  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TRIM proteins are a family of innate immune factors that play diverse roles in innate immunity and protect the cell against viral and bacterial aggression. As part of this special issue on TRIM proteins, we will take advantage of our findings on TRIM69, which acts by reorganizing the microtubules (MTs) in a manner that is fundamentally antiviral, to more generally discuss how host-pathogen interactions that take place for the control of the MT network represent a crucial facet of the struggle that opposes viruses to their cell environment. In this context, we will present several other TRIM proteins that are known to interact with microtubules in situations other than viral infection, and we will discuss evidence that may suggest a possible contribution to viral control. Overall, the present review will highlight the importance that the control of the microtubule network bears in host-pathogen interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondria are key orchestrators of antiviral responses that serve as platforms for the assembly and activation of innate immune-signaling complexes. In response to viral infection, mitochondria can be triggered to release immune-stimulatory molecules that can boost interferon production. These same molecules can be released by damaged mitochondria to induce pathogenic, antiviral-like immune responses in the absence of infection. This review explores how members of the tripartite motif-containing (TRIM) protein family, which are recognized for their roles in antiviral defense, regulate mitochondria-based innate immune activation. In antiviral defense, TRIMs are essential components of immune signal transduction pathways and function as directly acting viral restriction factors. TRIMs carry out conceptually similar activities when controlling immune activation related to mitochondria. First, they modulate immune-signaling pathways that can be activated by mitochondrial molecules. Second, they co-ordinate the direct removal of mitochondria and associated immune-activating factors through mitophagy. These insights broaden the scope of TRIM actions in innate immunity and may implicate TRIMs in diseases associated with mitochondria-derived inflammation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Ubiquitination is an important post-translational modification. However, the significance of the TRIM family of E3 ubiquitin ligases in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) has not been determined. In this study, the roles of TRIM E3 ubiquitin ligases in lymphovascular invasion in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) were evaluated.
    UNASSIGNED: TRIM expression and related parameters were obtained from UbiBrowser2.0, UALCAN, TIMER, TISIDB, LinkedOmics, STRING, and GeneMANIA databases. Immunohistochemistry was used to confirm their expression.
    UNASSIGNED: TRIM2, TRIM11, TRIM28, and TRIM56 were upregulated in HNSCC with lymphovascular invasion. TRIM expression was strongly associated with immune infiltration, including key treatment targets, like PD-1 and CTL4. Co-expressed genes and possible ubiquitination substrates included tumor-related factors. The TRIMs had predicted roles in ubiquitination-related pathways and vital signaling pathways, eg, MAPK, PI3K-Akt, and JAK-STAT signaling pathways.
    UNASSIGNED: Ubiquitination mediated by four TRIMs might be involved in the regulation of tumor immunity, laying the foundation for future studies of the roles of the TRIM family on the prediction and personalized medicine in HNSCC. The four TRIMs might exert oncogenic effects by promoting lymphovascular invasion in HNSCC.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Terminal repeat retrotransposons in miniature (TRIMs) are short non-autonomous long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons found from various eukaryotes. Cassandra is a unique TRIM lineage which contains a 5S rRNA-derived sequence in its LTRs. Here, two new groups of TRIMs, designated Helenus and Ajax, are reported based on bioinformatics analysis and the usage of Repbase. Helenus is found from fungi, animals, and plants, and its LTRs contain a tRNA-like sequence. It includes two LTRs and between them, a primer-binding site (PBS) and polypurine tract (PPT) exist. Fungal and plant Helenus generate 5 bp target site duplications (TSDs) upon integration, while animal Helenus generates 4 bp TSDs. Ajax includes a 5S rRNA-derived sequence in its LTR and is found from two nemertean genomes. Ajax generates 5 bp TSDs upon integration. These results suggest that despite their unique promoters, Helenus and Ajax are TRIMs whose transposition is dependent on autonomous LTR retrotransposon. These TRIMs can originate through an insertion of SINE in an LTR of TRIM. The discovery of Helenus and Ajax suggests the presence of TRIMs with a promoter for RNA polymerase III derived from a small RNA gene, which is here collectively termed TRIMp3.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The microtubule network is formed from polymerised tubulin subunits and associating proteins, which govern microtubule dynamics and a diverse array of functions. To identify novel microtubule-binding proteins, we have developed an unbiased biochemical assay, which relies on the selective extraction of cytosolic proteins from U2OS cells, while leaving behind the microtubule network. Candidate proteins are linked to microtubules by their sensitivities to the depolymerising drug nocodazole or the microtubule-stabilising drug taxol, which is quantitated by mass spectrometry. Our approach is benchmarked by co-segregation of tubulin and previously established microtubule-binding proteins. We then identify several novel candidate microtubule-binding proteins, from which we have selected the ubiquitin E3 ligase tripartite motif-containing protein 3 (TRIM3) for further characterisation. We map TRIM3 microtubule binding to its C-terminal NHL-repeat region. We show that TRIM3 is required for the accumulation of acetylated tubulin, following treatment with taxol. Furthermore, loss of TRIM3 partially recapitulates the reduction in nocodazole-resistant microtubules characteristic of α-tubulin acetyltransferase 1 (ATAT1) depletion. These results can be explained by a decrease in ATAT1 following depletion of TRIM3 that is independent of transcription.