Superior Olivary Complex

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Auditory space has been conceptualized as a matrix of systematically arranged combinations of binaural disparity cues that arise in the superior olivary complex (SOC). The computational code for interaural time and intensity differences utilizes excitatory and inhibitory projections that converge in the inferior colliculus (IC). The challenge is to determine the neural circuits underlying this convergence and to model how the binaural cues encode location. It has been shown that midbrain neurons are largely excited by sound from the contralateral ear and inhibited by sound leading at the ipsilateral ear. In this context, ascending projections from the lateral superior olive (LSO) to the IC have been reported to be ipsilaterally glycinergic and contralaterally glutamatergic. This study used CBA/CaH mice (3-6 months old) and applied unilateral retrograde tracing techniques into the IC in conjunction with immunocytochemical methods with glycine and glutamate transporters (GlyT2 and vGLUT2, respectively) to analyze the projection patterns from the LSO to the IC. Glycinergic and glutamatergic neurons were spatially intermixed within the LSO, and both types projected to the IC. For GlyT2 and vGLUT2 neurons, the average percentage of ipsilaterally and contralaterally projecting cells was similar (ANOVA, p = 0.48). A roughly equal number of GlyT2 and vGLUT2 neurons did not project to the IC. The somatic size and shape of these neurons match the descriptions of LSO principal cells. A minor but distinct population of small (< 40 μm2) neurons that labeled for GlyT2 did not project to the IC; these cells emerge as candidates for inhibitory local circuit neurons. Our findings indicate a symmetric and bilateral projection of glycine and glutamate neurons from the LSO to the IC. The differences between our results and those from previous studies suggest that species and habitat differences have a significant role in mechanisms of binaural processing and highlight the importance of research methods and comparative neuroscience. These data will be important for modeling how excitatory and inhibitory systems converge to create auditory space in the CBA/CaH mouse.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on the auditory periphery and the small head size, Etruscan shrews (Suncus etruscus) approximate ancestral mammalian conditions. The auditory brainstem in this insectivore has not been investigated. Using labelling techniques, we assessed the structures of their superior olivary complex (SOC) and the nuclei of the lateral lemniscus (NLL). There, we identified the position of the major nuclei, their input pattern, transmitter content, expression of calcium binding proteins (CaBPs) and two voltage-gated ion channels. The most prominent SOC structures were the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), the lateral nucleus of the trapezoid body (LNTB), the lateral superior olive (LSO) and the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPN). In the NLL, the ventral (VNLL), a specific ventrolateral VNLL (VNLLvl) cell population, the intermediate (INLL) and dorsal (DNLL) nucleus, as well as the inferior colliculus\'s central aspect were discerned. INLL and VNLL were clearly separated by the differential distribution of various marker proteins. Most labelled proteins showed expression patterns comparable to rodents. However, SPN neurons were glycinergic and not GABAergic and the overall CaBPs expression was low. Next to the characterisation of the Etruscan shrew\'s auditory brainstem, our work identifies conserved nuclei and indicates variable structures in a species that approximates ancestral conditions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurons of the lateral superior olive (LSO) in the auditory brainstem play a fundamental role in binaural sound localization. Previous theoretical studies developed various types of neuronal models to study the physiological functions of the LSO. These models were usually tuned to a small set of physiological data with specific aims in mind. Therefore, it is unclear whether and how they can be related to each other, how widely applicable they are, and which model is suitable for what purposes. In this study, we address these questions for six different single-compartment integrate-and-fire (IF) type LSO models. The models are divided into two groups depending on their subthreshold responses: passive (linear) models with only the leak conductance and active (nonlinear) models with an additional low-voltage-activated potassium conductance that is prevalent among the auditory system. Each of these two groups is further subdivided into three subtypes according to the spike generation mechanism: one with simple threshold-crossing detection and voltage reset, one with threshold-crossing detection plus a current to mimic spike shapes, and one with a depolarizing exponential current for spiking. In our simulations, all six models were driven by identical synaptic inputs and calibrated with common criteria for binaural tuning. The resulting spike rates of the passive models were higher for intensive inputs and lower for temporally structured inputs than those of the active models, confirming the active function of the potassium current. Within each passive or active group, the simulated responses resembled each other, regardless of the spike generation types. These results, in combination with the analysis of computational costs, indicate that an active IF model is more suitable than a passive model for accurately reproducing temporal coding of LSO. The simulation of realistic spike shapes with an extended spiking mechanism added relatively small computational costs.