
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Climate and land use/land cover (LULC) changes have far-reaching effects on various biological processes in wildlife, particularly interspecific interactions. Unfortunately, interspecific interactions are often overlooked when assessing the impacts of environmental changes on endangered species. In this study, we examined niche similarities and habitat overlaps between wild Crested Ibis and sympatric Egret and Heron species (EHs) in Shaanxi, China, using Ecological niche models (ENMs). We aimed to forecast potential alterations in habitat overlaps due to climate and LULC changes. The results showed that although EHs possess a broader niche breadth compared to the Crested Ibis, they still share certain niche similarities, as indicated by Schoener\'s D and Hellinger\'s I values exceeding 0.5, respectively. Notably, despite varying degrees of habitat reduction, the shared habitat area of all six species expands with the changes in climate and LULC. We suggest that with the climate and LULC changes, the habitats of sympatric EHs are likely to suffer varying degrees of destruction, forcing them to seek refuge and migrate to the remaining wild Ibis habitat. This is primarily due to the effective conservation efforts in the Crested Ibis habitat in Yangxian County and neighboring areas. Consequently, due to the niche similarity, they will share and compete for limited habitat resources, including food and space. Therefore, we recommend that conservation efforts extend beyond protecting the Crested Ibis habitat. It is crucial to control human activities that contribute to LULC changes to safeguard the habitats of both Crested Ibis and other sympatric birds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Maternally-inherited symbionts can induce pre-mating and/or post-mating reproductive isolation between sympatric host lineages, and speciation, by modifying host reproductive phenotypes. The large parasitoid wasp genus Cotesia (Braconidae) includes a diversity of cryptic species, each specialized in parasitizing one to few related Lepidoptera host species. Here, we characterized the infection status of an assemblage of 21 Cotesia species from 15 countries by several microbial symbionts, as a first step toward investigating whether symbionts may provide a barrier to gene flow between these parasitoid host lineages.
    RESULTS: The symbiotic microbes Arsenophonus, Cardinium, Microsporidium and Spiroplasma were not detected in the Cotesia wasps. However, the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia was present in at least eight Cotesia species, and hence we concentrated on it upon screening additional DNA extracts and SRAs from NCBI. Some of the closely related Cotesia species carry similar Wolbachia strains, but most Wolbachia strains showed patterns of horizontal transfer between phylogenetically distant host lineages.
    CONCLUSIONS: The lack of co-phylogenetic signal between Wolbachia and Cotesia suggests that the symbiont and hosts have not coevolved to an extent that would drive species divergence between the Cotesia host lineages. However, as the most common facultative symbiont of Cotesia species, Wolbachia may still function as a key-player in the biology of the parasitoid wasps. Its precise role in the evolution of this complex clade of cryptic species remains to be experimentally investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Three morning glory species in the genus Argyreia Lour., A. lycioides (Choisy) Traiperm & Rattanakrajang, A. mekongensis Gagnep & Courchet, and A. versicolor (Kerr) Staples & Traiperm, were found co-occurring and co-flowering. Argyreia mekongensis and A. versicolor are rare, while A. lycioides is near threatened and distributed throughout Myanmar and Thailand. We investigated key floral characters (floral morphology and phenology, as well as the micromorphology of the floral nectary disc and staminal trichomes) and screened for important chemical compounds hypothesized to contribute to pollinator attraction. Our findings demonstrate that some aspects of floral morphology (e.g., corolla size, limb presence, and floral color) of the three studied congeners exhibit significant differences. Moreover, pollinator composition appears to be influenced by floral shape and size; morning glory species with wider corolla tubes were pollinated by larger bees. The morphology of the floral nectary disc was similar in all species, while variation in staminal trichomes was observed across species. Glandular trichomes were found in all three species, while non-glandular trichomes were found only in A. versicolor. Histochemical results revealed different compounds in the floral nectary and staminal trichomes of each species, which may contribute to both floral attraction and defense. These findings demonstrate some segregation of floral visitors among sympatric co-flowering morning glory species, which appears to be influenced by the macro- and micromorphology of flowers and their chemical compounds. Moreover, understanding the floral morphology and chemical attractants of these sympatric co-flowering Argyreia species may help to maintain their common pollinators in order to conserve these rare and endangered species, especially A. versicolor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Secondary contact between closely related taxa represents a \"moment of truth\" for speciation-an opportunity to test the efficacy of reproductive isolation that evolved in allopatry and to identify the genetic, behavioral, and/or ecological barriers that separate species in sympatry. Sex chromosomes are known to rapidly accumulate differences between species, an effect that may be exacerbated for neo-sex chromosomes that are transitioning from autosomal to sex-specific inheritance. Here we report that, in the Solomon Islands, two closely related bird species in the honeyeater family-Myzomela cardinalis and Myzomela tristrami-carry neo-sex chromosomes and have come into recent secondary contact after ~1.1 my of geographic isolation. Hybrids of the two species were first observed in sympatry ~100 years ago. To determine the genetic consequences of hybridization, we use population genomic analyses of individuals sampled in allopatry and in sympatry to characterize gene flow in the contact zone. Using genome-wide estimates of diversity, differentiation, and divergence, we find that the degree and direction of introgression varies dramatically across the genome. For sympatric birds, autosomal introgression is bidirectional, with phenotypic hybrids and phenotypic parentals of both species showing admixed ancestry. In other regions of the genome, however, the story is different. While introgression on the Z/neo-Z-linked sequence is limited, introgression of W/neo-W regions and mitochondrial sequence (mtDNA) is highly asymmetric, moving only from the invading M. cardinalis to the resident M. tristrami. The recent hybridization between these species has thus enabled gene flow in some genomic regions but the interaction of admixture, asymmetric mate choice, and/or natural selection has led to the variation in the amount and direction of gene flow at sex-linked regions of the genome.