• 文章类型: Journal Article
    Seminoma is the most common testicular cancer. Pituitary tumor-transforming gene 1 (PTTG1) is a securin showing oncogenic activity in several tumors. We previously demonstrated that nuclear PTTG1 promotes seminoma tumor invasion through its transcriptional activity on matrix metalloproteinase 2 (MMP-2) and E-cadherin (CDH1). We wondered if specific interactors could affect its subcellular distribution. To this aim, we investigated the PTTG1 interactome in seminoma cell lines showing different PTTG1 nuclear levels correlated with invasive properties. A proteomic approach upon PTTG1 immunoprecipitation uncovered new specific securin interactors. Western blot, confocal microscopy, cytoplasmic/nuclear fractionation, sphere-forming assay, and Atlas database interrogation were performed to validate the proteomic results and to investigate the interplay between PTTG1 and newly uncovered partners. We observed that spectrin beta-chain (SPTBN1) and PTTG1 were cofactors, with SPTBN1 anchoring the securin in the cytoplasm. SPTBN1 downregulation determined PTTG1 nuclear translocation, promoting its invasive capability. Moreover, a PTTG1 deletion mutant lacking SPTBN1 binding was strongly localized in the nucleus. The Atlas database revealed that seminomas that contained higher nuclear PTTG1 levels showed significantly lower SPTBN1 levels in comparison to non-seminomas. In human seminoma specimens, we found a strong PTTG1/SPTBN1 colocalization that decreases in areas with nuclear PTTG1 distribution. Overall, these results suggest that SPTBN1, along with PTTG1, is a potential prognostic factor useful in the clinical management of seminoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In mammals, male germ cell development starts during fetal life and is carried out in postnatal life with the formation of sperms. Spermatogenesis is the complex and highly orderly process during which a group of germ stem cells is set at birth, starts to differentiate at puberty. It proceeds through several stages: proliferation, differentiation, and morphogenesis and it is strictly regulated by a complex network of hormonal, autocrine and paracrine factors and it is associated with a unique epigenetic program. Altered epigenetic mechanisms or inability to respond to these factors can impair the correct process of germ development leading to reproductive disorders and/or testicular germ cell cancer. Among factors regulating spermatogenesis an emerging role is played by the endocannabinoid system (ECS). ECS is a complex system comprising endogenous cannabinoids (eCBs), their synthetic and degrading enzymes, and cannabinoid receptors. Mammalian male germ cells have a complete and active ECS which is modulated during spermatogenesis and that crucially regulates processes such as germ cell differentiation and sperm functions. Recently, cannabinoid receptor signaling has been reported to induce epigenetic modifications such as DNA methylation, histone modifications and miRNA expression. Epigenetic modifications may also affect the expression and function of ECS elements, highlighting the establishment of a complex mutual interaction. Here, we describe the developmental origin and differentiation of male germ cells and testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) focusing on the interplay between ECS and epigenetic mechanisms involved in these processes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    (1) Background: PTTG1 sustains the EMT process and the invasiveness of several neoplasms. We previously showed the role of nuclear PTTG1 in promoting invasiveness, through its transcriptional target MMP2, in seminoma in vitro models. Here, we investigated the key players involved in PTTG1-mediated EMT in human seminoma. (2) Methods: Two seminoma cell lines and four human seminoma tumor specimens were used. E-Cadherin gene regulation was investigated using Western blot, real-time PCR, and luciferase assay. Immunoprecipitation, ChIP, RE-ChIP, and confocal microscopy analysis were performed to evaluate the interplay between PTTG1 and ZEB1. Matrigel invasion and spheroid formation assays were applied to functionally investigate PTTG1 involvement in the EMT of seminoma cell lines. RNA depletion and overexpression experiments were performed to verify the role of PTTG1/ZEB1 in E-Cadherin repression and seminoma invasiveness. E-Cadherin and ZEB1 levels were analyzed in human testicular tumors from the Atlas database. (3) Results: PTTG1 transcriptionally represses E-Cadherin in seminoma cell lines through ZEB1. The cooperation of PTTG1 with ZEB1 has a significant impact on cell growth/invasion properties involving the EMT process. Analysis of the Atlas database of testicular tumors showed significantly lower E-Cadherin levels in seminoma, where PTTG1 showed nuclear staining. Finally, PTTG1 and ZEB1 strongly localize together in the periphery of the tumors. (4) Conclusions: These results strengthen the evidence for a role of PTTG1 in the EMT process in human seminomas through its cooperation with the transcriptional repressor ZEB1 on the E-Cadherin gene. Our data enrich the molecular characterization of seminoma, suggesting that