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Neurexins play diverse functions as presynaptic organizers in various glutamatergic and GABAergic synapses. However, it remains unknown whether and how neurexins are involved in shaping functional properties of the glycinergic synapses, which mediate prominent inhibition in the brainstem and spinal cord. To address these issues, we examined the role of neurexins in a model glycinergic synapse between the principal neuron in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) and the principal neuron in the lateral superior olive (LSO) in the auditory brainstem. Combining RNAscope with stereotactic injection of AAV-Cre in the MNTB of neurexin1/2/3 conditional triple knockout mice, we showed that MNTB neurons highly express all isoforms of neurexins although their expression levels vary remarkably. Selective ablation of all neurexins in MNTB neurons not only reduced the amplitude but also altered the kinetics of the glycinergic synaptic transmission at LSO neurons. The synaptic dysfunctions primarily resulted from an impaired Ca2+ sensitivity of release and a loosened coupling between voltage-gated Ca2+ channels and synaptic vesicles. Together, our current findings demonstrate that neurexins are essential in controlling the strength and temporal precision of the glycinergic synapse, which therefore corroborates the role of neurexins as key presynaptic organizers in all major types of fast chemical synapses.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Although rats and mice are among the preferred animal models for investigating many characteristics of auditory function, they are rarely used to study an essential aspect of binaural hearing: the ability of animals to localize the sources of low-frequency sounds by detecting the interaural time difference (ITD), that is the difference in the time at which the sound arrives at each ear. In mammals, ITDs are mostly encoded in the medial superior olive (MSO), one of the main nuclei of the superior olivary complex (SOC). Because of their small heads and high frequency hearing range, rats and mice are often considered unable to use ITDs for sound localization. Moreover, their MSO is frequently viewed as too small or insignificant compared to that of mammals that use ITDs to localize sounds, including cats and gerbils. However, recent research has demonstrated remarkable similarities between most morphological and physiological features of mouse MSO neurons and those of MSO neurons of mammals that use ITDs. In this context, we have analyzed the structure and neural afferent and efferent connections of the rat MSO, which had never been studied by injecting neuroanatomical tracers into the nucleus. The rat MSO spans the SOC longitudinally. It is relatively small caudally, but grows rostrally into a well-developed column of stacked bipolar neurons. By placing small, precise injections of the bidirectional tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) into the MSO, we show that this nucleus is innervated mainly by the most ventral and rostral spherical bushy cells of the anteroventral cochlear nucleus of both sides, and by the most ventrolateral principal neurons of the ipsilateral medial nucleus of the trapezoid body. The same experiments reveal that the MSO densely innervates the most dorsolateral region of the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus, the central region of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus, and the most lateral region of the intermediate nucleus of the lateral lemniscus of its own side. Therefore, the MSO is selectively innervated by, and sends projections to, neurons that process low-frequency sounds. The structural and hodological features of the rat MSO are notably similar to those of the MSO of cats and gerbils. While these similarities raise the question of what functions other than ITD coding the MSO performs, they also suggest that the rat MSO is an appropriate model for future MSO-centered research.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Having two ears enables us to localize sound sources by exploiting interaural time differences (ITDs) in sound arrival. Principal neurons of the medial superior olive (MSO) are sensitive to ITD, and each MSO neuron responds optimally to a best ITD (bITD). In many cells, especially those tuned to low sound frequencies, these bITDs correspond to ITDs for which the contralateral ear leads, and are often larger than the ecologically relevant range, defined by the ratio of the interaural distance and the speed of sound. Using in vivo recordings in gerbils, we found that shortly after hearing onset the bITDs were even more contralaterally leading than found in adult gerbils, and travel latencies for contralateral sound-evoked activity clearly exceeded those for ipsilateral sounds. During the following weeks, both these latencies and their interaural difference decreased. A computational model indicated that spike timing-dependent plasticity can underlie this fine-tuning. Our results suggest that MSO neurons start out with a strong predisposition toward contralateral sounds due to their longer neural travel latencies, but that, especially in high-frequency neurons, this predisposition is subsequently mitigated by differential developmental fine-tuning of the travel latencies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Auditory processing in mammals begins in the peripheral inner ear and extends to the auditory cortex. Sound is transduced from mechanical stimuli into electrochemical signals of hair cells, which relay auditory information via the primary auditory neurons to cochlear nuclei. Information is subsequently processed in the superior olivary complex, lateral lemniscus, and inferior colliculus and projects to the auditory cortex via the medial geniculate body in the thalamus. Recent