Temporal resolution

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The study of alpha band oscillations in the brain is a popular topic in cognitive neuroscience. A fair amount of research in recent years has focused on the potential role these oscillations may play in the discrete sampling of continuous sensory information. In particular, the question of whether or not peak frequency in the alpha band is linked with the temporal resolution of visual perception is a topic of ongoing debate. Some studies have reported a correlation between the two, whereas others were unable to observe a link. It is unclear whether these conflicting findings are due to differing methodologies and/or low statistical power, or due to the absence of a true relationship. Replication studies are needed to gain better insight into this matter. In the current study, we replicated an experiment published in a 2015 paper by Samaha and Postle. Additionally, we expanded on this study by adding an extra behavioural task, the critical flicker fusion task, to investigate if any links with peak alpha frequency are generalizable across multiple measures for visual temporal resolution. We succeeded in replicating some, but not all of Samaha and Postle\'s findings. Our partial replication suggests that there may be a link between visual temporal resolution and peak alpha frequency. However, this relationship may be very small and only apparent for specific stimulus parameters. The correlations found in our study did not generalize to other behavioural measures for visual temporal resolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has become a fundamental tool for studying brain function. However, the presence of serial correlations in fMRI data complicates data analysis, violates the statistical assumptions of analyses methods, and can lead to incorrect conclusions in fMRI studies.
    UNASSIGNED: In this paper, we show that conventional whitening procedures designed for data with longer repetition times (TRs) (>2 s) are inadequate for the increasing use of short-TR fMRI data. Furthermore, we comprehensively investigate the shortcomings of existing whitening methods and introduce an iterative whitening approach named \"IDAR\" (Iterative Data-adaptive Autoregressive model) to address these shortcomings. IDAR employs high-order autoregressive (AR) models with flexible and data-driven orders, offering the capability to model complex serial correlation structures in both short-TR and long-TR fMRI datasets.
    UNASSIGNED: Conventional whitening methods, such as AR(1), ARMA(1,1), and higher-order AR, were effective in reducing serial correlation in long-TR data but were largely ineffective in even reducing serial correlation in short-TR data. In contrast, IDAR significantly outperformed conventional methods in addressing serial correlation, power, and Type-I error for both long-TR and especially short-TR data. However, IDAR could not simultaneously address residual correlations and inflated Type-I error effectively.
    UNASSIGNED: This study highlights the urgent need to address the problem of serial correlation in short-TR (< 1 s) fMRI data, which are increasingly used in the field. Although IDAR can address this issue for a wide range of applications and datasets, the complexity of short-TR data necessitates continued exploration and innovative approaches. These efforts are essential to simultaneously reduce serial correlations and control Type-I error rates without compromising analytical power.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Researchers have been focusing on perceptual characteristics of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in terms of sensory hyperreactivity. Previously, we demonstrated that temporal resolution, which is the accuracy to differentiate the order of two successive vibrotactile stimuli, is associated with the severity of sensory hyperreactivity. We currently examined whether an increase in the perceptual intensity of a tactile stimulus, despite its short duration, is derived from high temporal resolution and high frequency of sensory temporal summation. Twenty ASD and 22 typically developing (TD) participants conducted two psychophysical experimental tasks to evaluate detectable duration of vibrotactile stimulus with same amplitude and to evaluate temporal resolution. The sensory hyperreactivity was estimated using self-reported questionnaire. There was no relationship between the temporal resolution and the duration of detectable stimuli in both groups. However, the ASD group showed severe sensory hyperreactivity in daily life than TD group, and the ASD participants with severe sensory hyperreactivity tended to have high temporal resolution, not high sensitivity of detectable duration. Contrary to the hypothesis, there might be different processing between temporal resolution and sensitivity for stimulus detection. We suggested that the atypical temporal processing would affect to sensory reactivity in ASD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate how the relationship between respiratory interval (RI) and temporal resolution (TR) impacts image quality in free-breathing abdominal MRI (FB-aMRI) using golden-angle radial sparse parallel (GRASP).
    METHODS: Ten healthy volunteers (25.9 ± 2.5 years, four women) underwent 2 mins free-breathing fat-suppression T1-weighted imaging using GRASP at RIs of 3 and 5s (RI3 and RI5, respectively) and retrospectively reconstructed at TR of 1.8, 2.9, 4.8, and 7.7s (TR1.8, TR2.9, TR4.8, and TR7.7, respectively) in each patient. The standard deviation (SD) under the diaphragm was measured using SD maps showing the discrepancy for each horizontal section at all TRs. Two radiologists evaluated image quality (visualization of the right hepatic vein at the confluence of the inferior vena cava, posterior segment branch of portal vein, pancreas, left kidney, and artifacts) at all TRs using a 5-point scale.
