Suzhou city

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Soil is the foundation of agricultural green development and human survival; the study of local environmental geochemical baselines can guide soil management and ensure the safe use of soil. In this study, a total of 100 shallow farmland soil samples were collected in each township of Yongqiao District, Suzhou City, Anhui Province, China. Herein, the contents of 10 heavy metal elements including As, Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn and Fe were determined. In addition, the geochemical baseline of heavy metals was calculated based on the relative cumulative frequency curve method, and the soil pollution status was evaluated. The results show that the average contents of As, Hg, Cd, Cu, Mn and Zn exceeded the soil background values of Anhui Province by 3.82%-64.74% (1.04-1.65 times), meanwhile, the average contents of Pb and Cr were lower than the soil background values of Anhui Province. The average contents of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn and Ni exceeded the Chinese soil background values by 1.61%-64.74% (0.98-1.65 times). The geochemical baseline values of As, Hg, Cd, Pb, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Zn and Fe were 9.585 mg/kg, 0.028 mg/kg, 0.112 mg/kg, 21.59 mg/kg, 53.66 mg/kg, 19.31 mg/kg, 543.8 mg/kg, 24.93 mg/kg, 50.57 mg/kg and 2.654%, respectively. The pollution assessment results also showed that most of the farmland soil samples in the study area were non-polluting or slightly polluted based on geochemical baselines. Hg and Cu in a few samples were moderately polluted, and Cd in only one sample was moderately intensely polluted. Combined with the distribution of pollution and field investigation, it is considered that Hg comes from atmospheric deposition and agricultural non-point source pollution of industrial pollution. Cu comes from animal husbandry and agricultural pollution. Meanwhile, Cd is related to natural sources, wood processing and agricultural fertiliser application. The study demonstrated that the calculation of soil geochemical background value should take full account of the differences between the various regions, combined with the current state, particularly the pre-consideration of the distribution of elements or pollutants. Then, reasonably select the evaluation standard value so that the evaluation results can truly reflect the state of soil pollution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the endemic status of schistosomiasis in Suzhou City from 2010 to 2020, so as to provide the evidence for formulating the future schistosomiasis control strategy.
    METHODS: The data pertaining to the endemic status of schistosomiasis in Suzhou City from 2010 to 2020 were retrieved from the annual schistosomiasis control report, the information management platform of schistosomiasis (parasitic diseases) in Jiangsu Province and the Parasitic Diseases Control Information Management System of Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, including snail survey data, snail control data and schistosomiasis examination data, and were retrospectively reviewed. Differences of proportions were tested for statistical significance with chi-square test, and the trends in proportions were evaluated using the chi-square test for trends.
    RESULTS: Elimination of schistosomiasis was achieved in Suzhou City in 2018, and there were 3.528 9 million residents living in schistosomiasis-endemic villages of 81 townships in 9 counties. A total of 707 600 labor-days were used for snail survey in 11 586 village-times in Suzhou City from 2010 to 2020, covering 18 572.73 hm2, and snail habitats were detected with an area of 68.61 hm2, including emerging snail habitats of 37.30 hm2. A total of 23 144 snails were dissected, and no Schistosoma japonicum infection was detected. Reemerging and emerging snail habitats were predominantly found in inlands. During the period from 2010 to 2020, snail control was performed in Suzhou City for 71 000 labor-times, and snail control was done covering 269.34 hm2 through chemical treatment and covering 3.48 hm2 through environmental improvements. A total of 674 002 person-times received serological tests for S. japonicum infections in Suzhou City from 2010 to 2020, with seroprevalence of 0.38%, and a total of 33 835 person-times received stool examinations, with no egg-positives identified. The sero-prevalence of S. japonicum infections appeared an overall tendency towards a rise in Suzhou City from 2010 to 2020 (χ2 = 129.48, P < 0.001). The sero-prevalence of S. japonicum infections appeared high among local residents in 2016, and remained stable in other years, while the sero-prevalence of S. japonicum infections appeared an overall tendency towards a rise among mobile populations (χ2 = 54.11, P < 0.001). There were 278 800 and 175 202 serological tests among local residents and mobile populations in Suzhou City from 2013 to 2020, and 0.50% and 0.35% sero-prevalence rates were detected, respectively. The sero-prevalence of S. japonicum infections was significantly higher among local residents than among mobile populations in Suzhou City (χ2= 54.76, P < 0.001).
