Spores, Protozoan

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Greenbeard genetic elements encode rare perceptible signals, signal recognition ability, and altruism towards others that display the same signal. Putative greenbeards have been described in various organisms but direct evidence for all the properties in one system is scarce. The tgrB1-tgrC1 allorecognition system of Dictyostelium discoideum encodes two polymorphic membrane proteins which protect cells from chimerism-associated perils. During development, TgrC1 functions as a ligand-signal and TgrB1 as its receptor, but evidence for altruism has been indirect. Here, we show that mixing wild-type and activated tgrB1 cells increases wild-type spore production and relegates the mutants to the altruistic stalk, whereas mixing wild-type and tgrB1-null cells increases mutant spore production and wild-type stalk production. The tgrB1-null cells cheat only on partners that carry the same tgrC1-allotype. Therefore, TgrB1 activation confers altruism whereas TgrB1 inactivation causes allotype-specific cheating, supporting the greenbeard concept and providing insight into the relationship between allorecognition, altruism, and exploitation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cooperation is widespread across life, but its existence can be threatened by exploitation. The rise of obligate social cheaters that are incapable of contributing to a necessary cooperative function can lead to the loss of that function. In the social amoeba Dictyostelium discoideum, obligate social cheaters cannot form dead stalk cells and in chimeras instead form living spore cells. This gives them a competitive advantage within chimeras. However, obligate cheaters of this kind have thus far not been found in nature, probably because they are often enough in clonal populations that they need to retain the ability to produce stalks. In this study we discovered an additional cost to obligate cheaters. Even when there are wild-type cells to parasitize, the chimeric fruiting bodies that result have shorter stalks and these are disadvantaged in spore dispersal. The inability of obligate cheaters to form fruiting bodies when they are on their own combined with the lower functionality of fruiting bodies when they are not represent limits on obligate social cheating as a strategy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new myxomycete species, Didymium arenosum, was described based on morphological evidence and phylogenetic analyses. The species was discovered in the arid region at the confluence of the Badain Jaran desert and Tengger desert on the leaves of Betula platyphylla and was cultivated in a moist chamber culture. Morphologically, the species is distinguished by the greenish-yellow calcium carbonate crystals on the surface and the spores covered with small warts, some of which are connected into a short line. A phylogenetic analysis of D. arenosum strongly supports its classification as a separate clade. The spore to spore agar culture of D. arenosum requires 23 days, and this study provides a detailed description of its life cycle.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A new genus and species of myxomycete, Tasmaniomyxa umbilicata, is described based on numerous observations in Tasmania and additional records from southeastern Australia and New Zealand. The new taxon is characterized by an unusual combination of characters from two families: Lamprodermataceae and Didymiaceae. With Lamprodermataceae the species shares limeless sporocarps, a shining membranous peridium, an epihypothallic stalk, and a cylindrical columella. Like Didymiaceae, it has a soft, flaccid, sparsely branched capillitium, with rough tubular threads that contain fusiform nodes and are firmly connected to the peridium. Other characters of T. umbilicata that also occur in many Didymiaceae are the peridium dehiscing into petaloid lobes, the yellow, motile plasmodium, and the spores ornamented with larger, grouped and smaller, scattered warts. The transitional position of the new taxon is reflected by a three-gene phylogeny, which places T. umbilicata at the base of the branch of all lime-containing Physarales, thus justifying its description as a monotypic genus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Amoebae are widespread in water and serve as environment vectors for pathogens, which may threaten public health. This study evaluated the inactivation of amoeba spores and their intraspore bacteria by solar/chlorine. Dictyostelium discoideum and Burkholderia agricolaris B1qs70 were selected as model amoebae and intraspore bacteria, respectively. Compared to solar irradiation and chlorine, solar/chlorine enhanced the inactivation of amoeba spores and intraspore bacteria, with 5.1 and 5.2-log reduction at 20 min, respectively. The enhancement was similar in real drinking water by solar/chlorine under natural sunlight. However, the spore inactivation decreased to 2.97-log by 20 min solar/chlorine under oxygen-free condition, indicating that ozone played a crucial role in the spore inactivation, as also confirmed by the scavenging test using tert‑butanol to scavenge the ground-state atomic oxygen (O(3P)) as a ozone precursor. Moreover, solar/chlorine induced the shape destruction and structural collapse of amoeba spores by scanning electron microscopy. As for intraspore bacteria, their inactivation was likely ascribed to endogenous reactive oxygen species. As pH increased from 5.0 to 9.0, the inactivation of amoeba spores decreased, whereas that of intraspore bacteria was similar at pH 5.0 and 6.5 during solar/chlorine treatment. This study first reports the efficient inactivation of amoeba spores and their intraspore pathogenic bacteria by solar/chlorine in drinking water.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Based on a study of 255 collections from four continents and four floristic kingdoms, we describe 15 new species of the genus Lycogala. The new species, all morphologically close to L. epidendrum, L. exiguum, and L. confusum, differ from each other by the structure of the peridium and, in some cases, also by the color of the fresh spore mass and the ornamentation of the capillitium and spores. Species delimitation is confirmed by two independently inherited molecular markers, as well as previously performed tests of reproductive isolation and genetic distances. We studied authentic material of L. exiguum and L. confusum and found fresh specimens of these species, which allowed us to obtain molecular barcodes and substantiate the separation of new species from these taxa. We propose to retain the name L. epidendrum for the globally most abundant species, for which we provide a more precise description and a neotypification. Two formerly described species, L. leiosporum and L. fuscoviolaceum, we consider to be dubious. We do not recognize the species L. terrestre.