
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: DNA methylation in the form of 5-methylcytosine (5mC) is the most abundant base modification in animals. However, 5mC levels vary widely across taxa. While vertebrate genomes are hypermethylated, in most invertebrates, 5mC concentrates on constantly and highly transcribed genes (gene body methylation; GbM) and, in some species, on transposable elements (TEs), a pattern known as \"mosaic\". Yet, the role and developmental dynamics of 5mC and how these explain interspecies differences in DNA methylation patterns remain poorly understood, especially in Spiralia, a large clade of invertebrates comprising nearly half of the animal phyla.
    RESULTS: Here, we generate base-resolution methylomes for three species with distinct genomic features and phylogenetic positions in Annelida, a major spiralian phylum. All possible 5mC patterns occur in annelids, from typical invertebrate intermediate levels in a mosaic distribution to hypermethylation and methylation loss. GbM is common to annelids with 5mC, and methylation differences across species are explained by taxon-specific transcriptional dynamics or the presence of intronic TEs. Notably, the link between GbM and transcription decays during development, alongside a gradual and global, age-dependent demethylation in adult stages. Additionally, reducing 5mC levels with cytidine analogs during early development impairs normal embryogenesis and reactivates TEs in the annelid Owenia fusiformis.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study indicates that global epigenetic erosion during development and aging is an ancestral feature of bilateral animals. However, the tight link between transcription and gene body methylation is likely more important in early embryonic stages, and 5mC-mediated TE silencing probably emerged convergently across animal lineages.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii is a model organism used in many research areas including evolution and development, neurobiology, ecology and regeneration. Here we present the genomes of P. dumerilii and of the closely related P. massiliensis and P. megalops, to facilitate comparative genomic approaches and help explore Platynereis biology. We used long-read sequencing technology and chromosomal-conformation capture along with extensive transcriptomic resources to obtain and annotate a draft genome assembly of ~1.47 Gbp for P. dumerilii, of which more than half represent repeat elements. We predict around 29,000 protein-coding genes, with relatively large intron sizes, over 38,000 non-coding genes, and 580 miRNA loci. We further explore the high genetic variation (~3% heterozygosity) within the Platynereis species complex. Gene ontology reveals the most variable loci to be associated with pigmentation, development and immunity. The current work sets the stage for further development of Platynereis genomic resources.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Chaetognaths are a clade of marine worm-like invertebrates with a heavily debated phylogenetic position. Their nervous system superficially resembles the protostome type, however, knowledge regarding the molecular processes involved in neurogenesis is lacking. To better understand these processes, we examined the expression profiles of marker genes involved in bilaterian neurogenesis during post-embryonic stages of Spadella cephaloptera. We also investigated whether the transcription factor encoding genes involved in neural patterning are regionally expressed in a staggered fashion along the mediolateral axis of the nerve cord as it has been previously demonstrated in selected vertebrate, insect, and annelid models.
    METHODS: The expression patterns of genes involved in neural differentiation (elav), neural patterning (foxA, nkx2.2, pax6, pax3/7, and msx), and neuronal function (ChAT and VAChT) were examined in S. cephaloptera hatchlings and early juveniles using whole-mount fluorescent in situ hybridization and confocal microscopy.
    RESULTS: The Sce-elav + profile of S. cephaloptera hatchlings reveals that, within 24 h of post-embryonic development, the developing neural territories are not limited to the regions previously ascribed to the cerebral ganglion, the ventral nerve center (VNC), and the sensory organs, but also extend to previously unreported CNS domains that likely contribute to the ventral cephalic ganglia. In general, the neural patterning genes are expressed in distinct neural subpopulations of the cerebral ganglion and the VNC in hatchlings, eventually becoming broadly expressed with reduced intensity throughout the CNS in early juveniles. Neural patterning gene expression domains are also present outside the CNS, including the digestive tract and sensory organs. ChAT and VAChT domains within the CNS are predominantly observed in specific subpopulations of the VNC territory adjacent to the ventral longitudinal muscles in hatchlings.
    CONCLUSIONS: The observed spatial expression domains of bilaterian neural marker gene homologs in S. cephaloptera suggest evolutionarily conserved roles in neurogenesis for these genes among bilaterians. Patterning genes expressed in distinct regions of the VNC do not show a staggered medial-to-lateral expression profile directly superimposable to other bilaterian models. Only when the VNC is conceptually laterally unfolded from the longitudinal muscle into a flat structure, an expression pattern bearing resemblance to the proposed conserved bilaterian mediolateral regionalization becomes noticeable. This finding supports the idea of an ancestral mediolateral patterning of the trunk nervous system in bilaterians.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Various morphological adaptations are associated with symbiotic relationships between organisms. One such adaptation is seen in the nemertean genus Malacobdella. All species in the genus are commensals of molluscan hosts, attaching to the surface of host mantles with a terminal sucker. Malacobdella possesses several unique characteristics within the order Monostilifera, exhibiting the terminal sucker and the absence of eyes and apical/cerebral organs, which are related to their adaptation to a commensal lifestyle. Nevertheless, the developmental processes that give rise to these morphological characteristics during their transition from free-living larvae to commensal adults remain uncertain.
