Technical challenges

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To mitigate anthropogenic CO2 emissions and address the climate change effects, carbon capture and storage by mineralization (CCSM) and industrial mineral carbonation are gaining attraction. Specifically, in-situ carbon mineralization in the subsurface geological formations occurs due to the transformation of silicate minerals into carbonates (e.g., CaCO3, MgCO3) while ex-situ carbon mineralization at the surface undergoes chemical reactions with metal cations - thus leading to permanent storage. However, both processes are complex and require a rigorous investigation to enable large-scale mineralization. This paper, therefore, aims to provide an overreaching review of the in-situ and ex-situ methods for carbon mineralization for different rock types, various engineered processes, and associated mechanisms pertinent to mineralization. Furthermore, the factors influencing in-situ and ex-situ processes, e.g., suitable minerals, optimal operating conditions, and technical challenges, have also been inclusively reviewed. Our findings suggest that in-situ carbon mineralization, i.e., subsurface permanent storage of CO2 by mineralization, arguably is more promising than ex-situ mineralization due to energy efficiency and large-scale storage potential. Furthermore, the effect of rock type can be ranked as igneous (basalt) > carbonates (sedimentary) > sandstone (sedimentary) to consider for rapid and large-scale CCSM. The findings of this review will, therefore, help towards a better understanding of carbon mineralization, which contributes towards large-scale CO2 storage to meet the global net-zero targets.






  • 文章类型: Review
    The screening of colorectal cancer (CRC) is pivotal for both the prevention and treatment of this disease, significantly improving early-stage tumor detection rates. This advancement not only boosts survival rates and quality of life for patients but also reduces the costs associated with treatment. However, the adoption of CRC screening methods faces numerous challenges, including the technical limitations of both noninvasive and invasive methods in terms of sensitivity and specificity. Moreover, socioeconomic factors such as regional disparities, economic conditions, and varying levels of awareness affect screening uptake. The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic further intensified these cha-llenges, leading to reduced screening participation and increased waiting periods. Additionally, the growing prevalence of early-onset CRC necessitates innovative screening approaches. In response, research into new methodologies, including artificial intelligence-based systems, aims to improve the precision and accessibility of screening. Proactive measures by governments and health organizations to enhance CRC screening efforts are underway, including increased advocacy, improved service delivery, and international cooperation. The role of technological innovation and global health collaboration in advancing CRC screening is undeniable. Technologies such as artificial intelligence and gene sequencing are set to revolutionize CRC screening, making a significant impact on the fight against this disease. Given the rise in early-onset CRC, it is crucial for screening strategies to continually evolve, ensuring their effectiveness and applicability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Endoscopic third ventriculostomy (ETV) is a well-established surgical technique for treating hydrocephalus. Many providers have transitioned to utilizing the specialized Neuroballoon for the stoma dilation in ETV; however, these devices are intermittently unavailable during supply chain shortages. We present the experience of employing cardiac angioplasty and neurovascular balloons as substitutes for the Neuroballoon in 3 patients. The scepter balloon (Microvention), priced at $1800 compared to the standard $300 Neuroballoon (Integra), proved effective, but its pliability presented technical challenges. The substantial cost differential compared to a Neuroballoon ($300) raises economic considerations. The Cardiac TREK balloon (Abbott) was similarly effective, while also being easier to manage endoscopically and cheaper at $158. These experiences support the viability of non-neuroendoscopic specialized balloons as alternatives for ETV dilation of the floor of tuber cinereum.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Genomic advancements have yielded pivotal insights into hematological neoplasms, particularly concerning germline predisposition mutations. Following the WHO 2016 revisions, dedicated segments were proposed to address these aspects. Current WHO 2022, ICC 2022, and ELN 2022 classifications recognize their significance, introducing more mutations and prompting integration into clinical practice. Approximately 5-10% of hematological neoplasm patients show germline predisposition gene mutations, rising with risk factors such as personal cancer history and familial antecedents, even in older adults. Nevertheless, technical challenges persist. Optimal DNA samples are skin fibroblast-extracted, although not universally applicable. Alternatives such as hair follicle use are explored. Moreover, the scrutiny of germline genomics mandates judicious test selection to ensure precise and accurate interpretation. Given the significant influence of genetic counseling on patient care and post-assessment procedures, there arises a demand for dedicated centers offering specialized services.