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The tripartite motif (TRIM) protein family members have been implicated in a multitude of physiologies and pathologies in different tissues. With diverse functions in cellular processes including regulation of signaling pathways, protein degradation, and transcriptional control, the impact of TRIM dysregulation can be multifaceted and complex. Here, we focus on the cellular and molecular roles of TRIMs identified in the brain in the context of a selection of pathologies including cancer and neurodegeneration. By examining each disease in parallel with described roles in brain development, we aim to highlight fundamental common mechanisms employed by TRIM proteins and identify opportunities for therapeutic intervention.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most seaplanes used for aircraft operations in territorial waters are classified into three main types, namely floatplanes, flying boats, and amphibians. Among these, the floatplane stands out as it replaced its landing gear with two floating pontoons, known as the catamaran floater, on which the fuselage rests. Therefore, this research presented a data article on resistance testing to predict force and moment along the x, y, and z axes for a 1:10 scale model of the catamaran floater. Test data encompassed variations in trim angles 0°, -1°, and -2°, and speed ranging from 1 to 6 m/s. The results of the resistance testing are presented in the form of descriptive statistics and shown through two graphs. The first graph described the relationship between the catamaran floater\'s speed and the corresponding force generated. The second graph illustrated the correlation between the catamaran floater\'s speed and moment generated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The innate immune system of mammals is formed by a complex web of interacting proteins, which together constitute the first barrier of entry for infectious pathogens. Genes from the E3-ubiquitin ligase tripartite motif (TRIM) family have been shown to play an important role in the innate immune system by restricting the activity of different retrovirus species. For example, TRIM5 and TRIM22 have both been associated with HIV restriction and are regarded as crucial parts of the antiretroviral machinery of mammals. Our analyses of positive selection corroborate the great significance of these genes for some groups of mammals. However, we also show that many species lack TRIM5 and TRIM22 altogether. By analyzing a large number of mammalian genomes, here we provide the first comprehensive view of the evolution of these genes in eutherians, showcasing that the pattern of accumulation of TRIM genes has been dissimilar across mammalian orders. Our data suggest that these differences are caused by the evolutionary plasticity of the immune system of eutherians, which have adapted to use different strategies to combat retrovirus infections. Altogether, our results provide insights into the dissimilar evolution of a representative family of restriction factors, highlighting an example of adaptive and idiosyncratic evolution in the innate immune system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Quantifying biodiversity trends in economically developed countries, where depopulation, associated secondary succession, and climate warming are ongoing, provides insights for global biodiversity conservation in the 21st century. However, few studies have assessed the impacts of secondary succession and climate warming on species\' population trends at a national scale. We estimated the population trends of common breeding bird species in Japan and examined the associations between the overall population trend and species traits with the nationwide bird count data on 47 species collected from 2009 to 2020. The overall population trend varied among species. Four species populations increased moderately, 18 were stable, and 11 declined moderately. Population trends for 13 species were uncertain. The difference in overall trends among the species was associated with their habitat group and temperature niche. Species with relatively low-temperature niches experienced more pronounced declines. Multispecies indicators showed a moderate increase in forest specialists and moderate declines in forest generalists (species that use both forests and open habitats) and open-habitat specialists. Forest generalists and open-habitat specialists also declined more rapidly at sites with more abandoned farmland. All species groups showed an accelerated decline or decelerated increase after 2015. These results suggest that common breeding birds in Japan are facing deteriorating trends as a result of nationwide changes in land use and climate. Future land-use planning and policies should consider the benefits of passive rewilding for forest specialists and active restoration measures (e.g., low-intensive forestry and agriculture) for nonforest specialists to effectively conserve biodiversity in the era of human depopulation and climate warming.