    RESULTS: In the present study, therefore, we visualized the developmental processes of the internal morphologies during postembryonic larval stages using fluorescent molecular markers. We demonstrated the developmental processes, including the formation of the sucker primordium and the functional sucker. Furthermore, our data revealed that sensory organs, including apical/cerebral organs, formed in embryonic and early postembryonic stages but degenerated in the late postembryonic stage prior to settlement within their host using a terminal sucker.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study reveals the formation of the terminal sucker through tissue invagination, shedding light on its adhesion mechanism. Sucker muscle development likely originates from body wall muscles. Notably, M. japonica exhibits negative phototaxis despite lacking larval ocelli. This observation suggests a potential role for other sensory mechanisms, such as the apical and cerebral organs identified in the larvae, in facilitating settlement and adhesive behaviors. The loss of sensory organs during larval development might reflect a transition from planktonic feeding to a stable, host-associated lifestyle. This study also emphasizes the need for further studies to explore the phylogenetic relationships within the infraorder Amphiporiina and investigate the postembryonic development of neuromuscular systems in closely related taxa to gain a more comprehensive understanding of ecological adaptations in Nemertea.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Unlike most free-living platyhelminths, catenulids, the sister group to all remaining flatworms, do not have eyes. Instead, the most prominent sensory structures in their heads are statocysts or sensory pits. The latter, found in the family Stenostomidae, are concave depressions located laterally on the head that represent one of the taxonomically important traits of the family. In the past, the sensory pits of flatworms have been homologized with the cephalic organs of nemerteans, a clade that occupies a sister position to platyhelminths in some recent phylogenies. To test for this homology, we studied morphology and gene expression in the sensory pits of the catenulid Stenostomum brevipharyngium.
    We used confocal and electron microscopy to investigate the detailed morphology of the sensory pits, as well as their formation during regeneration and asexual reproduction. The most prevalent cell type within the organ is epidermally-derived neuron-like cells that have cell bodies embedded deeply in the brain lobes and long neurite-like processes extending to the bottom of the pit. Those elongated processes are adorned with extensive microvillar projections that fill up the cavity of the pit, but cilia are not associated with the sensory pit. We also studied the expression patterns of some of the transcription factors expressed in the nemertean cephalic organs during the development of the pits. Only a single gene, pax4/6, is expressed in both the cerebral organs of nemerteans and sensory pits of S. brevipharyngium, challenging the idea of their deep homology.
    Since there is no morphological or molecular correspondence between the sensory pits of Stenostomum and the cerebral organs of nemerteans, we reject their homology. Interestingly, the major cell type contributing to the sensory pits of stenostomids shows ultrastructural similarities to the rhabdomeric photoreceptors of other flatworms and expresses ortholog of the gene pax4/6, the pan-bilaterian master regulator of eye development. We suggest that the sensory pits of stenostomids might have evolved from the ancestral rhabdomeric photoreceptors that lost their photosensitivity and evolved secondary function. The mapping of head sensory structures on plathelminth phylogeny indicates that sensory pit-like organs evolved many times independently in flatworms.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Our understanding of the mechanisms that modulate gene expression in animals is strongly biased by studying a handful of model species that mainly belong to three groups: Insecta, Nematoda and Vertebrata. However, over half of the animal phyla belong to Spiralia, a morphologically and ecologically diverse animal clade with many species of economic and biomedical importance. Therefore, investigating genome regulation in this group is central to uncovering ancestral and derived features in genome functioning in animals, which can also be of significant societal impact. Here, we focus on five aspects of gene expression regulation to review our current knowledge of functional genomics in Spiralia. Although some fields, such as single-cell transcriptomics, are becoming more common, the study of chromatin accessibility, DNA methylation, histone post-translational modifications and genome architecture are still in their infancy. Recent efforts to generate chromosome-scale reference genome assemblies for greater species diversity and optimise state-of-the-art approaches for emerging spiralian research systems will address the existing knowledge gaps in functional genomics in this animal group.






