Subcellular localisation

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study used the DNA of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens Ba168 as a template to amplify the flagellin BP8-2 gene and ligate it into the fusion expression vector pCAMBIA1300-35S-EGFP after digestion for the construction of the expression vector pCAMBIA1300-EGFP-BP8-2. Next, using Nicotiana benthamiana as receptor material, transient expression was carried out under the mediation of Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58C1. Finally, the transient expression and subcellular localisation of flagellin BP8-2 protein were analysed using the imaging of co-transformed GFP under laser confocal microscopy. The results showed that flagellin BP8-2 was localised in the cell membrane and nucleus, and the RT-PCR results showed that the BP8-2 gene could be stably expressed in tobacco leaf cells. Furthermore, there was stronger antiviral activity against tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infection in Nicotiana glutinosa than in BP8-2 and ningnanmycin, with an inhibitory effect of 75.91%, protective effect of 77.45%, and curative effect of 68.15%. TMV movement and coat protein expression were suppressed, and there was a high expression of PR-1a, PAL, and NPR1 in BP8-2-treated tobacco leaf. These results suggest that flagellin BP8-2 inhibits TMV by inducing resistance. Moreover, BP8-2 has low toxicity and is easily biodegradable and eco-friendly. These results further enrich our understanding of the antiviral mechanisms of proteins and provide alternatives for controlling viral diseases in agriculture.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The asymmetrical distribution of expressed mRNAs tightly controls the precise synthesis of proteins within human cells. This non-uniform distribution, a cornerstone of developmental biology, plays a pivotal role in numerous cellular processes. To advance our comprehension of gene regulatory networks, it is essential to develop computational tools for accurately identifying the subcellular localizations of mRNAs. However, considering multi-localization phenomena remains limited in existing approaches, with none considering the influence of RNA\'s secondary structure.
    RESULTS: In this study, we propose Allocator, a multi-view parallel deep learning framework that seamlessly integrates the RNA sequence-level and structure-level information, enhancing the prediction of mRNA multi-localization. The Allocator models equip four efficient feature extractors, each designed to handle different inputs. Two are tailored for sequence-based inputs, incorporating multilayer perceptron and multi-head self-attention mechanisms. The other two are specialized in processing structure-based inputs, employing graph neural networks. Benchmarking results underscore Allocator\'s superiority over state-of-the-art methods, showcasing its strength in revealing intricate localization associations.
    METHODS: The webserver of Allocator is available at; the source code and datasets are available on GitHub ( and Zenodo (






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cells can communicate via the release and uptake of extracellular vesicles (EVs), which are nano-sized membrane vesicles that can transfer protein and RNA cargo between cells. EVs contain microRNAs and various other types of non-coding RNA, of which Y RNA is among the most abundant types. Studies on how RNAs and their binding proteins are sorted into EVs have mainly focused on comparing intracellular (cytoplasmic) levels of these RNAs to the extracellular levels in EVs. Besides overall transcriptional levels that may regulate sorting of RNAs into EVs, the process may also be driven by local intracellular changes in RNA/RBP concentrations. Changes in extracellular Y RNA have been linked to cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Although the loading of RNA cargo into EVs is generally thought to be influenced by cellular stimuli and regulated by RNA binding proteins (RBP), little is known about Y RNA shuttling into EVs. We previously reported that immune stimulation alters the levels of Y RNA in EVs independently of cytosolic Y RNA levels. This suggests that Y RNA binding proteins, and/or changes in the local Y RNA concentration at EV biogenesis sites, may affect Y RNA incorporation into EVs. Here, we investigated the subcellular distribution of Y RNA and Y RNA binding proteins in activated and non-activated THP1 macrophages. We demonstrate that Y RNA and its main binding protein Ro60 abundantly co-fractionate in organelles involved in EV biogenesis and in EVs. Cellular activation led to an increase in Y RNA concentration at EV biogenesis sites and this correlated with increased EV-associated levels of Y RNA and Ro60. These results suggest that Y RNA incorporation into EVs may be controlled by local intracellular changes in the concentration of Y RNA and their protein binding partners.