
  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human disturbances can prompt natural anti-predator behaviours in animals, affecting how energy is traded off between immediate survival and reproduction. In our study of male squaretail groupers (Plectropomus areolatus) in India\'s Lakshadweep archipelago, we investigated the impact of fishing pressure on anti-predatory responses and reproductive behaviours by comparing a fished and unfished spawning aggregation site and tracking responses over time at the fished site. Using observational sampling and predator exposure experiments, we analysed fear responses (flight initiation distance, return time), as well as time spent in vigilance, courtship and territorial defence. Unpaired males at fished sites were twice as likely to flee from simulated predators and took longer to return to mating territories. In contrast, paired males at both sites took greater risks during courtship, fleeing later than unpaired males, but returned earlier at the unfished site compared with the fished site. Our findings suggest that high fishing pressure reduces reproductive opportunities by increasing vigilance and compromising territorial defence, potentially affecting mate selection cues. Altered behavioural trade-offs may mitigate short-term capture risk but endanger long-term population survival through altered reproductive investment. Human extractive practices targeting animal reproductive aggregations can have disruptive effects beyond direct removal, influencing animal behaviours crucial for population survival.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Most the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries are currently facing the challenges of the health transition, the aging of their populations and the increase in chronic diseases. Effective and comprehensive primary healthcare (PHC) services are considered essential for establishing an equitable, and cost-effective healthcare system. Developing care coordination and, on a broader scale, care integration, is a guarantee of quality healthcare delivery. The development of healthcare systems at the meso-level supports this ambition and results in a process of territorial structuring of PHC. In France, the Health Territorial and Professional Communities (HTPC) constitute meso-level organizations in which healthcare professionals (HCPs) from the same territory gather. We conducted a study to determine, in a qualitative step, the key elements of the territorial structuring of PHC in France and, then, to develop, in a quantitative step, a typology of this structuring.
    METHODS: A sequential-exploratory mixed-method study with a qualitative step using a multiple case approach and a quantitative step as a hierarchical clustering on principal components (HCPC) from a multiple correspondence analysis (MCA).
    RESULTS: A total of 7 territories were qualitatively explored. Territorial structuring appears to depend on: past collaborations at the micro-level, meso-level coordination among HCPs and multiprofessional structures, diversity of independent professionals, demographic dynamics attracting young professionals, and public health investment through local health contracts (LHCs). The typology identifies 4 clusters of mainland French territories based on their level of structuring: under or unstructured (38.6%), with potential for structuring (34.7%), in the way for structuring (25.3%) and already structured territories (1.4%).
    CONCLUSIONS: Interest in territorial structuring aligns with challenges in meso-level healthcare organization and the need for integrated care. Typologies of territorial structuring should be used to understand its impact on access, care quality, and medical resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Olfactory behaviors serve a wide variety of social functions in mammals. Odor may signal information about attributes of individuals important for mating and reproduction. Olfactory behaviors, such as scent-marking, may also function as part of home range or resource defense strategies. We assessed the potential social and home range defense functions of olfactory behavior in a pair-living and sexually monogamous primate, Azara\'s owl monkey (Aotus azarae), in the Argentinian Chaco. This is the most extensive investigation of owl monkey olfactory behaviors in the wild. Individuals regularly performed olfactory behaviors (group mean + SD = 1.3 + 0.5 per hour). The patterns were generally comparable to those observed in studies of captive owl monkeys, except that urine washing was the most common behavior in the wild, as opposed to scent-marking and genital inspections. Most olfactory behaviors were performed by adults, and there were striking sex differences in genital inspections: almost all consisted of an adult male inspecting the paired adult female. These findings suggest that olfactory behaviors play an important role in signaling and coordinating reproduction among owl monkeys, particularly during periods of female conception and pregnancy. Additionally, our research indicates that these behaviors may also serve as a defense strategy for maintaining the core area of their home ranges. This study offers the first assessment of the role of olfactory behaviors in reproductive contexts and home range defense in pair-living, monogamous platyrrhine primates.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The expression of sexually selected traits, such as ornaments or body coloration, is often influenced by environmental conditions. While such phenotypic plasticity is often thought to precede evolutionary change, plasticity itself can also be a target of selection. However, the selective forces supporting the evolution and persistence of plasticity in sexual traits are often unclear. Using the cichlid fish Astatotilapia burtoni, we show that variation in the level of mate competition may promote plasticity in body coloration. In this species, males can change between yellow and blue colour. We found that experimentally increased competition over mating territories led to a higher proportion of males expressing the yellow phenotype. The expression of yellow coloration was found to be beneficial because yellow males won more staged dyadic contests and exhibited a lower level of oxidative stress than blue males. However, females were more likely to spawn with blue males in mate choice experiments, suggesting that expression of blue coloration is sexually more attractive. The ability to adjust colour phenotype according to the local competitive environment could therefore promote the persistence of plasticity in coloration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intra-specific aggressive interactions play a prominent role in the life of many animals. While studies have found evidence for repeatability in boldness, activity, and exploration in amphibians, we know relatively little about consistent among-individual variation in aggressiveness, despite its importance for male-male competition and territoriality. Amphibians, and Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobatidae) in particular, are highly suitable for investigating among-individual variation in aggressiveness, as most species exhibit strong territoriality in at least one of the sexes. In the present study, we aimed to fill this gap in knowledge, by investigating within- and between-individual variation in territorial aggression in a semi-natural population of the Neotropical poison frog Allobates femoralis (Dendrobatidae) in French Guiana. We conducted repeated, standardized behavioral tests to assess if the level of territorial aggression is consistent