Sulfur Isotopes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Sulfur isotopes are increasingly used as mobility indicators in humans and animals in biology, archaeology, and forensics. However, there has been a lack of modern sulfur isotope baseline \"isoscape\" studies using modern plants and animals, largely due to the possibility of contamination of the S isotope values by modern pollution.
    METHODS: We collected plants from across a 900-km east-west transect of British Columbia Canada and measured their sulfur isotope values. We then used a random forest model to determine which variables best explained the isotope data patterning and produced a sulfur isoscape for the southern region of British Columbia.
    RESULTS: We see clear patterning in the plant sulfur isotope values that relate to geographical location and rainfall. Our model also shows that for this study area, it is unlikely that there is a significant influence of anthropogenic pollution on plant δ34S values. We also discuss the use of plants as a substrate for sulfur isoscapes and possible explanations for the often-observed difference between plant and animal δ34S values from the same region, related to differing sources of sulfur in plants compared to amino acids in human and animal tissues.
    CONCLUSIONS: We found that for areas of the world where sulfur pollution is likely less widespread, it is possible to produce a modern plant S isoscape that should be an accurate baseline for mobility studies. Using random forest modelling, we have produced a baseline sulfur isoscape map of southern British Columbia that can be used for ecology, forensic and archaeological studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Permo-Triassic mass extinction was linked to catastrophic environmental changes and large igneous province (LIP) volcanism. In addition to the widespread marine losses, the Permo-Triassic event was the most severe terrestrial ecological crisis in Earth\'s history and the only known mass extinction among insects, but the cause of extinction on land remains unclear. In this study, high-resolution Hg concentration records and multiple-archive S-isotope analyses of sediments from the Junggar Basin (China) provide evidence of repeated pulses of volcanic-S (acid rain) and increased Hg loading culminating in a crisis of terrestrial biota in the Junggar Basin coeval with the interval of LIP emplacement. Minor S-isotope analyses are, however, inconsistent with total ozone layer collapse. Our data suggest that LIP volcanism repeatedly stressed end-Permian terrestrial environments in the ~300 kyr preceding the marine extinction locally via S-driven acidification and deposition of Hg, and globally via pulsed addition of CO2.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chemical weathering is a pivotal geochemical process that shapes the carbon cycling and climates in the critical zone. Among its critical drivers, river discharge holds a particular significance, especially in the orogenic landscapes. Here, we examined the impact of discharge on mineral weathering in southwestern (SW) Taiwan by analyzing river water chemistry across a wide discharge range. Current observations indicated that carbonate contributes significantly to total weathering (50-80 %), with sulfuric acid accounting for one-half to two-thirds of carbonate weathering. A statistically strong correlation between river discharge and sulfuric acid-mediated carbonate weathering was highlighted, while the silicate weathering remained constant. This relationship suggests an increased influx of fresh minerals, such as pyrite, into the weathering regime as water flow increases. Our model identifies a critical discharge threshold of 4.6 m3 s-1, determining whether mineral weathering acts as a net source or sink of CO2. Consequently, mineral weathering in SW Taiwan acts as a net CO2 sink during dry periods but turns into a net source during wet periods. Through analyzing a decade of daily discharge data, we found mineral weathering in SW Taiwan is a net CO2 source, with a 2.6-fold increase in annual mean discharge causing a 3.8-fold increase in net CO2 flux. This pattern is likely to be applicable to other similar minerals containing mountain-building regions, highlighting the significant role of hydrology in determining weathering sources and their potential impact on the carbon cycle balance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Twangiza-Namoya Gold Deposit within the Kibaran Belt of the Democratic Republic of the Congo represents a crucial manifestation of the hydrothermal gold system. This review investigates its intricate origin and the subsequent metallogenic evolution that has shaped its present-day characteristics and offers a systematic categorization based on its deposition processes and geotectonic settings. The findings reveal that the gold deposits are predominantly derived from sedimentary fluid sources. Within this vast metallogenic province, two stages of gold deposition have been constrained: (a) the early-stage formation related to the accretion of Rodinia assembly with subduction-collisional event where