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Arthropods harbor complex microbiota that play a pivotal role in host fitness. While multiple factors, like host species and diet, shape microbiota in arthropods, their impact on community assembly in wild insects remains largely unknown. In this study, we surveyed bacterial and fungal community assembly in nine sympatric wild insect species that share a common citrus fruit diet. Source tracking analysis suggested that these insects acquire some bacteria and fungi from the citrus fruit with varying degrees. Although sharing a common diet led to microbiota convergence, the diversity, composition, and network of both bacterial and fungal communities varied significantly among surveyed insect groups. Null model analysis indicated that stochastic processes, particularly dispersal limitation and drift, are primary drivers of structuring insect bacterial and fungal communities. Importantly, the influence of each community assembly process varied strongly depending on the host species. Thus, we proposed a speculative view that the host specificity of the microbiome and mycobiome assembly is widespread in wild insects despite sharing the same regional species pool. Overall, this research solidifies the importance of host species in shaping microbiomes and mycobiomes, providing novel insights into their assembly mechanisms in wild insects.
    OBJECTIVE: Since the microbiome has been shown to impact insect fitness, a mechanistic understanding of community assembly has potentially significant applications but remains largely unexplored. In this paper, we investigate bacterial and fungal community assembly in nine sympatric wild insect species that share a common diet. The main findings indicate that stochastic processes drive the divergence of microbiomes and mycobiomes in nine sympatric wild insect species. These findings offer novel insights into the assembly mechanisms of microbiomes and mycobiomes in wild insects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Disentangling the genomic intricacies underlying speciation and the causes of discordance between sources of evidence can offer remarkable insights into evolutionary dynamics. The ant-eating spider Zodarion nitidum, found across the Middle East and Egypt, displays yellowish and blackish morphs that co-occur sympatrically. These morphs additionally differ in behavioral and physiological features and show complete pre-mating reproductive isolation. In contrast, they possess similar sexual features and lack distinct differences in their mitochondrial DNA. We analyzed both Z. nitidum morphs and outgroups using genome-wide and additional mitochondrial DNA data. The genomic evidence indicated that Yellow and Black are reciprocally independent lineages without signs of recent admixture. Interestingly, the sister group of Yellow is not Black but Z. luctuosum, a morphologically distinct species. Genomic gene flow analyses pinpointed an asymmetric nuclear introgression event, with Yellow contributing nearly 5 % of its genome to Black roughly 320,000 years ago, intriguingly aligning with the independently estimated origin of the mitochondrial DNA of Black. We conclude that the blackish and yellowish morphs of Z. nitidum are long-diverged distinct species, and that the ancient and modest genomic introgression event registered resulted in a complete mitochondrial takeover of Black by Yellow. This investigation underscores the profound long-term effects that even modest hybridization events can have on the genome of organisms. It also exemplifies the utility of phylogenetic networks for estimating historical events and how integrating independent lines of evidence can increase the reliability of such estimations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While the presence of morphologically cryptic species is increasingly recognized, we still lack a useful understanding of what causes and maintains co-occurring cryptic species and its consequences for the ecology, evolution, and conservation of communities. We sampled 724 Pocillopora corals from five habitat zones (the fringing reef, back reef, and fore reef at 5, 10, and 20 m) at four sites around the island of Moorea, French Polynesia. Using validated genetic markers, we identified six sympatric species of Pocillopora, most of which cannot be reliably identified based on morphology: P. meandrina (42.9%), P. tuahiniensis (25.1%), P. verrucosa (12.2%), P. acuta (10.4%), P. grandis (7.73%), and P. cf. effusa (2.76%). For 423 colonies (58% of the genetically identified hosts), we also used psbA ncr or ITS2 markers to identify symbiont species (Symbiodiniaceae). The relative abundance of Pocillopora species differed across habitats within the reef. Sister taxa P. verrucosa and P. tuahiniensis had similar niche breadths and hosted the same specialist symbiont species (mostly Cladocopium pacificum) but the former was more common in the back reef and the latter more common deeper on the fore reef. In contrast, sister taxa P. meandrina and P. grandis had the highest niche breadths and overlaps and tended to host the same specialist symbiont species (mostly C. latusorum). Pocillopora acuta had the narrowest niche breadth and hosted the generalist, and more thermally tolerant, Durusdinium gynnii. Overall, there was a positive correlation between reef habitat niche breadth and symbiont niche breadth-Pocillopora species with a broader habitat niche also had a broader symbiont niche. Our results show how fine-scale variation within reefs plays an important role in the generation and coexistence of cryptic species. The results also have important implications for how niche differences affect community resilience, and for the success of coral restoration practices, in ways not previously appreciated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Tracking the spread of antibiotic resistant bacteria is critical to reduce global morbidity and mortality associated with human and animal infections. There is a need to understand the role that wild animals in maintenance and transfer of antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs).
