Temperature acclimation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global warming is threatening the survival and growth of cold-water fish, and the methods to improve the high-temperature adaptability of cold-water fish need to be explored urgently. This study aims to explore the mechanism of improving high temperature tolerance of rainbow trout by temperature acclimation (TA). Rainbow trout were acclimated by two modes at 22 °C, including fluctuating TA (FA) and constant TA (CA), and thereafter subjected to heat stress (HS) at 25 °C. Results showed that TA markedly increased the critical temperature maximum (CTmax) of rainbow trout. Secondly, the levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) in serum and malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver of CA + HS group significantly decreased compared to those in HS group without TA, indicating the reduction of liver injury by CA. Moreover, HS significantly induced ROS production and reduced mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP) in rainbow trout liver, but TA reduced the levels of ROS and increased the MMP in liver of rainbow trout after HS, indicating the reduced oxidative stress and mitochondrial damage. Furthermore, TA up-regulated the expression of genes related to mitochondrial autophagy, fusion, fission and biogenesis, as well as the expression of marker proteins of autophagy (LC3II) and mitophagy (Parkin) in the liver, so as to maintain mitochondrial homeostasis. Moreover, TA also inhibited the occurrence of apoptosis (decrease in bax/bcl-2), which may be owing to the reduced ROS and mitochondrial damage by TA. Interestingly, CA significantly up-regulated the genes expression of methyltransferase in the liver, which may inhibit the genes or transcription factors related to oxidative stress and apoptosis by DNA methylation. In conclusion, TA increased the upper limit of heat tolerance of rainbow trout by improving mitochondrial quality and inhibiting apoptosis in liver. This study will provide an effective solution to the risk of high temperature in cold-water fish culture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seasonal temperature changes and local variations in the water column challenge lentic zooplankton in their habitat. At the cellular level, exposure to varying temperatures affects the mitochondrial functional properties of poikilothermic organisms. Metabolic enzymes that supply reduced substrates to the electron transport chain and elements of the oxidative phosphorylation system must therefore adjust their activity and flux rates to the altered temperature conditions. In the present study, Daphnia magna respiration was analyzed in response to acute and chronic changes in ambient temperature. Oxygen consumption as well as substrate and electron flux rates were measured at the animals\' acclimation temperature and at two additional acute temperatures. High activity of citrate synthase (CS) in cold-acclimated animals (10 °C) may have resulted from mitochondrial quantitative adjustments. However, thermal sensitivity of the functional properties of mitochondrial enzymes was greater in warm-acclimated animals (30 °C). In whole animals, temperature-induced changes were partly compensated by acclimation, but these changes were promoted by acclimation in the case of the mitochondrial electron transport chain. Thus, respiration realised in whole animals was limited by the provision of reduced substrates in the tricarboxylic acid cycle rather than by restrictions of the respiratory chain complexes. This may minimize production of reactive oxygen species and resulting damage and reduce waste of substrates from the animals\' energy reserves. Still, the integrated biomarker response indicated increased defense against oxidative stress at elevated temperatures.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Global warming is leading to an increase in the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events, magnifying the breadth of temperatures faced by ectotherms across days and seasons. Despite the importance and ecological relevance of diurnal thermal variability, the vast majority of knowledge on gene expression patterns and physiology stems from animals acclimated to constant temperatures or in the early stages of exposure to a new temperature regime. If heterothermal environments modulate responses differently from constant thermal environments, our existing capacity to forecast impacts of climate warming may be compromised. To address this knowledge gap, we acclimated barramundi (Lates calcarifer) to 23 °C, 29 °C (optimal), 35 °C and to thermal cycling conditions (23-35 °C daily with a mean of 29 °C) and sampled liver and white muscle tissue before acclimation and after 2 and 17 weeks of acclimation. NanoString nCounter technologies were