diagenesis cemented the syngenetic pyrite carbonaceous sediments and (b) the later stage deposition related to the continent-collisional event during the last stage of Rodinia supercontinent amalgamation. Previous isotopic investigations, with a particular emphasis on pyrite sulfur isotopes on both host rocks and vein-bearing sulfides, have been instrumental in tracing the origins of gold-bearing fluids in the study region. The isotopic variance in the four deposits: Twangiza (-5.2 % to +3 %, avg. -0.3 %), Kamituga (-0.6 % to -0.9.1 %, avg. -5%), Lugushwa (+3.0 % to -18.4 %), and Namoya, on the southernmost end, has a vast range but with much heavier isotope compositions, ranging between +1.3 % and to +22.6 %, with an average of +12.2 %. The data predominantly points to the sedimentary origins of ore fluids in the Twangiza-Namoya Gold belt, highlighting the pivotal role of sedimentary processes in shaping the metallogenic landscape of the region. The fluids inclusions depicted the deposits to be formed from H2O-Nacl-H2O with abundant CH4 and N2 ore-forming fluid, moderate temperature (350-500 °C), and low salinity. The overall results confirm the genetic style of the Twangiza-Namoya Gold Belt to be an orogenic gold-style deposit that was emplaced during the early Neoproterozoic era in low greenschist facies terrain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The environmental threat posed by stibnite is an important geoenvironmental issue of current concern. To better understand stibnite oxidation pathways, aerobic abiotic batch experiments were conducted in aqueous solution with varying δ18OH2O value at initial neutral pH for different lengths of time (15-300 days). The sulfate oxygen and sulfur isotope compositions as well as concentrations of sulfur and antimony species were determined. The sulfur isotope fractionation factor (Δ34SSO4-stibnite) values decreased from 0.8‰ to -2.1‰ during the first 90 days, and increased to 2.6‰ at the 180 days, indicating the dominated intermediate sulfur species such as S2O32-, S0, and H2S (g) involved in Sb2S3 oxidation processes. The incorporation of O into sulfate derived from O2 (∼100%) indicated that the dissociated O2 was only directly adsorbed on the stibnite-S sites in the initial stage (0-90 days). The proportion of O incorporation into sulfate from water (27%-52%) increased in the late stage (90-300 days), which suggested the oxidation mechanism changed to hydroxyl attack on stibnite-S sites promoted by nearby adsorbed O2 on stibnite-Sb sites. The exchange of oxygen between sulfite and water may also contributed to the increase of water derived O into SO42-. The new insight of stibnite oxidation pathway contributes to the understanding of sulfide oxidation mechanism and helps to interpret field data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Pyritization of soft tissues of invertebrates is rare in the fossil record. In New York State, it occurs in black shales of the Lorraine Group (Late Ordovician), the best-known example of which is Beecher\'s Trilobite Bed. Exceptional preservation at the quarry where this bed is exposed allowed detailed examination of trilobite and ostracod soft-tissue anatomy. Here, we present the first example of a eurypterid (sea scorpion) currently ascribed to Carcinosomatidae from this deposit that also preserves the first evidence for mesosomal musculature in eurypterids. This specimen demonstrates that eurypterid musculature can be preserved in pyrite and evidences the oldest example of euchelicerate muscles within the fossil record. Sulfur isotope data illustrate that pyrite rapidly replicated muscle tissue in the early burial environment, prior to the pyritization of biomineralized exoskeleton and cuticular trilobite limbs. This discovery therefore expands the limited fossil record of euchelicerate musculature, while extending the taphonomic scope for preservation of detailed internal structures, more broadly, within arthropods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The initial rise of molecular oxygen (O2) shortly after the Archaean-Proterozoic transition 2.5 billion years ago was more complex than the single step-change once envisioned. Sulfur mass-independent fractionation records suggest that the rise of atmospheric O2 was oscillatory, with multiple returns to an anoxic state until perhaps 2.2 billion years ago1-3. Yet few constraints exist for contemporaneous marine oxygenation dynamics, precluding a holistic understanding of planetary oxygenation. Here we report thallium (Tl) isotope ratio and redox-sensitive element data for marine shales from the Transvaal Supergroup, South Africa. Synchronous with sulfur isotope evidence of atmospheric oxygenation in the same shales3, we found lower authigenic 205Tl/203Tl ratios indicative of widespread manganese oxide burial on an oxygenated seafloor and higher redox-sensitive element abundances consistent with expanded oxygenated waters. Both signatures disappear when the sulfur isotope data indicate a brief return to an anoxic atmospheric state. Our data connect recently identified atmospheric O2 dynamics on early Earth with the marine