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Mitochondrial dysfunction is implicated in a wide range of human disorders including many neurodegenerative and cardiovascular diseases, metabolic diseases, cancers, and respiratory disorders. Studies have suggested the potential of l-ergothioneine (ET), a unique dietary thione, to prevent mitochondrial damage and improve disease outcome. Despite this, no studies have definitively demonstrated uptake of ET into mitochondria. Moreover, the expression of the known ET transporter, OCTN1, on the mitochondria remains controversial. In this study, we utilise mass spectrometry to demonstrate direct ET uptake in isolated mitochondria as well as its presence in mitochondria isolated from ET-treated cells and animals. Mitochondria isolated from OCTN1 knockout mice tissues, have impaired but still detectable ET uptake, raising the possibility of alternative transporter(s) which may facilitate ET uptake into the mitochondria. Our data confirm that ET can enter mitochondria, providing a basis for further work on ET in the prevention of mitochondrial dysfunction in human disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding protein-protein interactions is crucial for unravelling subcellular protein distribution, contributing to our understanding of cellular organisation. Moreover, interaction studies can reveal insights into the mechanisms that cover protein trafficking within cells. Although various techniques such as Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET), co-immunoprecipitation, and fluorescence microscopy are commonly employed to detect protein interactions, their limitations have led to more advanced techniques such as the in situ proximity ligation assay (PLA) for spatial co-localisation analysis. The PLA technique, specifically employed in fixed cells and tissues, utilises species-specific secondary PLA probes linked to DNA oligonucleotides. When proteins are within 40 nm of each other, the DNA oligonucleotides on the probes interact, facilitating circular DNA formation through ligation. Rolling-circle amplification then produces DNA circles linked to the PLA probe. Fluorescently labelled oligonucleotides hybridise to the circles, generating detectable signals for precise co-localisation analysis. We employed PLA to examine the co-localisation of dynein with the Kv7.4 channel protein in isolated vascular smooth muscle cells from rat mesenteric arteries. This method enabled us to investigate whether Kv7.4 channels interact with dynein, thereby providing evidence of their retrograde transport by the microtubule network. Our findings illustrate that PLA is a valuable tool for studying potential novel protein interactions with dynein, and the quantifiable approach offers insights into whether these interactions are changed in disease.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    FMRFamide, a member of the neuropeptide family, is involved in numerous physiological processes. FMRFamide-activated sodium channels (FaNaCs) are a family of non-voltage-gated, amiloride-sensitive, Na+-selective channels triggered by the neuropeptide FMRFamide. In the present study, the full-length cDNA of the FaNaC receptor of Sepiella japonica (SjFaNaC) was cloned. The cDNA of SjFaNaC was 3004 bp long with an open reading frame (ORF) of 1812 bp, encoding 603 amino acid residues with no signal peptide at the N-terminus. Sequence analysis indicated that SjFaNaC shared a high identity with other cephalopods FaNaCs and formed a sister clade with bivalves. The protein structure was predicted using SWISS-MODEL with AcFaNaC as the template. Quantitative real-time PCR (qRT-PCR) revealed that SjFaNaC transcripts were highly expressed in both female and male reproductive organs, as well as in the optic lobe and brain of the central nervous system (CNS). Results of in situ hybridisation (ISH) showed that SjFaNaC mRNA was mainly distributed in the medulla and deep retina of the optic lobe and in both the supraesophageal and subesophageal masses of the brain. Subcellular localisation indicated that the SjFaNaC protein was localised intracellularly and on the cell surface of HEK293T cells. In summary, these findings may lay the foundation for future exploration of the functions of SjFaNaC in cephalopods.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Crispr/CAS9-enabled homologous recombination to insert a tag in frame with an endogenous gene can circumvent difficulties such as context-dependent promoter activity that complicate analysis of gene expression and protein accumulation patterns. However, there have been few reports examining whether such gene targeting/gene tagging (GT) can alter expression of the target gene. The enzyme encoded by Δ1-pyrroline-5-carboxylate synthetase 1 (P5CS1) is key for stress-induced proline synthesis and drought resistance, yet its expression pattern and protein localisation have been difficult to assay. We used GT to insert YFP in frame with the 5\' or 3\' ends of the endogenous P5CS1 and At14a-Like 1 (AFL1) coding regions. Insertion at the 3\' end of either gene generated homozygous lines with expression of the gene-YFP fusion indistinguishable from the wild type allele. However, for P5CS1 this occurred only after selfing and advancement to the T5 generation allowed initial homozygous lethality of the insertion to be overcome. Once this was done, the GT-generated P5CS1-YFP plants revealed new information about P5CS1 localisation and tissue-specific expression. In contrast, insertion of YFP at the 5\' end of either gene blocked expression. The results demonstrate that GT can be useful for functional analyses of genes that are problematic to properly express by other means but also show that, in some cases, GT can disrupt expression of the target gene.