Theory of planned behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Health literacy strategies were using plain language, using visual aids, using the teach-back method, limiting the number of items provided, and providing culture-sensitive care. This study aimed to assess predictors of intention to use health literacy strategies in patient education among healthcare professionals.
    METHODS: An institutional-based cross-sectional study, theory of planned behavior.
    METHODS: Bahir Dar, Northwest Ethiopia, from March 10 to April 10, 2023.
    METHODS: 422 healthcare professionals.
    METHODS: Six items with a response range from 1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree each item was summed on a five-point Likert scale and its score range (6-30).
    METHODS: Linear regression, SPSS version 25.
    RESULTS: A total of 389 healthcare professionals participated with a response rate of 92.18%. The overall mean intention towards health literacy strategies score was 24.02 with (SD ± 3.84). Subjective norm [(β, .231; 95% CI: .129, .333)], attitude [β, .162; 95% CI: .072, .252], perceived behavioral control [(β, .121; 95% CI: .022, .221)], having got training [(β, .125; 95% CI: .348, .530)] and knowing health literacy [(β, .251; 95% CI: .131, .371)] were factors.
    CONCLUSIONS: The mean score of intention to use health literacy strategies was very low. Attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, training, and knowledge of health literacy strategies were predictors. Therefore, different strategies should be applied to increase the utilization of health literacy strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Despite deployed efforts to establish strict road safety standards, human factors is still the leading cause of road crashes. To identify determinants of driver\'s behavior, TPB (Theory of Planned Behavior) is widely used as a prominent theory of behavior change. However, the existence of different aberrant driving behaviors (decision errors, recognition errors, violations, and physical condition related errors) and several studies using TPB to understand driving behavior, makes it important to conduct a literature review and a meta-analysis of existing studies to use their results in effective driving behavior change interventions.
    METHODS: The selection process provided 125 relevant studies that were published between 1991 and 2022, and that used TPB for the understanding of aberrant driving behavior. Five fundamental research questions were defined to identify information to be discovered from the literature review and from the meta-analysis.
    RESULTS: In addition to the standard TPB constructs (attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control), past behavior, moral norms, and descriptive norms were used in studies for a more comprehensive understanding of aberrant driving intention. This analysis demonstrated a significant correlation between aberrant driving intentions and past behavior. Also, moral norms construct was correlated with violations and recognition errors, whereas descriptive norms construct was correlated just with recognition errors.
    CONCLUSIONS: The results of this study highlight the strength of TPB in the prediction of aberrant driving intention and its potential effectiveness to guide interventions aimed at changing aberrant driving behaviors. The study contributes to the comprehension of the relevant psychological factors influencing the engagement of drivers in each category of aberrant driving behaviors.
    CONCLUSIONS: Researchers can use the results of this study to select the relevant psychological factors adapted to their interventions of driving behavior change. The results of the meta-analysis can also be used in the prediction of driver\'s intentions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Walking as a treatment is recommended for people with intermittent claudication (IC), but participation tends to be poor. Walking treatment beliefs, as defined by the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) are associated with walking behavior, so assessing and designing interventions targeting walking treatment beliefs are crucial. To assess walking treatment beliefs in people with IC in Gujarat, a translated, culturally adapted questionnaire that assesses the four TPB constructs (attitude, subjective normative beliefs, perceived behavioral control beliefs, and intention to walk) is required.
    OBJECTIVE: To translate and cross-culturally assess the content validity and face validity of a Gujarati version of a TPB questionnaire that assesses walking treatment beliefs.
    METHODS: A forward-backward translation of the 12-item TPB questionnaire was applied using a standardized approach. The translated versions were compared with the original questionnaire, and ten experts, rated each item according to: clarity, semantic, appropriateness, and cultural relevance. Content Validity Index (CVI), item level content validity (I-CVI), Scale -content validity index (S-CVI/Ave), and universal agreement (UA) were computed to summarize the overall content validity of the questionnaire as well as a proportion of agreement with content experts. Face validity was assessed using a think-aloud approach with ten patients with IC. This cognitive interviewing approach (think-aloud approach) asked participants to describe their thoughts whilst completing the questionnaire. Responses were analyzed thematically.
