Stereotyped Behavior

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are highly heterogeneous neurodevelopmental diseases. Epidemiological data report that males have been diagnosed with autism more frequently than females. However, recent studies hypothesize that females\' low incidence might be underestimated due to standard clinical measures of ASD behavioural symptoms, mostly derived from males. Indeed, up to now, ASD mouse models focused mainly on males, considering the prevalence of the diagnosis in that sex. Regarding ASD aetiopathogenesis, it has been recently reported that oxidative stress might be implicated in its onset and development, suggesting an association with ASD typical repetitive behaviours that still need to be disentangled. Here, we investigated possible behavioural and molecular sex-related differences by using the BTBR mouse model of idiopathic ASD. To this aim, animals were exposed to behavioural tests related to different ASD core symptoms and comorbidities, i.e. stereotyped repertoire, social dysfunctions, hyperlocomotion and risk-taking behaviours. Moreover, we analyzed hippocampal levels of pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant enzymes, together with biomarkers of oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation. Our results showed that BTBR females did not display the same patterns for repetitive behaviours as the male counterpart. From a biomolecular point of view, we found an increase in oxidative stress and pro-oxidant enzymes, accompanied by deficient enzymatic anti-oxidant response, only in BTBR males compared to C57BL/6 male mice, while no differences were retrieved in females. Overall, our study suggests that in females there is an urgent need to depict the distinct ASD symptomatology, accompanied by the identification of sex-specific pharmacological targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can be caused by environmental factors. These factors act early in the development of the nervous system and induce stereotyped repetitive behaviors and diminished social interactions, among other outcomes. Little is known about how these behaviors are produced. In pregnant women, delivery of valproic acid (VPA) (to control seizure activity or stabilize mood) or immune activation by a virus increases the incidence of ASD in offspring. We found that either VPA or Poly Inosine:Cytosine (which mimics a viral infection), administered at mouse embryonic day 12.5, induced a neurotransmitter switch from GABA to glutamate in PV- and CCK-expressing interneurons in the medial prefrontal cortex by postnatal day 10. The switch was present for only a brief period during early postnatal development, observed in male and female mice at postnatal day 21 and reversed in both males and females by postnatal day 30. At postnatal day 90, male mice exhibited stereotyped repetitive behaviors and diminished social interaction while female mice exhibited only stereotyped repetitive behavior. Transfecting GAD1 in PV- and CCK-expressing interneurons at postnatal day 10, to reintroduce GABA expression, overrode the switch and prevented expression of autistic-like behavior. These findings point to an important role of neurotransmitter switching in mediating the environmental causes of autism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Restricted, repetitive behaviors are common symptoms in neurodevelopmental disorders including autism spectrum disorder. Despite being associated with poor developmental outcomes, repetitive behaviors remain poorly understood and have limited treatment options. Environmental enrichment attenuates the development of repetitive behaviors, but the exact mechanisms remain obscure. Using the C58 mouse model of repetitive behavior, we performed diffusion tensor imaging to examine microstructural alterations associated with the development of repetitive behavior and its attenuation by environmental enrichment. The C57BL/6 mouse strain, which displays little or no repetitive behavior, was used as a control group. We observed widespread differences in diffusion metrics between C58 mice and C57BL/6 mice. In juvenile C58 mice, repetitive motor behavior displayed strong negative correlations with fractional anisotropy in multiple gray matter regions, whereas in young adult C58 mice, high repetitive motor behavior was most strongly associated with lower fractional anisotropy and higher radial diffusivity in the striatum. Environmental enrichment increased fractional anisotropy and axial diffusivity throughout gray matter regions in the brains of juvenile C58 mice and overlapped predominantly with cerebellar and sensory regions associated with repetitive behavior. Our results suggest environmental enrichment reduces repetitive behavior development by altering gray matter microstructure in the cerebellum, medial entorhinal cortex, and sensory processing regions in juvenile C58 mice. Under standard laboratory conditions, early pathology in these regions appears to contribute to later striatal and white matter dysfunction in adult C58 mice. Future studies should examine the role these regions play in the development of repetitive behavior and the relationship between sensory processing and cerebellar deficits and repetitive behavior.