
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of the environmental behavior, bioaccumulation and concentrations of chlorinated paraffins (CPs) and Dechloranes (Dec) in the Arctic environment is still limited, particularly in freshwater ecosystems. In this descriptive study, short chain (SCCPs) and medium chain (MCCPs) CPs, Dechlorane Plus (DP) and analogues, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were measured in sediments, benthic organisms, three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus), Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) in two Sub-Arctic lakes in Northern Norway. Takvannet (TA) is a remote lake, with no known local sources for organic contaminants, while Storvannet (ST) is situated in a populated area. SCCPs and MCCPs were detected in all sediment samples from ST with concentration of 42.26-115.29 ng/g dw and 66.18-136.69 ng/g dw for SCCPs and MCCPs, respectively. Only SCCPs were detected in TA sediments (0.4-5.28 ng/g dw). In biota samples, sticklebacks and benthic organisms showed the highest concentrations of CPs, while concentrations were low or below detection limits in both char and trout. The congener group patterns observed in both lakes showed SCCP profiles dominated by higher chlorinated congener groups while the MCCPs showed consistency in their profiles, with C14 being the most prevalent carbon chain length. Anti- and syn-DP isomers were detected in all sediment, benthic and stickleback samples with higher concentrations in ST than in TA. However, they were only present in a few char and trout samples from ST. Dec 601 and 604 were below detection limits in all samples in both lakes. Dec 603 was detected only in ST sediments, sticklebacks and 2 trout samples, while Dec 602 was the only DP analogue found in all samples from both lakes. While there were clear differences in sediment concentrations of DP and Dec 602 between ST and TA, differences between lakes decreased with increasing δ15N. This pattern was similar to the PCB behavior, suggesting the lake characteristics in ST are playing an important role in the lack of biomagnification of pollutants in this lake. Our results suggest that ST receives pollutants from local sources in addition to atmospheric transport.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Radon-222 (222Rn) and its decay products are the primary sources of a population\'s exposure to background ionizing radiation. Radon decay products are the leading cause of lung cancer for non-smokers and the second leading cause of lung cancer after smoking for smokers. A community-driven long-term radon survey was completed in 232 residential homes in different subdivisions of Whitehorse, the capital of the Yukon, during the heating season from November to April in 2016-2017 and in 2017-2018. Radon concentrations were measured in living rooms and bedrooms on ground floors. The arithmetic and geometric means of indoor radon activity concentrations in different subdivisions of Whitehorse ranged from 52 ± 0.6 Bq m-3and 37 ± 2.3 Bq m-3in the Downtown area of Whitehorse to 993.0 ± 55.0 Bq m-3and 726.2 ± 2.4 Bq m-3in Wolf Creek. Underlying geology and glacial surfaces may partly explain these variations of indoor radon concentrations in subdivisions of Whitehorse. A total of 78 homes (34.0%) had radon concentrations higher than 100 Bq m-3, 47 homes (20.5%) had concentrations higher than 200 Bq m-3and 33 homes (14.4%) had concentrations higher than 300 Bq m-3. The indoor radon contribution to the annual effective inhalation dose to residents ranged from 3.0 mSv in the Downtown area to 51.0 mSv in Wolf Creek. The estimated annual average dose to adults in Whitehorse, Yukon, is higher than the world\'s average annual effective dose of 1.3 mSv due to the inhalation of indoor radon. The annual radon inhalation effective dose was assessed using radon measurements taken during winter; hence the assessed dose may be overestimated. Cost-efficient mitigation methods are available to reduce radon in existing buildings and to prevent radon entry into new buildings.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The depositional history of the Hudson Bay Lowlands (HBL) in Ontario, Canada has created a low relief, poorly drained landscape, favouring the formation of one of the largest peatland complexes in the world. High volume dewatering associated with resource extraction in this area, such as the De Beers Victor Diamond Mine, tests the ability of the underlying confining layer to limit water losses in the peatlands above. This research quantifies the deepening of water tables and increase in effective stress related to mine dewatering and the resulting changes to bog and fen peatland hydrophysical structure and function. Long-term implications of these impacts are discussed. One impacted and two unimpacted transects were instrumented for meteorological (precipitation and evapotranspiration) and hydrophysical (hydraulic head, hydraulic conductivity (Ksat), and surface elevation) monitoring over a 12-year period in the vicinity of the Victor Mine. Over this study period, the unimpacted peatlands operated within relative hydrological equilibrium, demonstrated through shallow water tables, negligible subsidence, and stable Ksat. Contrastingly, all impacted peatlands experienced deeper watertables, larger downwards gradients, and measurable long-term subsidence (4-15 cm). Hydrological impacts were highest in bogs with a thin underlying confining layer even if they were farther from the point of dewatering, highlighting the need for environmental monitoring programs which incorporate an assessment of aquitard thickness. Where subsidence occurred, associated decreases in Ksat deflected bog-fen-tributary flow-paths deeper, reducing the upwards transport of