Therapeutic itinerary

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While treating a disease, patients or their relatives make decisions to pursue different therapeutic options, and various stages are involved in searching for a cure. This paper explored the pattern of health-seeking in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) during the 10th Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak. Eight hundred randomly selected adults were surveyed using a questionnaire. Qualitative data were also collected through in-depth interviews with 17 community leaders and 20 focus group discussions with community members. The results showed that modern healthcare facilities are not usually considered the first option for treatment. The therapeutic journey generally begins with the patients, who treat themselves based on the what they know about the disease and the resources they have at their disposal. However, if the disease is not cured through self-medication, then patients or their relatives will visit a pharmacy. Patients request medication they know to be effective in treating the disease, and relatives can also assist in obtaining medication in the case of immobile patients. Pharmacies commonly sell the medication to patients or their relatives without a medical prescription.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In recent decades there has been a development of research on cancer care trajectories in Latin America; however, the diversity of theoretical-methodological uses of this approach can be confusing and difficult for the academic and professional community to use. To analyze studies that have been carried out in Latin America on cancer care trajectories to propose a typology of the approaches developed and synthesize key findings.
    METHODS: A scope review of studies published in journals indexed in PubMed, LILACS, and SciELO databases in the period 2006-2021 was conducted.
    RESULTS: 22 articles were analyzed. A typology of descriptive, evaluative, and interpretative approaches was proposed. From the key findings, the following were identified: the importance of pleasure and the feeling of power in the development of risky practices; the role of popular explanatory models for the identification of abnormality and the search for attention; the interaction of various personal, interpersonal, organizational, and structural barriers that limited timely diagnosis and continuity of treatment; the sequential or parallel use of different forms of care, public and private; and the importance of social support networks.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed typology clarifies the different uses of the approach. The informative synthesis evidences problematic knots regarding multiple barriers to access and allows us to propose as priorities in future research the study of types of cancer, stages, and populations that have been scarcely addressed, as well as the diversification of methodological approaches.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This paper focuses on the particular situation of an advanced cancer patient whose condition has taken a chronic turn. We argue that chronicity of this kind sometimes falls at the frontier of Evidence Based Medicine because the uncertainty about the patient\'s condition can lead physicians to resort to clinical trials or non-licensed drugs to prevent the disease from progressing. This situation leaves plenty of scope for individual adjustments between patients and their doctors. Advanced cancer is regarded here not just as a biological event but as a chronic illness and a \'negotiated reality\'. We argue that the chronicity of advanced cancer patients\' situation broadens the patients\' scope for \'work\', and we have called this specific type of patient\'s work \'decision-making work\'. This paper is based on a case study focusing on Patrick, a middle-aged Frenchman with metastatic lung cancer who underwent oncological treatment for seven years and was strongly determined to find new therapeutic options even if this meant having to go abroad. He actively orchestrated his therapeutic itinerary by reorganising his relationships with the medical world and coordinating the physicians\' work. His particular social position enabled Patrick to bypass some of the current medical rules and to reorganise the usual pattern of distribution of medical responsibilities. The chronicity of his condition placed him at the very frontier of the health care system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Populations in Cameroon, a lower middle-income country in Central Africa, have a higher than average burden of traumatic injury, suffer from more severe injuries, and face substantial barriers to accessing formal health care services after injury. The aim of this study was to identify and describe how recently injured Cameroonians use and adapt the formal and informal medical systems and what motivates these transitions.
    Recently injured people or their surrogates residing in Southwest Region, Cameroon, were recruited from a larger community-based survey on injury. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 39 recently injured persons or their adult family members. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and iteratively coded to identify major themes.
    Most injured persons had complex therapeutic itineraries involving one or more transitions, and nine of 35 injured persons used formal care exclusively. Transitions away from formal care were driven by (1) anticipated costs beyond means, (2) unacceptable length of proposed treatment, (3) poorly supported referrals, (4) dissatisfaction with treatment progress or outcome, and (5) belief that traditional methods work additively with formal care. Factors motivating people to engage with formal care included (1) perceived high value of care for cost, (2) desire for reliable diagnostic tests, (3) social support during hospitalization, and (4) financial support from family or a stranger responsible for the injury.
    These results highlight specific opportunities to improve engagement in formal care after injury and better support injured Cameroonians through the strengthening of the formal care referral process and health financing organization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epilepsy mostly affects children in sub-Saharan Africa. However, little is known about the therapeutic itinerary of these children living with epilepsy (CWE). This study aimed to describe the therapeutic itinerary of CWE in Kinshasa and to analyze its relationships with clinical features, behavioral problems, and cognitive impairment.
    This hospital-based study has included 104 CWE aged 6 to 17  years. The features of their therapeutic itinerary and their relationship with clinical features, behavioral problems, and cognitive impairment were analyzed.
    The vast majority of CWE (87%) has started their therapeutic itinerary by the Western medicine. The first source of information about epilepsy as well as the type of antiepileptic treatment varied with the socioeconomic status of families of CWE. The total duration of the therapeutic itinerary was shorter for the CWE who were living with both their parents (P = .038), who had generalized seizures (P = .0073) or who had no family history of epileptic seizures (P = .019). The CWE who had total behavioral problem, compared with the others, were putting more time (P = .021) to reach the Centre de Santé Mentale Telema (CSMT) after the suspicion or the diagnostic of epilepsy. The total duration of CWE who had cognitive impairment (P = .021) was longer than that of CWE who had not cognitive impairment.
