
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP), a key organic sulfur compound in marine and subseafloor sediments, is degraded by phytoplankton and bacteria, resulting in the release of the climate-active volatile gas dimethylsulfide (DMS). However, it remains unclear if dominant eukaryotic fungi in subseafloor sediments possess specific abilities and metabolic mechanisms for DMSP degradation and DMS formation. Our study provides the first evidence that fungi from coal-bearing sediments ∼2 km below the seafloor, such as Aspergillus spp., Chaetomium globosum, Cladosporium sphaerospermum, and Penicillium funiculosum, can degrade DMSP and produce DMS. In Aspergillus sydowii 29R-4-F02, which exhibited the highest DMSP-dependent DMS production rate (16.95 pmol/μg protein/min), two DMSP lyase genes, dddP and dddW, were identified. Remarkably, the dddW gene, previously observed only in bacteria, was found to be crucial for fungal DMSP cleavage. These findings not only extend the list of fungi capable of degrading DMSP, but also enhance our understanding of DMSP lyase diversity and the role of fungi in DMSP decomposition in subseafloor sedimentary ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laccases are ligninolytic enzymes that play a crucial role in various biological processes of filamentous fungi, including fruiting-body formation and lignin degradation. Lignin degradation is a complex process and its degradation in Schizophyllum commune is greatly affected by the availability of oxygen. Here, a total of six putative laccase genes (ScLAC) were identified from the S. commune 20R-7-F01 genome. These genes, which include three typical Cu-oxidase domains, can be classified into three groups based on phylogenetic analysis. ScLAC showed distinct intron-exon structures and conserved motifs, suggesting the conservation and diversity of ScLAC in gene structures. Additionally, the number and type of cis-acting elements, such as substrate utilization-, stress-, cell division- and transcription activation-related cis-elements, varied between ScLAC genes, suggesting that the transcription of laccase genes in S. commune 20R-7-F01 could be induced by different substrates, stresses, or other factors. The SNP analysis of resequencing data demonstrated that the ScLAC of S. commune inhabiting deep subseafloor sediments were significantly different from those of S. commune inhabiting terrestrial environments. Similarly, the large variation of conserved motifs number and arrangement of laccase between subseafloor and terrestrial strains indicated that ScLAC had a diverse structure. The expression of ScLAC5 and ScLAC6 genes was significantly up-regulated in lignin/lignite medium, suggesting that these two laccase genes might be involved in fungal utilization and degradation of lignite and lignin under anaerobic conditions. These findings might help in understanding the function of laccase in white-rot fungi and could provide a scientific basis for further exploring the relationship between the LAC family and anaerobic degradation of lignin by S. commune.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The subseafloor is a vast habitat that supports microorganisms that have a global scale impact on geochemical cycles. Many of the endemic microbial communities inhabiting the subseafloor consist of small populations under growth-limited conditions. For small populations, stochastic evolutionary events can have large impacts on intraspecific population dynamics and allele frequencies. These conditions are fundamentally different from those experienced by most microorganisms in surface environments, and it is unknown how small population sizes and growth-limiting conditions influence evolution and population structure in the subsurface. Using a 2-year, high-resolution environmental time series, we examine the dynamics of microbial populations from cold, oxic crustal fluids collected from the subseafloor site North Pond, located near the mid-Atlantic ridge. Our results reveal rapid shifts in overall abundance, allele frequency, and strain abundance across the time points observed, with evidence for homologous recombination between coexisting lineages. We show that the subseafloor aquifer is a dynamic habitat that hosts microbial metapopulations that disperse frequently through the crustal fluids, enabling gene flow and recombination between microbial populations. The dynamism and stochasticity of microbial population dynamics in North Pond suggest that these forces are important drivers in the evolution of microbial populations in the vast subseafloor habitat. IMPORTANCE The cold, oxic subseafloor is an understudied habitat that is difficult to access, yet important to global biogeochemical cycles and starkly different compared to microbial habitats on the surface of the Earth. Our understanding of microbial evolution and population dynamics is largely molded by studies of microbes living in surface habitats that can host 10 to 1,000 times more microbial biomass than is frequently observed in the subsurface. This study provides an opportunity to observe population dynamics within a low biomass, growth-limited environment and reveals that microbial populations in the subseafloor are influenced by changes in selection pressure and gene sweeps. In addition, recombination between strains that have dispersed from elsewhere within the aquifer has an important impact on the evolution of microbial populations. Much of the microbial life on the planet exists under growth-limited conditions, and the subseafloor provides a natural laboratory to explore how life evolves in such environments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Substrate-induced gene expression (SIGEX) is a high-throughput promoter-trap method. It is a function-based metagenomic