Testicular choriocarcinoma

  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Testicular choriocarcinoma is a relatively rare malignancy with a highly aggressive nature. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help prolong the survival of patients and even cure them. This case reports a 29-year-old male who presented to the clinic for a month with epigastric pain. On examination, a massive mass of approximately 9*10 cm could be palpated in the upper abdomen. When asked about his previous history, the patient only described a history of a right inguinal hernia that had been repaired 12 years earlier. The admission diagnosis was considered the retroperitoneal tumor, which was found to have metastasized to the liver and lungs after the completion of relevant tests. We then performed a CT-guided lune puncture biopsy on day 8 of admission. The biopsy pathology suggested metastatic cancer was considered. As the symptoms of tumor compression gradually worsened, we performed surgical treatment (retroperitoneal tumor resection + partial duodenal resection + enteroanastomosis) on day 13 of admission. The postoperative pathology was choriocarcinoma. We subsequently conducted a detailed inquiry with the patient\'s family about his medical history and found a history of inguinal testicle. Through testicular ultrasound examination, it was preliminarily determined to be testicular choriocarcinoma (not yet pathologically confirmed). We wanted to start salvage chemotherapy as soon as possible after surgery. However, the patient\'s postoperative condition was poor, with rapid progression of hepatopulmonary metastases and gradually increased thyrotoxicosis, and we started salvage chemotherapy (EP regimen: etoposide and cisplatin) on postoperative day 12. However, the patient was forced to stop due to a severe chemotherapy reaction and died of respiratory and cardiac arrest in the hospital. For male patients with retroperitoneal mass, the possibility of germ-cell neoplasm should first be excluded. By inquiring in detail about a history of cryptorchidism and in the initial days of hospitalization, testicular exploration, ultrasounds, and serum tumor markers (AFP, β-HCG) tests can be conducted to rule out the possibility of germ-cell neoplasm, thereby preventing misdiagnosis and treatment delays. If the clinical diagnosis is metastatic germ-cell tumor with severe symptoms of metastatic disease, surgery should never be used as the initial treatment.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Testicular tumors represent a common form of solid tumor in young men, with choriocarcinoma of the testis being a rare, non-granulomatous germ cell tumor. It accounts for less than 0.3% of all testicular germ cell tumors. Pelvic and pulmonary metastases originating from testicular choriocarcinoma are exceptionally uncommon in men. This study describes a case of a 27-year-old male diagnosed with testicular choriocarcinoma, presenting initially with nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. Furthermore, this review encompasses cases of testiclar choriocarcinoma in individuals aged 30 years and below, both in China and internationally, over the past 20 years.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Testicular choriocarcinoma (CC) is the rarest subtype of germ cell tumours (GCTs) of the testis, with a high malignant potential and early haematogenous metastasis. Radical surgical resection should be performed primarily for histological diagnosis, while chemotherapy remains the mainstay of therapy for advanced disease. In the present study, the case of a 65-year-old male patient diagnosed with metastatic testicular CC, who did not fully respond to chemotherapy is reported. This patient underwent surgical removal of the testicular tumour, chemotherapy with etoposide and cisplatin, and radiotherapy of the intracranial lesions. Although the serum human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) levels of the patient and most of the metastases continued decreasing during chemotherapy, complete response was not achieved after six cycles of chemotherapy. The patient refused high-dose chemotherapy and autologous stem cell transplantation due to severe side effects, and eventually developed respiratory failure on maintenance therapy with oral etoposide. A literature review was then performed, aiming to summarize the characteristics and therapeutic principles of testicular CC. In addition, the emerging therapeutic agents that could be used in maintenance therapy for GCTs, particularly for testicular CC, were also discussed. The limited clinical trials of targeted treatments showed potential benefit for long survival of patients with selected GCTs with fewer side effects. In particular, immunotherapy showed unique potential for testicular CC in preclinical studies, offering new approaches of maintenance therapy for advanced disease. Further studies should shed light on the identification of prognostic factors that predict the response to immune-based therapy in GCTs.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Pure testicular choriocarcinoma is a rare type of non-seminomatous germ cell tumor extremely poor prognostic with the tendency to bleed at the metastatic site. At the time of the diagnosis, 70% of patients have metastatic lesions. Depending on the site of the metastasis, symptoms vary. Gastrointestinal involvement is seen in less than 5% of cases, mostly in the duodenum.