realm, marking an important turning point in Earth\'s redox history away from heterogeneous and highly localized \'oasis\'-style oxygenation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Microbial sulfate reduction is central to the global carbon cycle and the redox evolution of Earth\'s surface. Tracking the activity of sulfate reducing microorganisms over space and time relies on a nuanced understanding of stable sulfur isotope fractionation in the context of the biochemical machinery of the metabolism. Here, we link the magnitude of stable sulfur isotopic fractionation to proteomic and metabolite profiles under different cellular energetic regimes. When energy availability is limited, cell-specific sulfate respiration rates and net sulfur isotope fractionation inversely covary. Beyond net S isotope fractionation values, we also quantified shifts in protein expression, abundances and isotopic composition of intracellular S metabolites, and lipid structures and lipid/water H isotope fractionation values. These coupled approaches reveal which protein abundances shift directly as a function of energy flux, those that vary minimally, and those that may vary independent of energy flux and likely do not contribute to shifts in S-isotope fractionation. By coupling the bulk S-isotope observations with quantitative proteomics, we provide novel constraints for metabolic isotope models. Together, these results lay the foundation for more predictive metabolic fractionation models, alongside interpretations of environmental sulfur and sulfate reducer lipid-H isotope data.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Carbon, nitrogen and sulphur stable isotopes in feathers grown by seabirds while breeding reflect the local isoscape and diet in the vicinity of the colony, so may make it possible to discriminate individual birds from different colonies.
    METHODS: Black-legged kittiwake Rissa tridactyla inner primary feathers from two colonies about 350 km apart in the North Sea were used to test whether δ13C, δ15N and δ34S differed between individuals from the two colonies. Feather tips cut from breeding birds caught at nests were compared with tips of moulted feathers (grown 1 year earlier) found on the ground.
    RESULTS: Isotopic compositions showed no overlap between the two colonies in δ13C, δ15N or δ34S in tips of newly-grown feathers sampled from breeding adult kittiwakes. There was some overlap in δ13C, δ15N and δ34S from moulted feathers, but discriminant analysis allowed >90% of individuals to be assigned to their colony. In five of six comparisons, mean isotopic compositions were the same in new and moulted feathers but not for δ34S at one of the two colonies.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study has demonstrated for the first time that stable isotopes in inner primary feathers of kittiwakes can allow accurate identification of the breeding colony of individual birds from two different colonies within the North Sea. Further research is required to determine if this method can be applied with greater spatial resolution and to a larger number of colonies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    On the anoxic Archean Earth, prior to the onset of oxidative weathering, electron acceptors were relatively scarce, perhaps limiting microbial productivity. An important metabolite may have been sulfate produced during the photolysis of volcanogenic SO2 gas. Multiple sulfur isotope data can be used to track this sulfur source, and indeed this record indicates SO2 photolysis dating back to at least 3.7 Ga, that is, as far back as proposed evidence of life on Earth. However, measurements of multiple sulfur isotopes in some key strata from that time can be challenging due to low sulfur concentrations. Some studies have overcome this challenge with NanoSIMS or optimized gas-source mass spectrometry techniques, but those instruments are not readily accessible. Here, we applied an aqua regia leaching protocol to extract small amounts of sulfur from whole rocks for analyses of multiple sulfur isotopes by multi-collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (MC-ICP-MS). Measurements of standards and replicates demonstrate good precision and accuracy. We applied this technique to meta-sedimentary rocks with putative biosignatures from the Eoarchean Isua Supracrustal Belt (ISB, >3.7 Ga) and found positive ∆33S (1.40-1.80‰) in four meta-turbidites and negative ∆33S (-0.80‰ and -0.66‰) in two meta-carbonates. Two meta-basalts do not display significant mass-independent fractionation (MIF, -0.01‰ and 0.16‰). In situ Re-Os dating on a molybdenite vein hosted in the meta-turbidites identifies an early ca. 3.7 Ga hydrothermal phase, and in situ Rb-Sr dating of micas in the meta-carbonates suggests metamorphism affected the rocks at ca. 2.2 and 1.7 Ga. We discuss alteration mechanisms and conclude that there is most likely a primary MIF-bearing phase in these meta-sediments. Our new method is therefore a useful addition to the geochemical toolbox, and it confirms that organisms at that time, if present, may indeed have been fed by volcanic nutrients.





