
T 型盒
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Structural analyses of large, complex noncoding RNAs continue to lag behind their rapid discovery and functional descriptions. Site-specifically incorporated, minimally invasive fluorescent probes such as 2-aminopurine (2AP) and pyrrolo-cytosine (PyC) have provided essential complementary information about local RNA structure, conformational dynamics, and interactions. Here I describe a protocol that benchmarks and correlates local RNA conformations with their respective fluorescence lifetimes, as a general technique that confers key advantages over fluorescence intensity-based methods. The observation that fluorescence lifetimes are more sensitive to local structures than sequence contexts suggests broad utility across diverse RNA and ribonucleoprotein systems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Recent technological developments such as cryogenic electron microscopy (Cryo-EM) and X-ray free electron lasers (XFEL) have significantly expanded the available toolkit to visualize large, complex noncoding RNAs and their complexes. Consequently, the quality of the RNA sample, as measured by its chemical monodispersity and conformational homogeneity, has become the bottleneck that frequently precludes effective structural analyses. Here we describe a general RNA sample preparation protocol that combines cotranscriptional RNA folding and RNA-RNA complex assembly, followed by native purification of stoichiometric complexes. We illustrate and discuss the utility of this versatile method in overcoming RNA misfolding and enabling the structural and mechanistic elucidations of the T-box riboswitch-tRNA complexes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The T-box family transcription factor Eomesodermin (Eomes) is present in all vertebrates, with many key roles in the developing mammalian embryo and immune system. Homozygous Eomes mutant mouse embryos exhibit early lethality due to defects in both the embryonic mesendoderm and the extraembryonic trophoblast cell lineage. In contrast, zebrafish lacking the predominant Eomes homologue A (Eomesa) do not suffer complete lethality and can be maintained. This suggests fundamental differences in either the molecular function of Eomes orthologues or the molecular configuration of processes in which they participate. To explore these hypotheses we initially analysed the expression of distinct Eomes isoforms in various mouse cell types. Next we compared the functional capabilities of these murine isoforms to zebrafish Eomesa. These experiments provided no evidence for functional divergence. Next we examined the functions of zebrafish Eomesa and other T-box family members expressed in early development, as well as its paralogue Eomesb. Though Eomes is a member of the Tbr1 subfamily we found evidence for functional redundancy with the Tbx6 subfamily member Tbx16, known to be absent from eutherians. However, Tbx16 does not appear to synergise with Eomesa cofactors Mixl1 and Gata5. Finally, we analysed the ability of Eomesa and other T-box factors to induce zebrafish left-right organiser progenitors (known as dorsal forerunner cells) known to be positively regulated by vgll4l, a gene we had previously shown to be repressed by Eomesa. Here we demonstrate that Eomesa indirectly upregulates vgll4l expression via interlocking feedforward loops, suggesting a role in establishment of left-right asymmetry. Conversely, other T-box factors could not similarly induce left-right organiser progenitors. Overall these findings demonstrate conservation of Eomes molecular function and participation in similar processes, but differential requirements across evolution due to additional co-expressed T-box factors in teleosts, albeit with markedly different molecular capabilities. Our analyses also provide insights into the role of Eomesa in left-right organiser formation in zebrafish.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a fatal disease, with approximately 10% of cases associated with genetic variants. Recent genetic studies have reported pathogenic variants in the TBX4 gene in patients with PAH, especially in patients with childhood-onset of the disease, but the pathogenesis of PAH caused by TBX4 variant has not been fully uncovered.
    METHODS: We analysed the TBX4 gene in 75 Japanese patients with sporadic or familial PAH using a PCR-based bidirectional sequencing method. Detected variants were evaluated using in silico analyses as well as in vitro analyses including luciferase assay, immunocytochemistry and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) whether they have altered function. We also analysed the function of TBX4 using mouse embryonic lung explants with inhibition of Tbx4 expression.