used to measure expression of 20 genes related to metabolism, growth and maintenance of cellular homeostasis. Acclimation to cool and warm conditions caused predictable changes in whole-animal performance (metabolism and growth) and the underlying gene expression patterns. Acclimation to a cycling temperature regime did not change the molecular regulation of metabolism or growth compared with barramundi acclimated to constant 29 °C, nor did it cause any discernible effects on whole-animal performance. However, the heat shock response was higher in the former group, suggesting that barramundi under a daily temperature cycle have an increased need for cellular chaperoning to minimise detrimental effects of temperature on proteins. We conclude that the genetic regulation of metabolism and growth may be more dependent on the mean daily temperature than on the daily temperature range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Increases in ultraviolet radiation (UVR) correlate spatially and temporally with global amphibian population declines and interact with other stressors such as disease and temperature. Declines have largely occurred in high-altitude areas associated with greater UVR and cooler temperatures. UVR is a powerful mutagenic harming organisms largely by damaging DNA. When acutely exposed to UVR at cool temperatures, amphibian larvae have increased levels of DNA damage. Amphibians may compensate for the depressive effects of temperature on DNA damage through acclimatisation, but it is unknown whether they have this capacity. We reared striped marsh frog larvae (Limnodynastes peronii) in warm (25 °C) and cool (15 °C) temperatures under a low or moderate daily dose of UVR (10 and 40 μW cm-2 UV-B for 1 h at midday, respectively) for 18-20 days and then measured DNA damage resulting from an acute high UVR dose (80 μW cm-2 UV-B for 1.5 h) at a range of temperatures (10, 15, 20, 25, and 30 °C). Larvae acclimated to 15 °C and exposed to UVR at 15 °C completely compensated UVR-induced DNA damage compared with 25 °C acclimated larvae exposed to UVR at 25 °C. Additionally, warm-acclimated larvae had higher DNA damage than cold-acclimated larvae across test temperatures, which indicated a cost of living in warmer temperatures. Larvae reared under elevated UVR levels showed no evidence of UVR acclimation resulting in lower DNA damage following high UVR exposure. Our finding that thermal acclimation in L. peronii larvae compensated UVR-induced DNA damage at low temperatures suggested that aquatic ectotherms living in cool temperatures may be more resilient to high UVR than previously realised. We suggested individuals or species with less capacity for thermal acclimation of DNA repair mechanisms may be more at risk if exposed to changing thermal and UVR exposure regimes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arabidopsis thaliana ecotypes adapted to native habitats with different daylengths, temperatures, and precipitation were grown experimentally under seven combinations of light intensity and leaf temperature to assess their acclimatory phenotypic plasticity in foliar structure and function. There were no differences among ecotypes when plants developed under moderate conditions of 400 µmol photons m-2 s-1 and 25 °C. However, in response to more extreme light or temperature regimes, ecotypes that evolved in habitats with pronounced differences in either the magnitude of changes in daylength or temperature or in precipitation level exhibited pronounced adjustments in photosynthesis and transpiration, as well as anatomical traits supporting these functions. Specifically, when grown under extremes of light intensity (100 versus 1000 µmol photons m-2 s-1) or temperature (8 °C versus 35 °C), ecotypes from sites with the greatest range of daylengths and temperature over the growing season exhibited the greatest differences in functional and structural features related to photosynthesis (light- and CO2-saturated capacity of oxygen evolution, leaf dry mass per area or thickness, phloem cells per minor vein, and water-use efficiency of CO2 uptake). On the other hand, the ecotype from the habitat with the lowest precipitation showed the greatest plasticity in features related to water transport and loss (vein density, ratio of water to sugar conduits in foliar minor veins, and transpiration rate). Despite these differences, common structure-function relationships existed across all ecotypes and growth conditions, with significant positive, linear correlations (i) between photosynthetic capacity (ranging from 10 to 110 µmol O2 m-2 s-1) and leaf dry mass per area (from 10 to 75 g m-2), leaf thickness (from 170 to 500 µm), and carbohydrate-export infrastructure (from 6 to 14 sieve elements per minor vein, from 2.5 to 8 µm2 cross-sectional area per sieve element, and