  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TORCH infections usually result in mild maternal morbidity, but may cause severe congenital abnormalities. Therefore, it is important to detect maternal infections, monitor the fetus after the disease has been recognized, and define the seronegative women who are at risk of primary infection during pregnancy. From 2014 to 2023, serum samples from 1032 childbearing-aged and pregnant women (16-45 years) were tested for IgM/IgG antibodies to the most common TORCH pathogens: Toxoplasma gondii, rubella virus (RUBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV), and herpes simplex viruses (HSV-1 and HSV-2). The overall IgG seroprevalence rates were 20.1% for T. gondii, 91.3% for RUBV, 70.5% for CMV, 66.8% for HSV-1, and 3.5% for HSV-2. Only HSV-2 seroprevalence was age-related, with a significant progressive increase in seropositivity from 0% in those aged less than 26 years to 9.3% in those older than 40 years. The seroprevalence of T. gondii was higher in residents of suburban/rural areas than in residents of urban areas (27.4% vs. 17.1%). In addition, participants from continental regions were more often toxoplasma-seropositive than those from coastal regions (22.2% vs. 15.3%). HSV-1 seroprevalence was also higher in suburban/rural areas (71.7% vs. 64.7%). Obstetric history was not associated with TORCH seropositivity. Univariate and multivariate risk analysis showed that suburban/rural areas of residence and continental geographic regions were significant risk factors for T. gondii seroprevalence. Furthermore, suburban/rural area of residence was a significant risk factor for HSV-1 seroprevalence, while older age was a significant risk factor for HSV-2 seroprevalence. A declining trend in the seroprevalence of all TORCH pathogens was observed compared to previous Croatian studies (2005-2011). Similarly, the proportion of women simultaneously IgG-seropositive to two or three pathogens decreased over time. The maternal serology before pregnancy could potentially reduce the burden of congenital TORCH infections.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The BIOFIRE SPOTFIRE Respiratory (R) Panel is a novel, in vitro diagnostic PCR assay with 15 pathogen targets. The runtime is about 15 min which is the shortest among similar panels in the market. We evaluated the performance of the SPOTFIRE R Panel with 151 specimens, including 133 collected from the upper respiratory tract (URT), 13 from the lower respiratory tract (LRT) and 5 external quality assessment program (EQAP) samples. The respiratory specimens were enrolled throughout the first two post-COVID-19 influenza seasons in Hong Kong (March to December 2023). For URT specimens, full concordance was observed between the SPOTFIRE R Panel and the standard-of-care FilmArray Respiratory 2.1 plus Panel (RP2.1plus) for 109 specimens (109/133, 81.95%). After discrepant analysis, the SPOTFIRE R Panel identified more pathogens than the RP2.1plus in 15 specimens and vice versa in 3 specimens. The per-target negative and positive percentage agreement (NPA and PPA) were 92.86-100% except the PPA of adenovirus (88.24%). For LRT and EQAP samples, all results were fully concordant. To conclude, the performance of the SPOTFIRE R Panel was comparable to the RP2.1plus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the indications for maternal TORCH (Toxoplasma gondii, rubella, cytomegalovirus (CMV), and herpes simplex virus (HSV)) serology, with a focus on the yield in isolated fetal growth restriction (FGR).
    METHODS: A retrospective review of antenatal TORCH testing between January 2014 and December 2018 was carried out at two hospitals in Melbourne, Australia. TORCH testing ordered for pregnancy losses and stillbirth was excluded.
    RESULTS: Medical records of 718 pregnancies were reviewed, representing 760 fetuses. Isolated FGR was the indication for TORCH screening in 71.2% of pregnancies. Screens ordered for isolated FGR were positive in 7.4% (95% CI 5.5-10.0%). There were 49 positive maternal immunoglobulin M (CMV = 34, Toxoplasma = 15). Two acute maternal infections during pregnancy were diagnosed (CMV = 1, Toxoplasma = 1), with both screens ordered to assess symptomatic maternal illness. There was one neonatal CMV infection, born to a woman with symptomatic primary CMV. No maternal or neonatal rubella or HSV infections were identified. We found a diagnostic yield of TORCH screening for isolated FGR of 0.0% (95% CI 0.00-0.8%). An estimated AUD$64 269.75 was expended on maternal TORCH screens in this study.