    The therapeutic itinerary of CWE in Kinshasa began with Western medicine. The remainder of this therapeutic itinerary looks like what is described in sub-Saharan literature with the majority of CWE seeking the healing based on beliefs. This study also shows that the therapeutic itinerary of CWE was associated with socioeconomic conditions, clinical features, behavioral problems, and cognitive impairment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The long diagnostic delay is responsible for the extension of radiological lesions and spread of TB in the community. These radiological lesions can leave significant scars responsible for respiratory disability.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of the study is to characterize radiologic features according to tuberculosis diagnostic delay.
    METHODS: We conducted a prospective cross-sectional study, about 66 patients with positive sputum.
    RESULTS: The average diagnostic delay was 16 (±15) weeks; whether 22 (±14.1) weeks in the female gender versus 14.6 (±14.3) weeks in the male gender (P=0.10). The first care use was respectively health centers (62.1%), drugstores (51.9%), and traditional medicine (28.7%). Only 27.2% of patients used the marabouts care. Bilateral radiographic abnormalities in bivariate analysis were associated with consultation at the health center (66.7% versus 33.3%; P<0.031), as is the extension of the lesions (70.2% versus 29.8% RP=1.66 [1.05 to 2.91]; P<0.03). Lake of knowledge of the symptoms of TB was associated with the use of marabouts care (12.5% versus 87.5; PR=0.35 [0.11 to 1.08], P<0.04).
    CONCLUSIONS: These results should prompt consideration in an emergency, appropriate control interventions, advocacy, patient information and medical personnel on the reality of tuberculosis to prevent its spread often causing respiratory disability with radological effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    India\'s Revised National Tuberculosis (TB) Control Programme (RNTCP) offers free TB diagnosis and treatment. But more than 50% of TB patients seek care from private practitioners (PPs), where TB is managed sub-optimally. In India, there is dearth of studies capturing experiences of TB patients when they navigate through health facilities to seek care. Also, there is less information available on how PPs make decisions to refer TB cases to RNTCP. We conducted this study to understand the factors influencing TB patient\'s therapeutic itineraries to RNTCP and PP\'s cross referral practices linked to RNTCP.
    We conducted in-depth interviews on a purposive sample of 33 TB patients and 38 PPs. Patients were categorised into three groups: those who reached RNTCP directly, those who were referred by PPs to RNTCP and patients who took DOT from PPs. We assessed patient\'s experiences in each category and documented their journey from initial symptoms until they reached RNTCP, where they were diagnosed and started on treatment. PPs were categorised into three groups based on their TB case referrals to RNTCP: actively-referring, minimally-referring and non-referring.
    Patients had limited awareness about TB. Patients switched from one provider to the other, since their symptoms were not relieved. A first group of patients, self-medicated by purchasing get rid drugs from private chemists over the counter, before seeking care. A second group sought care from government facilities and had simple itineraries. A third group who sought care from PPs, switched concurrently and/or iteratively from public and private providers in search for relief of symptoms causing important diagnostic delays. Eventually all patients reached RNTCP, diagnosed and started on treatment. PP\'s cross-referral practices were influenced by patient\'s paying capacity, familiarity with RNTCP, kickbacks from private labs and chemists, and even to get rid of TB patients. These trade-offs by PPs complicated patient\'s itineraries to RNTCP.
    India aims to achieve universal health care for TB. Our study findings help RNTCP to develop initiatives to promote early detection of TB, by involving PPs and private chemists and establish effective referral systems from private sectors to RNTCP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: In Cameroon the rate of infant-juvenile mortality remains high and most death occur in the community. Mortality statistics is usually based on hospital data which are generally insufficient and less reliable. In a context where legislation on death registration is not applied, and where conventional autopsy is not often done, verbal autopsy (VA) provides information on mortality. This study tried to experiment this method and also analyses the therapeutic pathway of a group of children who died before arrival at the emergency department of a pediatric hospital.
    METHODS: A cross sectional descriptive study was carried out on children who died before arrival, at the Mother and Child Centre of the Chantal Biya Foundation in Yaounde, between October 2013 and April 2014. The addresses of parents or relatives of the deceased children were registered at the start of the study. Each respondent was interviewed 5 to 6 weeks later at the residence of the deceased child, with the aid of a VA questionnaire. Information obtained was on the socio-demographic characteristics of the families, past history of deceased, clinical presentation and the different health care services sought before the death.
    RESULTS: In all, 40 children who died were included in the study. The majority of the deceased children were less than 5 years (82.5%) with 50.0% being less than 1 year of age. Almost half of them (47.5%) had been ill for more than 24 hours, 40% for more than 3 days. Up to 50.0% had not been taken to a health facility. Most of them had visited 2 or 3 other health facilities before dying on the way to our hospital. Auto medication was frequent (42.5%); parents initially recourse to drugs which were either bought or obtained from home. Some parents (25.0%) brought their children only after they had been to a private dispensary, or a traditional healer (15.0%). Only 7.5% benefited from consultation in a public health facility and 2.5% resorted to prayers and incantations. Whatever the kind of care sought, the choice was mostly guided by its proximity (32.5%), advice from a relative (27.5%) or its affordability.
    CONCLUSIONS: It is of crucial importance that the government reinforces the measures to avoid the existence of clandestine health centres and check the competence of health care professionals. Improving referral/counter referral system will permit the limitation of fatal medical errors.