PTTG1 is a prognostic factor in seminoma clinical management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to signals from the embryonic testis, the germ cell intrinsic factor NANOS2 coordinates a transcriptional program necessary for the differentiation of pluripotent-like primordial germ cells toward a unipotent spermatogonial stem cell fate. Emerging evidence indicates that genetic risk factors contribute to testicular germ cell tumor initiation by disrupting sex-specific differentiation. Here, using the 129.MOLF-Chr19 mouse model of testicular teratomas and a NANOS2 reporter allele, we report that the developmental phenotypes required for tumorigenesis, including failure to enter mitotic arrest, retention of pluripotency and delayed sex-specific differentiation, were exclusive to a subpopulation of germ cells failing to express NANOS2. Single-cell RNA sequencing revealed that embryonic day 15.5 NANOS2-deficient germ cells and embryonal carcinoma cells developed a transcriptional profile enriched for MYC signaling, NODAL signaling and primed pluripotency. Moreover, lineage-tracing experiments demonstrated that embryonal carcinoma cells arose exclusively from germ cells failing to express NANOS2. Our results indicate that NANOS2 is the nexus through which several genetic risk factors influence tumor susceptibility. We propose that, in the absence of sex specification, signals native to the developing testis drive germ cell transformation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Overactivation of the c-MET/HGF system is a feature of many cancers. We previously reported that type II testicular germ cell tumor (TGCT) cells express the c-MET receptor, forming non-seminomatous lesions that are more positive compared with seminomatous ones. Notably, we also demonstrated that NT2D1 non-seminomatous cells (derived from an embryonal carcinoma lesion) increase their proliferation, migration, and invasion in response to HGF. Herein, we report that HGF immunoreactivity is more evident in the microenvironment of embryonal carcinoma biopsies with respect to seminomatous ones, indicating a tumor-dependent modulation of the testicular niche. PI3K/AKT is one of the signaling pathways triggered by HGF through the c-MET activation cascade. Herein, we demonstrated that phospho-AKT increases in NT2D1 cells after HGF stimulation. Moreover, we found that this pathway is involved in HGF-dependent NT2D1 cell proliferation, migration, and invasion, since the co-administration of the PI3K inhibitor LY294002 together with HGF abrogates these responses. Notably, the inhibition of endogenous PI3K affects collective cell migration but does not influence proliferation or chemotactic activity. Surprisingly, LY294002 administered without the co-administration of HGF increases cell invasion at levels comparable to the HGF-administered samples. This paradoxical result highlights the role of the testicular microenvironment in the modulation of cellular responses and stimulates the study of the testicular secretome in cancer lesions.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) are typically exquisitely sensitive to DNA interstrand cross-link (ICLs) agents. ICLs covalently link both strands of the DNA duplex, impeding fundamental cellular processes like DNA replication to cause cell death. A leading drug used for the treatment of TGCTs is cisplatin, which introduces ICLs and leads to formation of double strand breaks (DSBs), a DNA lesion that can be repaired in the S/G2 phases of the cell cycle by homologous recombination (HR, also termed homology-direct repair). Although most TGCTs respond to cisplatin-induced ICLs, a fraction is resistant to treatment. One proposed mechanism of TGCT resistance to cisplatin is an enhanced ability to repair DSBs by HR. Other than HR, repair of the ICL-lesions requires additional DNA repair mechanisms, whose action might also be implemented in therapy-resistant cells. This chapter describes GFP assays to measure (a) HR proficiency following formation of a DSB by the endonuclease I-SceI, and (b) HR repair induced by site-specific ICL formation involving psoralen. These experimental approaches can be used to determine the proficiency of TGCT cell lines in DSB repair by HR in comparison to HR repair of ICLs, providing tools to better characterize their recombination profile. Protocols of these assays have been adapted for use in Embryonal Carcinoma (EC) TGCT cell lines. Assays only require transient introduction of plasmids within cells, affording the advantage of testing multiple cell lines in a relatively short time.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Recent studies have underlined HMGA protein\'s key role in the onset of testicular germ cell tumors, where HMGA1 is differently expressed with respect to the state of differentiation, suggesting its fine regulation as master regulator in testicular tumorigenesis. Several studies have highlighted that the HMGA1 transcript is strictly regulated by a set of inhibitory microRNAs. Thus, the aim of this study is to test whether HMGA1 overexpression in human seminomas may be induced by the deregulation of miR-26a and Let-7a-two HMGA1-targeting microRNAs.
