Sudan black

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental pollution, particularly from textile industry effluents, raises concerns globally. The aim of this study is to investigate the hepatotoxicity of Sudan Black B (SBB), a commonly used textile azo dye, on embryonic zebrafish. SBB exposure led to concentration-dependent mortality, reaching 100% at 0.8 mM, accompanied by growth retardation and diverse malformations in zebrafish. Biochemical marker analysis indicated adaptive responses to SBB, including increased SOD, CAT, NO, and LDH, alongside decreased GSH levels. Liver morphology analysis unveiled significant alterations, impacting metabolism and detoxification. Also, glucose level was declined and lipid level elevated in SBB-exposed in vivo zebrafish. Inflammatory gene expressions (TNF-α, IL-10, and INOS) showcased a complex regulatory interplay, suggesting an organismal attempt to counteract pro-inflammatory states during SBB exposure. The increased apoptosis revealed a robust hepatic cellular response due to SBB, aligning with observed liver tissue damage and inflammatory events. This multidimensional study highlights the intricate web of responses due to SBB exposure, which is emphasizing the need for comprehensive understanding and targeted mitigation strategies. The findings bear the implications for both aquatic ecosystems and potentially parallels to human health, underscoring the imperative for sustained research in this critical domain.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The textile industry, with its extensive use of dyes and chemicals, stands out as a significant source of water pollution. Exposure to certain textile dyes, such as azo dyes and their breakdown products like aromatic amines, has been associated with health concerns like skin sensitization, allergic reactions, and even cancer in humans. Annually, the worldwide production of synthetic dyes approximates 7 × 107 tons, of which the textile industry accounts for over 10,000 tons. Inefficient dyeing procedures result in the discharge of 15-50% of azo dyes, which do not adequately bind to fibers, into wastewater. This review delves into the genotoxic impact of azo dyes, prevalent in the textile industry, on aquatic ecosystems and human health. Examining different families of textile dye which contain azo group in their structure such as Sudan I and Sudan III Sudan IV, Basic Red 51, Basic Violet 14, Disperse Yellow 7, Congo Red, Acid Red 26, and Acid Blue 113 reveals their carcinogenic potential, which may affect both industrial workers and aquatic life. Genotoxic and carcinogenic characteristics, chromosomal abnormalities, induced physiological and neurobehavioral changes, and disruptions to spermatogenesis are evident, underscoring the harmful effects of these dyes. The review calls for comprehensive investigations into the toxic profile of azo dyes, providing essential insights to safeguard the aquatic ecosystem and human well-being. The importance of effective effluent treatment systems is underscored to mitigate adverse impacts on agricultural lands, water resources, and the environment, particularly in regions heavily reliant on wastewater irrigation for food production.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Treatment of congenital chyloperitoneum is a challenge. Conservative methods may be ineffective. Preoperative visualization of the site of lymphatic leakage is crucial, but radiological imaging is technically complicated and may not provide sufficient information, especially in small patients. To ease the detection of lymphatic leakage during surgery, preoperative feeding with fat-rich formula with Sudan Black has been recommended. However, administration of Sudan Black may result in life-threatening methemoglobinemia and liver damage without any advantage of revealing leakage during surgery. We recommend preoperative feeding with pure fat-rich formula.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Accumulation of autofluorescent waste products, amyloids, and products of lipid peroxidation (LPO) are important hallmarks of aging. Until now, these processes have not been documented in Daphnia, a convenient model organism for longevity and senescence studies. We conducted a longitudinal cohort study of autofluorescence and Congo Red (CR) fluorescent staining for amyloids in four clones of D. magna. Additionally, we used a single time point cross-sectional common garden experiment within a single clone in which autofluorescence and BODIPY C11 fluorescence were measured. We observed a robust increase in autofluorescent spots that show diagnostic co-staining by Sudan Black indicating lipofuscin aggregates, particularly in the upper body region. There was also a significant clone-by-age interaction indicating that some genotypes accumulated lipofuscins faster than others. Contrary to predictions, CR fluorescence and lipid peroxidation did not consistently increase with age. CR fluorescence demonstrated a slight non-monotonous relationship with age, achieving the highest values at intermediate ages, possibly due to elimination of physiological heterogeneity in our genetically uniform cohorts. LPO demonstrated a significant ovary status-by-age interaction, decreasing with age when measured in Daphnia with full ovaries (late phase ovarian cycle) and showing no significant trend or slight increase with age when measured during the early phase in the ovarian cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Comparative gel electrophoretic analyses of normal versus pathological specimens can swiftly identify proteome-wide changes in the concentration of specific protein isoforms. The application of fluorescence two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis (2D-DIGE) can be employed for the characterization of complex protein populations in health and disease. In order to verify pathoproteomic findings and correlate them to histopathological alterations, standardized histological and histochemical methodology can be applied for the cell biological analysis of normal versus pathological tissue samples. This chapter outlines the usage of histochemical ATPase staining of fast and slow fiber types in normal versus dystrophic skeletal muscles, as well as the application of hematoxylin and eosin staining of nuclei and the cellular body in kidney cells, and Sudan black staining of lipids in cryo-sections.