  • 文章类型: Editorial






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction: Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a non-invasive brain stimulation technique used to modulate human brain and behavioural function in both research and clinical interventions. The combination of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with tDCS enables researchers to directly test causal contributions of stimulated brain regions, answering questions about the physiology and neural mechanisms underlying behaviour. Despite the promise of the technique, advances have been hampered by technical challenges and methodological variability between studies, confounding comparability/replicability. Methods: Here tDCS-fMRI at 3T was developed for a series of experiments investigating language recovery after stroke. To validate the method, one healthy volunteer completed an fMRI paradigm with three conditions: No-tDCS, Sham-tDCS, Anodal-tDCS. MR data were analysed with region-of-interest (ROI) analyses of the electrodes and reference site. Results: Quality assessment indicated no visible signal dropouts or distortions in the brain introduced by the tDCS equipment. After modelling scanner drift, motion-related variance, and temporal autocorrelation, we found that functional MR sensitivity was not degraded or adversely affected by the tDCS set-up and stimulation protocol across conditions in grey matter and in the three ROIs. Discussion: Key safety factors and risk mitigation strategies that must be taken into consideration when integrating tDCS into an fMRI environment are outlined. To obtain reliable results, we provide practical solutions to technical challenges and complications of the method. It is hoped that sharing these data and Standard Operation Procedure (SOP) will promote methodological replication in future studies, enhancing the quality of tDCS-fMRI application, and improve the reliability of scientific results in this field. Conclusions: Our method and data provide a technically safe, reliable tDCS-fMRI procedure to obtain high quality MR data. The detailed framework of the SOP systematically reports the technical and procedural elements of our tDCS-fMRI approach, which can be adopted and prove useful in future studies.






  • 文章类型: Review
    BACKGROUND: Patients with interstitial lung disease (ILD) require regular physician visits and referral to specialist ILD clinics. Difficulties or delays in accessing care can limit opportunities to monitor disease trajectory and response to treatment, and the COVID-19 pandemic has added to these challenges. Therefore, home monitoring technologies, such as home handheld spirometry, have gained increased attention as they may help to improve access to care for patients with ILD. However, while several studies have shown that home handheld spirometry in ILD is acceptable for most patients, data from clinical trials are not sufficiently robust to support its use as a primary endpoint. This review discusses the challenges that were encountered with handheld spirometry across three recent ILD studies, which included home spirometry as a primary endpoint, and highlights where further optimisation and research into home handheld spirometry in ILD is required. Rate of decline in forced vital capacity (FVC) as measured by daily home handheld spirometry versus site spirometry was of primary interest in three recently completed studies: STARLINER (NCT03261037), STARMAP and a Phase II study of pirfenidone in progressive fibrosing unclassifiable ILD (NCT03099187). Unanticipated practical and technical issues led to problems with estimating FVC decline. In all three studies, cross-sectional correlations for home handheld versus site spirometry were strong/moderate at baseline and later timepoints, but longitudinal correlations were weak. Other issues observed with the home handheld spirometry data included: high within-patient variability in home handheld FVC measurements; implausible longitudinal patterns in the home handheld spirometry data that were not reflected in site spirometry; and extreme estimated rates of FVC change.
    CONCLUSIONS: Home handheld spirometry in ILD requires further optimisation and research to ensure accurate and reliable FVC measurements before it can be used as an endpoint in clinical trials. Refresher training, automated alerts of problems and FVC changes, and patient support could help to overcome some practical issues. Despite the challenges, there is value in incorporating home handheld spirometry into clinical practice, and the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the potential for home monitoring technologies to help improve access to care for patients with ILD.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mechanical ventilators are increasingly evolving into computer-driven devices. These technical advancements have impact on clinical decisions in pediatric intensive care units (PICUs). A good understanding of the design of mechanical ventilators can improve clinical care. Tidal volume (TV) is one of the corner stones of ventilation: multiple technical factors influence the TV and, thus, influence clinical decision making. Ventilator manufacturers make various design choices regarding the phase, site and conditions of TV measurement as well as algorithmic processing choices. Such choice may impact the measurement and subsequent display of TV. A software change of the TV measuring algorithm of the SERVO-i® (Getinge, Solna, Sweden) at the PICU of the University Medical Centre Utrecht was studied in a prospective cohort. It showed, as example, a clinically significant impact of 8% difference in reported TV. Design choices in both the hardware and software of mechanical ventilators can have a clinically relevant impact on the measurement of tidal volume. In our search for the optimal TV for lung-protective ventilation, such choices should be taken into account.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After spinal cord injury, macrophages can exert either beneficial or detrimental effects depending on their phenotype. Aside from their critical role in inflammatory responses, macrophages are also specialized in the recognition, engulfment, and degradation of pathogens, apoptotic cells, and tissue debris. They promote remyelination and axonal regeneration by removing inhibitory myelin components and cellular debris. However, excessive intracellular presence of lipids and dysregulated intracellular lipid homeostasis result in the formation of foamy macrophages. These develop a pro-inflammatory phenotype that may contribute to further neurological decline. Additionally, myelin-activated macrophages play a crucial role in axonal dieback and retraction. Here, we review the opposing functional consequences of phagocytosis by macrophages in spinal cord injury, including remyelination and regeneration versus demyelination, degeneration, and axonal dieback. Furthermore, we discuss how targeting the phagocytic ability of macrophages may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of spinal cord injury.





