
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Drawing upon data from a study examining experiences of accessing support for pets from the UK animal welfare charity Blue Cross, this paper illuminates reasons why people might not seek support when they need it. This applies to those who are struggling financially and are eligible for, but do not take, free/reduced cost veterinary care, or are having other problems (e.g. the animal\'s disruptive behaviour or ill health, struggling to care for the pet due to changing circumstances or health problems, or coping with pet loss). Twenty Blue Cross service users (15 female, five male, age 29-67) took part in individual online interviews using a semi-guided narrative approach, where they were encouraged to share their experiences of reaching out. They were also asked to reflect upon why others may not do the same, and if they had any recommendations for organisations to help them reach these people. Findings echo other studies that highlight a fear of being judged, disclosure and stigma. Guilt, shame, lack of awareness, financial concerns, and wanting to manage independently, all play important roles. These factors have implications for the way support services are advertised and delivered to ensure animals receive the care needed. We describe these reflections and recommendations and identify three broader ideological narratives underpinning participants\' stories: \'giving back\'; \'equity\', and \'sacrifice\'. These reveal how wider societal attitudes and values shape identities and behaviours. It is vital that support on offer is reframed to explicitly counteract these influences to ensure optimal animal and human welfare.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The COVID-19 pandemic led many couples to stay at home together with minimal contact with others. As social distancing measures reduced contact with outside households, many partners could seek support only from one another. In two studies using a sequential mixed methods design, we investigated support-seeking behaviors in romantic relationships during COVID-19. In the qualitative study, semi-structured interviews (n = 48) showed differences in how and why partners seek support with an initial consideration of the role of attachment. We identified the following themes: direct support-seeking, indirect support-seeking, (in)dependence, and gender dynamics. In the quantitative study (n = 588), high COVID-19 worry, high attachment anxiety, and low attachment avoidance were associated with more support-seeking. Interestingly, we also found that when COVID-19 worry was high, individuals high in attachment avoidance were more likely to report seeking support. The paper provides a unique insight into the impact of COVID-19 on support-seeking behaviors in romantic relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: Patient disclosure of prior suicidal behaviors is critical for effectively managing suicide risk; however, many attempts go undisclosed. Aims: The current study explored how responses following a suicide attempt disclosure may relate to help-seeking outcomes. Method: Participants included 37 veterans with a previous suicide attempt receiving inpatient psychiatric treatment. Veterans reported on their most and least helpful experiences disclosing their suicide attempt to others. Results: Veterans disclosed their suicide attempt to approximately eight individuals. Mental health professionals were the most cited recipient of their most helpful disclosure; romantic partners were the most common recipient of their least helpful disclosures. Positive reactions within the context of the least helpful disclosure experience were positively associated with a sense of connection with the disclosure recipient. Positive reactions within the most helpful disclosure experience were positively associated with the likelihood of future disclosure. No reactions were associated with having sought professional care or likelihood of seeking professional care. Limitations: The results are considered preliminary due to the small sample size. Conclusion: Findings suggest that while positive reactions may influence suicide attempt disclosure experiences broadly, additional research is needed to clarify factors that drive the decision to disclose a suicide attempt to a professional.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Garnering support for distressing experiences is highly important, yet notoriously challenging. We examine whether expressing positive thoughts and feelings when seeking support for negative events can help people elicit support, and we present a theoretical process model that explains why it might do so. The model includes three support-eliciting pathways through which expressing positivity could increase support: by strengthening providers\' prorelational motives, increasing providers\' positive mood, and enhancing providers\' expected support effectiveness. It also includes a support-suppressing pathway through which expressing positivity could decrease support: by undermining providers\' appraisals of support seekers\' needs. After presenting the model and providing evidence for each indirect pathway, we review research regarding the direct pathway. We then consider various types of positivity, discuss possible moderators, and identify directions for future research. Our model highlights support seekers\' underemphasized role in shaping support receipt and provides a novel perspective on positive expressivity\'s potential value in distress-related contexts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The current study examined the effect of exposure to online support-seeking posts containing different levels of depth self-disclosure (baseline, peripheral, core) affecting the quality (person-centeredness and politeness) of participants\' support-provision messages. Participants of the study were assigned to the role of a support-provider. Compared to participants who read support-seeking posts with baseline and core self-disclosure, participants who read support-seeking posts with peripheral self-disclosure rated the support-seekers as less anonymous. Compared to participants who read support-seeking posts in the baseline condition, participants who read the support-seeking posts with peripheral self-disclosure wrote support-provision messages with higher level of person-centeredness and politeness. Participants\' perceived anonymity of the support-seekers mediated the effect of the depth of self-disclosure on the politeness of the response messages.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of the current research was to evaluate, in people with fibromyalgia, the extent to which beliefs about sharing illness experiences are associated with functioning and distress, and to explore the mediating role of illness behaviours. A new scale was designed to address this.
    The Beliefs about Sharing Illness Experiences (BASIE) scale was developed, and initial tests of reliability and validity were conducted. A cross-sectional design was used to determine relationships, including mediation analyses.
    Individuals with fibromyalgia (n = 147) and a comparison group of individuals without fibromyalgia (n = 47) completed questionnaires online. Construct validity was assessed by comparing these two groups. Convergent validity was assessed through correlations with the BASIE and measures of support-seeking and self-sacrifice. Correlation analyses were used to determine relationships with illness behaviours and outcome measures (distress and global impact). Mediation analyses were used to test the indirect effects of illness behaviours.