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Clubroot, caused by Plasmodiophora brassicae, is a severe soil-borne disease that restricts the production of cruciferous crops worldwide. A better understanding of biotic and abiotic factors regulating germination of P. brassicae resting spores in the soil is significant for developing novel control methods. Previous studies reported that root exudates can trigger P. brassicae resting spore germination, thus enabling a targeted attack of P. brassicae on host plant roots. However, we found that native root exudates collected under sterile conditions from host or non-host plants cannot stimulate the germination of sterile spores, indicating that root exudates may not be direct stimulation factors. Instead, our studies demonstrate that soil bacteria are essential for triggering germination. Through 16s rRNA amplicon sequencing analysis, we found that certain carbon sources and nitrate can reshape the initial microbial community to an inducing community leading to the germination of P. brassicae resting spores. The stimulating communities significantly differed in composition and abundance of bacterial taxa compared to the non-stimulating ones. Several enriched bacterial taxa in stimulating community were significantly correlated with spore germination rates and may be involved as stimulation factors. Based on our findings, a multi-factorial \'pathobiome\' model comprising abiotic and biotic factors is proposed to represent the putative plant-microbiome-pathogen interactions associated with breaking spore dormancy of P. brassicae in soil. This study presents novel views on P. brassicae pathogenicity and lays the foundation for novel sustainable control strategies of clubroot.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spongospora subterranea f. sp. subterranea is an important pathogen of potato responsible for major losses in most potato growing regions of the world. Infection is initiated by biflagellated motile zoospores released from long-lived resting spores. Zoospore chemotaxis to the host plant root is widely believed to be stimulated by host root exudate compounds, although direct evidence is lacking. This study refined the traditional chemotaxis capillary assay, with which we provided the first empirical evidence of S. subterranea zoospore chemotaxis. Individual potato root exudate metabolites were either taxis neutral, inhibitory, or attractant to the zoospores. L-Glutamine was the strongest chemoattractant, while spermine was the most inhibitory. Zoospore motility and chemotaxis were constrained by strongly acidic or alkaline solutions of pH < 5.3 and >8.5, respectively. Beyond pH, ionic constituents of the test solution affected zoospore motility as Sorensen\'s phosphate buffer stalled zoospore motility, but HEPES buffer at the same concentration and pH had little or no negative motility effect. Zoospore motility, as characterized by several parameters, influenced chemotaxis. Among the parameters measured, total distance traveled was the best predictor of zoospore chemotaxis. The characterization of environmental and ecological effects on zoospore motility and chemotaxis highlights useful targets for S. subterranea disease control through manipulation of zoospore taxis or selection of host resistance traits.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Changes in terrestrial vegetation during the mid-Cretaceous and their link to climate and environmental change are poorly understood. In this study, we use plant macrofossils and analysis of fossil pollen and spores from the Western Desert, Egypt, to assess temporal changes in plant communities during the Cenomanian. The investigated strata have relatively diverse sporomorph assemblages, which reflect the nature of parent vegetation. Specifically, the palynofloras represent ferns, conifers, monosulcate pollen producers, Gnetales, and a diverse group of angiosperms. Comparisons of both, dispersed palynoflora and plant macrofossils reveal different characteristics of the palaeoflora owing to a plethora of taphonomical and ecological biases including the depositional environment, production levels, and discrepancies between different plant organs. A combination of detailed records of sporomorphs, leaves, and charcoal from the studied successions provide new understandings of the palaeoclimate and palaeogeography during the Cenomanian and Albian-Cenomanian transition in Egypt. The mixed composition of the palynofloral assemblages reflects the presence of different depositional situations with a weak marine influence, as evidenced by a minor dinoflagellate cysts component. The local vegetation comprised various categories including herbaceous groups including ferns and eudicots, fluvial, open environments, and xeric arboreal communities dominated by Cheirolepidiaceae and perhaps including drought- and/or salt-tolerating ferns (Anemiaceae) and other gymnosperms (Araucariaceae, Ginkgoales, Cycadales, and Gnetales) as well as angiosperms. The presence of riparian and freshwater wetland communities favouring aquatic and/or hygrophilous ferns (of Salviniaceae and Marsileaceae), is noted. The wide variation of depositional settings derived from the palynological data may be attributed to a prevalent occurrence of producers in local vegetation during the early Cenomanian of Egypt. For the purpose of this work on the studied Bahariya Formation and its equivalent rock units, where iconic dinosaurs and other fossil fauna roamed, we attempt to improve the understanding of Egypt\'s Cenomanian climate, which is reconstructed as generally warm and humid punctuated by phases of considerably drier conditions of varying duration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spore size enables dispersal in plasmodial slime molds (Myxomycetes) and is an important taxonomic character. We recorded size and the number of nuclei per spore for 39 specimens (colonies of 50-1000 sporocarps) of the nivicolous myxomycete Physarum albescens, a morphologically defined taxon with several biological species. For each colony, three sporocarps were analyzed from the same spore mount under brightfield and DAPI-fluorescence, recording ca. 14,000 spores per item. Diagrams for spore size distribution showed narrow peaks of mostly uninucleate spores. Size was highly variable within morphospecies (10.6-13.5 µm, 11-13%), biospecies (3-13%), even within spatially separated colonies of one clone (ca. 8%); but fairly constant for a colony (mean variation 0.4 µm, ca. 1.5%). ANOVA explains most of this variation by the factor locality (within all colonies: 32.7%; within a region: 21.4%), less by biospecies (13.5%), whereas the contribution of intra-colony variation was negligible (<0.1%). Two rare aberrations occur: 1) multinucleate spores and 2) oversized spores with a double or triple volume of normal spores. Both are not related to each other or limited to certain biospecies. Spore size shows high phenotypic plasticity, but the low variation within a colony points to a strong genetic background.