  • 文章类型: Evaluation Study
    BACKGROUND: Macrocyclic lactones are arguably the most successful chemical class with efficacy against parasitic nematodes. Here we investigated the effect of the macrocyclic lactone ivermectin on lipid homeostasis in the plant parasitic nematode Globodera pallida and provide new insight into its mode of action.
    RESULTS: A non-invasive, non-destructive, label-free and chemically selective technique called Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) spectroscopy was used to study lipid stores in G. pallida. We optimised the protocol using the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and then used CARS to quantify lipid stores in the pre-parasitic, non-feeding J2 stage of G. pallida. This revealed a concentration of lipid stores in the posterior region of J2 s within 24 h of hatching which decreased to undetectable levels over the course of 28 days. We tested the effect of ivermectin on J2 viability and lipid stores. Within 24 h, ivermectin paralysed J2 s. Counterintuitively, over the same time-course ivermectin increased the rate of depletion of J2 lipid, suggesting that in ivermectin-treated J2 s there is a disconnection between the energy requirements for motility and metabolic rate. This decrease in lipid stores would be predicted to negatively impact on J2 infective potential.
    CONCLUSIONS: These data suggest that the benefit of macrocyclic lactones as seed treatments may be underpinned by a multilevel effect involving both neuromuscular inhibition and acceleration of lipid metabolism. © 2017 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.







  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Liposarcomas are malignant tumors of adipocytes. The current report describes a liposarcoma in a 2.5-year-old, mixed-breed commercial sow that was detected during meat inspection. On gross examination, a firm, whitish, multinodular, 20 cm ×10 cm mass was observed in the perirenal area along with smaller nodules multifocally scattered within the renal parenchyma. Histological examination revealed an anaplastic sarcoma with clear intracytoplasmic lipidic vacuoles that were positive for Sudan black staining. Most of the cells were also positive for S100 and vimentin immunohistochemistry. Based on these results, a diagnosis of a perirenal liposarcoma was established. To the authors\' knowledge, no previous reports of liposarcomas in pigs have been published. This report also includes a review of the literature published on animal liposarcomas.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    A case of a predominantly yellow primary superficial spreading melanoma arising on the back of a 44-year-old woman is presented. Possible causes of the clinical and dermatoscopic yellow color are discussed. Staining with the histochemical stain, Sudan Black, revealed a differential uptake compared to a closely matched control melanoma. We speculate that the clinical and dermatoscopic yellow color could be due to the presence of increased amounts of the pigment lipofuscin, which is known to produce subtle orange color in some choroidal melanomas.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Underwater crime scenes always present a challenge for forensic researchers, as the destructive effect of water considerably complicates the chances of recovering material of evidential value. The aim of this study is to tackle the problem of developing marks that have been left on submerged objects. Fingermark deposition was randomly made on two surfaces - glass and plastic whilst the material was submerged under tap water and then left for one to fifteen days before drying and development. For their later development, various reagents - Black Powder, Silver Metallic Powder, Fluorescent Powder, Sudan Black (powder and solution) and Small Particle Reagent - were used and the effectiveness of each of them on this particular type of evidence was then evaluated. The results show the possibility of obtaining good quality developed marks, even under such adverse circumstances. Further and wider research should, therefore, be undertaken in which other variables are introduced such as different substrates, other types of liquids, and environmental or time factors.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cheiloscopy is the study of lip prints. Lip prints are genotypically determined and are unique, and stable. At the site of crime, lip prints can be either visible or latent. To develop lip prints for study purpose various chemicals such as lysochrome dyes, fluorescent dyes, etc. are available which are very expensive. Vermilion (Sindoor used by married Indian women) and indigo dye (fabric whitener) are readily available, naturally derived, and cost-effective reagents available in India.
    OBJECTIVE: To compare the efficacy of sudan black, vermilion, and indigo in developing visible and latent lip prints made on bone china cup, satin fabric, and cotton fabric.
    METHODS: Out of 45 Volunteers 15 lip prints were made on bone China cup 15 lip prints on Satin fabric and 15 on Cotton fabric. Sudan black, vermilion and indigo were applied on visible and latent lip prints and graded as good (+,+), fair (+), and poor (-) and statistically evaluated.
    RESULTS: The vermilion and indigo dye gives comparable results to that of sudan black for developing visible and latent lip prints.