    METHODS: HMGA1 mRNA and Let-7a and miR-26a levels were measured in a seminoma dataset available in the Cancer Genome Atlas database and confirmed in a subset of seminomas by qRT-PCR and western blot. A TCam-2 seminoma cell line was then transfected with Let-7a and miR-26a and tested for proliferation and motility abilities.
    RESULTS: an inverse correlation was found between the expression of miR-26a and Let-7a and HMGA1 expression levels in seminomas samples, suggesting a critical role of these microRNAs in HMGA1 levels regulation. Accordingly, functional studies showed that miR-26a and Let-7a inhibited the proliferation, migration and invasion capabilities of the human seminoma derived cell line TCam-2.
    CONCLUSIONS: these data strongly support that the upregulation of HMGA1 levels occurring in seminoma is-at least in part-due to the downregulation of HMGA1-targeting microRNAs.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    : c-MET pathway over-activation is the signature of malignancy acquisition or chemotherapy resistance of many cancers. We recently demonstrated that type II Testicular Germ Cell Tumours (TGCTs) express c-MET receptor. In particular, we elucidated that the non-seminoma lesions express c-MET protein at higher level, compared with the seminoma ones. In line with this observation, NTERA-2 clone D1 (NT2D1) non-seminoma cells increase their proliferation, migration and invasion in response to Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF). One of the well-known adaptor-proteins belonging to c-MET signaling cascade is c-Src. Activation of c-Src is related to the increase of aggressiveness of many cancers. For this reason, we focused on the role of c-Src in c-MET-triggered and HGF-dependent NT2D1 cell activities. In the present paper, we have elucidated that this adaptor-protein is involved in HGF-dependent NT2D1 cell proliferation, migration and invasion, since Src inhibitor-1 administration abrogates these responses. Despite these biological evidences western blot analyses have not revealed the increase of c-Src activation because of HGF administration. However, notably, immunofluorescence analyses revealed that cytoplasmic and membrane-associated localization of c-Src shifted to the nuclear compartment after HGF stimulation. These results shed new light in the modality of HGF-dependent c-Src recruitment, and put the basis for novel investigations on the relationship between c-Src, and TGCT aggressiveness.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Type II testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) represent the most frequent malignancy in Caucasian males (20-40 years). Even if diagnosed with disseminated disease, >80% of patients are cured; however, a small percentage of cases progress and result in death. It is commonly accepted that these cancers arise from a disturbed testicular embryonic niche that leads to the block of gonocyte differentiation. The subsequent development of the invasive seminomas and non-seminomas is due to a combination of genetic, epigenetic and microenvironment-based alterations (genvironment). Hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) is present in the testicular microenvironment, together with its receptor c-MET, from early embryonic development to an adult stage. In addition, c-MET is a well-known proto-oncogene involved in the onset and progression of various human cancers. Herein, we have investigated the expression and availability of HGF and c-MET in TCam-2, NCCIT and NT2D1 cells, which are type II (T)GCT representative cell lines, and the effect of c-MET activation/repression on the regulation of cancerous biological processes. We found that NT2D1 cells increase their proliferation, polarized migration, and invasion in response to HGF administration. NCCIT cells respond to HGF stimulation only partially, whereas TCam-2 cells do not respond to HGF, at least according to the investigated parameters. Interestingly, the immunohistochemical study of c-MET distribution in TGCTs confirm its presence in both seminoma and non-seminoma lesions with different patterns. Notably, we found the highest c-MET immunoreactivity in the epithelial elements of the various components of TGCTs: teratoma, yolk sac tumor and choriocarcinoma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Testicular germ cell tumors (TGCTs) represent the most common solid tumors affecting young men. They constitute a distinct entity because of their embryonic origin and their unique biological behavior. Recent preclinical data regarding biological signaling machinery as well as genetic and epigenetic mechanisms associated with molecular patterns of tumors have contribute to explain the pathogenesis and the differentiation of TGCTs and to understand the mechanisms responsible for the development of resistance to treatment. In this review, we discuss the main genetic and epigenetic events associated with TGCTs development in order to better define their role in the pathogenesis of these tumors and in cisplatin-acquired resistance.





