• 文章类型: Letter






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Inborn errors of immunity (IEIs) include 485 inherited disorders characterized by an increased susceptibility to life-threatening infectious diseases, autoimmunity, and malignant diseases with a high mortality rate in the first years of life. Severe combined immunodeficiency is the most severe of the IEIs, and its detection should be a primary goal in a newborn screening (NBS) program. The term \"actionable\" has recently been used for all IEIs with outcomes that can be demonstrably improved through early specialized intervention.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the results of the expanded NBS strategy for IEIs in Tuscany Region (Italy), based on T-cell receptor excision circle, kappa recombining excision circle, and tandem mass-based assays.
    METHODS: This is a retrospective study collecting data from all infants born in Tuscany from October 10, 2018, to October 10, 2022. Tandem mass assay to identify adenosine deaminase and purine nucleoside phosphorylase deficiency, together with T-cell receptor excision circle and kappa recombining excision circle molecular analysis, was conducted on dried blood spot from the newborns\' Guthrie Cards. A new dried blood spot and evaluation by an immunologist were carried out when the results of the first test were outside the diagnostic cutoffs.
    RESULTS: A total of 94,319 newborns were evaluated. Referral rates for T-cell recombining excision circles (0.031%) and kappa recombining excision circles (0.074%) in this study are in line with the data available in literature. The results from the expanded NBS strategy revealed an incidence rate of 1 per 9431 affected newborns.
    CONCLUSIONS: This work represents the first description of a sustainable and real-life-based expanded NBS program for IEIs with a high diagnostic incidence facilitating prompt management of identified patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Newborn screening (NBS) for severe inborn errors of immunity (IEI), affecting T lymphocytes, and implementing measurements of T cell receptor excision circles (TREC) has been shown to be effective in early diagnosis and improved prognosis of patients with these genetic disorders. Few studies conducted on smaller groups of newborns report results of NBS that also include measurement of kappa-deleting recombination excision circles (KREC) for IEI affecting B lymphocytes. A pilot NBS study utilizing TREC/KREC detection was conducted on 202,908 infants born in 8 regions of Russia over a 14-month period. One hundred thirty-four newborns (0.66‰) were NBS positive after the first test and subsequent retest, 41% of whom were born preterm. After lymphocyte subsets were assessed via flow cytometry, samples of 18 infants (0.09‰) were sent for whole exome sequencing. Confirmed genetic defects were consistent with autosomal recessive agammaglobulinemia in 1/18, severe combined immunodeficiency - in 7/18, 22q11.2DS syndrome - in 4/18, combined immunodeficiency - in 1/18 and trisomy 21 syndrome - in 1/18. Two patients in whom no genetic defect was found met criteria of (severe) combined immunodeficiency with syndromic features. Three patients appeared to have transient lymphopenia. Our findings demonstrate the value of implementing combined TREC/KREC NBS screening and inform the development of policies and guidelines for its integration into routine newborn screening programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Cartilage-hair hypoplasia (CHH) is a syndromic inborn error of immunity caused by variants in the RMRP gene. Disease manifestations vary, and their ability to predict outcome is uncertain. The optimal management of infants with CHH who do not fulfill classical severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) criteria is unknown.
    UNASSIGNED: We described longitudinal changes in lymphocyte counts during childhood and explored correlations of early childhood clinical and laboratory features with clinical outcomes on long-term follow-up of CHH patients.
    UNASSIGNED: Immunologic laboratory parameters, birth length, the presence of Hirschsprung disease, and severe anemia correlated to the primary end points of respiratory and severe infections. We implemented traditional statistical methods and machine learning techniques.
    UNASSIGNED: Thirty-two children with CHH were followed up for 2.7 to 22.1 years (median, 8.2 years, in total 331.3 patient-years). None of the patients had classical SCID. Median lymphocyte subclass counts, apart from CD16+/56+ cells, were subnormal throughout childhood, but did not show age-related decline seen in healthy children. Low immunoglobulin levels were uncommon and often transient. Respiratory and/or severe infections developed in 14 children, 8 of whom had low naive T-cell counts, absent T-cell receptor excision circles, and/or partial \"leaky\" SCID-level lymphopenia. Shorter birth length correlated with lower lymphocyte counts and the occurrence of infections. Of the laboratory parameters, decreased naive T-cell counts and abnormal lymphocyte proliferation responses contributed most to the development of severe infections. In addition, all participants with absent T-cell receptor excision circles developed severe infections. Opportunistic infections occurred only in children with leaky SCID-level lymphopenia.
