Stop codons

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The majority of bacteriophage diversity remains uncharacterized, and new intriguing mechanisms of their biology are being continually described. Members of some phage lineages, such as the Crassvirales, repurpose stop codons to encode an amino acid by using alternate genetic codes. Here, we investigated the prevalence of stop codon reassignment in phage genomes and its subsequent impacts on functional annotation. We predicted 76 genomes within INPHARED and 712 vOTUs from the Unified Human Gut Virome Catalogue (UHGV) that repurpose a stop codon to encode an amino acid. We re-annotated these sequences with modified versions of Pharokka and Prokka, called Pharokka-gv and Prokka-gv, to automatically predict stop codon reassignment prior to annotation. Both tools significantly improved the quality of annotations, with Pharokka-gv performing best. For sequences predicted to repurpose TAG to glutamine (translation table 15), Pharokka-gv increased the median gene length (median of per genome median) from 287 to 481 bp for UHGV sequences (67.8% increase) and from 318 to 550 bp for INPHARED sequences (72.9% increase). The re-annotation increased median coding capacity from 66.8% to 90.0% and from 69.0% to 89.8% for UHGV and INPHARED sequences predicted to use translation table 15. Furthermore, the proportion of genes that could be assigned functional annotation increased, including an increase in the number of major capsid proteins that could be identified. We propose that automatic prediction of stop codon reassignment before annotation is beneficial to downstream viral genomic and metagenomic analyses.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Nonsense mutations occur within the open-reading frame of a gene resulting in a premature termination codon (PTC). PTC-containing mRNAs can either be degeraded or cause premature translation termination producing a truncated protein that can be either nonfunctional or toxic. Translational readthrough inducing drugs (TRIDs) are small molecules that are able to induce readthrough, resulting in the restoration of full-length protein expression. The re-expressed proteins usually harbor a missense change. The effciency of individual TRIDs is variable and varies between different genes and even different nonsense mutations in the same gene. This review summarizes factors, including the sequences located upstream and downstream the disease-causing mutation and the type of PTC, affecting the translational readthrough process by modulating the type of amino acid insertion and the efficiency of the process during readthrough following TRIDs treatments.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytosine base editors (CBEs) accurately modify target sites by mediating a C to T change (or a G to A change on the opposite strand). This allows us to install premature stop codons for gene knockout. However, highly specific sgRNAs (single-guide RNAs) are necessary for the CRISPR-Cas nuclease to work efficiently. In this study, we introduce a method of designing highly specific gRNA to generate premature stop codons and knock out a gene using CRISPR-BETS software.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    If a stop codon appears within one gene, then its translation will be terminated earlier than expected. False folding of premature protein will be adverse to the host; hence, all functional genes would tend to avoid the intragenic stop codons. Therefore, we hypothesize that there will be less frequency of nucleotides corresponding to stop codons at each codon position of genes. Here, we validate this inference by investigating the nucleotide frequency at a large scale and results from 19,911 prokaryote genomes revealed that nucleotides coinciding with stop codons indeed have the lowest frequency in most genomes. Interestingly, genes with three types of stop codons all tend to follow a T-G-A deficiency pattern, suggesting that the property of avoiding intragenic termination pressure is the same and the major stop codon TGA plays a dominant role in this effect. Finally, a positive correlation between the TGA deficiency extent and the base length was observed in start-experimentally verified genes of Escherichia coli (E. coli). This strengthens the proof of our hypothesis. The T-G-A deficiency pattern observed would help to understand the evolution of codon usage tactics in extant organisms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The genome hypothesis postulates that genes in a genome tend to conform to their species\' usage of the codon catalog and the GC content of the DNA. Thus, codon frequencies differ across organisms, including the three termination codons in the standard genetic code. Here, we analyze the frequencies of stop codons in a group of highly expressed genes from 196 prokaryotes under strong translational selection. The occurrence of the three translation termination codons is highly biased, with UAA (ochre) being the most prevalent in almost all bacteria. In contrast, UAG (amber) is the least frequent termination codon, e.g., only 321 occurrences (7.4%) in E. coli K-12 substr. W3110. Of the 253 highly expressed genes, only two end with an UAG codon. The strength of the selective bias against UAG in highly expressed genes varies among bacterial genomes, but it is not affected by the GC content of these genomes. In contrast, increased GC content results in a decrease in UAA abundance with a concomitant increase in UGA abundance. We propose that readthrough efficiency and context effects could explain the prevalence of UAA over UAG, particularly in highly expressed genes. Findings from this communication can be utilized for the optimization of gene expression.