    CONCLUSIONS: Maternal TORCH testing for isolated FGR is of no diagnostic yield and should be abandoned.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Women infected during pregnancy with TORCH (Toxoplasmosis, Other, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus, and Herpes simplex viruses) pathogens have a higher risk of adverse birth outcomes including stillbirth / miscarriage because of mother-to-child transmission. To investigate these risks in pregnant women in Kenya, we analyzed serum specimens from a pregnancy cohort study at three healthcare facilities. A sample of 481 participants was selected for TORCH pathogen antibody testing to determine seroprevalence. A random selection of 285 from the 481 participants was selected to measure seroconversion. These sera were tested using an IgG enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay against 10 TORCH pathogens. We found that the seroprevalence of all but three of the 10 TORCH pathogens at enrollment was >30%, except for Bordetella pertussis (3.8%), Treponema pallidum (11.4%), and varicella zoster virus (0.5%). Conversely, very few participants seroconverted during their pregnancy and were herpes simplex virus type 2 (n = 24, 11.2%), parvovirus B19 (n = 14, 6.2%), and rubella (n = 12, 5.1%). For birth outcomes, 88% of the participant had live births and 12% had stillbirths or miscarriage. Cytomegalovirus positivity at enrolment had a statistically significant positive association with a live birth outcome (p = 0.0394). Of the 10 TORCH pathogens tested, none had an association with adverse pregnancy outcome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Characterized by enlarged brain ventricles, hydrocephalus is a common neurological disorder classically attributed to a primary defect in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) homeostasis. Microcephaly (\"small head\") and hydrocephalus are typically viewed as two mutually exclusive phenomenon, since hydrocephalus is thought of as a fluid \"plumbing\" disorder leading to CSF accumulation, ventricular dilatation, and resultant macrocephaly. However, some cases of hydrocephalus can be associated with microcephaly. Recent work in the genomics of congenital hydrocephalus (CH) and an improved understanding of the tropism of certain viruses such as Zika and cytomegalovirus are beginning to shed light into the paradox \"microcephalic hydrocephalus\" by defining prenatal neural stem cells (NSC) as the spatiotemporal \"scene of the crime.\" In some forms of CH and viral brain infections, impaired fetal NSC proliferation leads to decreased neurogenesis, cortical hypoplasia and impaired biomechanical interactions at the CSF-brain interface that collectively engender ventriculomegaly despite an overall and often striking decrease in head circumference. The coexistence of microcephaly and hydrocephalus suggests that these two phenotypes may overlap more than previously appreciated. Continued study of both conditions may be unexpectedly fertile ground for providing new insights into human NSC biology and our understanding of neurodevelopmental disorders.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This review examines the recent literature on the management of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections in neonates. We summarized the three clinical categories of maternal HSV infection during pregnancy (primary first episode, nonprimary first episode, or recurrent episode) and the mechanisms of fetal damage. Considering when the transmission of the infection from the mother to the fetus/newborn occurs, three types of neonatal infection can be distinguished: intrauterine infection (5% of cases), postnatal infection (10% of cases), and perinatal infections (85% of cases). Neonatal presentation could range from a limited disease with skin, eye, and mouth disease to central nervous system disease or disseminated disease: the treatment with acyclovir should be tailored according to symptoms and signs of infection, and virological tests. These children need a multidisciplinary follow-up, to timely intercept any deviation from normal neurodevelopmental milestones. Prevention strategies remain a challenge, in the absence of an available vaccine against HSV.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction. Serological screening and seroprevalence data for TORCH infections represent a key instrument to estimate immunity and vaccination levels and exposure rates to prevent and treat TORCH congenital infections.Hypothesis. Serology allows us to identify women susceptible to primary infection.Aim. Assess the prevalence of women at risk of primary infections by TORCH pathogens in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, in the decade 2012-2022.Methodology. A retrospective study was performed to evaluate the serological status (IgG and/or IgM) of 2359 women of childbearing age (WCBA), ranging from 16 to 46 years, attending the AOUP \'P. Giaccone\' University Hospital of Palermo.Results. The results showed an overall prevalence of anti-TORCH IgG of 90.5 % for herpesvirus (HSV), 81.2 % for rubella virus (RV), 72.1 % for cytomegalovirus (CMV), 20.9 % for Toxoplasma gondii (TOX) and 4.8 % for Treponema pallidum (TP). IgM positivity was 16.9 % for HSV2, 10.3 % for TOX, 4 % for CMV and, 2 % for RV. A recent/active infection by TP was confirmed in 28.3 % of the seropositive women. Our results indicate that only a small percentage of WCBA were subjected to a comprehensive TORCH serological screening, while most WCBA were only tested for a single pathogen. In addition, no significant differences were found in terms of the overall TORCH IgG seroprevalence among different age groups (P>0.05).Conclusion. Identifying WCBA at risk of exposure during pregnancy allows us to prevent and reduce possible congenital infections, providing detailed guidelines and instructions. The results of this study showed that in Italy the risk of acquiring a primary infection by a TORCH agent is still high, therefore effective prevention strategies, including serological screening, should be implemented.