  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little is known about preservice depressive symptoms, their linkages to subsequent depressive symptoms, and the role of sociodemographic factors in shaping depressive symptoms of those who serve in the military. Using data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (n = 18,910), we modeled depressive symptom trajectories from baseline (Mage = 15.67) through midlife and compared differences in depressive symptoms between participants who did and did not enter military service. Those who served in the military went on to develop lower levels of depressive symptoms than civilians during their prime military service years, even after accounting for sociodemographic factors that shape pathways into military service. Differences in depressive symptoms by military affiliation were no longer significant by their mid-30s. Results provided a more complete account of depressive symptom patterns associated with military service by including data on individuals before and during military service.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Nutritional status significantly impacts linear bone growth. We aimed to determine the relationship between the trajectories of four body composition indicators and pubertal advanced bone age. Trajectories of body mass index z-score (BMI z-score), visceral fat area z-score (VFA z-score), fat mass index z-score (FMI z-score), and fat-free mass index z-score (FFMI z-score) were identified based on three body composition measurements conducted from October 2018 to April 2023 within a pediatric cohort (the PROC study). We assessed pubertal bone age using the Tanner-Whitehouse 3-Chinese Radius-Ulna-Short (TW3-C RUS) method among 1402 primary school children. Children with a trajectory of higher BMI z-score, VFA z-score, FMI z-score, and FFMI z-score since childhood were more likely to have advanced bone age. The risk of advanced bone age was higher in children who were consistently in the high VFA z-score group (odds ratio [OR] = 6.73) or consistently in the high BMI z-score group (OR = 5.57), as compared to those in the low VFA z-score and low BMI z-score groups. Regular monitoring and maintenance of normal VFA during childhood may reduce the risk of advanced bone age at puberty. Furthermore, BMI monitoring is optional, especially in cases where specialized body composition equipment is not available.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) is prevalent among emerging adults in post-secondary school, but little is known about change and stability in NSSI during the transition to university. Moreover, there has been limited person-centered work focusing on heterogeneity in NSSI engagement among students over time. The present study aimed to investigate the development and maintenance of NSSI across the first year of university and explore predictors of potential variability in trajectories of NSSI.
    METHODS: The present sample consisted of 1125 first-year university students at a large post-secondary institution (Mage = 17.96, 71 % female, 28 % male, 1 % gender diverse) who participated in a larger longitudinal study. Participants completed an online survey three times over their first year of university. Latent growth curve modeling (LGCM) in Mplus was utilized to explore different NSSI group trajectories across first year university.
    RESULTS: NSSI was prevalent among first year students (35 %). LGCM revealed one developmental trajectory; NSSI engagement decreased across the first year of university. Students who engaged in NSSI had increased difficulties with emotion regulation, lower self-compassion, and lower levels of social support compared to students who did not engage in NSSI.
    CONCLUSIONS: The present study may be subject to recall errors and future studies should include more gender diverse samples to increase generalization of findings.
    CONCLUSIONS: Findings highlight the transition to university as a peak period of vulnerability for NSSI engagement and emphasize the need for proactive university intervention efforts to mitigate risk and improve student well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: We aimed to investigate the associations between parental BMI and offspring BMI trajectories and to explore whether the parent-offspring BMI growth trajectory association differed according to family SEP or social mobility.
    METHODS: We used data from the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Children\'s weight and height were collected from 1 to 18 years. Parents\' height and weight were reported pre-pregnancy. We assessed family SEP by measuring parents\' and grandparents\' educational attainment, social class, and social mobility by changes in education attainment across generations. Multilevel models were used to develop trajectories and assess patterns of change in offspring BMI, to associate parental BMI with these trajectories, and explore whether these associations differed by family SEP and social mobility.
    RESULTS: 13,612 children were included in the analyses. The average BMI of offspring whose parents were overweight or obese was higher throughout childhood and adolescence, compared to those with parents of normal BMI. Parental and grandparental low SEP were associated with higher child BMI, but there was little evidence of modification of parent-offspring associations. For example, at age 15 years the predicted mean BMI difference between children of overweight or obese mothers versus normal-weight mothers was 12.5 % (95 %CI: 10.1 % to 14.7 %) and 12.2 % (95 %CI: 10.3 % to 13.7 %) for high and low grandparental SEP, respectively.