    UNASSIGNED: Shorter birth length and a combination of laboratory abnormalities can predict the development of severe infections in children with CHH.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    Patients with a severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) harbor genetic mutations disrupting T cell immunity and hence suffer severe, life-threatening infections or manifestations of immune dysregulation within the first months of their life. The only cure is to correct their immune system, usually by means of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Pilot studies and national programs in the United States and in European countries have shown that patients can be identified at an early asymptomatic stage through newborn screening. This allows treatment before the occurrence of severe complications, which improves the outcome of curative strategies like HSCT.After assessment by the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA), the SCID screening was implemented into newborn screening in Germany in 2019. The first results of the screening (dry blood spot cards from around 2 million newborns between August 2019 and February 2022) were recently published. As expected, in addition to classic SCID diseases (incidence 1:54,000), infants with syndromic disorders and T cell lymphopenia were also identified. All patients with classic SCID were scheduled for curative treatment. Of the 25 patients with classic SCID, 21 were already transplanted at the time of data analysis. Only one of 21 transplanted patients died due to pre-existing infections. A comparison of the recent screening data with historical data suggests that SCID newborn screening has been successfully implemented in Germany. Patients with SCID are routinely identified very early and scheduled for curative therapy.
    UNASSIGNED: Patienten mit einem schweren kombinierten Immundefekt (SCID) erkranken aufgrund einer fehlenden bzw. gestörten T‑Zell-Immunität meist innerhalb der ersten Lebensmonate an schweren, oft letal verlaufenden Infektionen oder Zeichen der Immunfehlregulation. Nur durch die Korrektur des Immunsystems – in der Regel durch eine hämatopoetische Stammzelltransplantation (HSZT) – ist eine Heilung möglich. Pilotstudien und nationale Programme in den USA und Europa konnten zeigen, dass betroffene Kinder bereits im asymptomatischen Stadium durch das Neugeborenenscreening erkannt werden können. Dies ermöglicht es, Patienten mit SCID noch vor Auftreten schwerer Komplikationen zu behandeln, was den Erfolg der Therapiemaßnahmen wie HSZT erheblich verbessert.Einem Bewertungsverfahren im Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) folgend wurde 2019 auch in Deutschland ein Neugeborenenscreening auf SCID eingeführt. Die ersten Ergebnisse des Screenings (Trockenblutkarten von ca. 2 Mio. Neugeborenen im Zeitraum August 2019 bis Februar 2022) wurden vor Kurzem veröffentlicht. Neben klassischen SCID-Erkrankungen (Inzidenz 1:54.000) wurden, wie erwartet, auch Patienten mit einer syndromalen Grunderkrankung und T‑Zell-Lymphopenie identifiziert. Bei allen Patienten mit klassischem SCID wurde eine kurative Therapie geplant; 21 von 25 Patienten waren zum Zeitpunkt der Datenauswertung bereits transplantiert. Nur einer der 21 transplantierten Patienten verstarb an vorbestehenden Infektionen. Ein Vergleich des implementierten Screenings mit historischen Daten zeigt, dass das Screening in Deutschland erfolgreich umgesetzt wurde. Patienten mit SCID werden frühzeitig identifiziert und einer kurativen Therapie zugeführt.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is one of the most severe forms of inborn errors of immunity (IEI), affecting both cellular and humoral immunity. Without curative treatment such as hematopoietic stem cell transplantation or gene therapy, affected infants die within the first year of life. Due to the severity of the disease, asymptomatic status early in life, and improved survival in the absence of pretransplant infections, SCID was considered a suitable candidate for newborn screening (NBS).
    UNASSIGNED: Many countries have introduced SCID screening based on T-cell receptor excision circle (TREC) detection in their NBS programs. Screening an entire population is a radical departure from previous paradigms in the field of immunology. Efficient screening strategies are cost-efficient and balance high sensitivity while preventing high numbers of referrals. NBS for SCID is accompanied by (actionable) secondary findings, but many NBS programs have optimized their screening strategy by adjusting algorithms or including second-tier tests. Harmonization of screening terminology is of great importance for international shared learning.
    UNASSIGNED: The expansion of NBS is driven by the development of new test modalities and treatment options. In the near future, other techniques such as next-generation sequencing will pave the way for NBS of other IEI. Exciting times await for population-based screening programs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Assessment of T-cell receptor excision circles (TRECs) in dried blood spots of newborns allows the detection of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) (T cells <300/μL at birth) with a presumed sensitivity of 100%. TREC screening also identifies patients with selected combined immunodeficiency (CID) (T cells >300/μL, yet <1500/μL at birth). Nevertheless, relevant CIDs that would benefit from early recognition and curative treatment pass undetected.
    We hypothesized that TREC screening at birth cannot identify CIDs that develop with age.
    We analyzed the number of TRECs in dried blood spots in archived Guthrie cards of 22 children who had been born in the Berlin-Brandenburg area between January 2006 and November 2018 and who had undergone hematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) for inborn errors of immunity.
    All patients with SCID would have been identified by TREC screening, but only 4 of 6 with CID. One of these patients had immunodeficiency, centromeric instability, and facial anomalies syndrome type 2 (ICF2). Two of 3 patients with ICF whom we have been following up at our institution had TREC numbers above the cutoff value suggestive of SCID at birth. Yet all patients with ICF had a severe clinical course that would have justified earlier HSCT.