    METHODS: We present a 47 years old male with testicular choriocarcinoma involving the jejunum, lung, liver, and kidney presenting with acute abdominal pain, melena, and dyspnea with some paraneoplastic symptoms. The patient had increased, severe and constant pain in the right lower quadrant for the previous four days. Additionally, he was complaining of nausea, vomiting, anorexia, and a history of melena for the last 10 days. Dyspnea on exertion, hemoptysis, and dry cough were the symptoms he was suffering from, for almost one year. The patient\'s general appearance was pale, ill, and thin with 10 kg of weight loss during the last some months. The computed tomography (CT) scan reported multiple metastatic lesions in both liver lobes and the left kidney. Pathologic study of the samples of small bowel lesions showed metastatic choriocarcinoma. Following the patient had been referred to an oncologist to start the chemotherapy regime. Finally, the patient has expired after 40 days of his first admission.
    CONCLUSIONS: Testicular choriocarcinoma is a rare but fatal malignancy among young men. Gastrointestinal metastases are infrequent involvement represented by melena and acute abdominal pain, obstruction, and mass. Physicians should consider it as a differential diagnosis for acute abdomen and gastrointestinal bleeding causation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Testicular tumor is one of the common solid tumors in young men. Testicular choriocarcinoma is a non-spermatogonial germ cell tumor, which is the rarest of all testicular cancers. Choriocarcinoma usually shows bleeding at the metastatic site, while gastrointestinal involvement is rare.
    METHODS: Here, we report a case of testicular choriocarcinoma with gastrointestinal bleeding as the first diagnosis and summarize the similar cases all over the world in recent 20 years.
    RESULTS: A 28-year-old male was treated with repeated melena for 2 months. No bleeding foci of the stomach, duodenum, colon, and rectum were found in endoscopy, and no bleeding foci of digestive tract was found in selective angiography, but a space occupying lesions of the lung, liver, and upper jejunum were found in chest and abdominal CT. Considering the possibility of a metastatic tumor and the ineffectiveness of medical treatment, the patient was converted to surgical treatment. The postoperative pathology was consistent with testicular choriocarcinoma. The patient received a chemotherapy regimen of paclitaxel, ifosfamide, and cisplatin. At present, the chemotherapy regimen is well tolerated.
    CONCLUSIONS: The case report confirmed that even if we cannot find the logical relationship between clinical manifestations and genital examination, genital examination should also be part of the patient\'s systematic examination.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Choriocarcinoma (CC) is a very rare and aggressive neoplasm. The characteristic feature of this disease is a rapid hematogenous spread, mainly to the lungs and brain, which largely defines clinical signs of the disease and complicates the diagnosis. Gastrointestinal metastases are rare, and of those, only few cases with gastric location have been reported. There are publications describing choriocarcinoma syndrome (CCS). As a rule, it presents in patients with an advanced disease and is characterized by hemorrhage from metastatic foci, leading to hemoptysis and gastrointestinal bleeding. CCS development is associated with poor prognosis and high mortality. This article describes a case of testicular CC with rare few gastric metastases, complicated by CCS.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Testicular germ cell tumors are the most common cancers in young men. In most cases, patients may present a painless testicular swelling. However, in 10% the presentation is variable and related to site of metastasis and complications. Clinically apparent gastrointestinal involvement was seen in 5% of cases and dominates by gastrointestinal bleeding. We report a case of testicular choriocarcinoma involving the small intestine revealed by melena and complicated by acute intussusception.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Pure testicular choriocarcinoma is an extremely rare subtype of nonseminomatous germ cell tumor, accounting for less than 1% of all germ cell tumors and only 0.19% of all testicular tumors. It is a highly aggressive malignant tumor with early multiorgan metastasis and poor prognosis. We present a case of 23-year-old male presented to the hospital with mild hemoptysis which was thought as a sequela of his past COVID-19 pneumonia infection, however; chest radiograph showed multiple rounded cannonball opacities seen throughout both lungs raising the suspicion of metastatic deposits to the lungs. During physical examination, left testicular painless swelling was noted leading to an ultrasound of the scrotum which revealed a left intratesticular infiltrative, heterogeneous mass. Tumor markers, including beta-human chorionic gonadotropin, lactate dehydrogenase and alpha fetoprotein were extremely high. Computed tomography scan of the brain, chest, abdomen, and pelvis showed hemorrhagic metastatic deposits to the brain, chest, and left para-aortic lymph nodes. The patient underwent radical orchiectomy and histopathology reports confirmed the diagnosis of pure testicular choriocarcinoma.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gastric metastasis of choriocarcinoma is rarely reported in the literature. This case report presents the case of multiple metastatic testicular choriocarcinoma mimicking gastric cancer, with melena as the initial symptom. In this case, 18fluorine-fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) showed that the testis was the primary focus. The contribution of PET/CT is significant to primary focus detection in metastatic diseases of unknown primary origin that presented gastrointestinal bleeding. In addition to its use in staging of testicular carcinoma, PET/CT provides significant benefit in evaluating patients with increased levels of tumor markers and in detecting recurrence.