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Adverse pregnancy outcomes are associated with a poor ambient atmospheric environment. Infections by teratogenic pathogens such as cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpes simplex virus (HSV) are the main cause of the worse pregnant outcomes. However, environmental factors governing these infections are uncertain and epidemiological studies are limited. An epidemiological study on relationships between air pollutants and antibodies against teratogenic pathogens will be explored. In total, 5475 women of childbearing age were enrolled in the study between January 2018 and December 2019 in a hospital in Shantou, China. Antibodies against pathogens were measured by electrochemical luminescence. Everyday air quality data, concerning particulate matter (PM), sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and other parameters, were acquired from a government web site, and the relationships between them were evaluated with nonparametric and multivariate linear regression analyses. Not only titers of herpes simplex virus HSV(I+II) IgGs in spring, but also titers of cytomegalovirus IgG (CMV IgG) and HSV I IgG in autumn, both had positive associations with concentrations of SO2. When PM2.5 or PM10 exposure is elevated, HSV(I+II) IgGs, TOX IgM should be paid more attention in spring or summer. Air pollution may be crucial for teratogenic pathogen infections. This study highlights air pollution could increase the risk of teratogenic pathogen infection, implying stronger measures should be taken to protect air environment and screenings of associated antibody should be strengthened in different season.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transforming growth factor-beta 1 (TGF-β1) is a pleiotropic growth factor playing various roles in the human body including cell growth and development. More functions of TGF-β1 have been discovered, especially its roles in viral infection. TGF-β1 is abundant at the maternal-fetal interface during pregnancy and plays an important function in immune tolerance, an essential key factor for pregnancy success. It plays some critical roles in viral infection in pregnancy, such as its effects on the infection and replication of human cytomegalovirus in syncytiotrophoblasts. Interestingly, its role in the enhancement of Zika virus (ZIKV) infection and replication in first-trimester trophoblasts has recently been reported. The above up-to-date findings have opened one of the promising approaches to studying the mechanisms of viral infection during pregnancy with links to corresponding congenital syndromes. In this article, we review our current and recent advances in understanding the roles of TGF-β1 in viral infection. Our discussion focuses on viral infection during pregnancy, especially in the first trimester. We highlight the mutual roles of viral infection and TGF-β1 in specific contexts and possible functions of the Smad pathway in viral infection, with a special note on ZIKV infection. In addition, we discuss promising approaches to performing further studies on this topic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital toxoplasmosis constitutes a major cause of pre- and postnatal complications. Fetal infection with Toxoplasma gondii influences development and can lead to microcephaly, encephalitis, and neurologic abnormalities. Systematic studies concerning the effects of neural progenitor cell infection with T. gondii are unavailable. Cortical intermediate progenitor cells cultivated as neurospheres obtained from E16.5 Swiss Webster mice were infected with T. gondii (ME49 strain) tachyzoites to mimic the developing mouse cerebral cortex in vitro. Infection was associated with decreased cell proliferation, detected by Ki-67 staining at 48 and 72 hours after infection in floating neurospheres, and reduced cellularity at 96 hours. Transient decreases in the expression of the neurogenesis-related transcription factors T-box brain protein 1, mouse atonal homolog protein 1, and hairy and enhancer of split protein 1 were found in infected cultures, while the level of transcription factor SOX-2 remained unaltered. Neurogenic potential, assessed in plated neurospheres, was impaired in infected cultures, as indicated by decreased late neuronal marker neurofilament heavy chain immunoreactivity. Infected cultures exhibited decreased overall migration rates at 48 and 120 hours. These findings indicate that T. gondii infection of neural progenitor cells may lead to reduced neurogenesis due to an imbalance in cell proliferation alongside an altered migratory profile. If translated to the in vivo situation, these data could explain, in part, cortical malformations in congenitally infected individuals.