    CONCLUSIONS: There is a risk of rebound of schistosomiasis in Suzhou City. Integrated control should be reinforced to prevent the risk of rebound of schistosomiasis in Suzhou City.
    [摘要] 目的 分析 2010—2020 年苏州市血吸虫病疫情, 为制定巩固血吸虫病消除策略提供依据。方法 从 2010—2020 年苏州市血吸虫病防治工作报表、江苏省血吸虫病 (寄生虫病) 防治信息管理平台及中国疾病预防控制寄生虫病防 治信息管理系统中收集历年苏州市查螺、灭螺、血吸虫病查病等资料, 采用回顾性研究方法进行研究, 本地人群和流动人 群血吸虫病血检阳性率比较采用 χ2 检验, 历年血检阳性率比较采用趋势性 χ2 检验。结果 苏州市于 2018 年通过江苏省 血吸虫病消除评估考核。2010—2020 年累计查螺 18 572.73 hm2, 共查出有螺面积 68.61 hm2, 其中新发现钉螺面积 37.30 hm2; 共解剖钉螺 23 144 只, 未发现感染性钉螺; 无论是复现还是新发钉螺环境, 均以内陆为主。2010—2020 年累计药物灭螺 269.34 hm2, 其中环境改造灭螺 3.48 hm2。2010—2020 年共对 674 002 人·次进行血吸虫病血清学检查, 检出阳性 2 567 人·次, 血检阳性率 0.38%; 病原学检查 33 835 人·次, 未检出阳性。2010—2020 年血吸虫病血检阳性率总体呈上升趋势 (χ2 = 129.48, P < 0.001), 其中本地人群血检阳性率除 2016 年居于高位外, 其余几年相对平稳; 流动人口血检阳性率总体 呈上升趋势 (χ2 = 54.11, P < 0.001)。2013—2020 年分别对本地人群和流动人口开展血吸虫病血清学检查 278 800、175 202 人·次, 分别检出阳性 1 387、609 人·次, 阳性率分别为 0.50%和0.35%, 本地人群血检阳性率高于流动人口 (χ2 = 54.76, P < 0.001)。结论 苏州市血吸虫病疫情有回升风险, 应继续采取综合防控措施降低血吸虫病疫情复燃的风险。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To promote the application of entropy concepts in uncertainty analysis of water resources complex system, a quantitative evaluation and obstacle factor diagnosis model of agricultural drought disaster risk was proposed using connection number and information entropy. The results applied to Suzhou City showed that the agricultural drought disaster risks in Suzhou during 2007-2017 were all in middle-risk status, while it presented a decreasing trend from 2010. The information entropy values of the difference degree item bI were markedly lower than those of the difference degree b, indicating that bI provided more information in the evaluation process. Furthermore, the status of drought damage sensitivity and drought hazard were improved significantly. Nevertheless, high exposure to drought and weak drought resistance capacity seriously impeded the reduction of risk. Thus, the key to decreasing risk was to maintain the level of damage sensitivity, while the difficulties were to reduce exposure and enhance resistance. In addition, the percentage of the agricultural population, population density, and percentage of effective irrigation area were the main obstacle factors of risk and also the key points of risk control in Suzhou. In short, the results suggest that the evaluation and diagnosis method is effective and conducive to regional drought disaster risk management.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To accurately assess the potential ecological risk posed by heavy metals in lime concretion black soil and quantify the risk contributions from different sources, an investigation of 217 surface soil samples and 56 subsoil samples was performed in the southern part of Suzhou City. Geochemical baseline values of soil heavy metals (Cr, Zn, Pb, Ni, Hg, Cu, Cd, As, Mn and Co) in the study area were calculated as 53.6, 61.5, 19.8, 27.6, 0.08, 18.4, 0.13, 12.9, 416.1 and 11.0 mg/kg, respectively, by using reference metal normalization and cumulative frequency curve methods. Subsequently, four potential sources of soil heavy metals were identified by the positive matrix factorization. Finally, the potential ecological risks arising from the identified sources were determined by the integrated model of positive matrix factorization and Hakanson potential ecological risk index. Results showed that the ecological risk posed by soil heavy metals in the study area ranged from low to moderate level. Hg and Cd were the two largest risk contributors, supplying 36.0% and 30.3% of total risk value. The origin of heavy metals in the soils is mostly related to four sources including agricultural activities, natural dispersion, coal consumption and traffic pollution. Source apportionment of the potential ecological risks revealed that the dominant risk source in the study area was natural dispersion (42.0%), followed by coal related industries (26.5%), agricultural activities (20.4%) and traffic pollution (11.1%). This work gives a clear baseline information of the heavy metal accumulations in lime concretion black soil and provides a successful case study for the source-oriented ecological risk assessment.