    In ICF, naïve T cells may be present at birth, yet they decline with age. Therefore, TREC screening cannot identify these patients. Early recognition is nevertheless crucial, as patients with ICF benefit from HSCT early in life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    T-cell receptor excision circle (TREC)-based newborn screening (NBS) for severe combined immunodeficiencies (SCID) was introduced in Germany in August 2019.
    Children with abnormal TREC-NBS were referred to a newly established network of Combined Immunodeficiency (CID) Clinics and Centers. The Working Group for Pediatric Immunology (API) and German Society for Newborn Screening (DGNS) performed 6-monthly surveys to assess the TREC-NBS process after 2.5 years.
    Among 1.9 million screened newborns, 88 patients with congenital T-cell lymphocytopenia were identified (25 SCID, 17 leaky SCID/Omenn syndrome (OS)/idiopathic T-cell lymphocytopenia, and 46 syndromic disorders). A genetic diagnosis was established in 88%. Twenty-six patients underwent hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT), 23/26 within 4 months of life. Of these, 25/26 (96%) were alive at last follow-up. Two patients presented with in utero onset OS and died after birth. Five patients with syndromic disorders underwent thymus transplantation. Eight syndromic patients deceased, all from non-immunological complications. TREC-NBS missed one patient, who later presented clinically, and one tracking failure occurred after an inconclusive screening result.
    The German TREC-NBS represents the largest European SCID screening at this point. The incidence of SCID/leaky SCID/OS in Germany is approximately 1:54,000, very similar to previous observations from North American and European regions and countries where TREC-NBS was implemented. The newly founded API-CID network facilitates tracking and treatment of identified patients. Short-term HSCT outcome was excellent, but NBS and transplant registries will remain essential to evaluate the long-term outcome and to compare results across the rising numbers of TREC-NBS programs across Europe.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neonatal screening for inborn errors of immunity (IEI), based on quantification of T-cell-receptor- excision circles (TRECs) and kappa-deleting recombination-excision circles (KRECs) from dried blood spots (DBS), allows early diagnosis and improved outcomes for the affected children. Determination of TREC/KREC levels from prospectively collected newborns\' Guthrie cards and from DBS samples of patients with confirmed IEI was done using a commercial kit. Retrospective assessment of flow cytometry evaluation of TREC/KREC correspondence with lymphocyte subpopulations and evaluation of the correlations between TREC and KREC with immune cells, based on the data from patients with suspected or confirmed immune disorders, were conducted. 2,228 Guthrie cards were tested, 1276 for TREC only and 952 for both TREC and KREC. Eight newborns (0.36%) were TREC positive and 10 (1.05%) had KREC below the cut-off. The re-testing rate was 1.88%. Retrospective analysis demonstrated that the TREC/KREC assay identifies 100% of severe combined immune deficiencies (SCID) cases when DBS were collected at birth. Correlation analysis showed moderate significant correlations between TREC and the absolute numbers of CD4 cells (r = 0.634, p < 0.01) and total T cells (r = 0.536, p < 0.01). The ability of KREC levels to predict abnormal absolute (AUC of 0.772) and relative (AUC 0.731) levels of B cells was demonstrated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Lung transplantation is a life-saving procedure for patients with end-stage lung diseases. T-Cell receptor excision circle (TREC) is circular DNA produced during T-cell receptor gene rearrangement in the thymus and indicates naive T-cell migration from the thymus. Therefore, its levels represent thymic T-cell output. Post-transplant lymphocyte kinetics correlate with graft tolerance. The aim of this study was to investigate T-lymphocyte kinetics in the early recovery period after lung transplantation. For this purpose, copy numbers of TREC were determined in patients with a lung transplant. In addition, TREC copy numbers were evaluated according to age, diagnosis and the forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1) of lung transplant patients.
    METHODS: Peripheral blood samples were taken from patients aged 23 to 59 years who underwent lung transplantation at the Thoracic Surgery Clinic, Kartal-Koşuyolu High Specialization Educational and Research Hospital. This study included peripheral blood samples from 11 lung transplant patients (comprising four with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, three with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, one with cystic fibrosis, one with silicosis and two with bronchiectasis; three females in total). Samples were taken at three different timepoints: Before transplant, and 24 hours and 7 days post transplant. TREC copy numbers were analyzed with real time reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction.
    RESULTS: Post-transplant TREC numbers and density values were higher compared to pre-transplant values, although these differences were statistically insignificant. TREC copy numbers were found to be significantly higher in patients younger than 45 years compared to patients older than 45 years. At 24 hours after the transplant, the average TREC copy number/peripheral blood mononuclear cells of the cases with an FEV1 value of or below 50% was found to be statistically significantly higher than that of cases with an FEV1 value above 50% (p=0.046). There was no statistically significant difference in TREC copy numbers between male and female patients or by diagnostic group.
    CONCLUSIONS: TREC copy numbers can be evaluated as a prognostic marker for lung transplantation. There is a need for multicenter studies with more patients.