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is neurodevelopmental disorder with a high incidence rate, characterized by social deficits and repetitive behaviors. There is currently no effective management available to treat the core symptoms of ASD; however, oxidative stress has been implicated in its pathogenesis. Edaravone (EDA), a free-radical scavenger, is used to treat amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and acute ischemic stroke (AIS). Here, we hypothesized that an oral formula of EDA may have therapeutic efficacy in the treatment of core ASD symptoms. A rat model of autism was established by prenatal exposure to valproic acid (VPA), and the offsprings were orally treated with EDA at low (3 mg/kg), medium (10 mg/kg), and high (30 mg/kg) doses once daily for 28 days starting from postnatal day 25 (PND25). Oral EDA administration alleviated the core symptoms in VPA rats in a dose-dependent manner, including repetitive stereotypical behaviors and impaired social interaction. Furthermore, oral administration of EDA significantly reduced oxidative stress in a dose-dependent manner, as evidenced by a reduction in oxidative stress markers and an increase in antioxidants in the blood and brain. In addition, oral EDA significantly attenuated downstream pathologies, including synaptic and mitochondrial damage in the brain. Proteomic analysis further revealed that EDA corrected the imbalance in brain oxidative reduction and mitochondrial proteins induced by prenatal VPA administration. Overall, these findings demonstrate that oral EDA has therapeutic potential for ASD by targeting the oxidative stress pathway of disease pathogenesis and paves the way towards clinical studies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Laboratory mice are typically housed in \"shoebox\" cages with limited opportunities to engage in natural behaviour. Temporary access to environments with increased space and complexity (playpens) may improve mouse welfare. Previous work by our group has shown that mice are motivated to access and use these environments, but it is unknown how other aspects of welfare are impacted. Female C57BL/6J, BALB/cJ, and DBA/2J mice (n = 21; 7 mice per strain) were housed in mixed-strain trios and given temporary access to a large playpen with their cage mates three times per week. Control mice (n = 21; 7 mice per strain) remained in their home cages. Home cage behaviour (development of stereotypic behaviour over time, aggression following cage-changing) and anxiety tests were used to assess how playpen access impacted welfare. Contrary to our predictions, we found increased time spent performing stereotypies in playpen mice; this difference may be related to negative emotional states, increased motivation to escape the home cage, or active coping strategies. Playpen access resulted in strain-dependent improvements in aggression and some measures of anxiety. Aggression was lower for C57BL/6J mice in the playpen treatment following cage changing than it was for C57BL/6J control mice, while playpen mice, and particularly the C57BL/6J strain, spent more time in the center of the open field test and produced fewer fecal boli during anxiety testing, supporting other research showing that strain differences play an important role in behaviour and stress resiliency.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Resveratrol (3,5,4\'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene), a phenol commonly found in grapes and wine, has been associated as protective in experimental models involving alterations in different neurotransmitter systems. However, studies are reporting that resveratrol could have adverse effects. This study evaluated if the association of a low dose of ketamine and resveratrol could induce behavioral manifestations associated with biochemical alterations. Moreover, the effects of treatment with resveratrol and/or ketamine on monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity, oxidative stress markers, and IL-6 levels in the brain were also investigated. Male Swiss mice received a low dose of ketamine (20 mg/kg) for 14 consecutive days, and resveratrol (10, 30, or 100 mg/kg) from day 8 up to day 14 of the experimental period, intraperitoneally. Locomotor, stereotyped behavior, Y-maze, novel recognition object test (NORT), and social interaction were quantified as well as ex vivo analysis of MAO activity, IL-6 levels, and oxidative stress markers (TBARS and total thiol levels) in brain tissues. Ketamine per se reduced the number of bouts of stereotyped behavior on day 8 of the experimental period. Resveratrol per se reduced the locomotor and exploratory activity in the open field, the time of exploration of new objects in the NORT, MAO-A activity in the striatum and increased the IL-6 levels in the cortex. These effects were attenuated when the mice were co-treated with ketamine and resveratrol. There was a decrease in MAO-A activity in the cortex of mice treated with ketamine + resveratrol 100 mg/kg. No significant alterations were found in oxidative stress markers. Resveratrol does not appear to cause summative effects with ketamine on behavioral alterations. However, the effect of resveratrol per se, mainly on locomotor and exploratory activity, should be better investigated.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Chronic perturbations of neuronal activity can evoke homeostatic and new setpoints for neurotransmission. Using chemogenetics to probe the relationship between neuronal cell types and behavior, we recently found reversible decreases in dopamine (DA) transmission, basal behavior, and amphetamine (AMPH) response following repeated stimulation of DA neurons in adult mice. It is unclear, however, whether altering DA neuronal activity via chemogenetics early in development leads to behavioral phenotypes that are reversible, as alterations of neuronal activity during developmentally sensitive periods might be expected to induce persistent effects on behavior. To examine the impact of developmental perturbation of DA neuron activity on basal and AMPH behavior, we expressed excitatory hM3D(Gq) in postnatal DA neurons in TH-Cre and WT mice. Basal and CNO- or