    RESULTS: The SD was significantly higher at TR1.8 compared to TR4.8 (P < 0.01) and TR7.7 (P < 0.001), as well as at TR2.9 compared to TR7.7 (P < 0.01) for both RIs. The SD between TR4.8 and TR7.7 did not differ for both RIs. For all visual assessment metrics, the TR1.8 scores were significantly lower than the TR4.8 and TR7.7 scores for both RIs. The pancreas and left kidney scores at TR2.9 were significantly lower than those at TR7.7 (P < 0.05) for RI5. Additionally, the left kidney score at TR1.8 was lower than that at TR2.9 (P < 0.05) for RI3. All scores at TR2.9, TR4.8, and TR7.7 were similar for RI3, while those at TR4.8 and TR7.7 were similar for RI5.
    CONCLUSIONS: Prolonging the TRs compared to RIs enhances image quality in FB-aMRI using GRASP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Rehabilitation of hearing and listening difficulties through neuroplasticity of the auditory nervous system is a promising technique. Evidence of enhanced auditory processing in adult musicians is often not based on clinical auditory processing tests and is lacking in children with musical education.
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to investigate the temporal resolution and frequency discrimination elements of auditory processing both in adults and children with musical education and to compare them with those without any musical education.
    METHODS: Participants consisted of ten children without musical training and ten children with musical training with mean age 11.3 years and range 8-15 years as well as ten adults without musical education and ten adults with musical education with mean age 38.1 years and range 30-45 years. All participants were tested with two temporal resolution tests (GIN:Gaps-In-Noise and RGDT:Random Gap Detection Test), a temporal ordering frequency test (FPT:Frequency Pattern Test), and a frequency discrimination test (DLF: Different Limen for Frequency).
    RESULTS: All test results revealed better performance in both children and adults with musical training for both ears.
    CONCLUSIONS: A positive effect of formal music education for specific auditory processing elements in both children and adults is documented. Larger samples, longitudinal studies, as well as groups with impaired hearing and/or auditory processing are needed to further substantiate the effect shown.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The metrics used for assessing image quality in computed tomography (CT) do not integrate the influence of temporal resolution. A shortcoming in the assessment of image quality for imaging protocols where motion blur can therefore occur. We developed a method to calculate the temporal resolution of standard CT protocols and introduced a specific spatiotemporal formulation of the non-prewhitening with eye filter (NPWE) model observer to assess the detectability of moving objects as a function of their speed. We scanned a cubic water phantom with a plexiglass cylindrical insert (120 HU) using a large panel of acquisition parameters (rotation times, pitch factors and collimation widths) on two systems (GE Revolution Apex and Siemens SOMATOM Force) to determine the in-plane task-based transfer functions (TTF) and noise power spectra (NPS). The phantom set in a uniform rectilinear motion in the transverse plane allowed the temporal modulation transfer function (MTF) calculation. The temporal MTF appropriately compared the temporal resolution of the various acquisition protocols. The longitudinal TTF was measured using a thin tungsten wire. The detectability index showed the advantage of applying high rotation speed, wide collimations and high pitch for object detection in the presence of motion. No counterpart to the increase in these three parameters was found in the in-plane and longitudinal image quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced (DCE) MRI with 2nd generation pharmacokinetic models provides estimates of plasma flow and permeability surface-area product in contrast to the broadly used 1st generation models (e.g. the Tofts models). However, the use of 2nd generation models requires higher frequency with which the dynamic images are acquired (around 1.5 s per image). Blind deconvolution can decrease the demands on temporal resolution as shown previously for one of the 1st generation models. Here, the temporal-resolution requirements achievable for blind deconvolution with a 2nd generation model are studied.
    METHODS: The 2nd generation model is formulated as the distributed-capillary adiabatic-tissue-homogeneity (DCATH) model. Blind deconvolution is based on Parker\'s model of the arterial input function. The accuracy and precision of the estimated arterial input functions and the perfusion parameters is evaluated on synthetic and real clinical datasets with different levels of the temporal resolution.
    RESULTS: The estimated arterial input functions remained unchanged from their reference high-temporal-resolution estimates (obtained with the sampling interval around 1 s) when increasing the sampling interval up to about 5 s for synthetic data and up to 3.6-4.8 s for real data. Further increasing of the sampling intervals led to systematic distortions, such as lowering and broadening of the 1st pass peak. The resulting perfusion-parameter estimation error was below 10% for the sampling intervals up to 3 s (synthetic data), in line with the real data perfusion-parameter boxplots which remained unchanged up to the sampling interval 3.6 s.
    CONCLUSIONS: We show that use of blind deconvolution decreases the demands on temporal resolution in DCE-MRI from about 1.5 s (in case of measured arterial input functions) to 3-4 s. This can be exploited in increased spatial resolution or larger organ coverage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Understanding the neural code has been one of the central aims of neuroscience research for decades. Spikes are commonly referred to as the units of information transfer, but multi-unit activity (MUA) recordings are routinely analyzed in aggregate forms such as binned spike counts, peri-stimulus time histograms, firing rates, or population codes. Various forms of averaging also occur in the brain, from the spatial averaging of spikes within dendritic trees to their temporal averaging through synaptic dynamics. However, how these forms of averaging are related to each other or to the spatial and temporal units of information representation within the neural code has remained poorly understood.