    The BASIE was correlated with expected convergent measures and had good internal consistency (Cronbach\'s alpha = .939). Individuals with fibromyalgia had significantly higher scores than the comparison group. There was a direct relationship between BASIE scores and outcomes, in terms of functioning and distress. The relationship between BASIE scores and functioning was partially mediated by personal/emotional support-seeking and all-or-nothing behaviours, and not by symptom-related support-seeking or limiting behaviours.
    Beliefs about sharing illness experiences may be a key factor in maintaining cycles of distress and symptoms in people with fibromyalgia, together with all-or-nothing behaviours and personal/emotional support-seeking. Statement of contribution What is already known on this subject? Maintenance of fibromyalgia is likely to be a complex autopoietic relationship including symptoms, beliefs, behaviours, and emotions. Research suggests possible roles of beliefs about unacceptability of emotions and beliefs around interpersonal situations, and behaviours in social situations as well as limiting and all-or-nothing behaviours. People with fibromyalgia may experience stigma, sometimes resulting in secrecy around their condition and symptoms. What does this study add? The BASIE is a 21-item questionnaire that measures beliefs around sharing illness experiences. Individuals with fibromyalgia hold stronger beliefs around unacceptability of sharing illness experiences. These beliefs are related to functioning and distress, partially mediated by illness behaviours.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    After a sexual assault, victims often disclose their assault to an informal support provider (SP) to receive social support. Ample research exists on social reactions of informal SPs to disclosure and how those reactions affect the victim both positively and negatively, but little research exists on how the disclosure impacts a survivor\'s support relationships both in the short and in the long term. This qualitative interview study examined 45 ethnically diverse informal support dyads where women disclosed sexual assault to an informal SP (e.g., friend, family, significant other). Assault disclosure was examined to determine its impact on relationship quality of survivors and their SPs. Results revealed positive and negative effects on survivor-SP relationships of assault disclosure and social reactions. In almost all matched pairs (91%), the survivor, SP, or both remarked on how the relationship had changed following disclosure. Family member SPs spoke of survivors\' risk-taking and poor relationship choices. Significant others spoke of the toll of supporting survivors who sometimes left their needs unmet and strained their relationships with survivors. Friend SPs often appraised how the survivor engaged in other types of relationships, but overall felt that their relationships had become stronger or closer as a result of the disclosure. Implications of this study include acknowledging that informal supporters, particularly significant others, can experience adverse effects after disclosure, and that help is needed not only for survivors but also for their informal support sources. Future research should continue to investigate both the short-term and longitudinal impacts of sexual assault disclosure on survivors\' informal support relationships.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Suppression of undesirable emotions, as well as beliefs about the unacceptability of experiencing and expressing emotions, have both been shown to be related to poorer health-related outcomes in several clinical groups. Potential models through which these variables relate have yet to be tested in those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and are therefore examined in the current article. Online questionnaires were administered to people with IBS (n = 84) to test a mediation model in which beliefs about the unacceptability of emotions are associated with greater emotional suppression, which in turn relates to increased affective distress and consequently poorer quality of life. An alternate model to test the direction of effect along with two further models using support-seeking as mediators of the same predictor and outcome were also tested. Emotional suppression and affective distress (in that particular order) mediate the relationship between beliefs about emotions and quality of life IBS. The models using support-seeking as mediators of the relationship between beliefs about emotions and the two outcomes were not supported. These findings suggest a role for emotional processing in medically unexplained symptoms and imply the need to address such beliefs about emotions in psychological therapies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Beliefs about the unacceptability of experiencing and expressing emotions have been found to be related to worse outcomes in people with persistent physical symptoms. The current study tested mediation models regarding emotional suppression, beliefs about emotions, support-seeking and global impact in fibromyalgia. One hundred eighty-two participants took part in an online questionnaire testing potential mechanisms of this relationship using mediation analysis. The model tested emotional suppression and affective distress as serial mediators of the relationship between beliefs about emotions and global impact. In parallel paths, two forms of support-seeking were tested (personal/emotional and symptom-related support-seeking) as mediators. Emotional suppression and affective distress significantly serially mediated the relationship between beliefs about emotions and global impact. Neither support-seeking variable significantly mediated this relationship. Results indicate a potential mechanism through which beliefs about emotions and global impact might relate which might provide a theoretical basis for future research on treatments for fibromyalgia.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    High levels of mental health problems have been identified in young people who have offended (committed/been convicted of a criminal offence). However, as with many young people, they tend not to seek support for their difficulties. This research aimed to explore support-seeking in this population by asking \'What are the perceptions of support-seeking in young people attending a Youth Offending Team?\' Semi-structured interviews were carried out with six males (aged 13-18) and the transcripts were analysed using interpretative phenomenological analysis. Four master themes were revealed: Youth Offending Team attendance prompting reflection, Damaged self, Complexity of relationships and Internal conflicts. Generally participants perceived support-seeking as beneficial, but various barriers meant that they did not tend to view it as a viable coping strategy for themselves. Interventions aimed at addressing these barriers may help young people who have offended to seek support.