from 16 to 82 µm2 cross-sectional area of sieve elements per minor vein); (ii) between transpiration rate (from 1 to 17 mmol H2O m-2 s-1) and water-transport infrastructure (from 3.5 to 8 tracheary elements per minor vein, from 13.5 to 28 µm2 cross-sectional area per tracheary element, and from 55 to 200 µm2 cross-sectional area of tracheary elements per minor vein); (iii) between the ratio of transpirational water loss to CO2 fixation (from 0.2 to 0.7 mol H2O to mmol-1 CO2) and the ratio of water to sugar conduits in minor veins (from 0.4 to 1.1 tracheary to sieve elements, from 4 to 6 µm2 cross-sectional area of tracheary to sieve elements, and from 2 to 6 µm2 cross-sectional area of tracheary elements to sieve elements per minor vein); (iv) between sugar conduits and sugar-loading cells; and (v) between water conducting and sugar conducting cells. Additionally, the proportion of water conduits to sugar conduits was greater for all ecotypes grown experimentally under warm-to-hot versus cold temperature. Thus, developmental acclimation to the growth environment included ecotype-dependent foliar structural and functional adjustments resulting in multiple common structural and functional relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the dendroclimatic response of a Pinus heldreichii metapopulation distributed over a wide elevation interval (from 882 to 2143 m a.s.l.), spanning from low mountain to upper subalpine vegetation belts in the southern Italian Apennines. The tested hypothesis is that wood growth along an elevational gradient is non-linearly related to air temperature. During three years of fieldwork (2012-2015) at 24 sites, we collected wood cores from a total of 214 pine trees with diameter at breast height from 19 to 180 cm (average 82.7 ± 32.9 cm). We used a combination of tree-ring and genetic methods to reveal factors involved in growth acclimation using a space-for-time approach. Scores from canonical correspondence analysis were used to combine individual tree-ring series into four composite chronologies related to air temperature along the elevation gradient. Overall, the June dendroclimatic response followed a bell-shaped thermal niche curve, increasing until a peak around 13-14 °C. A similarly bell-shaped response was found with previous autumn air temperature, and both dendroclimatic signals interacted with stem size and growth rates, generating a divergent growth response between the top and the bottom of the elevation gradient. Increased tree growth in the upper subalpine belt was consistent with the consequences of increasing air temperature under no drought stress. A positive link was uncovered between pine growth at all elevations and April mean temperature, with trees growing at the lowest elevations showing the strongest growth response. No elevational genetic differences were found, hence long-lived tree species with small geographical ranges may reverse their climatic response between the lower and upper bioclimatic zones of their environmental niche. Our study revealed a high resistance and acclimation capability of Mediterranean forest stands, and such low vulnerability to changing climatic conditions highlights the potential to store carbon in these ecosystems for the coming decades.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We analysed whether Phacelia secunda populations from different elevations exhibit intrinsic traits associated with diffusive and biochemical components of photosynthesis, and if they differ in acclimation of photosynthesis to warmer temperatures. We hypothesized that P. secunda will have similar photosynthetic performance regardless of altitudinal provenance and that plants from high elevations will have a lower photosynthetic acclimation capacity to higher temperature than plants from low elevations. Plants from 1600, 2800 and 3600 m a.s.l. in the central Chilean Andes were collected and grown under two temperature regimes (20/16 °C and 30/26 °C day/night). The following photosynthetic traits were measured in each plant for the two temperature regimes: AN , gs , gm , Jmax , Vcmax , Rubisco carboxylation kcat c . Under a common growth environment, plants from the highest elevation had slightly lower CO2 assimilation rates compared to lower elevation plants. While diffusive components of photosynthesis increased with elevation provenance, the biochemical component decreased, suggesting compensation that explains the similar rates of photosynthesis among elevation provenances. Plants from high elevations had lower photosynthetic acclimation to warmer temperatures compared to plants from lower elevations, and these responses were related to elevational changes in diffusional and biochemical components of photosynthesis. Plants of P. secunda from different elevations maintain photosynthetic traits when grown in a common environment, suggesting low plasticity to respond to future climate changes. The fact that high elevation plants had lower photosynthetic acclimation to warmer temperature suggests higher susceptibility to increases in temperature associated with global warming.