    UNASSIGNED: In this work we developed NeuroPixelHD, a symbolic hyperdimensional model of MUA, and used it to decode the spatial location and identity of static images shown to n = 9 mice in the Allen Institute Visual Coding-NeuroPixels dataset from large-scale MUA recordings. We parametrically varied the spatial and temporal resolutions of the MUA data provided to the model, and compared its resulting decoding accuracy.
    UNASSIGNED: For almost all subjects, we found 125ms temporal resolution to maximize decoding accuracy for both the spatial location of Gabor patches (81 classes for patches presented over a 9×9 grid) as well as the identity of natural images (118 classes corresponding to 118 images) across the whole brain. This optimal temporal resolution nevertheless varied greatly between different regions, followed a sensory-associate hierarchy, and was significantly modulated by the central frequency of theta-band oscillations across different regions. Spatially, the optimal resolution was at either of two mesoscale levels for almost all mice: the area level, where the spiking activity of all neurons within each brain area are combined, and the population level, where neuronal spikes within each area are combined across fast spiking (putatively inhibitory) and regular spiking (putatively excitatory) neurons, respectively. We also observed an expected interplay between optimal spatial and temporal resolutions, whereby increasing the amount of averaging across one dimension (space or time) decreases the amount of averaging that is optimal across the other dimension, and vice versa.
    UNASSIGNED: Our findings corroborate existing empirical practices of spatiotemporal binning and averaging in MUA data analysis, and provide a rigorous computational framework for optimizing the level of such aggregations. Our findings can also synthesize these empirical practices with existing knowledge of the various sources of biological averaging in the brain into a new theory of neural information processing in which the unit of information varies dynamically based on neuronal signal and noise correlations across space and time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To intra-individually investigate the variation of coronary artery calcium (CAC), aortic valve calcium (AVC), and mitral annular calcium (MAC) scores and the presence of blur artifacts as a function of temporal resolution in patients undergoing non-contrast cardiac CT on a dual-source photon counting detector (PCD) CT. This retrospective, IRB-approved study included 70 patients (30 women, 40 men, mean age 78 ± 9 years) who underwent ECG-gated cardiac non-contrast CT with PCD-CT (gantry rotation time 0.25 s) prior to transcatheter aortic valve replacement. Each scan was reconstructed at a temporal resolution of 66 ms using the dual-source information and at 125 ms using the single-source information. Average heart rate and heart rate variability were calculated from the recorded ECG. CAC, AVC, and MAC were quantified according to the Agatston method on images with both temporal resolutions. Two readers assessed blur artifacts using a 4-point visual grading scale. The influence of average heart rate and heart rate variability on calcium quantification and blur artifacts of the respective structures were analyzed by linear regression analysis. Mean heart rate and heart rate variability during data acquisition were 76 ± 17 beats per minute (bpm) and 4 ± 6 bpm, respectively. CAC scores were smaller on 66 ms (median, 511; interquartile range, 220-978) than on 125 ms reconstructions (538; 203-1050, p < 0.001). Median AVC scores [2809 (2009-3952) versus 3177 (2158-4273)] and median MAC scores [226 (0-1284) versus 251 (0-1574)] were also significantly smaller on 66ms than on 125ms reconstructions (p < 0.001). Reclassification of CAC and AVC risk categories occurred in 4% and 11% of cases, respectively, whereby the risk category was always overestimated on 125ms reconstructions. Image blur artifacts were significantly less on 66ms as opposed to 125 ms reconstructions (p < 0.001). Intra-individual analyses indicate that temporal resolution significantly impacts on calcium scoring with cardiac CT, with CAC, MAC, and AVC being overestimated at lower temporal resolution because of increased motion artifacts eventually leading to an overestimation of patient risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microdialysis (MD) is a versatile and powerful technique for chemical profiling of biological tissues and is widely used for quantification of neurotransmitters, neuropeptides, metabolites, biomarkers, and drugs in the central nervous system as well as in dermatology, ophthalmology, and pain research. However, MD performance is severely limited by fundamental tradeoffs between chemical sensitivity, spatial resolution, and temporal response. Here, by using wafer-scale silicon microfabrication, we develop and demonstrate a nanodialysis (ND) sampling probe that enables highly localized chemical sampling with 100 μm spatial resolution and subsecond temporal resolution at high recovery rates. These performance metrics, which are 100-1000× superior to existing MD approaches, are enabled by a 100× reduction of the microfluidic channel cross-section, a corresponding drastic 100× reduction of flow rates to exceedingly slow few nL/min flows, and integration of a nanometer-thin nanoporous membrane with high transport flux into the probe sampling area. Miniaturized ND probes may allow for the minimally invasive and highly localized sampling and chemical profiling in live biological tissues with high spatiotemporal resolution for clinical, biomedical, and pharmaceutical applications.





