TE silencing

TE 沉默
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transposable elements (TEs) and the silencing machinery of their hosts are engaged in a germline arms-race dynamic that shapes TE accumulation and, therefore, genome size. In animal species with extremely large genomes (>10 Gb), TE accumulation has been pushed to the extreme, prompting the question of whether TE silencing also deviates from typical conditions. To address this question, we characterize TE silencing via two pathways-the piRNA pathway and KRAB-ZFP transcriptional repression-in the male and female gonads of Ranodon sibiricus, a salamander species with a ∼21 Gb genome. We quantify 1) genomic TE diversity, 2) TE expression, and 3) small RNA expression and find a significant relationship between the expression of piRNAs and TEs they target for silencing in both ovaries and testes. We also quantified TE silencing pathway gene expression in R. sibiricus and 14 other vertebrates with genome sizes ranging from 1 to 130 Gb and find no association between pathway expression and genome size. Taken together, our results reveal that the gigantic R. sibiricus genome includes at least 19 putatively active TE superfamilies, all of which are targeted by the piRNA pathway in proportion to their expression levels, suggesting comprehensive piRNA-mediated silencing. Testes have higher TE expression than ovaries, suggesting that they may contribute more to the species\' high genomic TE load. We posit that apparently conflicting interpretations of TE silencing and genomic gigantism in the literature, as well as the absence of a correlation between TE silencing pathway gene expression and genome size, can be reconciled by considering whether the TE community or the host is currently \"on the attack\" in the arms race dynamic.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Epigenetic modifications are indispensable for regulating gene bodies and TE silencing. DECREASE IN DNA METHYLATION 1 (DDM1) is a chromatin remodeller involved in histone modifications and DNA methylation. Apart from maintaining the epigenome, DDM1 also maintains key plant traits such as flowering time and heterosis. The role of DDM1 in epigenetic regulation is best characterised in plants, especially arabidopsis, rice, maize and tomato. The epigenetic changes induced by DDM1 establish the stable inheritance of many plant traits for at least eight generations, yet DDM1 does not methylate protein-coding genes. The DDM1 TE silencing mechanism is distinct and has evolved independently of other silencing pathways. Unlike the RNA-directed DNA Methylation (RdDM) pathway, DDM1 does not depend on siRNAs to enforce the heterochromatic state of TEs. Here, we review DDM1 TE silencing activity in the RdDM and non-RdDM contexts. The DDM1 TE silencing machinery is strongly associated with the histone linker H1 and histone H2A.W. While the linker histone H1 excludes the RdDM factors from methylating the heterochromatin, the histone H2A.W variant prevents TE mobility. The DDM1-H2A.W strategy alone silences nearly all the mobile TEs in the arabidopsis genome. Thus, the DDM1-directed TE silencing essentially preserves heterochromatic features and abolishes mobile threats to genome stability.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Transposable elements (TEs) are mobile genomic sequences that are normally repressed to avoid proliferation and genome instability. Gene silencing mechanisms repress TEs by RNA degradation or heterochromatin formation. Heterochromatin maintenance is therefore important to keep TEs silent. Loss of heterochromatic domains has been linked to lamin mutations, which have also been associated with derepression of TEs. In fact, lamins are structural components of the nuclear lamina (NL), which is considered a pivotal structure in the maintenance of heterochromatin domains at the nuclear periphery in a silent state. Here, we show that a lethal phenotype associated with Lamin loss-of-function mutations is influenced by Drosophila gypsy retrotransposons located in euchromatic regions, suggesting that NL dysfunction has also effects on active TEs located in euchromatic loci. In fact, expression analysis of different long terminal repeat (LTR) retrotransposons and of one non-LTR retrotransposon located near active genes shows that Lamin inactivation determines the silencing of euchromatic TEs. Furthermore, we show that the silencing effect on euchromatic TEs spreads to the neighboring genomic regions, with a repressive effect on nearby genes. We propose that NL dysfunction may have opposed regulatory effects on TEs that depend on their localization in active or repressed regions of the genome.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM), the DDR complex, composed of DRD1, DMS3, and RDM1, is responsible for recruiting DNA polymerase V (Pol V) to silence transposable elements (TEs) in plants. However, how the DDR complex is regulated remains unexplored. Here, we show that the anaphase-promoting complex/cyclosome (APC/C) regulates the assembly of the DDR complex by targeting DMS3 for degradation. We found that a substantial set of RdDM loci was commonly de-repressed in apc/c and pol v mutants, and that the defects in RdDM activity resulted from up-regulated DMS3 protein levels, which finally caused reduced Pol V recruitment. DMS3 was ubiquitinated by APC/C for degradation in a D box-dependent manner. Competitive binding assays and gel filtration analyses showed that a proper level of DMS3 is critical for the assembly of the DDR complex. Consistent with the importance of the level of DMS3, overaccumulation of DMS3 caused defective RdDM activity, phenocopying the apc/c and dms3 mutants. Moreover, DMS3 is expressed in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Collectively, these findings provide direct evidence as to how the assembly of the DDR complex is regulated and uncover a safeguarding role of APC/C in the regulation of RdDM activity.