advances have provided valuable insights into the development and functioning of auditory structures, complementing our understanding of the physiological mechanisms underlying auditory processing. This comprehensive review explores the genetic mechanisms required for auditory system development from the peripheral cochlea to the auditory cortex. We highlight transcription factors and other genes with key recurring and interacting roles in guiding auditory system development and organization. Understanding these gene regulatory networks holds promise for developing novel therapeutic strategies for hearing disorders, benefiting millions globally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Auditory brainstem neurons in the lateral superior olive (LSO) receive excitatory input from the ipsilateral cochlear nucleus (CN) and inhibitory transmission from the contralateral CN via the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). This circuit enables sound localization using interaural level differences. Early studies have observed an additional inhibitory input originating from the ipsilateral side. However, many of its details, such as its origin, remained elusive. Employing electrical and optical stimulation of afferents in acute mouse brainstem slices and anatomical tracing, we here describe a glycinergic projection to LSO principal neurons that originates from the ipsilateral CN. This inhibitory synaptic input likely mediates inhibitory sidebands of LSO neurons in response to acoustic stimulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the brain, microglia are involved in immune responses and synaptic maturation. During early development, these cells invade the brain, proliferate, and morphologically mature to achieve coverage of the surrounding tissue with their fine processes. Their developmental proliferation overlaps with the postnatal development of neuronal circuits. Within the superior olivary complex (SOC), an auditory brainstem structure, microglia, and their early postnatal development have been documented. A quantification over the full developmental profile of the arrangement and morphological changes in single microglia cells is missing. Here, we used immunofluorescence labeling to quantify their distribution, morphological changes, and coverage during early and late postnatal development in the SOC of Mongolian gerbils. Microglia distributed rather homogenously within each nucleus with a bias to the nucleus borders at postnatal day (P) 5 and more centrally in the nucleus in mature stages. We found a nucleus-specific transient increase in microglia cell number and density reaching its peak at P17 with a subsequent decline to P55 values. Length and branching of microglia protrusions increased especially after P12. The stronger ramification together with the increase in cell density allows coverage of the surrounding tissue from P5 to mature stages, despite the large developmental increase in nucleus size. The transient increase in density during synaptic refinement in SOC nuclei suggests that microglia are important during the pruning period, compensating for developmental increase in tissue volume, and that in mature stages their main function appears tissue surveillance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) in the auditory brainstem is the principal source of synaptic inhibition to several functionally distinct auditory nuclei. Prominent projections of individual MNTB neurons comprise the major binaural nuclei that are involved in the early processing stages of sound localization as well as the superior paraolivary nucleus (SPON), which contains monaural neurons that extract rapid changes in sound intensity to detect sound gaps and rhythmic oscillations that commonly occur in animal calls and human speech. While the processes that guide the development and refinement of MNTB axon collaterals to the binaural nuclei have become increasingly understood, little is known about the development of MNTB collaterals to the monaural SPON. In this study, we investigated the development of MNTB-SPON connections in mice of both sexes from shortly after birth to three weeks of age, which encompasses the time before and after hearing onset. Individual axon reconstructions and electrophysiological analysis of MNTB-SPON connectivity demonstrate a dramatic increase in the number of MNTB axonal boutons in the SPON before hearing onset. However, this proliferation was not accompanied by changes in the strength of MNTB-SPON connections or by changes in the structural or functional topographic precision. However, following hearing onset, the spread of single-axon boutons along the tonotopic axis increased, indicating an unexpected decrease in the tonotopic precision of the MNTB-SPON pathway. These results provide new insight into the development and organization of inhibition to SPON neurons and the regulation of developmental plasticity in diverging inhibitory pathways.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The superior paraolivary nucleus (SPON) is a prominent auditory brainstem nucleus involved in the early detection of sound gaps and rhythmic oscillations. The ability of SPON neurons to fire at the offset of sound depends on strong and precise synaptic inhibition provided by glycinergic neurons in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). Here, we investigated the anatomic and physiological maturation of MNTB-LSO connectivity in mice before and after the onset of hearing. We observed a period of bouton proliferation without accompanying changes in topographic precision before hearing onset. This was followed by bouton elimination and an unexpected decrease in the tonotopic precision after hearing onset. These results provide new insight into the development of inhibition to the SPON.