    RESULTS: There was complete agreement between experts for 9/12 items (I-CVI=1.00), leading to an overall agreement (S-CVI/Ave) of 0.98. For face validation, at least 50% of the participants had no significant problems with any question in the questionnaire. Most problems participants encountered were straightforward, such as re-reading some questions or considering the questions carefully before answering.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Gujarati TPB questionnaire had excellent content validity and was comprehensible and answerable by the majority of our participants with IC and, therefore, had good face validity; this will enable walking treatment beliefs to be assessed in people with IC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To explore the behavioral intention of breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy to prevent PICC-related thrombosis based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB).
    METHODS: This qualitative study employed purposive sampling and conducted semi-structured interviews with 14 breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in the outpatient chemotherapy ward of a tertiary A-level comprehensive hospital in Beijing from July to August 2023. Data were analyzed using Colaizzi\'s descriptive analysis framework.
    RESULTS: Data analysis identified 10 themes that were derived from 4 aspects. Regarding behavioral attitude, three themes were condensed: (1) Considering the benefits of preventive measures, (2) Simple and easy preventive measures, and (3) Underestimating the importance of PICC-related thrombosis prophylaxis. Subjective norms yielded two main themes and five sub-themes: (1) Support from those close to the patient motivates adherence to prophylaxis (support from the patient\'s family, healthcare professionals, and other patients) and (2) Patients are influenced by personal factors to form an internal driving force (physical symptoms, fear of PICC-related thrombosis). Regarding perceived behavioral control, three main themes and four sub-themes were extracted: (1) Obstacles before actual prevention exercise (prevention information, hard-to-remember information), (2) Forgetfulness is the main obstacle factor, and (3) Wanting to overcome barriers to adhere to regular prevention (confidence to overcome obstacles, hope to get support).
    CONCLUSIONS: The impediments and facilitators identified in this study may provide a scientific foundation for subsequent targeted non-pharmacological preventive interventions for PICC-related thrombosis based on TPB in breast cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Special interventions should be designed for the patients in three areas: the patients themselves, the supporters around the patient, and the healthcare professionals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The use of e-cigarette or vape devices is a growing concern on an international scale, given the devices\' addictive nature and questions regarding their short- and long-term health impacts. Their use is especially an issue in young people, many of whom have little or no previous nicotine use experience. This study tested an integrated dual process model in 363 young Australian undergraduates where prospectively measured e-cigarette use was predicted by the psychological constructs of the theory of planned behavior, supplemented with risk perception, e-cigarette dependence, habit, and implicit attitude. Intention to use an e-cigarette was predicted by affective attitude, subjective norm, and e-cigarette dependance, but not instrumental attitude, perceived behavioral control, or risk perception. E-cigarette use was predicted by e-cigarette dependance, intention, habit, implicit attitude, and previous nicotine use, although perceived behavioral control did not directly predict behavior nor moderate the intention-behavior relationship. Current findings provide evidence for important psychological predictors of e-cigarette use, signposting potential intervention targets. Specifically, interventions may benefit from using strategies that tap affective or normative beliefs alongside automatic constructs and dependence, while focusing less on beliefs about the health impacts of e-cigarettes or control over using.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryptocurrency is an attempt to create an alternative to centralized financial systems using blockchain technology. However, our understanding of the psychological mechanisms that drive cryptocurrency adoption is limited. This study examines the role of basic human values in three stages of cryptocurrency adoption-awareness, intention to buy, and ownership-using the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB). Logistic regression analysis was conducted on a quota sample of 714 German adults, and the results showed that openness-to-change values increased the likelihood of cryptocurrency awareness, while self-enhancement values increased the likelihood of intention to buy and ownership. These findings were consistent even after controlling for demographic characteristics, attitudinal beliefs, and perceived behavioral control, which are important factors in the TPB. The results suggest that basic human values may influence an individual\'s decision to adopt cryptocurrency, but the transition from awareness to ownership may be influenced by socio-economic opportunities available to interested individuals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this study was to use diverse perspectives of stakeholders to explore barriers to healthy eating, and attitudes, norms, and practices contributing to unhealthy food choices among school-aged children in Armenia. A qualitative study was carried out through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews, using the Theory of Planned Behavior. The study was conducted in 21 public schools located in three provinces (marzes) of Armenia: Shirak, Lori, and Tavush, and the capital city Yerevan. These study areas were chosen purposefully to target more vulnerable regions and have a geographically diverse sample. Purposive sampling techniques were used to choose the study participants. Five groups were targeted: high school students, school principals, teachers, school cafeteria staff members, and mothers of school children. Overall, 10 focus group discussions, and 51 in-depth interviews were conducted with a total of 94 participants. The study explored two main themes underlying unhealthy eating behaviors among school-aged children in Armenia - suboptimal preferences and restricted opportunities. Three subthemes were identified within the theme of suboptimal preferences: preferences/tastes, attitudes, and role models/normative referent, and another three subthemes within the theme of restricted opportunities: choice restrictions, time constraints, and financial barriers. The study found that most of the constructs of theory of planned behavior, such as general attitudes, preferences, perceived norms and perceived behavioral control, impacted unhealthy eating behaviors of school-aged children in Armenia. The recommendations for practice included enhancing the appeal of healthy foods, highlighting the significance of breakfast and healthy eating in educational activities utilizing role models, expanding and empowering school canteens, including higher grade students in school feeding programs, and extending school breaks to provide sufficient time for healthy eating.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the HEV vaccination intention, its determinants, and overall influence mechanisms among childbearing-age women.
