• 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the level of protection of reproductive and developmental toxicity offered through occupational exposure limits (OELs) and Derived No-Effect Levels for workers\' inhalation exposure (wDNELs). We compared coverage of substances that have a harmonised classification as reproductive toxicant 1 A or 1B (Repr.1 A/B), numerical values and scientific basis of 12 lists of OELs and wDNELs from REACH Registrants\' and the Committee for Risk Assessment. Across the 14 sources of OELs and wDNELs, 53 % of the Repr1A/B-substances had at least one exposure limit (counting groups of metals as one entry). Registrants\' wDNELs covered the largest share, 40 %. The numerical values could be highly variable for the same substance across the lists. How often reproductive toxicity is identified as the critical effect varies between the examined lists, both due to different assessments of the same substance and different substance coverage. Reviewing the margin of safety to reproductive toxicity cited in the documents, we found that 15 % of safety margins were lower to reproductive toxicity than the critical effect. To conclude, neither the REACH nor work environment legislation supply wDNELs or OELs for a substantial share of known reproductive toxicants. EU OELs cover among the fewest substances in the range, and in many cases national OELs or wDNELs are set at more conservative levels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease is a rare condition with a female preponderance, based mainly on pathogenic variants in 2 genes, PRKCSH and SEC63. Clinically, autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease is characterized by vast heterogeneity, ranging from asymptomatic to highly symptomatic hepatomegaly. To date, little is known about the prediction of disease progression at early stages, hindering clinical management, genetic counseling, and the design of randomized controlled trials. To improve disease prognostication, we built a consortium of European and US centers to recruit the largest cohort of patients with PRKCSH and SEC63 liver disease.
    We analyzed an international multicenter cohort of 265 patients with autosomal dominant polycystic liver disease harboring pathogenic variants in PRKCSH or SEC63 for genotype-phenotype correlations, including normalized age-adjusted total liver volumes and polycystic liver disease-related hospitalization (liver event) as primary clinical end points.
    Classifying individual total liver volumes into predefined progression groups yielded predictive risk discrimination for future liver events independent of sex and underlying genetic defects. In addition, disease severity, defined by age at first liver event, was considerably more pronounced in female patients and patients with PRKCSH variants than in those with SEC63 variants. A newly developed sex-gene score was effective in distinguishing mild, moderate, and severe disease, in addition to imaging-based prognostication.
    Both imaging and clinical genetic scoring have the potential to inform patients about the risk of developing symptomatic disease throughout their lives. The combination of female sex, germline PRKCSH alteration, and rapid total liver volume progression is associated with the greatest odds of polycystic liver disease-related hospitalization.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cancer survival is related to tumor volume. 18F-FDG PET measurement of tumor volume holds promise but is not yet a clinical tool. Measurements come in 2 forms: the first is total lesion volume (TLV) based on the number of voxels in the tumor, and the second is total lesion glycolysis (TLG), which is the TLV multiplied by the average SUL (i.e., SUV normalized for lean mass) of the tumor (SULaverage). In this study, we measured tumor volume in patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM). Methods: A threshold-based program in Interactive Data Language was developed to measure tumor volume in 18F-FDG PET images. Nineteen patients with MPM were studied before and after 2 cycles (6 wk) of chemoimmunotherapy. Measurements included TLV, TLG, the sum of the SULs in the tumor (SULtotal, a measure of total 18F-FDG uptake), and SULaverage Results: Baseline TLV ranged from 11 to 2,610 cm3 TLG ranged from 32 to 8,552 cm3 g/mL and correlated strongly with TLV. Although tumor volumes ranged over 3 orders of magnitude, SULaverage stayed within a narrow range of 2.4-5.3 units. Thus, TLV was the major component of TLG, whereas SULaverage was a minor component and was essentially constant. Further evaluation of SULaverage showed that in this cohort its 2 components, SULtotal and TLV, changed in parallel and were strongly correlated (r = 0.99, P < 0.01). Thus, whether the tumors were large or small, 18F-FDG uptake as measured by SULtotal was proportional to the TLV. Conclusion: TLG equals TLV multiplied by SULaverage, essentially TLV multiplied by a constant. Thus TLG, commonly considered a measure of metabolic activity in tumors, is also in this cohort a measure of tumor volume. The constancy of SULaverage is due to the fact that 18F-FDG uptake is proportional to tumor volume. Thus, in this study, 18F-FDG uptake was also a measure of volume.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Derived no-effect levels for workers (wDNELs) under the European REACH legislation have many aspects in common with occupational exposure limits (OELs). In an attempt to examine under which circumstances wDNELs might be used as exposure guidance outside their intended application, we compared derivation methods, coverage of substances and numerical values of wDNELs against two regulatory OEL lists (European Commission and Sweden) and three sets of recommendations (European SCOEL, German MAK and US ACGIH). Finally, we looked closer at wDNELs where SCOEL concluded that data were insufficient to derive an OEL. Major differences between wDNELs and OELs include regulatory background, intended use, actors involved, substance selection criteria, transparency and procedure of derivation, and operationalisation in terms of risk management measures. As of summer 2018, approximately five times more substances were covered by wDNELs than by the five sets of OELs examined herein. Meanwhile, many occupationally relevant pollutants were not covered by wDNELs, e.g. one-third of Swedish OELs lack corresponding wDNELs. We also note that wDNELs and OELs for the same substance may vary considerably, up to several orders of magnitude. In conclusion, with extensive substance coverage, wDNELs extend the landscape beyond the OELs. That said, important limitations are (1) that many air pollutants relevant for workers\' health are not covered by REACH, and (2) concerns for inconsistencies in the derivation of wDNELs and in their level of protection. In particular, that route-to-route extrapolation is a common practice that may be grossly misleading when the effect of concern is local, e.g. sensitisation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Several studies have investigated cardiac dose reduction when utilizing the deep inspiration breath hold (DIBH) technique in patients undergoing radiotherapy for left-sided breast cancer. This paper aims to recommend potential selection criteria based on a retrospective single institute study of free breathing (FB) and DIBH computed tomography (CT) simulation planning scans.
