
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Lamanema chavezi is an entero-hepatic strongylid parasite specific to South American camelids. It has been reported only on few occasions outside South America. Due to its hepatic migration, it can cause extensive liver damage, leading to granulomatous and fibrotic hepatitis and manifesting with lethargy, anorexia, and even death. We are reporting the second case of L. chavezi infection in Europe and the first in Switzerland. The patient was a three-year old neutered male llama (Lama glama). Clinical examination revealed bloody mucous discharge from the anus. Fecal sedimentation/flotation revealed strongylid eggs consistent with L. chavezi, which were molecularly confirmed by a PCR targeting the ITS2 plus 5.8S and 28S rDNA flanking regions and amplicon sequencing. Eighteen weeks after administration of a single dose of eprinomectin (0.2 mg/kg i.m.), no further L. chavezi eggs were detected in the feces. The source of infection could not be traced back. The entire herd consisted of llamas bred in Switzerland. L. chavezi has been rarely reported outside South America, but its potential for pathogenicity and establishment should not be underestimated. Fecal sedimentation/flotation techniques should be routinely performed to ensure early detection of the parasite.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Basic knowledge on the biology and epidemiology of equine strongylid species still needs to be improved to contribute to the design of better parasite control strategies. Nemabiome metabarcoding is a convenient tool to quantify and identify species in bulk samples that could overcome the hurdle that cyathostomin morphological identification represents. To date, this approach has relied on the internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS-2) of the ribosomal RNA gene, with a limited investigation of its predictive performance for cyathostomin communities. Using DNA pools of single cyathostomin worms, this study aimed to provide the first elements to compare performances of the ITS-2 and a cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) barcode newly developed in this study. Barcode predictive abilities were compared across various mock community compositions of two, five and 11 individuals from distinct species. The amplification bias of each barcode was estimated. Results were also compared between various types of biological samples, i.e., eggs, infective larvae or adults. Bioinformatic parameters were chosen to yield the closest representation of the cyathostomin community for each barcode, underscoring the need for communities of known composition for metabarcoding purposes. Overall, the proposed COI barcode was suboptimal relative to the ITS-2 rDNA region, because of PCR amplification biases, reduced sensitivity and higher divergence from the expected community composition. Metabarcoding yielded consistent community composition across the three sample types. However, imperfect correlations were found between relative abundances from infective larvae and other life-stages for Cylicostephanus species using the ITS-2 barcode. While the results remain limited by the considered biological material, they suggest that additional improvements are needed for both the ITS-2 and COI barcodes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: In Ethiopia, small ruminants contribute significantly to livelihoods and food security but productivity is low with high disease burden and essential endoparasite control not widely practiced. The current study assessed worm burden and its control in three districts in Ethiopia.
    UNASSIGNED: All sheep older than 3 months in nine villages were treated en-masse with albendazole and triclabendazole twice a year from 2018 to 2021. Treatments were administered under field conditions by animal health workers. Pre- and post-treatment data were assessed looking at fecal egg presence/absence and fecal egg per gram (EPG) count.
    UNASSIGNED: A total of 1,928 and 735 sheep were examined before and after deworming, respectively. Before treatment worms were detected in 54.4% (95% CI: 52.2-56.6) of sheep. Strongylid (30.4%) and Fasciola (18.2%) were the most frequently identified parasites. Animals living in wet mid-highland environments were more than 23 times more likely to have strongylid eggs in their feces and 5 times more likely to have eggs from any gastrointestinal tract (GIT) parasites detected, as compared to animals living in moist highland agro-ecology. Over the course of the 2018-2021 community intervention there was total elimination of animals with a high worm burden (EPG > 1,500), and elimination of a third of those with moderate infections. Mild infections remained, largely accounted for by strongylid, which remains at low levels in healthy sheep. However, there were signs of emerging drug resistance.
    UNASSIGNED: Generally, sheep in smallholder systems in Ethiopia experience a needlessly large economic burden from GIT worms. Routine therapy reduces this burden but smart strategies are needed to limit the onset of drug resistance.