    Koryokarsinomun mide metastazı literatürde oldukça nadir bildirilmiştir. Bu olgu raporu, mide kanserini taklit eden, başlangıç semptomu melena olan multipl metastatik testis koryokarsinomlu bir hastayı sunmaktadır. Bu olguda, 18flor-florodeoksiglukoz pozitron emisyon tomografisi/bilgisayarlı tomografi (PET/BT) testisin primer odak olduğunu gösterdi. PET/BT’nin katkısı, gastrointestinal kanama ile gelen primeri bilinmeyen metastatik hastalıkta primer odak tespitinde önemlidir. Testis kansererinde PET/BT, hastalık evrelendirilmesine sağladığı faydalara ek olarak, özellikle tümör belirteçleri artmış ve nüks hastalık açısından şüpheli olan hastalarda rekürrensi tespit etmede önemli fayda sağlar.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Due to the scarcity of cases of testicular choriocarcinoma (CC), its clinicopathological characteristics and prognosis have not been well summarized. Consequently, we conducted this population-based case-control study to characterize the features of testicular CC.
    UNASSIGNED: The SEER database was used to extract qualified data. Dichotomous variables were compared by Pearson\'s Chi-squared or Fisher exact test. Survival variables were compared by Kaplan-Meier analyses and log-rank tests. The univariable and multivariable Cox regression analyses were applied to figure out risk factors for overall survival (OS) and cancer-specific survival (CSS). Propensity score matching (PSM) was used to control confounding factors in the study.
    UNASSIGNED: In total, 788 patients with CC and 19,571 patients with seminoma were identified. Significant differences were found between two groups in terms of age (≤30 years: 65.4% vs. 26.5%; >30 years: 34.6% vs. 73.5%; P<0.001), marital status (28.8% vs. 52.1%; P<0.001), laterality (proportion of bilateral tumors: 4.1% vs. 1.0%, P<0.001), tumors size (≤4 cm: 40.2% vs. 49.3%; >4 cm: 45.8% vs. 43.0%; P<0.001), SEER stage (localized: 43.9% vs. 79.1%; regional: 14.6% vs. 15.4%; distant: 41.0% vs. 4.7%; P<0.001), surgery (92.4% vs. 98.2%; P<0.001) and chemotherapy (65.4% vs. 19.8%; P<0.001). However, no differences were found between two groups after Propensity Score Matching (PSM). Furthermore, CC had worse outcomes than seminoma in terms of 5-year rate of OS (85.5% vs. 97.3%) and 5-year rate of CSS (86.8% vs. 98.6%). In univariable Cox hazard model, age, laterality, SEER stage (distant), surgery, chemotherapy and pathological type were independent prognostic factors for OS and CSS. However, in multivariable Cox hazard model, only age, SEER stage(distant) and surgery remained as the independent prognostic factor for OS and CSS.
    UNASSIGNED: Choriocarcinoma is exceedingly rare disease with metastases at initial diagnose and has poor survival even after treatment. Old age and advanced tumor stage indicate a poor prognosis, while surgery therapy can improve prognosis. Nevertheless, longer-term studies with larger population of patients are needed to verify their biological behavior and therapeutic efficacy.