    METHODS: Dosimetric comparisons were performed retrospectively for 20 patients correlating the dose reduction and patient anatomical factors (anatomical variation of chest shape, chest wall separation, total lung volume (TLV) and others).
    RESULTS: Paired t-tests demonstrated significant cardiac dose reduction for most patients but not all. Minimal cardiac dose reduction was observed for three patients using their DIBH plan, with one patient receiving a higher dose. Linear regression analysis identified a positive correlation between the patient\'s TLV (on the FB CT simulation scan) and the magnitude of dosimetric benefit received (0.4045 R²).
    CONCLUSIONS: The TLV measured on a FB plan could potentially be utilised to predict cardiac exposure and assist with patient selection for DIBH. This is important in resource allocation, as DIBH may be unnecessarily recommended for some patients with little dosimetric benefit.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We compared the efficacy of telavancin (TLV) and daptomycin (DAP) in an experimental rabbit endocarditis model caused by two clinically derived daptomycin-resistant (DAPr) methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains. TLV treatment significantly reduced MRSA densities in all target tissues and increased the percentage of these organs rendered culture negative compared to those with the untreated control or DAP-treated animals. These results demonstrate that TLV has potent in vivo efficacy against DAPr MRSA isolates in this invasive endovascular infection model.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    There is increasing evidence supporting the role of telomeres in cancer pathogenesis. However, limited studies have investigated the association between telomere length features and risk of pancreatic cancer and colorectal cancer (CRC), and little was conducted in Asians. To help clarify this issue, We measured relative peripheral leukocytes telomere length (LTL) and telomere length variation (TLV) in a prospective study of 900 pancreatic cancer cases, 300 CRC cases, and 900 controls. Both subjects with longer LTL (quartile 4: adjusted OR=1.51, 95% CI: 1.14-1.99, P=0.004) and shorter LTL (quartile 1: adjusted OR=3.12, 95% CI: 1.89-5.14, P=8.50x10-6) showed increased risk of pancreatic cancer. A linear increased risk was detected For TLV (adjusted OR=1.60, 95% CI: 1.14-2.24, P=0.006). We also identified significant interaction for relative LTL, TLV on pancreatic cancer risk (P interaction =0.009). Significant relationship between shorter RTL and increased CRC risk were also detected. This findings provide insights into telomere dynamics and highlight the complex relationship between relative LTL, TLV and cancer risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The RD(50) (exposure concentration producing a 50% respiratory rate decrease) test evaluates airborne chemicals for sensory irritation and has become an American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard method. Past studies reported good correlations (R(2)) between RD(50)s and the occupational exposure limits, particularly threshold limit values (TLVs).
    OBJECTIVE: The main purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between RD(50)s and human sensory irritation responses in a quantitative manner, particularly for chemicals that produce burning sensation of the eyes, nose, or throat, based on lowest observed adverse effect levels (LOAELs) reported for human subjects.
    METHODS: We compared RD(50)s with LOAELs and acute reference exposure levels (RELs). RELs, developed by the California Environmental Protection Agency\'s Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment, represent a level at which no adverse effects are anticipated after exposure. We collected RD(50)s from the published literature and evaluated them for consistency with ASTM procedures. We identified LOAELs for human irritation and found 25 chemicals with a corresponding RD(50) in mice.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found the relationship between RD(50)s and LOAELs as log RD(50) = 1.16 (log LOAEL) + 0.77 with an R(2) value of 0.80. This strong correlation supports the use of the RD(50) in establishing exposure limits for the public. We further identified 16 chemical irritants with both RD(50)s and corresponding acute RELs, and calculated the relationship as log RD(50) = 0.71 (log REL) + 2.55 with an R(2) value of 0.71. This relationship could be used to identify health protective values for the public to prevent respiratory or sensory irritation.
    CONCLUSIONS: Consequently, we believe that the RD(50) has benefits for use in setting protective levels for the health of both workers and the general population.