    RESULTS: Putative pathogenic variants were detected in three cases (4.0%). Our in vitro functional analyses revealed that TBX4 directly regulates the transcriptional activity of fibroblast growth factor 10 (FGF10), whereas the identified TBX4 variant proteins failed to activate the FGF10 gene because of disruption of nuclear localisation signal or poor DNA-binding affinity. Furthermore, ex vivo inhibition of Tbx4 resulted in insufficiency of lung morphogenesis along with specific downregulation of Tie2 and Kruppel-like factor 4 expression.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our results implicate variants in TBX4 as a genetic cause of PAH in a subset of the Japanese population. Variants in TBX4 may lead to PAH through insufficient lung morphogenesis by disrupting the TBX4-mediated direct regulation of FGF10 signalling and pulmonary vascular endothelial dysfunction involving PAH-related molecules.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The limb phenotypes of Tbx2 and Tbx3 mutants are distinct: loss of Tbx2 results in isolated duplication of digit 4 in the hindlimb while loss of Tbx3 results in anterior polydactyly and posterior oligodactly in the forelimb. In the face of such disparate phenotypes, we sought to determine whether Tbx2 and Tbx3 have functional redundancy during development of the mouse limb. We found that sequential loss of alleles generates defects that are not simply additive of those observed in single mutants and that multiple structures in both the forelimb and hindlimb display compound sensitivity to decreased gene dosage.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    T is the founding member of the T-box family of transcription factors; family members are critical for cell fate decisions and tissue morphogenesis throughout the animal kingdom. T is expressed in the primitive streak and notochord with mouse mutant studies revealing its critical role in mesoderm formation in the primitive streak and notochord integrity. We previously demonstrated that misexpression of Tbx6 in the paraxial and lateral plate mesoderm results in embryos resembling Tbx15 and Tbx18 nulls. This, together with results from in vitro transcriptional assays, suggested that ectopically expressed Tbx6 can compete with endogenously expressed Tbx15 and Tbx18 at the binding sites of target genes. Since T-box proteins share a similar DNA binding domain, we hypothesized that misexpressing T in the paraxial and lateral plate mesoderm would also interfere with the endogenous Tbx15 and Tbx18, causing embryonic phenotypes resembling those seen upon Tbx6 expression in the somites and limbs. Interestingly, ectopic T expression led to distinct embryonic phenotypes, specifically, reduced-sized somites in embryos expressing the highest levels of T, which ultimately affects axis length and neural tube morphogenesis. We further demonstrate that ectopic T leads to ectopic expression of Tbx6 and Mesogenin 1, known targets of T. These results suggests that ectopic T expression contributes to the phenotype by activating its own targets rather than via a straight competition with endogenous T-box factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Complex RNA-RNA interactions are increasingly known to play key roles in numerous biological processes from gene expression control to ribonucleoprotein granule formation. By contrast, the nature of these interactions and characteristics of their interfaces, especially those that involve partially or wholly structured RNAs, remain elusive. Herein, we discuss different modalities of RNA-RNA interactions with an emphasis on those that depend on secondary, tertiary, or quaternary structure. We dissect recently structurally elucidated RNA-RNA complexes including RNA triplexes, riboswitches, ribozymes, and reverse transcription complexes. These analyses highlight a reciprocal relationship that intimately links RNA structure formation with RNA-RNA interactions. The interactions not only shape and sculpt RNA structures but also are enabled and modulated by the structures they create. Understanding this two-way relationship between RNA structure and interactions provides mechanistic insights into the expanding repertoire of noncoding RNA functions, and may inform the design of novel therapeutics that target RNA structures or interactions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Organ laterality refers to the left-right asymmetry in disposition and conformation of internal organs and is established during embryogenesis. The heart is the first organ to display visible left-right asymmetries through its left-sided positioning and rightward looping. Here, we present a new zebrafish loss-of-function allele for tbx5a, which displays defective rightward cardiac looping morphogenesis. By mapping individual cardiomyocyte behavior during cardiac looping, we establish that ventricular and atrial cardiomyocytes rearrange in distinct directions. As a consequence, the cardiac chambers twist around the atrioventricular canal resulting in torsion of the heart tube, which is compromised in tbx5a mutants. Pharmacological treatment and ex vivo culture establishes that the cardiac twisting depends on intrinsic mechanisms and is independent from cardiac growth. Furthermore, genetic experiments indicate that looping requires proper tissue patterning. We conclude that cardiac looping involves twisting of the chambers around the atrioventricular canal, which requires correct tissue patterning by Tbx5a.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Combinatorial action of transcription factors (TFs) with partially overlapping expression is a widespread strategy to generate novel gene-expression patterns and, thus, cellular diversity. Known mechanisms underlying combinatorial activity require co-expression of TFs within the same cell. Here, we describe the mechanism by which two TFs that are never co-expressed generate a new, intersectional expression pattern in C. elegans embryos: lineage-specific priming of a gene by a transiently expressed TF generates a unique intersection with a second TF acting on the same gene four cell divisions later; the second TF is expressed in multiple cells but only activates transcription in those where priming occurred. Early induction of active transcription is necessary and sufficient to establish a competent state, maintained by broadly expressed regulators in the absence of the initial trigger. We uncover additional cells diversified through this mechanism. Our findings define a mechanism for combinatorial TF activity with important implications for generation of cell-type diversity.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The mouse T-box transcription factors T and Tbx6 are co-expressed in the primitive streak and have unique domains of expression; T is expressed in the notochord, while Tbx6 is expressed in the presomitic mesoderm. T-box factors are related through a shared DNA binding domain, the T-domain, and can therefore bind to similar DNA sequences at least in vitro We investigated the functional similarities and differences of T and Tbx6 DNA binding and transcriptional activity in vitro and their interaction genetically in vivo We show that at one target, Dll1, the T-domains of T and Tbx6 have different affinities for the binding sites present in the mesoderm enhancer. We further show using in vitro assays that T and Tbx6 differentially affect transcription with Tbx6 activating expression tenfold higher than T, that T and Tbx6 can compete at target gene enhancers, and that this competition requires a functional DNA binding domain. Next, we addressed whether T and Tbx6 can compete in vivo First, we generated embryos that express Tbx6 at greater than wild-type levels embryos and show that these embryos have short tails, resembling the T heterozygous phenotype. Next, using the dominant-negative TWis allele, we show that Tbx6+/- TWis/+ embryos share similarities with embryos homozygous for the Tbx6 hypomorphic allele rib-vertebrae, specifically fusions of several ribs and malformation of some vertebrae. Finally, we tested whether Tbx6 can functionally replace T using a knockin approach, which resulted in severe T null-like phenotypes in chimeric embryos generated with ES cells heterozygous for a Tbx6 knockin at the T locus. Altogether, our results of differences in affinity for DNA binding sites and transcriptional activity for T and Tbx6 provide a potential mechanism for the failure of Tbx6 to functionally replace T and possible competition phenotypes in vivo.