screening tool that relies on transcriptional activation of a reporter gene green fluorescence protein (gfp) by a metagenomic DNA library upon induction with a substrate. However, its use is limited because of the relatively small size of metagenomic DNA libraries and incompatibility with screening metagenomes from anaerobic environments. In this study, these limitations of SIGEX were addressed by fine-tuning metagenome DNA library construction protocol and by using Evoglow, a green fluorescent protein that forms a chromophore even under anaerobic conditions. Two metagenomic libraries were constructed for subseafloor sediments offshore Shimokita Peninsula (Pacific Ocean) and offshore Joetsu (Japan Sea). The library construction protocol was improved by (a) eliminating short DNA fragments, (b) applying topoisomerase-based high-efficiency ligation, (c) optimizing insert DNA concentration, and (d) column-based DNA enrichment. This led to a successful construction of metagenome DNA libraries of approximately 6 Gbp for both samples. SIGEX screening using five aromatic compounds (benzoate, 3-chlorobenzoate, 3-hydroxybenzoate, phenol, and 2,4-dichlorophenol) under aerobic and anaerobic conditions revealed significant differences in the inducible clone ratios under these conditions. 3-Chlorobenzoate and 2,4-dichlorophenol led to a higher induction ratio than that for the other non-chlorinated aromatic compounds under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions. After the further screening of induced clones, a clone induced by 3-chlorobenzoate only under anaerobic conditions was isolated and characterized. The clone harbors a DNA insert that encodes putative open reading frames of unknown function. Previous aerobic SIGEX attempts succeeded in the isolation of gene fragments from anaerobes. This study demonstrated that some gene fragments require a strict in vivo reducing environment to function and may be potentially missed when screened by aerobic induction. The newly developed anaerobic SIGEX scheme will facilitate functional exploration of metagenomes from the anaerobic biosphere.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) is one of Earth\'s most abundant organosulfur molecules, and bacteria in marine sediments have been considered significant producers. However, the vertical profiles of DMSP content and DMSP-producing bacteria in subseafloor sediment have not been described. Here, we used culture-dependent and -independent methods to investigate microbial DMSP production and cycling potential in South China Sea (SCS) sediment. The DMSP content of SCS sediment decreased from 11.25 to 20.90 nmol g-1 in the surface to 0.56-2.08 nmol g-1 in the bottom layers of 8-m-deep subseafloor sediment cores (n = 10). Very few eukaryotic plastid sequences were detected in the sediment, supporting bacteria and not algae as important sediment DMSP producers. Known bacterial DMSP biosynthesis genes (dsyB and mmtN) were only predicted to be in 0.0007-0.0195% of sediment bacteria, but novel DMSP-producing isolates with potentially unknown DMSP synthesis genes and/or pathways were identified in these sediments, including Marinobacter (Gammaproteobacteria) and Erythrobacter (Alphaproteobacteria) sp. The abundance of bacteria with the potential to produce DMSP decreased with sediment depth and was extremely low at 690 cm. Furthermore, distinct DMSP-producing bacterial groups existed in surface and subseafloor sediment samples, and their abundance increased when samples were incubated under conditions known to enrich for DMSP-producing bacteria. Bacterial DMSP catabolic genes were also most abundant in the surface oxic sediments with high DMSP concentrations. This study extends the current knowledge of bacterial DMSP biosynthesis in marine sediments and implies that DMSP biosynthesis is not only confined to the surface oxic sediment zones. It highlights the importance of future work to uncover the DMSP biosynthesis genes/pathways in novel DMSP-producing bacteria.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The crustal subseafloor is the least explored and largest biome on Earth. Interrogating crustal life is difficult due to habitat inaccessibility, low-biomass and contamination challenges. Subseafloor observatories have facilitated the study of planktonic life in crustal aquifers, however, studies of life in crust-attached biofilms are rare. Here, we investigate biofilms grown on various minerals at different temperatures over 1-6 years at subseafloor observatories in the Eastern Pacific. To mitigate potential sequence contamination, we developed a new bioinformatics tool - TaxonSluice. We explore ecological factors driving community structure and potential function of biofilms by comparing our sequence data to previous amplicon and metagenomic surveys of this habitat. We reveal that biofilm community structure is driven by temperature rather than minerology, and that rare planktonic lineages colonize the crustal biofilms. Based on 16S rRNA gene overlap, we partition metagenome assembled genomes into planktonic and biofilm fractions and suggest that there are functional differences between these community types, emphasizing the need to separately examine each to accurately describe subseafloor microbe-rock-fluid processes. Lastly, we report that some rare lineages present in our warm and anoxic study site are also found in cold and oxic crustal fluids in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, suggesting global crustal biogeography patterns.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Rock-hosted subseafloor habitats are very challenging for life, and current knowledge about microorganisms inhabiting such lithic environments is still limited. This study explored the cultivable microbial diversity in anaerobic enrichment cultures from cores recovered during the International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 357 from the Atlantis Massif (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, 30°N). 