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Acclimation to temperature is one of the survival strategies used by organisms to adapt to changing environmental temperatures. Caenorhabditis elegans\' cold tolerance is altered by previous cultivation temperature, and similarly, past low-temperature induces a longer lifespan. Temperature is thought to cause a large shift in homeostasis, lipid metabolism, and reproduction in the organism because it is a direct physiological factor during chemical events. This paper will share and discuss what we know so far about the neural and molecular mechanisms that control cold tolerance and lifespan by altering lipid metabolism and physiological characteristics. We hope that this will contribute to a better understanding of how organisms respond to temperature changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A change in ambient temperature is predicted to disrupt cellular homeostasis by affecting all cellular processes in an albeit non-uniform manner. Diffusion is generally less temperature-sensitive than enzymes, for example, and each enzyme has a characteristic individual temperature profile. The actual effects of temperature variation on cells are still poorly understood at the molecular level. Towards an improved understanding, we have performed a genome-wide RNA interference screen with S2R + cells. This Drosophila cell line proliferates over a temperature range comparable to that tolerated by the parental ectothermic organism. Based on effects on cell counts and cell cycle profile after knockdown at 27 and 17 °C, respectively, genes were identified with an apparent greater physiological significance at one or the other temperature. While 27 °C is close to the temperature optimum, the substantially lower 17 °C was chosen to identify genes important at low temperatures, which have received less attention compared to the heat shock response. Among a substantial number of screen hits, we validated a set successfully in cell culture and selected ballchen for further evaluation in the organism. This gene encodes the conserved metazoan VRK protein kinase that is crucial for the release of chromosomes from the nuclear envelope during mitosis. Our analyses in early embryos and larval wing imaginal discs confirmed a higher requirement for ballchen function at temperatures below the optimum. Overall, our experiments validate the genome-wide screen as a basis for future characterizations of genes with increased physiological significance at the lower end of the readily tolerated temperature range.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The honey locusts (genus Gleditsia) are a genus of high-value trees in Asia. Seed beetle, Megabruchidius dorsalis (Fåhraeus) (Col.: Chrysomelidae: Bruchinae), is a Gleditsia oligophagous pest that causes severe yield reduction. To understand the cold tolerance of M. dorsalis adults, this study investigated its cold tolerance strategy and the influence of low temperatures on its physiology and biochemistry. The low-temperature treatments were divided into three groups: long-term temperature acclimation (Group 1; 15°C, or 20°C, or 25°C, or 28°C [control check, CK] for 10 days), short-term low-temperature exposure (Group 2; 0°C or 4°C for 2 h), and long-term low-temperature induction (Group 3; 0°C or 4°C for 1, 3, or 5 d). The supercooling point (SCP; temperature at which spontaneous nucleation and ice lattice growth begin), freezing point (FP; temperature at which insect fluids freeze), low lethal temperature (LLT; temperature at which all individuals are killed), water, lipid, glycerol, and total sugars contents were measured under different temperature stresses. The results showed that M. dorsalis adults were a freeze-avoidant species. The SCP and LLT at 28°C were -10.62°C and -19.48°C, respectively. The SCP and FP of long-term temperature acclimation (15°C, or 20°C, or 25°C) were significantly lower than that of the control group (28°C). The water content of the long-term low temperature induction (0°C) group was significantly lower than that of the control group. The lipid and glycerol content in the acclimated group at 20°C and 25°C were significantly higher than in the control group. M. dorsalis adults may maintain their biofluids in a supercooled state via cryoprotectant accumulation and cryoprotective dehydration to prevent ice nucleation. This study provides a theoretical basis for future research on overwintering and potential distribution and related prediction of M. dorsalis adults.