solute rich water to downgradient fens. The long-term effects of these landscape scale changes should be studied further, particularly since climate change in this region will potentially increase water deficits and further alter peatland connectivity. Peatland studies should be conducted in different landscapes experiencing water table lowering due to drought or depressurization in order to better understand the associated subsidence patterns and hydrophysical changes in varying geological and morphological regimes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Arctic region forms a unique environment with specific physical, chemical, and biological processes affecting mercury (Hg) cycles and limited anthropogenic Hg sources. However, historic global emissions and long range atmospheric transport has led to elevated Hg in Arctic wildlife and waterways. Continuous atmospheric Hg measurements, spanning 20 years, and increased monitoring sites has allowed a more comprehensive understanding of how Arctic atmospheric mercury is changing over time. Time-series trend analysis of TGM (Total Gaseous Mercury) in air was performed from 10 circumpolar air monitoring stations, comprising of high-Arctic, and sub-Arctic sites. GOM (gaseous oxidised mercury) and PHg (particulate bound mercury) measurements were also available at 2 high-Arctic sites. Seasonal mean TGM for sub-Arctic sites were lowest during fall ranging from 1.1 ng m-3 Hyytiälä to 1.3 ng m-3, Little Fox Lake. Mean TGM concentrations at high-Arctic sites showed the greatest variability, with highest daily means in spring ranging between 4.2 ng m-3 at Amderma and 2.4 ng m-3 at Zeppelin, largely driven by local chemistry. Annual TGM trend analysis was negative for 8 of the 10 sites. High-Arctic seasonal TGM trends saw smallest decline during summer. Fall trends ranged from -0.8% to -2.6% yr-1. Across the sub-Arctic sites spring showed the largest significant decreases, ranging between -7.7% to -0.36% yr-1, while fall generally had no significant trends. High-Arctic speciation of GOM and PHg at Alert and Zeppelin showed that the timing and composition of atmospheric mercury deposition events are shifting. Alert GOM trends are increasing throughout the year, while PHg trends decreased or not significant. Zeppelin saw the opposite, moving towards increasing PHg and decreasing GOM. Atmospheric mercury trends over the last 20 years indicate that Hg concentrations are decreasing across the Arctic, though not uniformly. This is potentially driven by environmental change, such as plant productivity and sea ice dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A dietary transition away from traditional foods and toward a diet of the predominantly unhealthy market is a public health and sociocultural concern throughout Indigenous communities in Canada, including those in the sub-Arctic and remote regions of Dehcho and Sahtú of the Northwest Territories, Canada. The main aim of the present study is to describe dietary intakes for macronutrients and micronutrients in traditional and market food from the Mackenzie Valley study. We also show the trends of contributions and differences of dietary intakes over time from 1994 data collected and reported by the Centre for Indigenous People\'s Nutrition and Environment (CINE) in 1996. Based on 24-h dietary recall data, the study uses descriptive statistics to describe the observed dietary intake of the Dene First Nations communities in the Dehcho and Sahtú regions of the NWT. Indigenous people in Canada, like the sub-Arctic regions of Dehcho and Sahtú of the NWT, continue to consume traditional foods, although as a small percentage of their total dietary intake. The observed dietary intake calls for action to ensure that traditional food remains a staple as it is critical for the wellbeing of Dene in the Dehcho and Sahtú regions and across the territory.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Matanuska-Susitna Borough is the fastest growing region in the State of Alaska and is impacted by a number of human activities. We conducted a multiscale assessment of the stressors facing the borough by developing and mapping the Index of Watershed Integrity (IWI) and Index of Catchment Integrity (the latter considers stressors in areas surrounding individual stream segments exclusive of upstream areas). The assessment coincided with the borough\'s stormwater management planning. We adapted the list of anthropogenic stressors used in the original conterminous United States IWI application to reflect the borough\'s geography, human activity, and data availability. This analysis also represents an early application of the NHDPlus High Resolution geospatial framework and the first use of the framework in an IWI study. We also explored how remediation of one important stressor, culverts, could impact watershed integrity at the catchment and watershed scales. Overall, we found that the integrity scores for the Matanuska-Susitna basin were high compared to the conterminous United States. Low integrity scores did occur in the rapidly developing Wasilla-Palmer core area. We also found that culvert remediation had a larger proportional impact in catchments with fewer stressors.