Subarachnoid Space

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Histological studies have for decades documented that each of the classical meningeal membranes contains multiple fibroblast layers with distinct cellular morphology. Particularly, the sublayers of the arachnoid membranes have received attention due to their anatomical complexity. Early studies found that tracers injected into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) do not distribute freely but are restricted by the innermost sublayer of the arachnoid membrane. The existence of restrictions on CSF movement and the subdivision of the subarachnoid space into several distinct compartments have recently been confirmed by in vivo 2-photon studies of rodents, as well as macroscopic imaging of pigs and magnetic resonance imaging of human brain. Based on in vivo imaging and immunophenotyping characterization, we identified the structural basis for this compartmentalization of the subarachnoid space, which we term \'Subarachnoid lymphatic-like membrane\', SLYM. The SLYM layer engages the subarachnoid vasculature as it approaches the brain parenchyma, demarcating a roof over pial perivascular spaces. Functionally, the separation of pial periarterial and perivenous spaces in the larger subarachnoid space is critical for the maintenance of unidirectional glymphatic clearance. In light of its close apposition to the pial surface and to the brain perivascular fluid exit points, the SLYM also provides a primary locus for immune surveillance of the brain. Yet, the introduction of SLYM, in terms of its anatomic distinction and hence functional specialization, has met resistance. Its critics assert that SLYM has been described in the literature by other terms, including the inner arachnoid membrane, the interlaminate membrane, the outer pial layer, the intermediate lamella, the pial membrane, the reticular layer of the arachnoid membrane or, more recently, BFB2-3. We argue that our conception of SLYM as an anatomically and functionally distinct construct is both necessary and warranted since its functional roles are wholly distinct from those of the overlying arachnoid barrier layer. Our terminology also lends clarity to a complex anatomy that has hitherto been ill-described. In that regard, we also note the lack of specificity of DPP4, which has recently been introduced as a \'selected defining marker\' of the arachnoid barrier layer. We note that DPP4 labels fibroblasts in all meningeal membranes as well as in the trabecula arachnoides and the vascular adventitial layers, thus obviating its utility in meningeal characterization. Instead, we report a set of glymphatic-associated proteins that serve to accurately specify SLYM and distinguish it from its adjacent yet functionally distinct membranes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Idiopathic Normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is an under-diagnosed in elderly patients but none of the diagnostic tests are currently sufficiently sensitive or specific. The objective of this study was to analyze the dynamics of neurofluids by PC-MRI in relation to clinical evolution as measured using the iNPH grading scale after tap-test.
    METHODS: We prospectively included patients with suspected iNPH. All these patients underwent PCMRI to assess craniospinal hemohydrodynamics with analysis of the stroke volume of the cephalospinal fluid (CSF) within the Sylvius\' aqueduct, within the high cervical subarachnoid spaces and the arteriovenous stroke volume. By this means, we calculated a compliance index. Morphological analysis was carried out using the DESH score. The infusion test was measuring the resistance to CSF flow. We analysed all these parameters according to the clinical improvement of the patients.
    RESULTS: 23 patients were included. Compliance index assessed by PC-MRI was significantly higher in the group of patients with improvement > 10% (p = 0.015).
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study highlights the importance of investigating arteriovenous and CSF interactions in iNPH. This involves understanding the physiological and pathophysiological mechanisms related to the circulation of neurofluids. The analysis of the interactions of these neurofluids allows for a comprehensive understanding of the system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The intracranial fluid spaces (IFS), also known as \"the extra-axial spaces,\" consist of the superficial cerebral sulci, the Sylvian fissures, the basal cisterns, the third ventricle, the fourth ventricle, and the two lateral ventricles. In diseases such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer\'s, Parkinson\'s, and especially hydrocephalus, IFS\' enlargements are observed.
    OBJECTIVE: Our study aimed to determine the mean values of IFS measurements in patients with schizophrenia and compare them with healthy controls.
    METHODS: This work has been carried out on 188 cases, out of which 88 schizophrenia patients (56 men and 32 women) met the diagnostic criteria according to DSM-5 for schizophrenia and 100 healthy controls (50 men and 50 women). The 10 parameters have been used to evaluate IFS on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans.
    RESULTS: The parameters showing statistically significant differences were higher in favor of the individual with schizophrenia. Except for the bifrontal index and Evan\'s index, most parameters (the bicaudate index, the fourth ventricle width, the fourth ventricle index, the maximum width of the anterior interhemispheric fissure, the maximum width of the right frontal subarachnoid space, the maximum width of the left frontal subarachnoid space, the maximum width of the right Sylvian fissure, and the maximum width of the left Sylvian fissure) were obtained statistically highly significant differences between the examined and control groups.
    CONCLUSIONS: In schizophrenia, it is more practical to evaluate brain atrophy using some parameters, especially the width of the Sylvian fissure and the bicaudate index.






