Tetrahymena thermophila

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Opportunistic pathogens are environmental microbes that are generally harmless and only occasionally cause disease. Unlike obligate pathogens, the growth and survival of opportunistic pathogens do not rely on host infection or transmission. Their versatile lifestyles make it challenging to decipher how and why virulence has evolved in opportunistic pathogens. The coincidental evolution hypothesis postulates that virulence results from exaptation or pleiotropy, i.e. traits evolved for adaptation to living in one environment that have a different function in another. In particular, adaptation to avoid or survive protist predation has been suggested to contribute to the evolution of bacterial virulence (the training ground hypothesis). Here, we used experimental evolution to determine how the selective pressure imposed by a protist predator impacts the virulence and fitness of a ubiquitous environmental opportunistic bacterial pathogen that has acquired multidrug resistance: Serratia marcescens. To this aim, we evolved S. marcescens in the presence or absence of generalist protist predator, Tetrahymena thermophila. After 60 d of evolution, we evaluated genotypic and phenotypic changes by comparing evolved S. marcescens with the ancestral strain. Whole-genome shotgun sequencing of the entire evolved populations and individual isolates revealed numerous cases of parallel evolution, many more than statistically expected by chance, in genes associated with virulence. Our phenotypic assays suggested that evolution in the presence of a predator maintained virulence, whereas evolution in the absence of a predator resulted in attenuated virulence. We also found a significant correlation between virulence, biofilm formation, growth, and grazing resistance. Overall, our results provide evidence that bacterial virulence and virulence-related traits are maintained by selective pressures imposed by protist predation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Classical theories predict that relatively constant environments should generally favour specialists, while fluctuating environments should be selected for generalists. However, theoretical and empirical results have pointed out that generalist organisms might, on the contrary, perform poorly under fluctuations. In particular, if generalism is underlaid by phenotypic plasticity, performance of generalists should be modulated by the temporal characteristics of environmental fluctuations. Here, we used experiments in microcosms of Tetrahymena thermophila ciliates and a mathematical model to test whether the period or autocorrelation of thermal fluctuations mediate links between the level of generalism and the performance of organisms under fluctuations. In the experiment, thermal fluctuations consistently impeded performance compared with constant conditions. However, the intensity of this effect depended on the level of generalism: while the more specialist strains performed better under fast or negatively autocorrelated fluctuations, plastic generalists performed better under slow or positively autocorrelated fluctuations. Our model suggests that these effects of fluctuations on organisms\' performance may result from a time delay in the expression of plasticity, restricting its benefits to slow enough fluctuations. This study points out the need to further investigate the temporal dynamics of phenotypic plasticity to better predict its fitness consequences under environmental fluctuations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histone modification and nucleosome assembly play important roles in chromatin-related processes. Histone chaperones form different complexes and coordinate histone transportation and assembly. Various histone chaperone complexes have been identified in different organisms. The ciliate protozoa (ciliates) have various chromatin structures and different nuclear morphology. However, histone chaperone components and functions of different subunits remain unclear in ciliates. Tetrahymema thermophila contains a transcriptionally active macronucleus (MAC) and a transcriptionally inactive micronucleus (MIC) which exhibit multiple replication and various chromatin remodeling progresses during vegetative growth and sexual developmental stages. Here, we found histone chaperone RebL1 not only localized evenly in the transcriptionally active MAC but also dynamically changed in the MIC during vegetative growth and sexual developmental stages. REBL1 knockdown inhibited cellular proliferation. The macronuclear morphology became bigger in growing mutants. The abnormal macronuclear structure also occurred in the starvation stage. Furthermore, micronuclear meiosis was disturbed during sexual development, leading to a failure to generate new gametic nuclei. RebL1 potentially interacted with various factors involved in histone-modifying complexes and chromatin remodeling complexes in different developmental stages. REBL1 knockdown affected expression levels of the genes involved in chromatin organization and transcription. Taken together, RebL1 plays a vital role in maintaining macronuclear structure stability and gametogenesis in T. thermophila.
