotherms are crucial for their survival in habitats where environmental temperatures are close to or even exceed their upper thermal limits. During low tide periods when pools in intertidal sediments heat up, a novel shell lifting behaviour (when hermit crabs crawl out of pools and lift up their shells) was observed in the hermit crab, Diogenes deflectomanus, on tropical sandy shores. On-shore measurements revealed that the hermit crabs left pools and lifted their shells predominantly when pool water exceeded 35.4 °C. Standing on emersed substrates above the pool water, the hermit crabs maintained their body temperatures at 26 - 29 °C, ∼ 10 °C lower than temperatures at which their physiological performances (as measured using heart rate) reached the maximum. This mismatch between preferred body temperatures and temperatures at maximal physiological performance was also observed under a laboratory controlled thermal gradient, where hermit crabs spent more time at 22 - 26 °C as compared to > 30 °C. These behaviours suggest a thermoregulatory function of the shell lifting behaviour, where the hermit crabs can avoid further increase in body temperatures when pools heat up during low tide periods. Such a behavioural decision allows the hermit crabs to be less prone to the strong temporal fluctuation in temperatures experienced during emersion periods on thermally dynamic tropical sandy shores.