16S rRNA gene survey of enrichment cultures grown at 10-25°C and pH 8.5 showed that Firmicutes and Proteobacteria were generally dominant. However, cultivable microbial diversity significantly differed depending on incubation at atmospheric pressure (0.1 MPa), or hydrostatic pressures (HP) mimicking the in situ pressure conditions (8.2 or 14.0 MPa). An original, strictly anaerobic bacterium designated 70B-AT was isolated from core M0070C-3R1 (1150 meter below sea level; 3.5 m below seafloor) only from cultures performed at 14.0 MPa. This strain named Petrocella atlantisensis is a novel species of a new genus within the newly described family Vallitaleaceae (order Clostridiales, phylum Firmicutes). It is a mesophilic, moderately halotolerant and piezophilic chemoorganotroph, able to grow by fermentation of carbohydrates and proteinaceous compounds. Its 3.5 Mb genome contains numerous genes for ABC transporters of sugars and amino acids, and pathways for fermentation of mono- and di-saccharides and amino acids were identified. Genes encoding multimeric [FeFe] hydrogenases and a Rnf complex form the basis to explain hydrogen and energy production in strain 70B-AT. This study outlines the importance of using hydrostatic pressure in culture experiments for isolation and characterization of autochthonous piezophilic microorganisms from subseafloor rocks.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Viruses are the most abundant biological entities on Earth and perform essential ecological functions in aquatic environments by mediating biogeochemical cycling and lateral gene transfer. Cellular life as well as viruses have been found in deep subseafloor sediment. However, the study of deep sediment viruses has been hampered by the complexities involved in efficiently extracting viruses from a sediment matrix. Here, we developed a new method for the extraction of viruses from sediment based on density separation using a Nycodenz density step gradient. The density separation method resulted in up to 2 orders of magnitude greater recovery of viruses from diverse subseafloor sediments compared to conventional methods. The density separation method also showed more consistent performance between samples of different sediment lithology, whereas conventional virus extraction methods were highly inconsistent. Using this new method, we show that previously published virus counts have underestimated viral abundances by up to 2 orders of magnitude. These improvements suggest that the carbon contained within viral biomass in the subseafloor environment may potentially be revised upward to 0.8-3.7 Gt from current estimates of 0.2 Gt. The vastly improved recovery of viruses indicate that viruses represent a far larger pool of organic carbon in subseafloor environments than previously estimated.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Subseafloor sulfate concentrations typically decrease with depth as this electron acceptor is consumed by respiring microorganisms. However, studies show that seawater can flow through hydraulically conductive basalt to deliver sulfate upwards into deeply buried overlying sediments. Our previous work on IODP Site C0012A (Nankai Trough, Japan) revealed that recirculation of sulfate through the subducting Philippine Sea Plate stimulated microbial activity near the sediment-basement interface (SBI). Here, we describe the microbial ecology, phylogeny, and energetic requirements of population of aero-tolerant sulfate-reducing bacteria in the deep subseafloor. We identified dissimilatory sulfite reductase gene (dsr) sequences 93% related to oxygen-tolerant Desulfovibrionales species across all reaction zones while no SRB were detected in drilling fluid control samples. Pore fluid chemistry revealed low concentrations of methane (<0.25 mM), while hydrogen levels were consistent with active bacterial sulfate reduction (0.51-1.52 nM). Solid phase total organic carbon (TOC) was also considerably low in these subseafloor sediments. Our results reveal the phylogenetic diversity, potential function, and physiological tolerance of a community of sulfate-reducing bacteria living at ~480 m below subducting seafloor.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Using substrate-induced gene-expression (SIGEX) screening on subseafloor sediment samples from the Nankai Trough, Japan, we identified gene fragments showing an induction response to metal ions.
    RESULTS: Environmental DNA libraries in Escherichia coli host cells were tested by the addition of metal ions (Ni2+ , Co2+ , Ga3+ or Mo6+ ), followed by cell sorting of clones exhibiting green fluorescence upon co-expression of green fluorescence protein downstream of the inserted gene fragments. One clone displayed Ni2+ -specific induction, three clones displayed Ga3+ -specific induction and three clones displayed an induction response to multiple metal ions. DNA sequence analysis showed that a variety of genes showed induction responses in the screened clones.
    CONCLUSIONS: Using the SIGEX approach, we retrieved gene fragments with no previously identified response to metal ions that exhibited metal-ion-induced expression. This method has the potential to promote exploration of gene function through gene-induction response.
    CONCLUSIONS: We successfully linked gene-induction response with sequence information for gene fragments of previously unknown function. The SIGEX-based approach exhibited the potential to identify genetic function in unknown gene pools from the deep subseafloor biosphere, as well as novel genetic components for future biotechnological applications.