    UNASSIGNED: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s42995-024-00219-z.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Europium is one of the most reactive lanthanides and humans use it in many different applications, but we still know little about its potential toxicity and cellular response to its exposure. Two strains of the eukaryotic microorganism model Tetrahymena thermophila were adapted to high concentrations of two Eu(III) compounds (EuCl3 or Eu2O3) and compared to a control strain and cultures treated with both compounds. In this ciliate, EuCl3 is more toxic than Eu2O3. LC50 values show that this microorganism is more resistant to these Eu(III) compounds than other microorganisms. Oxidative stress originated mainly by Eu2O3 is minimized by overexpression of genes encoding important antioxidant enzymes. The overexpression of metallothionein genes under treatment with Eu(III) compounds supports the possibility that this lanthanide may interact with the -SH groups of the cysteine residues from metallothioneins and/or displace essential cations of these proteins during their homeostatic function. Both lipid metabolism (lipid droplets fusing with europium-containing vacuoles) and autophagy are involved in the cellular response to europium stress. Bioaccumulation, together with a possible biomineralization to europium phosphate, seems to be the main mechanism of Eu(III) detoxification in these cells.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM) has revolutionized the structural determination of macromolecular complexes. With the paradigm shift to structure determination of highly complex endogenous macromolecular complexes ex vivo and in situ structural biology, there are an increasing number of structures of native complexes. These complexes often contain unidentified proteins, related to different cellular states or processes. Identifying proteins at resolutions lower than 4 Å remains challenging because side chains cannot be visualized reliably. Here, we present DomainFit, a program for semi-automated domain-level protein identification from cryo-EM maps, particularly at resolutions lower than 4 Å. By fitting domains from AlphaFold2-predicted models into cryo-EM maps, the program performs statistical analyses and attempts to identify the domains and protein candidates forming the density. Using DomainFit, we identified two microtubule inner proteins, one of which contains a CCDC81 domain and is exclusively localized in the proximal region of the doublet microtubule in Tetrahymena thermophila.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although DNA N 6-adenine methylation (6mA) is best known in prokaryotes, its presence in eukaryotes has recently generated great interest. Biochemical and genetic evidence supports that AMT1, an MT-A70 family methyltransferase (MTase), is crucial for 6mA deposition in unicellular eukaryotes. Nonetheless, the 6mA transmission mechanism remains to be elucidated. Taking advantage of single-molecule real-time circular consensus sequencing (SMRT CCS), here we provide definitive evidence for semiconservative transmission of 6mA in Tetrahymena thermophila In wild-type (WT) cells, 6mA occurs at the self-complementary ApT dinucleotide, mostly in full methylation (full-6mApT); after DNA replication, hemi-methylation (hemi-6mApT) is transiently present on the parental strand, opposite to the daughter strand readily labeled by 5-bromo-2\'-deoxyuridine (BrdU). In ΔAMT1 cells, 6mA predominantly occurs as hemi-6mApT. Hemi-to-full conversion in WT cells is fast, robust, and processive, whereas de novo methylation in ΔAMT1 cells is slow and sporadic. In Tetrahymena, regularly spaced 6mA clusters coincide with the linker DNA of nucleosomes arrayed in the gene body. Importantly, in vitro methylation of human chromatin by the reconstituted AMT1 complex recapitulates preferential targeting of hemi-6mApT sites in linker DNA, supporting AMT1\'s intrinsic and autonomous role in maintenance methylation. We conclude that 6mA is transmitted by a semiconservative mechanism: full-6mApT is split by DNA replication into hemi-6mApT, which is restored to full-6mApT by AMT1-dependent maintenance methylation. Our study dissects AMT1-dependent maintenance methylation and AMT1-independent de novo methylation, reveals a 6mA transmission pathway with a striking similarity to 5-methylcytosine (5mC) transmission at the CpG dinucleotide, and establishes 6mA as a bona fide eukaryotic epigenetic mark.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Glutathione-S-transferase enzymes (GSTs) are essential components of the phase II detoxification system and protect organisms from oxidative stress induced by xenobiotics and harmful toxins such as 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB). In Tetrahymena thermophila, the TtGSTm34 gene was previously reported to be one of the most responsive GST genes to CDNB treatment (LD50 = 0.079 mM). This study aimed to determine the kinetic features of recombinantly expressed and purified TtGSTm34 with CDNB and glutathione (GSH). TtGSTm34-8xHis was recombinantly produced in T. thermophila as a 25-kDa protein after the cloning of the 660-bp full-length ORF of TtGSTm34 into the pIGF-1 vector. A three-dimensional model of the TtGSTm34 protein constructed by the AlphaFold and PyMOL programs confirmed that it has structurally conserved and folded GST domains. The recombinant production