    Efectos de la despoblación humana y el calentamiento climático sobre las poblaciones de aves en Japón Resumen La cuantificación de las tendencias poblacionales en los países económicamente desarrollados, en donde la despoblación (asociada a la sucesión secundaria) y el cambio climático son continuos, proporciona información para la conservación mundial de la biodiversidad en el siglo XXI. Sin embargo, pocos estudios han evaluado el impacto de la sucesión secundaria y el calentamiento climático sobre las tendencias poblacionales a escala nacional. Usamos un conteo nacional de aves de 47 especies recolectado entre 2009 y 2020 para estimar las tendencias poblacionales de especies de aves en Japón y examinamos las asociaciones entre la tendencia poblacional general y las características de la especie. La tendencia poblacional general varió entre especies. Las poblaciones de cuatro especies incrementaron con moderación, 18 permanecieron estables y once declinaron con moderación. Las tendencias poblacionales para 13 especies no fueron claras. La diferencia entre las tendencias generales de las especies estuvo asociada con su grupo de hábitat y el nicho térmico. Las especies con un nicho térmico relativamente bajo experimentaron una declinación más pronunciada. Los indicadores multiespecie mostraron un incremento moderado en las especialistas de bosque y una declinación moderada en las generalistas de bosque (especies que usan los bosques y hábitats abiertos) y las especialistas de hábitat abierto. Las generalistas de bosque y las especialistas de hábitat abierto también declinaron con mayor rapidez en los sitios con más suelo agrícola abandonado. Todos los grupos de especies mostraron una declinación acelerada o un incremento desacelerado después de 2015. Estos resultados sugieren que las aves reproductoras comunes en Japón están sufriendo tendencias declinantes como resultado de los cambios en el uso de suelo y el clima a nivel nacional. Las políticas y planeaciones de uso de suelo deben considerar a futuro los beneficios de la recuperación pasiva para las especialistas de bosque y las medidas activas de restauración (como la silvicultura y agricultura de baja intensidad) para las especialistas que no son de bosque y así conservar de manera efectiva la biodiversidad en la era de despoblación humana y calentamiento climático.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Exosomes have the potential to be the future of personalized diagnostics and therapy. They are nano-sized particles between 30 and 100 nm flowing in the extracellular milieu, where they mediate cell-cell communication and participate in immune system regulation. Tumor-derived exosomes (TDEs) secreted from different types of cancer cells are the key regulators of the tumor microenvironment. With their immune suppressive cargo, TDEs prevent the antitumor immune response, leading to reduced effectiveness of cancer treatment by promoting a pro-tumorigenic microenvironment. Involved signaling pathways take part in the regulation of tumor proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and angiogenesis. Signal transducers and activators of transcription factors (STATs) and Janus kinase (JAK) signaling pathways are crucial in malignancies and autoimmune diseases alike, and their potential to be manipulated is currently the focus of interest. In this review, we aim to discuss exosomes, TDEs, and the JAK/STAT pathways, along with mediators like interleukins, tripartite motif proteins, and interferons.