within and different between individuals. Further, we tested a possible link between body size and level of territorial aggression. We found moderate repeatability in territorial aggressiveness, but no link to age and/or body size. In conclusion, our study represents the first documentation of repeatable aggressive behavior in a territorial context in amphibians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We considered the relationship between the benefits and costs of territorial defense in a wild population of the Leon Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon bovinus. We defined benefit as the number of eggs deposited on an artificial substratum placed within the defender\'s territory. Costs included two defensive behaviors. First, males frequently \"patrolled\" their territories, swimming back-and-forth across their area. Second, males chased intruding Pecos gambusia (Gambusia nobilis) as well as small male and female conspecific C. bovinus from their territories. Both of these species prey on the territorial defenders\' eggs; additionally, small male C. bovinus will attempt to \"steal\" spawns from the territorial defender by spawning with females in the territory. Our analyses revealed that only patrol frequency was related to the reproductive benefit of the territory. Neither chases against gambusia nor conspecifics were predicted by egg numbers on the breeding substrata. We speculate that the frequency of patrolling is an indicator of territorial value and note the qualitative differences in chasing behavior against the different species of intruder.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stridulation is used by male katydids to produce sound via the rubbing together of their specialised forewings, either by sustained or interrupted sweeps of the file producing different tones and call structures. There are many species of Orthoptera that remain undescribed and their acoustic signals are unknown. This study aims to measure and quantify the mechanics of wing vibration, sound production and acoustic properties of the hearing system in a new genus of Pseudophyllinae with taxonomic descriptions of two new species. The calling behaviour and wing mechanics of males were measured using micro-scanning laser Doppler vibrometry, microscopy, and ultrasound sensitive equipment. The resonant properties of the acoustic pinnae of the ears were obtained via μ-CT scanning and 3D printed experimentation, and numerical modelling was used to validate the results. Analysis of sound recordings and wing vibrations revealed that the stridulatory areas of the right tegmen exhibit relatively narrow frequency responses and produce narrowband calls between 12 and 20 kHz. As in most Pseudophyllinae, only the right mirror is activated for sound production. The acoustic pinnae of all species were found to provide a broadband increased acoustic gain from ~40-120 kHz by up to 25 dB, peaking at almost 90 kHz which coincides with the echolocation frequency of sympatric bats. The new genus, named Satizabalus n. gen., is here derived as a new polytypic genus from the existing genus Gnathoclita, based on morphological and acoustic evidence from one described (S. sodalis n. comb.) and two new species (S. jorgevargasi n. sp. and S. hauca n. sp.). Unlike most Tettigoniidae, Satizabalus exhibits a particular form of sexual dimorphism whereby the heads and mandibles of the males are greatly enlarged compared to the females. We suggest that Satizabalus is related to the genus Trichotettix, also found in cloud forests in Colombia, and not to Gnathoclita.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    For many species, the relationship between space use and diet composition is complex, with individuals adopting varying space use strategies such as territoriality to facilitate resource acquisition. Coyotes (Canis latrans) exhibit two disparate types of space use; defending mutually exclusive territories (residents) or moving nomadically across landscapes (transients). Resident coyotes have increased access to familiar food resources, thus improved foraging opportunities to compensate for the energetic costs of defending territories. Conversely, transients do not defend territories and are able to redirect energetic costs of territorial defense towards extensive movements in search of mates and breeding opportunities. These differences in space use attributed to different behavioral strategies likely influence foraging and ultimately diet composition, but these relationships have not been well studied. We investigated diet composition of resident and transient coyotes in the southeastern United States by pairing individual space use patterns with analysis of stable carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) isotope values to assess diet. During 2016-2017, we monitored 41 coyotes (26 residents, 15 transients) with GPS radio-collars along the Savannah River area in the southeastern United States. We observed a canopy effect on δ13C values and little anthropogenic food in coyote diets, suggesting 13C enrichment is likely more influenced by reduced canopy cover than consumption of human foods. We also observed other land cover effects, such as agricultural cover and road density, on δ15N values as well as reduced space used by coyotes, suggesting that cover types and localized, resident-like space use can influence the degree of carnivory in coyotes. Finally, diets and niche space did not differ between resident and transient coyotes despite differences observed in the proportional contribution of potential food sources to their diets. Although our stable isotope mixing models detected differences between the diets of resident and transient coyotes, both relied mostly on mammalian prey (52.8%, SD = 15.9 for residents, 42.0%, SD = 15.6 for transients). Resident coyotes consumed more game birds (21.3%, SD = 11.6 vs 13.7%, SD = 8.8) and less fruit (10.5%, SD = 6.9 vs 21.3%, SD = 10.7) and insects (7.2%, SD = 4.7 vs 14.3%, SD = 8.5) than did transients. Our findings indicate that coyote populations fall on a feeding continuum of omnivory to carnivory in which variability in feeding strategies is influenced by land cover characteristics and space use behaviors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Interspecific interactions are fundamental drivers of animal space use. Yet while non-consumptive effects of predation risk on prey space use are well-known, the risk of aggressive interactions on space use of competitors is largely unknown. We apply the landscape of risk framework to competition-driven space use for the first time, with the hypothesis that less aggressive competitors may alter their behaviour to avoid areas of high competitor density. Specifically, we test how aggressive risk from territorial algal-farming damselfishes can shape the spatial distribution of herbivore fish competitors. We found that only the most aggressive damselfish had fewer competitors in their surrounding area, demonstrating that individual-level behavioural variation can shape spatial distributions. In contradiction to the landscape of risk framework, abundances of farming damselfish and other fishes were positively associated. Our results suggest that reef fishes do not simply avoid areas of high damselfish abundance, but that spatial variation in aggressive behaviour, rather than of individuals, created a competitive landscape of risk. We emphasize the importance of individual-level behaviour in identifying patterns of space use and propose expanding the landscape of risk framework to non-predatory interactions to explore cascading behavioural responses to aggressive risk.