    UNASSIGNED: This study used metagenomics to identify and compare the abundance of bacterial species and ARGs detected in the gut microbiomes from sympatric humans and wild mouse lemurs in a forest-dominated, roadless region of Madagascar near Ranomafana National Park. We examined the contribution of human geographic location toward differences in ARG abundance and compared the genomic similarity of ARGs between host source microbiomes.
    UNASSIGNED: Alpha and beta diversity of species and ARGs between host sources were distinct but maintained a similar number of detectable ARG alleles. Humans were differentially more abundant for four distinct tetracycline resistance-associated genes compared to lemurs. There was no significant difference in human ARG diversity from different locations. Human and lemur microbiomes shared 14 distinct ARGs with highly conserved in nucleotide identity. Synteny of ARG-associated assemblies revealed a distinct multidrug-resistant gene cassette carrying dfrA1 and aadA1 present in human and lemur microbiomes without evidence of geographic overlap, suggesting that these resistance genes could be widespread in this ecosystem. Further investigation into intermediary processes that maintain drug-resistant bacteria in wildlife settings is needed.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Several human-adapted Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (Mtbc) lineages exhibit a restricted geographical distribution globally. These lineages are hypothesized to transmit more effectively among sympatric hosts, that is, those that share the same geographical area, though this is yet to be confirmed while controlling for exposure, social networks and disease risk after exposure. Using pathogen genomic and contact tracing data from 2,279 tuberculosis cases linked to 12,749 contacts from three low-incidence cities, we show that geographically restricted Mtbc lineages were less transmissible than lineages that have a widespread global distribution. Allopatric host-pathogen exposure, in which the restricted pathogen and host are from non-overlapping areas, had a 38% decrease in the odds of infection among contacts compared with sympatric exposures. We measure tenfold lower uptake of geographically restricted lineage 6 strains compared with widespread lineage 4 strains in allopatric macrophage infections. We conclude that Mtbc strain-human long-term coexistence has resulted in differential transmissibility of Mtbc lineages and that this differs by human population.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Morphologically similar species that occupy resource-limited environments tend to differ in their ecological traits in order to coexist, which may result in differential exposure to environmental threats. For instance, partitioning of feeding resources may influence contaminant exposure and bioaccumulation in marine predators through different diets or foraging habitats. Here, we sampled three tropical seabird species breeding in sympatry in the southwestern Atlantic Ocean for blood and feather trace element concentrations (As, Hg, Cd, Pb), and assessed their foraging ecology with bio-logging (GPS tracks and time-depth recorders), analysis of regurgitated prey, and carbon and nitrogen stable isotope mixing models. Red-billed tropicbirds (Phaethon aethereus), brown (Sula leucogaster) and masked (S. dactylatra) boobies differed in their preferred foraging locations, the range of foraging trips, diving parameters and diets. In addition, interspecific differences were detected in blood or feathers for all trace elements analyzed, suggesting influence of the differences observed in diet and space use. Red-billed tropicbirds had the largest foraging range over the continental shelf and over the slope, suggesting lower exposure to continental sources of metals. Brown and masked boobies had higher Hg concentrations than tropicbirds, higher δ15N values (a proxy for trophic level), and δ15N correlated with Hg levels, suggesting biomagnification of Hg along the food chain. Nonetheless, red-billed tropicbirds showed comparable levels of As and Cd in blood or feathers, and higher levels of Pb in both tissues in comparison to boobies, which may suggest overall exposure of seabirds in the region, through their diets and foraging areas. Resource partitioning is critical for allowing coexistence of different seabird species in shared breeding sites where they act as central-place foragers. Nonetheless, in scenarios of environmental pollution, these species-specific strategies lead to differential bioaccumulation, and thus distinct effects of pollution on populations are expected.