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    文章类型: Journal Article
    Background Subarachnoid block is one of the commonly used techniques of regional anesthesia and accurate placement of spinal needle is crucial. A conventional spinal needle may be too long for a lean patient or too short in obese patients leading to multiple attempts, inadvertent nerve injuries and patient discomfort. So a pre-procedural estimation of the skin to subarachnoid space depth may be beneficial. Objective To estimate the skin to subarachnoid space depth using ultrasound and correlate it with the length of spinal needle to be inserted during subarachnoid block. Method This was a prospective, observational study conducted at Bir Hospital, Kathmandu in patients undergoing elective surgeries under subarachnoid block. A pre-procedural ultrasound of lumbo-sacral spine using 2-5 Hz curvilinear probe was done to measure skin to subarachnoid space depth (SSD) at the level of L3-L4 interspace. Then under all aseptic precautions, subarachnoid block was performed and the length of spinal needle outside the skin was measured and that length was subtracted from the standard length of needle to get the inserted length of spinal needle. These two measurements were compared. Result In the fifty patients included in the study, ultrasound estimated skin to subarachnoid space depth was found to be 4.24 ± 0.48 cm and the inserted length of spinal needle was 4.24 ± 0.46 cm. A significant correlation r=0.96 (p < 0.05) was found between the two measurements in the study population. Conclusion Ultrasound estimated skin to subarachnoid depth in the study population was found to be 4.24 ± 0.48 cm which correlated with the inserted length of spinal needle. So, use of ultrasound can be very helpful in performing subarachnoid block.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Toward further cerebro-spinal flow quantification in clinical practice, this study aims at assessing the variations in the cerebro spinal fluid flow pattern associated with change in the morphology of the subarachnoid space of the cervical canal of healthy humans by developing a computational fluid dynamics model.
    METHODS: 3D T2-space MRI sequence images of the cervical spine were used to segment 11 cervical subarachnoid space. Model validation (time-step, mesh size, size and number of boundary layers, influences of parted inflow and inflow continuous velocity) was performed a 40-year-old patient-specific model. Simulations were performed using computational fluid dynamics approach simulating transient flow (Sparlart-Almaras turbulence model) with a mesh size of 0.6, 6 boundary layers of 0.05 mm, a time step of 20 ms simulated on 15 cycles. Distributions of components velocity and WSS were respectively analyzed within the subarachnoid space (intervertebral et intravertebral levels) and on dura and pia maters.
    RESULTS: Mean values cerebro spinal fluid velocity in specific local slices of the canal range between 0.07 and 0.17 m.s-1 and 0.1 and 0.3 m.s-1 for maximum values. Maximum wall shear stress values vary between 0.1 and 0.5 Pa with higher value at the middle of the cervical spine on pia mater and at the lower part of the cervical spine on dura mater. Intra and inter-individual variations of the wall shear stress were highlighted significant correlation gwith compression ratio (r = 0.76), occupation ratio and cross section area of the spinal cord.
    CONCLUSIONS: The inter-individual variability in term of subarachnoid canal morphology and spinal cord position influence the cerebro-spinal flow pattern, highlighting the significance of canal morphology investigation before surgery.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The perivascular space (PVS) surrounds cerebral blood vessels and plays an important role in clearing waste products from the brain. Their anatomy and function have been described for arteries, but PVS around veins remain poorly characterized. Using in vivo 2-photon imaging in mice, we determined the size of the PVS around arteries and veins, and their connection with the subarachnoid space. After infusion of 70 kD FITC-dextran into the cerebrospinal fluid via the cisterna magna, labeled PVS were evident around arteries, but veins showed less frequent labeling of the PVS. The size of the PVS correlated with blood vessel size for both pial arteries and veins, but not for penetrating vessels. The PVS around pial arteries and veins was separated from the subarachnoid space by a thin meningeal layer, which did not form a barrier for the tracer. In vivo, FITC-dextran signal was observed adjacent to the vessel wall, but minimally within the wall itself. Post-mortem, there was a significant shift in the tracer\'s location within the arterial wall, extending into the smooth muscle layer. Taken together, these findings suggest that the PVS around veins has a limited role in the exchange of solutes between CSF and brain parenchyma.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Intrinsic cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dynamics in the brain have been extensively studied, particularly the egress sites of tagged intrinsic CSF in the meninges. Although spinal CSF recirculates within the central nervous system (CNS), we hypothesized that CSF outflows from the lumbar spinal canal. We aimed to visualize and semi-quantify the outflow using non-contrast MRI techniques. We utilized a 3 Tesla clinical MRI with a 16-channel spine coil, employing time-spatial labeling inversion (Time-SLIP) with tag-on and tag-off acquisitions, T2-weighted coronal 2D fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) and T2-weighted coronal 3D centric ky-kz single-shot FSE (cSSFSE). Images were acquired using time-spatial labeling inversion pulse (Time-SLIP) with tag-on and tag-off acquisitions with varying TI periods. Ten healthy volunteers with no known spinal diseases participated. Variations in tagged CSF outflow were observed across different thoracolumbar nerve root segments in all participants. We quantified CSF outflow at all lumbar levels and the psoas region. There was no significant difference among the ROIs for signal intensity. The tagged CSF outflow from the spinal canal is small but demonstrates egress to surrounding tissues. This finding may pave the way for exploring intrathecal drug delivery, understanding of CSF-related pathologies and its potential as a biomarker for peripheral neuropathy and radiculopathy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Achieving effective drug delivery to the central nervous system (CNS) remains a challenge for treating neurological disorders. Intrathecal (IT) delivery, which involves direct injection into the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), presents a promising strategy. Large animal studies are important to assess the safety and efficacy of most drugs and treatments and translate the data to humans. An understanding of the influence of IT injection parameters on solute distribution within the CNS is essential to optimize preclinical research, which would potentially help design human clinical studies.