AMPH-induced locomotion and stereotypy was evaluated in a longitudinal design, with clozapine N-oxide (CNO, 1.0 mg/kg) administered across adolescence (postnatal days 15-47). Repeated CNO administration did not impact basal behavior and only minimally reduced AMPH-induced hyperlocomotor response in adolescent TH-CrehM3Dq mice relative to WThM3Dq littermate controls. Following repeated CNO administration, however, AMPH-induced stereotypic behavior robustly decreased in adolescent TH-CrehM3Dq mice relative to controls. A two-month CNO washout period rescued the diminished AMPH-induced stereotypic behavior. Our findings indicate that the homeostatic compensations that take place in response to chronic hM3D(Gq) stimulation during adolescence are temporary and are dependent on ongoing chemogenetic stimulation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Catatonia is a complex syndrome with unique cognitive, psychomotor, and mood features. Mannerisms and stereotypies are catatonic signs that have been extensively observed and described in the literature, mostly in the context of movements or motor acts. Stereotypies are commonly described as repetitive psychomotor or verbal acts with the abnormality not inherent in the act but in its frequency. Mannerisms, like stereotypies, are repetitive psychomotor or verbal acts, but they are fundamentally odd in nature. Recently, several reports have described these phenomena in the context of complex behaviors, such as eating and drinking. Identification and appreciation of personal and cultural norms, in addition to a careful analysis of behavioral processes and actions, are important tools for clinicians to identify these potentially elusive and often missed patterns of behavior in patients with catatonia. We present the case of a 30-year-old male with a psychiatric history of treatment-resistant, recurrent major depressive disorder with psychotic features who presented to the inpatient psychiatric unit with signs of catatonia, including repeated, purposeless eating. The patient\'s chart was reviewed, and a literature review was conducted using PubMed with the keywords catatonia, stereotypies, mannerisms, and hyperphagia. The patient, who was diagnosed with catatonia and expressed hyperphagia as a stereotypy, responded to lorazepam. This case shows that hyperphagia may present as a stereotypy in patients with catatonia.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The valproic acid model has been shown to reproduce ASD-like behaviours observed in patients and is now widely validated for construct, face, and predictivity as ASD model in rat. The literature agrees on using a single exposition to 500 mg/kg of VPA at gestational day 12 to induce ASD phenotype with the intraperitoneal route being the most commonly used. However, some studies validated this model with repeated exposure by using oral route. The way of administration may be of great importance in the induction of the ASD phenotype and a comparison is greatly required. We compared two ASD models, one induced by a unique IP injection of 500 mg/kg of body weight at GD12 and the other one by repeated PO administration of 500 mg/kg of body weight/day between GD11 and GD13. The behavioural phenotypes of the offspring were assessed for the core signs of ASD (impaired social behaviour, stereotypical/repetitive behaviours, sensory/communication deficits) as well as anxiety as comorbidity, at developmental and juvenile stages in both sexes. The VPA IP model induced a more literature-compliant ASD phenotype than the PO one. These results confirmed that the mode of administration as well as the window of VPA exposure are key factors in the ASD-induction phenotype. Interestingly, the effects of VPA administration were similar at the developmental stage between both sexes and then tended to differ later in life.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: In anorexia nervosa (AN), the traits of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are associated with poor outcomes. However, the subtle nature of these characteristics remains poorly understood. We investigated the in-depth patterns of ASD traits using Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-Second Edition (ADOS-2) in women with AN.
    METHODS: Of 28 women with ICD-10 AN, 16 (age 19-30 years) participated in the ADOS-2, a video-recorded, semistructured diagnostic assessment for social communication and interaction and restricted, repetitive behaviors and interests related to ASD. None of the participants had previously been diagnosed with ASD. Other measurements included the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire and the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence-IV.
    RESULTS: Five individuals (18% of all, 31% of those assessed) scored above the cutoff for autism in ADOS-2. They had challenges in social communication and interaction, manifesting as sustained difficulties in social relationships and deficits in conversation skills. Few described being frequently misunderstood by others, including in the eating disorder treatment settings. Three individuals showed prominent restricted and repetitive behaviors such as ritual seeking, eating-related routines, sensory sensitivity related to food texture and selective eating, and intense interest in specific topics. The mean duration of AN in women above the cutoff was twice as long compared with those below (12.3 vs. 6.2 years).
    CONCLUSIONS: The ASD-related characteristics and behavior appear to contribute to the manifestation and duration of AN in a subgroup of women. Among these women, the traits of ASD appear to be mixed with eating disorder symptoms, which should be taken into account in the treatment.