    METHODS: The current study was cross-sectional and conducted online from June 25, 2023 to September 25, 2023 in Nanjing, China. Logistic regression models were constructed to identify the intention-associated background factors. Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) were integrated and expanded as TAM-TPB model to further investigate the determinants and overall influence mechanism of HEV vaccination intention among this population using structural equation modeling.
    RESULTS: A total of 423 eligible participants were included in this study. High general HEV knowledge was independently associated with an increased intention to get HEV vaccination (OR = 1.97, 95 % CI: 1.11-3.58, P = 0.023). All the hypotheses proposed in the theoretical TAM-TPB model were supported, with perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control positively affecting the intention of HEV vaccination (all P values <0.05), while perceived risk (P = 0.003) exhibited an inverse association with HEV vaccination intention. The model achieved an acceptable fit, and the total explained variance of HEV vaccination intention was as high as 86.20 %. Moreover, no significant common method bias was observed.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first theory-based study that explored the HEV vaccination intention, its determinants, and overall influence mechanism among childbearing-age women. The results of the current study are of great importance for improving the understanding of the HEV vaccination intention among females of childbearing age.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unintentional injuries pose a significant risk to children in early years globally. In particular, toddlers and preschoolers are vulnerable to injuries that occur at home. Despite the availability of preventive measures that can greatly reduce the risks of domestic injuries, some caregivers (e.g., parents) of children in early childhood may not fully implement these safety measures due to poor behavioral adherence or low awareness of the risk of domestic injury. Therefore, it is crucial to understand how caregivers in different cultural contexts approach injury prevention in the home environment. In this multi-cultural study, we investigated the motivational and belief processes underlying childhood domestic injury prevention among a total of 2059 primary caregivers (parents/guardians) of infant and toddlers (aged 2 to 6 years) across four societies, Australia (AU; N = 500), the United States (US; N = 500), Singapore (SG; N = 507), and Hong Kong (HK; N = 552), by applying the integrated model of self-determination theory (SDT) and theory of planned behavior (TPB). Our results support the key tenets of the integrated model and demonstrated cultural invariance model pathways across the four societies studied. In particular, the positive relationships among psychological need support, autonomous motivation, socio-cognitive beliefs, intention, and behavior adherence remained constant across societies. With a multi-cultural sample, this study provides valuable insights into the similarities and differences in motivation and beliefs surrounding childhood domestic injury prevention across these four societies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    As the esports industry continues its rapid growth, new opportunities such as the metaverse and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are emerging, driven by the inherently digital nature of esports. To better understand viewer engagement in this evolving landscape, this study investigates viewer behavior in the context of watching esports. A survey was conducted on a sample of 312 esports viewers in South Korea, and the data was subsequently analyzed using structural equation modeling. The study\'s findings indicate that hedonic motivation is significantly correlated with attitudes toward esports and the utilization of esports in the metaverse. Furthermore, perceived enjoyment was found to significantly positively influence attitudes toward esports, the metaverse expansion of esports, and the use of esports via NFTs. Notably, attitudes toward esports showed a significant relationship with continuance intention. Both subjective norms and perceived behavioral control were also found to significantly influence continuance intention.