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Under the premise of facing land-use sustainable development goals, clarifying the process and trend of regional land-use transition (LUT) is of considerable significance to the direction of national land-use optimization in the future. Suzhou City is not only an economically developed area in China but also a leading area of economic transformation and development, which embodies the changing process of regional development path since China\'s reform and opening up. This paper constructed an integrated research framework of micro-individual land use structure and macro-mixed landscape multifunctionality. It used spatial analysis technology to deeply analyze the LUT process of Suzhou, and quantified change characteristics of land use structure and function in Suzhou from 2000 to 2015. For structure, Suzhou has undergone a large-scale transition during the study period, mainly from farmland to construction land, in which transition speed and degree are at a high level until the trend slows down after 2010. For function, the number of high values of landscape multifunctionality gradually increases. Still, the scope of high-value areas progressively reduces by urban expansion constraints; the multifunctionality around urban expansion area gradually weakens. Besides, forest land, grassland, and other ecological land have the most significant number of land use functions. The comprehensive transition of land use structure and function can give a summary as a circle-layer dynamic change process of urban development. Transition hotspots can be divided into five specific regions of land management and finally realize comprehensive development zoning of urban and rural areas at the township level. LUT research framework based on structure-function coupling will provide ideas for land management mode transformation and contribute to sustainable land spatial planning strategy formulation.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    The demographic features, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of two cases with falciparum malaria imported into Suzhou City in 2019 were reported. These findings indicate a risk of imported malaria in visitors besides high prevalence in migrant labors, and much attention should be paid to children that are at a high risk of infections.
    [摘要] 对苏州市 2019 年报告的 2 例输入性恶性疟病例的基本信息、流行病学史以及诊治过程资料进行收集、整理和分析。结果 显示, 苏州市输入性疟疾不仅在劳务输出人群中高发, 在探亲访友人群中也存在感染风险, 尤其是儿童感染风险应引起重视。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinical characteristics and the distribution of peripheral blood T lymphocyte sub-sets in patients with schistosomal hepatic cirrhosis in Suzhou City.
    METHODS: A total of 32 inpatients with liver diseases due to advanced schistosomiasis at the Department of Infectious Diseases, The First Affiliated Hospital of Soochow University from January 2016 to January 2018 were recruited and assigned into the infection and non-infection groups according to presence of co-infections, and 20 old healthy volunteers served as controls. Venous blood samples were collected on the day of admission, and the proportions of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, regulatory T (Treg) cells and Th17 cells were detected in peripheral blood using flow cytometry.
    RESULTS: Most patients with liver disorders due to advanced schistosomiasis were admitted to hospital in Suzhou City because of portal hypertension-associated complications, with a high prevalence of co-infections (59.38%, 19/32). The proportions of peripheral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and Th17 cells were all significantly lower in patients with liver disorders due to advanced schistosomiasis than in controls (t = -5.111, -4.470 and -2.749, all P < 0.05), and a higher proportion of Treg cells was detected in patients than in controls (t = 5.628, P < 0.05). In addition, there were significant differences among the infection group, non-infection group and controls in terms of the percentage of CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells, Th17 cells and Treg cells (F = 15.837, 16.594, 9.290 and 27.866, all P < 0.05).