    CONCLUSIONS: These findings strengthen the evidence that higher parental BMI and lower family SEP were associated with higher offspring BMI, but we did not observe strong evidence that family SEP modifies the parental-offspring BMI association.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although the long-term consequences of informal care provision have been well investigated, few studies have examined the trajectories of informal care provision among older people and the socioeconomic, demographic, health, and family characteristics associated with them. We use data from four waves of the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, with 6561 respondents followed for 6 years (2012/3-2018/9). We used group-based trajectory modelling to group people\'s provision of care over time into a finite number of distinct trajectories of caregiving. Using multinomial logistic regressions, we then investigated the characteristics associated with these trajectories. Four distinct trajectories of caregiving were identified: \"stable intensive\", \"increasing intensive\", \"decreasing\", and \"stable no care\". Results suggest that although there are socioeconomic, demographic, and health differences across the trajectories of caregiving (with younger women in good health and poorer socioeconomic status more likely to care intensively throughout), family characteristics are their main drivers. Respondents who live alone, with no children, and no parents alive are more likely to never provide care, whereas those with older parents and who live with adults in poor health are more likely to provide stable intensive care. Also, changes in family characteristics (e.g. death of parents, widowhood, or deterioration of the partner\'s health) are associated with trajectories representing increases or decreases in caregiving over time. Overall, trajectories of informal caregiving undertaken by older people are varied and these patterns are mostly associated with both the availability and health of family members, suggesting that need factors represent the most immediate reason for caregiving commitments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dominant understandings of recovery emphasise personal responsibility for initiating and sustaining changes in people\'s subjectivities and relationships to alcohol and other drugs. However, this potentially obscures the complexities and temporalities of change processes and the range of socio-material elements involved. Addressing this gap, critical drug studies scholars have productively employed the concepts of tendencies and trajectories to analyse how past events of drug consumption flow into current and future consumption events. Critiquing notions of personal responsibility within recovery processes, we apply the concepts of tendencies and trajectories to help explain recovery\'s emergence and continuities. Doing so helps decentre the individual as the agent responsible for improved capacity by broadening the perspective of developing health and wellbeing. In this paper, we provide a qualitative analysis of interviews with fourteen people with lived recovery experiences within an urban-rural setting in Melbourne, Australia. This analysis illustrates how recovery tendencies and trajectories are cultivated through repeated actions, habits, and practices over time. Applying the concept of trajectories to change narratives reveals how accumulated moments precede and follow turning points, supporting shifts in consumption patterns. These moments are not necessarily connected but, when considered collectively, contribute to a recovery trajectory and assemblage of health. In reflecting on the affordances of thinking, researching and doing with recovery tendencies and trajectories, we argue that analysing tendencies and trajectories illuminate opportunities where change lies within an endless combination of human and non-human forces. Applying these concepts to recovery research, practice, and policy engages with temporal and socio-material elements of recovery, offering a more emancipatory approach than is currently provided by common recovery theories and approaches that assume individuals are personally responsible for change.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Very little is known about specific trajectories or patterns of falls over time. Using the well-characterized cohort of the Osteoporotic Fractures in Men Study (MrOS), we classified individuals by fall trajectories across age and identified predictors of group assignment based on characteristics at baseline.
    METHODS: Using an analysis sample of 5976 MrOS participants and 15 years of follow-up data on incident falls, we used group-based trajectory models (PROC TRAJ in SAS) to identify trajectories of change. We assessed the association of baseline characteristics with group assignment using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and chi-square tests. Multivariable logistic regression was used to analyze the outcome of the high risk fall trajectory groups compared to the low risk groups.