  • 文章类型: Review
    Information on how 3D genome topology emerged in animal evolution, how stable it is during development, its role in the evolution of phenotypic novelties and how exactly it affects gene expression is highly debated. So far, data to address these questions are lacking with the exception of a few key model species. Several gene regulatory mechanisms have been proposed, including scenarios where genome topology has little to no impact on gene expression, and vice versa. The ancient and diverse clade of spiralians may provide a crucial testing ground for such mechanisms. Sprialians have followed distinct evolutionary trajectories, with some clades experiencing genome expansions and/or large-scale genome rearrangements, and others undergoing genome contraction, substantially impacting their size and organisation. These changes have been associated with many phenotypic innovations in this clade. In this review, we describe how emerging genome topology data, along with functional tools, allow for testing these scenarios and discuss their predicted outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Many animals undergo indirect development, where their embryogenesis produces an intermediate life stage, or larva, that is often free-living and later metamorphoses into an adult. As their adult counterparts, larvae can have unique and diverse morphologies and occupy various ecological niches. Given their broad phylogenetic distribution, larvae have been central to hypotheses about animal evolution. However, the evolution of these intermediate forms and the developmental mechanisms diversifying animal life cycles are still debated. This review focuses on Spiralia, a large and diverse clade of bilaterally symmetrical animals with a fascinating array of larval forms, most notably the archetypical trochophore larva. We explore how classic research and modern advances have improved our understanding of spiralian larvae, their development, and evolution. Specifically, we examine three morphological features of spiralian larvae: the anterior neural system, the ciliary bands, and the posterior hyposphere. The combination of molecular and developmental evidence with modern high-throughput techniques, such as comparative genomics, single-cell transcriptomics, and epigenomics, is a promising strategy that will lead to new testable hypotheses about the mechanisms behind the evolution of larvae and life cycles in Spiralia and animals in general. We predict that the increasing number of available genomes for Spiralia and the optimization of genome-wide and single-cell approaches will unlock the study of many emerging spiralian taxa, transforming our views of the evolution of this animal group and their larvae.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Bilateria exhibit whole-body handedness in internal structure. This left-right polarity is evolutionarily conserved with virtually no reversed extant lineage, except in molluscan Gastropoda. Phylogenetically independent snail groups contain both clockwise-coiled (dextral) and counterclockwise-coiled (sinistral) taxa that are reversed from each other in bilateral handedness as well as in coiling direction. Within freshwater Hygrophila, Lymnaea with derived dextrality have diaphanous related formin (diaph) gene duplicates, while basal sinistral groups possess one diaph gene. In terrestrial Stylommatophora, dextral Bradybaena also have diaph duplicates. Defective maternal expression of one of those duplicates gives rise to sinistral hatchlings in Lymnaea and handedness-mixed broods in Bradybaena, through polarity change in spiral cleavage of embryos. These findings led to the hypothesis that diaph duplication was crucial for the evolution of dextrality by reversal. The present study discovered that diaph duplication independently occurred four times and its duplicate became lost twice in gastropods. The dextrality of Bradybaena represents the ancestral handedness conserved across gastropods, unlike the derived dextrality of Lymnaea. Sinistral lineages recurrently evolved by reversal regardless of whether diaph had been duplicated. Amongst the seven formin gene subfamilies, diaph has most thoroughly been conserved across eukaryotes of the 14 metazoan phyla and choanoflagellate. Severe embryonic mortalities resulting from insufficient expression of the duplicate in both of Bradybaena and Lymnaea also support that diaph duplicates bare general roles for cytoskeletal dynamics other than controlling spiralian handedness. Our study rules out the possibility that diaph duplication or loss played a primary role for reversal evolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The body patterning of trochophore larvae is important for understanding spiralian evolution and the origin of the bilateral body plan. However, considerable variations are observed among spiralian lineages, which have adopted varied strategies to develop trochophore larvae or even omit a trochophore stage. Some spiralians, such as patellogastropod mollusks, are suggested to exhibit ancestral traits by producing equal-cleaving fertilized eggs and possessing \"typical\" trochophore larvae. In recent years, we developed a potential model system using the patellogastropod Lottia peitaihoensis (= Lottia goshimai). Here, we introduce how the species were selected and establish sources and techniques, including gene knockdown, ectopic gene expression, and genome editing. Investigations on this species reveal essential aspects of trochophore body patterning, including organizer signaling, molecular and cellular processes connecting the various developmental functions of the organizer, the specification and behaviors of the endomesoderm and ectomesoderm, and the characteristic dorsoventral decoupling of Hox expression. These findings enrich the knowledge of trochophore body patterning and have important implications regarding the evolution of spiralians as well as bilateral body plans.