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Plant associated mutualists can mediate invasion success by affecting the ecological niche of nonnative plant species. Anthropogenic disturbance is also key in facilitating invasion success through changes in biotic and abiotic conditions, but the combined effect of these two factors in natural environments is understudied. To better understand this interaction, we investigated how disturbance and its interaction with mycorrhizas could impact range dynamics of nonnative plant species in the mountains of Norway. Therefore, we studied the root colonisation and community composition of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi in disturbed vs undisturbed plots along mountain roads. We found that roadside disturbance strongly increases fungal diversity and richness while also promoting AM fungal root colonisation in an otherwise ecto-mycorrhiza and ericoid-mycorrhiza dominated environment. Surprisingly, AM fungi associating with nonnative plant species were present across the whole elevation gradient, even above the highest elevational limit of nonnative plants, indicating that mycorrhizal fungi are not currently limiting the upward movement of nonnative plants. We conclude that roadside disturbance has a positive effect on AM fungal colonisation and richness, possibly supporting the spread of nonnative plants, but that there is no absolute limitation of belowground mutualists, even at high elevation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In 2018 and 2019, salmonid fishes, Salmo trutta L. and Salvelinus alpinus (L.) from lakes in Iceland were assessed for trematodes during a parasitological examination. Combined morphological and molecular analyses revealed the presence of four trematode species, two of which were previously known to parasitise salmonids in Iceland, Crepidostomum farionis (Müller, 1780) and Phyllodistomum umblae (Fabricius, 1780), and the two remaining species were recognised as new to science. Morphologically and genetically, Crepidostomum brinkmanni n. sp. and C. pseudofarionis n. sp. are closely related to two European species, namely C. metoecus and C. farionis. However, C. brinkmanni n. sp. is distinct by the position of maximum body width and arrangement of vitelline follicles; C. pseudofarionis n. sp. is distinct by its stout body, position of maximum body width, size of muscular papillae relative to oral sucker and the anterior extent of vitelline follicles. The new species were previously molecularly detected in their intermediate and definitive hosts in Norway and Ukraine, but their sequences were not supplemented with any morphological characterisation. In the present study, we provide detailed morphological descriptions and molecular sequences (28S rDNA and ITS2) of the four species of trematodes detected in Iceland. The discovery of the two new species of Crepidostomum indicates that the trematode diversity in fishes in the north is higher than previously known; our finding doubles the species spectrum of fish trematodes for Iceland. The record of C. brinkmanni from Ukraine indicates that its distribution might not be limited to northern latitudes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sub-arctic birch forests (Betula pubescens Ehrh. ssp. czerepanovii) periodically suffer large-scale defoliation events caused by the caterpillars of the geometrid moths Epirrita autumnata and Operophtera brumata. Despite their obvious influence on ecosystem primary productivity, little is known about how the associated reduction in belowground C allocation affects soil processes. We quantified the soil response following a natural defoliation event in sub-arctic Sweden by measuring soil respiration, nitrogen availability and ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) hyphal production and root tip community composition. There was a reduction in soil respiration and an accumulation of soil inorganic N in defoliated plots, symptomatic of a slowdown of soil processes. This coincided with a reduction of EMF hyphal production and a shift in the EMF community to lower autotrophic C-demanding lineages (for example, /russula-lactarius). We show that microbial and nutrient cycling processes shift to a slower, less C-demanding state in response to canopy defoliation. We speculate that, amongst other factors, a reduction in the potential of EMF biomass to immobilise excess mineral nitrogen resulted in its build-up in the soil. These defoliation events are becoming more geographically widespread with climate warming, and could result in a fundamental shift in sub-arctic ecosystem processes and properties. EMF fungi may be important in mediating the response of soil cycles to defoliation and their role merits further investigation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While marine animals are exposed to environmental contaminants via their prey, because plastic pollution in the aquatic environment can concentrate some chemicals, ingested plastics are thought to increase the exposure of biota to contaminants. Currently, in the literature there are contradictory results relating to how higher levels of ingested plastics by birds may lead to higher levels of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs). To date none of these have incorporated known Toxic Equivalency Factors (TEFs) for non-ortho and mono-ortho congeners of PCB which is critical to assessing the potential effects from PCBs. We examined northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis) from the Labrador Sea region Canada, and the ingested plastics from these same birds for comparative PCB concentrations. We found no significant correlations between the PCB concentrations in the birds and the mass or number of retained ingested plastic pieces in the stomach, this held true when PCBs were considered by a number of different ways, including ∑4PCB, ∑PCB, lower-chlorinated, high-chlorinated, non-ortho PCB, and mono-ortho congeners. PCB concentrations were lower in plastics as compared with livers. We found significant differences in congener profiles between the ingested plastics and seabird livers suggesting that while plastics do not contribute to the PCB concentrations, there may be some interactions between plastics and the chemicals that the birds are exposed to via ingested plastics.