    RESULTS: Changes in rates of falls were relatively constant or increasing with five distinct groups identified. Mean posterior probabilities for all five trajectories were similar and consistently above 0.8 indicating reasonable model fit. Among the five fall trajectory groups, two were deemed high risk, those with steeply increasing fall risk and persistently high fall risk. Factors associated with fall risk included body mass index, use of central nervous agents, prior history of diabetes and Parkinson\'s disease, back pain, grip strength, and physical and mental health scores.
    CONCLUSIONS: Two distinct groups of high fall risk individuals were identified among five trajectory groups, those with steeply increasing fall risk and persistently high fall risk. Statistically significant characteristics for group assignment suggest that future fall risk of older men may be predictable at baseline.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study analyzed China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study data to explore the HbA1c-depression link, including depressive trajectories, while considering the mitigating impact of healthy lifestyles. Cross-lagged panel models and group-based trajectory modeling were performed to investigate the temporal relationship between HbA1c levels and depressive symptoms, as well as the depressive trajectories. Structural equation models were used to assess the mediating effects of healthy lifestyles. The mean age of the participants was 57.66 ± 9.04 years, with 53.68% being female. Analyzing 8826 participants across three waves, we observed a significant prediction of subsequent depressive symptoms by the preceding HbA1c levels (β = 0.296; p < 0.001). Four distinct trajectories of depressive symptoms were distinguished: stable low, stable moderate, increasing, and stable high. Elevated HbA1c levels were associated with a higher risk of developing stable high (OR 1.12 and 95% CI 1.02-1.23), increasing (OR 1.21 and 95% CI 1.11-1.32), and stable moderate depressive symptoms (OR 1.07 and 95% CI 1.01-1.13). Engaging in two healthy life behaviors reduced stable high and increasing depressive pattern risks by 32% and 30%, respectively. Adherence to a healthy lifestyle lessened 7.2% of the impact of high HbA1c levels on the subsequent depressive symptoms. These findings highlight the potential benefits of incorporating adequate sleep and light physical activities, which might reduce the adverse impact of elevated HbA1c levels on depressive symptoms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite extensive research on the prevalence and mental health implications of problematic smartphone use in adolescents, the cognitive mechanisms underpinning its development, such as self-regulation, remain underexplored. This study aims to fill this research gap by investigating the developmental trajectories of self-regulation and problematic smartphone use among Canadian adolescents. Participants (N = 1303; 614 girls; Mage = 14.60 years, SD = 1.16 years) attended one of five public high schools in Southern British Columbia. Adolescents self-reported their self-regulation skills, as well as problematic smartphone use annually for three years. In line with developmental expectations, results indicated that both self-regulation and problematic smartphone use increased across the three years. Parallel latent growth models revealed significant intercept and positive slope differences for self-regulation and problematic smartphone use, showing that higher initial self-regulation predicted lower initial problematic smartphone use, and vice versa. Girls exhibited higher initial levels of problematic smartphone use, but gender differences in developmental trajectories were not observed. These findings emphasize the importance of early self-regulation skills in preventing the escalation of problematic smartphone use in adolescents, providing evidence-based insights for developing targeted interventions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Little is known about the individual course of suicidal ideations and attempts (i.e., suicidality) after treatment initiation. We examined the trajectories of suicidality and associated risk factors over a 2-year early intervention program for first-episode psychosis in 450 patients (age range 18-35 years at admission) consecutively admitted from 2003 to 2017. Suicidality was assessed via systematic file review, while sociodemographic and clinical variables were assessed at admission. Latent class growth modelling identified three trajectories: low (69.6 %), initially high (22.9 %), and persistently high (7.6 %) suicidality. Patients who were younger, lived alone and were diagnosed with affective psychosis were significantly more likely to follow the initially high trajectory. Patients who attempted suicide up to 3 months before admission, lived alone and presented lower levels of the PANSS excited factor were significantly more likely to follow the persistently high trajectory. Attempting suicide up to 3 months before admission distinguished persistently high and initially high suicidality trajectories. Suicide risk during early intervention program for first-episode psychosis is heterogenous, with acute and enduring suicidal risk, suggesting the need to adapt suicide prevention strategies to these different risk profiles.