of TtGSTm34-8xHis was confirmed by SDS‒PAGE and Western blot analysis. A dual-affinity chromatography strategy helped to purify TtGSTm34-8xHis approximately 3166-fold. The purified recombinant TtGSTm34-8xHis exhibited significantly high enzyme activity with CDNB (190 µmol/min/mg) as substrate. Enzyme kinetic analysis revealed Km values of 0.68 mM with GSH and 0.40 mM with CDNB as substrates, confirming its expected high affinity for CDNB. The optimum pH and temperature were determined to be 7.0 and 25 °C, respectively. Ethacrynic acid inhibited fully TtGSTm34-8xHis enzyme activity. These results imply that TtGSTm34 of T. thermophila plays a major role in the detoxification of xenobiotics, such as CDNB, as a first line of defense in aquatic protists against oxidative damage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basal bodies (BBs) are conserved eukaryotic structures that organize cilia. They are comprised of nine, cylindrically arranged, triplet microtubules (TMTs) connected to each other by inter-TMT linkages which stabilize the structure. Poc1 is a conserved protein important for BB structural integrity in the face of ciliary forces transmitted to BBs. To understand how Poc1 confers BB stability, we identified the precise position of Poc1 in the Tetrahymena BB and the effect of Poc1 loss on BB structure. Poc1 binds at the TMT inner junctions, stabilizing TMTs directly. From this location, Poc1 also stabilizes inter-TMT linkages throughout the BB, including the cartwheel pinhead and the inner scaffold. The full localization of the inner scaffold protein Fam161A requires Poc1. As ciliary forces are increased, Fam161A is reduced, indicative of a force-dependent molecular remodeling of the inner scaffold. Thus, while not essential for BB assembly, Poc1 promotes BB interconnections that establish an architecture competent to resist ciliary forces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Tetrahymena thermophila is an alternative organism for recombinant protein production. However, the production efficiency in T. thermophila is quite low mainly due to the rich cysteine proteases. In this study, we studied whether supplementation of the E-64 inhibitor to T. thermophila cultures increases the recombinant protein production efficiency without any toxic side effects. Our study showed that supplementation of E-64 had no lethal effects on T. thermophila cells in flask culture at 30 °C and 38 °C. In vitro protease activity analysis using secretome as protease enzyme source from E-64-supplemented cell cultures showed a reduced protein substrate degradation using bovine serum albumin, rituximab, and milk lactoglobulin proteins. E-64 also prevented proteolysis of the recombinantly produced and secreted TtmCherry2-sfGFP fusion protein at some level. This reduced inhibitory effect of E-64 could be due to genetic compensation of the inhibited proteases. As a result, the 5 µM concentration of E-64 was found to be a non-toxic protease inhibitory supplement to improve extracellular recombinant protein production efficiency in T. thermophila. This study suggests that the use of E-64 may increase the efficiency of extracellular recombinant protein production by continuously reducing extracellular cysteine protease activity during cultivation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In freshwater habitats, aerobic animals and microorganisms can react to oxygen deprivation by a series of behavioural and physiological changes, either as a direct consequence of hindered performance or as adaptive responses towards hypoxic conditions. Since oxygen availability can vary throughout the water column, different strategies exist to avoid hypoxia, including that of active \'flight\' from low-oxygen sites. Alternatively, some organisms may invest in slower movement, saving energy until conditions return to more favourable levels, which may be described as a \'sit-and-wait\' strategy. Here, we aimed to determine which, if any, of these strategies could be used by the freshwater ciliate Tetrahymena thermophila when faced with decreasing levels of oxygen availability in the culture medium. We manipulated oxygen flux into clonal cultures of six strains (i.e. genotypes) and followed their growth kinetics for several weeks using automated image analysis, allowing to precisely quantify changes in density, morphology and movement patterns. Oxygen effects on demography and morphology were comparable across strains: reducing oxygen flux decreased the growth rate and maximal density of experimental cultures, while greatly expanding the duration of their stationary phase. Cells sampled during their exponential growth phase were larger and had a more elongated shape under hypoxic conditions, likely mirroring a shift in resource investment towards individual development rather than frequent divisions. In addition to these general patterns, we found evidence for intraspecific variability in movement responses to oxygen limitation. Some strains showed a reduction in swimming speed, potentially associated with a \'sit-and-wait\' strategy; however, the frequent alteration of movement paths towards more linear trajectories also suggests the existence of an inducible \'flight response\' in this species. Considering the inherent costs of turns associated with non-linear movement, such a strategy may allow ciliates to escape suboptimal environments at a low energetic cost.