    CONCLUSIONS: Portal hypertension-associated complications are predominantly seen in patients with liver diseases due to advanced schistosomiasis at admission in Suzhou City, and co-infections are common. Imbalance of peripheral T cell subsets is detected in patients with liver diseases due to advanced schistosomiasis in Suzhou City.
    [摘要] 目的 了解苏州地区晚期血吸虫病肝病患者临床特征及其外周血T淋巴细胞亚群分布。方法 以 2016 年 1 月-2018年 1 月在苏州大学附属第一医院感染科住院治疗的 32 例晚期血吸虫病肝病患者为研究对象, 并根据是否合并 其他感染分组进行研究; 同时随机选取 20 例老年健康体检者为对照。采集研究对象静脉血, 采用流式细胞术检测外周 血 CD4+T 细胞、CD8+T 细胞、调节性T (Treg) 细胞和Th17细胞比例。结果 苏州地区血吸虫性肝病患者多因门脉高压相 关并发症入院, 合并感染率较高 (59.38%, 19/32)。血吸虫性肝病患者外周血 CD4+T、CD8+T 淋巴细胞及Th17细胞百分比 低于健康对照组 (t = −5.111、−4.470 和 −2.749, P 均< 0.05); Treg 细胞百分比高于健康对照组 (t = 5.628, P < 0.05)。有感 染组、无感染组及对照组患者的 CD4+T、CD8+T 淋巴细胞、Th17 细胞及Treg 细胞亚群分布差异均有统计学意义 (F = 15.837、16.594、9.290 和 27.866, P 均< 0.05)。结论 苏州地区血吸虫性肝病患者入院多以门脉高压相关并发症多见, 合 并感染者较常见, 且患者外周血T淋巴细胞亚群已处于失衡状态。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To analyze the assessment results of malaria elimination in Suzhou City, so as to provide references for consolidating the results of malaria elimination in the city.
    METHODS: According to \"Jiangsu Province Malaria Evaluation and Assessment Implementation Plan (2014 Edition)\" and \"Jiangsu City Malaria Evaluation Implementation Regulations (2015 Edition)\", the assessment of the county-level cities and districts under the jurisdiction of Suzhou City was conducted. After the assessment, the municipal level assessment and evaluation were carried out, and one district was randomly selected for the assessment of malaria elimination review.
    RESULTS: The assessment score of malaria elimination in Suzhou City was 98.6 points. Wujiang District was randomly selected for review assessment, and the review score was 95.8 points. According to the 85 points attainment criteria specified by the national assessment, Suzhou City met the requirement of malaria elimination.
    CONCLUSIONS: Suzhou City has passed the inspection certification of malaria elimination in Jiangsu Province. However, the post-elimination malaria monitoring should be continued to consolidate the achievements.
    [摘要] 目的 分析苏州市消除疟疾考核评估结果, 为巩固苏州市消除疟疾成果提供参考依据。方法 依据《江苏省消除疟疾考核评估实施方案 (2014 年版)》和《江苏省市级消除疟疾评估实施细则 (2015 年版)》, 对苏州市所辖的市 (区)进行消除疟疾考核评估, 全部通过考核后进行市级消除疟疾考核评估, 并随机抽取1个区开展消除疟疾复核考核评估, 对考核评估结果进行分析。结果 苏州市消除疟疾考核评估得分为98.6分; 随机抽取吴江区进行复核评估, 复核分数为 95.8 分; 按照国家考核评估规定的 85 分达标标准, 苏州市达到消除疟疾标准。结论 苏州市达到消除疟疾标准; 今后要继续做好消除后疟疾监测工作, 巩固消除疟疾成果。.