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    1-Deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate synthase and 1-deoxy-d-xylulose-5-phosphate reductoismerase are considered two key enzymes in the 2-C-methyl-d-erythritol-4-phosphate pathway of terpenoid biosynthesis and are related to the synthesis and accumulation of sesquiterpenoids. We cloned two DXS and DXR genes from Atractylodes lancea and analysed their expression in different tissues and in response to methyl jasmonate (MeJA). Subcellular localisation analysis revealed that the AlDXS and AlDXR1 proteins are located in the chloroplasts and cytoplasm, whereas AlDXR2 is only located in the chloroplasts. pET-AlDXS-28a and pGEX-AlDXR-4T-1 were expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3) and BL21, respectively. Based on the abiotic stress analysis, the growth rate of the recombinant pGEX-AlDXR-4T-1 was higher than that of the control in HCl and NaOH. AlDXS exhibited the highest expression level in rhizomes of A. lancea from Hubei but was highest in leaves from Henan. In contrast, AlDXR showed maximum expression in the leaves of A. lancea from Hubei and Henan. Moreover, DXS and DXR gene expression, enzyme activities, and antioxidant enzyme activities oscillated in response to MeJA, with expression peaks appearing at different time points. Our findings indicated that the characterisation and function of AlDXS and AlDXR could be useful for further elucidating the functions of DXR and DXR genes in A. lancea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Oestrogen receptors (ER) transduce the effects of the endogenous ligand, 17β-estradiol in cells to regulate a number of important processes such as reproduction, neuroprotection, learning and memory and anxiety. The ERα or ERβ are classical intracellular nuclear hormone receptors while some of their variants or novel proteins such as the G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), GPER1/GPR30 are reported to localise in intracellular as well as plasma membrane locations. Although the brain is an important target for oestrogen with oestrogen receptors expressed differentially in various nuclei, subcellular organisation and crosstalk between these receptors is under-explored. Using an adapted protocol that is rapid, we first generated neurons from mouse embryonic stem cells. Our immunocytochemistry approach shows that the full length ERα (ERα-66) and for the first time, that an ERα variant, ERα-36, as well as GPER1 is present in embryonic stem cells. In addition, these receptors typically decrease their nuclear localisation as neuronal maturation proceeds. Finally, although these ERs are present in many subcellular compartments such as the nucleus and plasma membrane, we show that they are specifically not colocalised with each other, suggesting that they initiate distinct signalling pathways.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Alternative splicing (AS) is an important channel for gene expression regulation and protein diversification, in addition to a major reason for the considerable differences in the number of genes and proteins in eukaryotes. In plants, U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein B″ (U2B″), a component of splicing complex U2 snRNP, plays an important role in AS. Currently, few studies have investigated plant U2B″, and its mechanism remains unclear.
    RESULTS: Phylogenetic analysis, including gene and protein structures, revealed that U2B″ is highly conserved in plants and typically contains two RNA recognition motifs. Subcellular localisation showed that OsU2B″ is located in the nucleus and cytoplasm, indicating that it has broad functions throughout the cell. Elemental analysis of the promoter region showed that it responded to numerous external stimuli, including hormones, stress, and light. Subsequent qPCR experiments examining response to stress (cold, salt, drought, and heavy metal cadmium) corroborated the findings. The prediction results of protein-protein interactions showed that its function is largely through a single pathway, mainly through interaction with snRNP proteins.
    CONCLUSIONS: U2B″ is highly conserved in the plant kingdom, functions in the nucleus and cytoplasm, and participates in a wide range of processes in plant growth and development.