  • 文章类型: Systematic Review
    Cyathostomins are the most common and highly prevalent parasites of horses worldwide. Historically, the control of cyathostomins has mainly relied on the routine use of anthelmintic products. Increasing reports on anthelmintic resistance (AR) in cyathostomins are concerning. A potential method proposed for detecting emerging AR in cyathostomins has been estimating the egg reappearance period (ERP). This paper reviews the data available for the ERP of cyathostomins against the three major classes of anthelmintics, macrocyclic lactones, tetrahydropyrimidines, and benzimidazoles. Published peer-reviewed original research articles were obtained from three databases (PubMed, CAB Direct and Web of Science) and were evaluated for their inclusion in a systematic review. Subsets of articles were then subjected to a review of ERP data. A total of 54 (of 134) studies published between 1972 and 2022 met the criteria for inclusion in the systematic review. Until the beginning of 2022, there was no agreed definition of the ERP; eight definitions of ERP were identified in the literature, complicating the comparison between studies. Additionally, potential risk factors for the shortening of the ERP, including previous anthelmintic use and climate, were frequently not described. Reports of shortened ERP for moxidectin and ivermectin are frequent: 20 studies that used comparable ERP definitions reported shortened moxidectin and ivermectin ERPs of 35 and 28 days, respectively. It is unclear whether the ERPs of these anthelmintics reduced to such levels are due to the development of AR or some biological factors related to horses, cyathostomin species, and/or the environment. The ERPs for other anthelmintics, such as fenbendazole and pyrantel, were frequently not reported due to established resistance against these drugs. Future research in horses is required to understand the mechanism(s) behind the shortening of ERP for cyathostomins. Based on this systematic review, we propose recommendations for future ERP studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthelmintic resistance is reported in equine nematodes with increasing frequency in recent years, and no new anthelmintic classes have been introduced during the past 40 years. This manuscript reviews published literature describing anthelmintic resistance in cyathostomins, Parascaris spp., and Oxyuris equi with special emphasis on larvicidal efficacy against encysted cyathostomin larvae and strongylid egg reappearance periods (ERP). Resistance to benzimidazoles and pyrimidines is highly prevalent in cyathostomin populations around the world, and macrocyclic lactone resistance has been documented in cyathostomins in recent years as well. Two recent studies have documented resistance to the larvicidal regimen of fenbendazole, whereas the larvicidal efficacy of moxidectin is variable, but with no evidence of a reduction from historic levels. In the 1990s, ERP estimates were 8-10 and 12-16 weeks for ivermectin and moxidectin, respectively, while several studies published after year 2000 found ERPs to be 5 weeks for both compounds. This is a clear change in anthelmintic performance, but it remains unclear if this is due to development of anthelmintic resistance or selection for other biological traits leading to a quicker resumption of strongylid egg shedding following anthelmintic treatment. Macrocyclic lactone resistance is common in Parascaris spp. around the world, but recent reports suggests that resistance to the two other classes should be monitored as well. Finally, O. equi has been reported resistant to ivermectin and moxidectin in countries representing four continents. In conclusion, multi-drug resistance is becoming the norm in managed cyathostomin populations around the world, and a similar pattern may be emerging in Parascaris spp. More work is required to understand the mechanisms behind the shortened ERPs, and researchers and veterinarians around the world are encouraged to routinely monitor anthelmintic efficacy against equine nematodes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Alternative strategies to chemical anthelmintics are needed for the sustainable control of equine strongylids. Bioactive forages like sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) could contribute to reducing drug use, with the first hints of in vitro activity against cyathostomin free-living stages observed in the past. We analysed the effect of a sainfoin-rich diet on cyathostomin population and the efficacy of oral ivermectin treatment. Two groups of 10 naturally infected horses were enrolled in a 78-day experimental trial. Following a 1-week adaptation period, they were either fed with dehydrated sainfoin pellets (70% of their diet dry matter) or with alfalfa pellets (control group) for 21-days. No difference was found between the average fecal egg counts (FECs) of the two groups, but a significantly lower increase in larval development rate was observed for the sainfoin group, at the end of the trial. Quantification of cyathostomin species abundances with an ITS-2-based metabarcoding approach revealed that the sainfoin diet did not affect the nemabiome structure compared to the control diet. Following oral ivermectin treatment of all horses on day 21, the drug concentration was lower in horses fed with sainfoin, and cyathostomin eggs reappeared earlier in that group. Our results demonstrated that short-term consumption of a sainfoin-rich diet does not decrease cyathostomin FEC but seems to slightly reduce larval development. Consumption of dehydrated sainfoin pellets also negatively affected ivermectin pharmacokinetics, underscoring the need to monitor horse feeding regimes when assessing ivermectin efficacy in the field.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Semi-domesticated reindeer represent an important livestock industry and livelihood for a proportion of the human population in northern Fennoscandia. Reindeer husbandry is considered an extensive animal husbandry, where the animals are kept mostly on natural pastures, although sometimes kept in fenced areas for shorter periods. These reindeer may harbour a variety of parasites that may affect animal health and production. The relatively limited close contact between herds and owners gives limited opportunities for diagnosis and treatment of diseases in general. Furthermore, the effects of subclinical parasitism in livestock are commonly expressed as a reduction in productivity rather than clinical disease and mortality. Thus, specific knowledge of endoparasites and parasitic infections in these herds is scarce. This study investigated the occurrence of various endoparasites in reindeer by analysis of a total of 114 faecal samples from winter-slaughtered reindeer from two different grazing areas in Troms and Finnmark, Norway.
    RESULTS: Using a McMaster method, a Baermann technique, and a direct immunofluorescent antibody test, the following parasites were identified in the faecal samples with the occurrence data given as percentages: Strongylid eggs (62%), Nematodirinae spp. eggs (24%), Capillaria sp. eggs (42%) and Moniezia spp. eggs (17%), Dictyocaulus spp. larvae (14%) protostrongylid larvae (40%), Eimera spp. oocysts (23%), and Giardia duodenalis cysts (5%). Cryptosporidium oocysts were not detected. Parasite eggs, oocysts, and cysts were quantified. Molecular analysis revealed G. duodenalis sub-assemblage AI, a potentially zoonotic genotype not previously reported in reindeer from this region. Morphological analyses of Eimeria oocysts identified two species, Eimeria mayeri and Eimeria rangiferis, and molecular analyses of the cytochrome C oxidase I (coi) gene and 18 s rRNA (18SSU) gene of Eimeria confirmed the presence of Eimeria species that are specific to reindeer.
    CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence, but low burden, of endoparasites was detected in samples from these semi-domesticated reindeer. The samples were collected during winter, when adult gastrointestinal parasites usually produce only low numbers of transmission stages. Therefore, together with the low number of samples, detailed and definitive conclusions regarding parasite status of semi-domesticated reindeer are avoided. Nevertheless, these data provide a snapshot overview of parasite occurrence in a semi-domesticated animal group vulnerable to the various environmental changes to which they are exposed.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Strongylid and ascarid parasites are omnipresent in equine stud farms, and ever-increasing levels of anthelmintic resistance are challenging the industry with finding more sustainable and yet effective parasite control programs.
    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate egg count levels, bodyweight and equine health under defined parasite control protocols in foals and mares at two Standardbred and two Thoroughbred stud farms.
    METHODS: Longitudinal randomised field trial.
    METHODS: A total of 93 foals were enrolled and split into two treatment groups, and 99 mares were enrolled and assigned to three treatment groups. All horses underwent a health examination, and episodes of colic or diarrhoea were recorded at each faecal collection date. Bodyweights were assessed using a weight tape, and mares were body condition scored. Group A foals (FA) were dewormed at 2 and 5 months of age with a fenbendazole/ivermectin/praziquantel product, while group B foals (FB) were dewormed on a monthly basis, alternating between the above-mentioned product and an oxfendazole/pyrantel embonate product. Group A mares (MA) were dewormed twice with fenbendazole/ivermectin/praziquantel, group B mares (MB) were dewormed with the same product, when egg counts exceeded 300 strongylid eggs per gram, and group C mares (MC) were dewormed every 2 months, alternating between the two products. Health data were collected monthly for 6 months (foals) and bimonthly for 13 months (mares). Data were analysed with mixed linear models and interpreted at the α = 0.05 significance level.
    RESULTS: There were no significant bodyweight differences between foal groups, but MA mares were significantly lighter than the other two groups. Very few health incidents were recorded. Foals in group FA had significantly higher ascarid and strongylid egg counts, whereas no significant differences were observed between mare groups.
    UNASSIGNED: Study duration limited to one season.
    CONCLUSIONS: Anthelmintic treatment intensity was lowered from the traditional intensive regimes without measurable negative health consequences for mares and foals.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The aim was to characterize the infection by Trichostrongylus spp. in patients from Chile using a combination of molecular detection techniques and phylogenetic analysis relating the findings to clinical and epidemiological reports of the patients METHODS: Strongylid eggs were detected in seven patients by coproparasitological techniques. From each sample a fragment of the ITS-2 ribosomal gene was amplified by PCR, sequenced and analyzed by the Neighbor-Joining method.
    RESULTS: All the sequences and phylogenetic clusters corresponded to T. colubriformis. Two samples presented a single nucleotide polymorphism showing two possible haplotypes. Six patients presented gastrointestinal symptoms. All of them lived on farms and used sheep manure as fertilizer.
    CONCLUSIONS: T. colubriformis was the strongylid involved in the infections of these Chilean patients associated with the presence of livestock and agricultural practices that favor infection by this type of nematode.






  • 文章类型: Comparative Study
    The detection and quantification of nematode eggs using fecal egg count techniques have an irreplaceable role in equine parasitic control. The reliability, particularly precision and accuracy, of individual techniques have been described only for strongylid infections. The aim of this study was to compare three fecal egg count techniques used for the detection of the two most common equine nematode infections: strongylid and ascarid. The Simple McMaster, Concentration McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC techniques were tested on spiked fecal samples with various levels of egg concentration (50, 100, 200, 500, 1000 and 3000 eggs per gram) and naturally infected mixed strongylid-ascarid samples with 30 replicates. The Simple McMaster, Concentration McMaster and Mini-FLOTAC techniques had precision coefficients of variation of 44.33, 35.64 and 18.25% for the strongylid infection and 62.95, 35.71 and 18.95% for the ascarid infection, and percent accuracies (mean count/number of eggs spiked) of 97.53, 88.39 and 74.18% for the strongylid infection and 65.53, 83.18 and 90.28% for the ascarid infection, respectively. Accuracy depended greatly on the type of nematode, but precision did not. The Mini-FLOTAC technique was more precise than the Simple and Concentration McMaster techniques regardless of nematode type. Simple McMaster was the most accurate technique for detecting strongylid eggs, and Mini-FLOTAC was the most accurate technique for detecting ascarid eggs. Our results indicated that none of the current techniques were universally and sufficiently reliable for the simultaneous quantification of both of these common equine nematodes.