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In bacteria stop codons are recognized by one of two class I release factors (RF1) recognizing TAG, RF2 recognizing TGA, and TAA being recognized by both. Variation across bacteria in the relative abundance of RF1 and RF2 is thus hypothesized to select for different TGA/TAG usage. This has been supported by correlations between TAG:TGA ratios and RF1:RF2 ratios across multiple bacterial species, potentially also explaining why TAG usage is approximately constant despite extensive variation in GC content. It is, however, possible that stop codon trends are determined by other forces and that RF ratios adapt to stop codon usage, rather than vice versa. Here, we determine which direction of the causal arrow is the more parsimonious. Our results support the notion that RF1/RF2 ratios become adapted to stop codon usage as the same trends, notably the anomalous TAG behavior, are seen in contexts where RF1:RF2 ratios cannot be, or are unlikely to be, causative, that is, at 3\'untranslated sites never used for translation termination, in intragenomic analyses, and across archaeal species (that possess only one RF1). We conclude that specifics of RF biology are unlikely to fully explain TGA/TAG relative usage. We discuss why the causal relationships for the evolution of synonymous stop codon usage might be different from those affecting synonymous sense codon usage, noting that transitions between TGA and TAG require two-point mutations one of which is likely to be deleterious.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cytosine base editors (CBEs) can install a predefined stop codon at the target site, representing a more predictable and neater method for creating genetic knockouts without altering the genome size. Due to the enhanced predictability of the editing outcomes, it is also more efficient to obtain homozygous mutants in the first generation. With the recent advancement of CBEs on improved editing activity, purify and specificity in plants and animals, base editing has become a more appealing technology for generating knockouts. However, there is a lack of design tools that can aid the adoption of CBEs for achieving such a purpose, especially in plants. Here, we developed a user-friendly design tool named CRISPR-BETS (base editing to stop), which helps with guide RNA (gRNA) design for introducing stop codons in the protein-coding genes of interest. We demonstrated in rice and tomato that CRISPR-BETS is easy-to-use, and its generated gRNAs are highly specific and efficient for generating stop codons and obtaining homozygous knockout lines. While we tailored the tool for the plant research community, CRISPR-BETS can also serve non-plant species.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen of global relevance that causes outbreaks and sporadic cases of listeriosis, acquired through the consumption of contaminated products, including milk or meat products and ready-to-eat meat products subjected to intensive handling. The objective of the present study was to classify L. monocytogenes isolated from various food-related sources in the Federal District of Brazil and surrounding areas to sequence internalin A (inlA) genes from these isolates and assess their adhesion and invasion capacity using Caco-2 cells. In addition, 15 were classified as group I, 3 as group II, and 7 classified as group IV. Premature stop codons (PMSCs) at the nucleotide position 976 (GAA→TAA) of the inlA gene were identified in 5 of the 25 isolates. Adhesion and invasion tests in Caco-2 cells showed that all the isolates were capable of adhesion and cellular invasion, with isolates containing PMSCs exhibiting on average higher invasion capacity than those without PMSCs (p = 0.041) and a median of adhesion very distinctive from those without stop codons. These results are the first report of PMSCs in the inlA gene of L. monocytogenes from the Federal District of Brazil and Brazil.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bacterial genes are sometimes found to be inactivated by mutation. This inactivation may be observable simply because selection for function is intermittent or too weak to eliminate inactive alleles quickly. Here, I investigate cases in Salmonella enterica where inactivation is instead positively selected. These are identified by a rate of introduction of premature stop codons to a gene that is higher than expected under selective neutrality, as assessed by comparison to the rate of synonymous changes. I identify 84 genes that meet this criterion at a 10% false discovery rate. Many of these genes are involved in virulence, motility and chemotaxis, biofilm formation, and resistance to antibiotics or other toxic substances. It is hypothesized that most of these genes are subject to an ongoing process in which inactivation is favored under rare conditions, but the inactivated allele is deleterious under most other conditions and is subsequently driven to extinction by purifying selection.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    We investigated the presence of stop codons (SC) and/or hypermutation (HM) in HIV-1 DNA sequences generated for routine drug resistance testing in proviral HIV-1 DNA, and sought for associated factors. At least one SC was identified in 6.2% of HIV-1 DNA sequences, among which 54.8% were hypermutated. The defective virus group (SC w/o HM) was similar to the non-SC group regarding the characteristics of HIV-1 infection, and before drug exposure. In addition, the HIV-1 DNA levels were not different between both groups. Sequences with SC/HM displayed a higher proportion of RAMs. The impact of the SC/HM associated RAMs on clinical responses requires further investigation.