    METHODS: A three-dimensional (3D) in vitro model of a cynomolgus monkey, based on MRI data, was developed to evaluate the impact of lumbar injection parameters on intrathecal solute dispersion. The parameters evaluated were (a) injection location, (b) bolus volume, (c) flush volume, (d) bolus rate, and (e) flush rate. To simulate the CSF flow within the subarachnoid space (SAS), an idealized CSF flow waveform with both cardiac and respiratory-induced components was input into the model. A solution of fluorescein drug surrogate tracer was administered in the lumbar region of the 3D in vitro model filled with deionized water. After injection of the tracer, the CSF system wide-solute dispersion was imaged using high-resolution cameras every thirty seconds for a duration of three hours. To ensure repeatability each injection protocol was repeated three times. For each protocol, the average spatial-temporal distribution over three hours post-injection, the area under the curve (AUC), and the percent injected dose (%ID) to extra-axial CSF (eaCSF) at three hours were determined.
    RESULTS: The changes to the lumbar injection parameters led to variations in solute distribution along the neuro-axis. Specifically, injection location showed the most impact, enhancing the delivery to the eaCSF up to + 10.5%ID (p = 0.0282) at three hours post-injection. Adding a post-injection flush of 1.5 ml at 1 ml/min increased the solute delivery to the eaCSF by + 6.5%ID (p = 0.0218), while the larger bolus volume resulted in a + 2.3%ID (p = 0.1910) increase. The bolus and flush rates analyzed had minimal, statistically non-significant effects.
    CONCLUSIONS: These results predict the effects of lumbar injection parameters on solute distribution in the intrathecal space in NHPs. Specifically, the choice of injection location, flush, and bolus volume significantly improved solute delivery to eaCSF. The in vitro NHP CSF model and results offer a system to help predict and optimize IT delivery protocols for pre-clinical NHP studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The traditional imaging findings reported in Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS) include endpoints of cortical injury-cortical atrophy and cortical calcifications-but also what has been termed a \"leptomeningeal angiomatosis,\" the latter recognized and reported as a leptomeningeal enhancement on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The objective of this study is to demonstrate through neuropathological correlation that the \"leptomeningeal angiomatosis\" in patients with Sturge-Weber syndrome (SWS), represents a re-opened primitive venous network in the subarachnoid space that likely acts as an alternative venous drainage pathway, seen separately to abnormal pial enhancement.
    METHODS: Retrospective review of MR imaging and surgical pathology of patients that underwent surgery for epilepsy at a tertiary, children\'s hospital. A pediatric radiologist with more than 20 years of experience reviewed the MR imaging. Surgically resected brain specimens that had been sectioned and fixed in 10% paraformaldehyde for histologic processing, following processing and paraffin embedding, were cut into 5-µm unstained slides which were subsequently stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E). Slides were re-examined by a board-certified pediatric neuropathologist, and histologic features specifically relating to cerebral surface and vascularity were documented for correlation with MR imaging of the resected region performed prior to resection.
    RESULTS: Five patients were reviewed (3 boys and 2 girls; the median age at the onset of seizures was 12 months (IQR, 7 to 45 months); the median age at surgery was 33 months (IQR, 23.5 to 56.5 months)). Surgical procedures included the following: 4, hemispherotomy (right: 2, left: 2) and 1, hemispherectomy (right). A subarachnoid space varicose network was present on both MRI and histology in 4 patients. Calcifications were seen on both MRI and histology in 3 patients. Abnormal leptomeningeal enhancement was present in 5 patients and seen separately from the subarachnoid vascular network in 4 patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: Histopathology confirmed the MRI findings of a subarachnoid space varicose network seen separately from leptomeningeal enhancement and presumed to represent an alternative venous drainage pathway to compensate for maldevelopment of cortical veins, the primary abnormality in SWS. No pial-based angioma was identified.






  • 文章类型: Letter





