Spiral ganglion neurons

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), which convey auditory signals from hair cells to the brain, can be a primary cause of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) or can occur secondary to hair cell loss. Emerging therapies for SNHL include the replacement of damaged SGNs using stem cell-derived otic neuronal progenitors (ONPs). However, the availability of renewable, accessible, and patient-matched sources of human stem cells is a prerequisite for successful replacement of the auditory nerve. In this study, we derived ONP and SGN-like cells by a reliable and reproducible stepwise guidance differentiation procedure of self-renewing human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs). This in vitro differentiation protocol relies on the modulation of BMP and TGFβ pathways using a free-floating 3D neurosphere method, followed by differentiation on a Geltrex-coated surface using two culture paradigms to modulate the major factors and pathways involved in early otic neurogenesis. Gene and protein expression analyses revealed efficient induction of a comprehensive panel of known ONP and SGN-like cell markers during the time course of hDPSCs differentiation. Atomic force microscopy revealed that hDPSC-derived SGN-like cells exhibit similar nanomechanical properties as their in vivo SGN counterparts. Furthermore, spiral ganglion neurons from newborn rats come in close contact with hDPSC-derived ONPs 5 days after co-culturing. Our data demonstrate the capability of hDPSCs to generate SGN-like neurons with specific lineage marker expression, bipolar morphology, and the nanomechanical characteristics of SGNs, suggesting that the neurons could be used for next-generation cochlear implants and/or inner ear cell-based strategies for SNHL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cochlear implants can directly activate the auditory system\'s primary sensory neurons, the spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), via circumvention of defective cochlear hair cells. This bypass restores auditory input to the brainstem. SGN loss etiologies are complex, with limited mammalian regeneration. Protecting and revitalizing SGN is critical. Tissue engineering offers a novel therapeutic strategy, utilizing seed cells, biomolecules, and scaffold materials to create a cellular environment and regulate molecular cues. This review encapsulates the spectrum of both human and animal research, collating the factors contributing to SGN loss, the latest advancements in the utilization of exogenous stem cells for auditory nerve repair and preservation, the taxonomy and mechanism of action of standard biomolecules, and the architectural components of scaffold materials tailored for the inner ear. Furthermore, we delineate the potential and benefits of the biohybrid neural interface, an incipient technology in the realm of implantable devices. Nonetheless, tissue engineering requires refined cell selection and differentiation protocols for consistent SGN quality. In addition, strategies to improve stem cell survival, scaffold biocompatibility, and molecular cue timing are essential for biohybrid neural interface integration.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The distribution and role of NMDA receptors is unclear in the afferent signaling complex of the cochlea. The present study aimed to examine the distribution of NMDA receptors in cochlear afferent signaling complex of the adult mouse, and their relationship with ribbon synapses of inner hair cells (IHCs) and GABAergic efferent terminals of the lateral olivocochlear (LOC).
    Immunofluorescence staining in combination with confocal microscopy was used to investigate the distribution of glutamatergic NMDA and AMPA receptors in afferent terminals of SGNs, and their relationship with ribbon synapses of IHCs and GABAergic efferent terminals of LOC.
    Terminals with AMPA receptors along with Ribbons of IHC formed afferent synapses in the basal pole of IHCs, and those with NMDA receptors were mainly distributed longitudinally in the IHCs nuclei region. Significant difference was found in the distribution of NMDA and AMPA receptors in IHC afferent signaling complex (P<0.05). Some GABAergic terminals colocalized with NMDA receptors at the IHC nucleus region (P>0.05).
    There is significant difference in the distribution of NMDA and AMPA receptors in cochlear afferent signaling complex. NMDA receptors are present in the extra-synaptic region of ribbon synapses of IHCs, and they are related to GABA efferent terminals of the afferent signaling complex.






  • 文章类型: Preprint
    The chromodomain helicase binding protein 4 (CHD4) is an ATP-dependent chromatin remodeler. De-novo pathogenic variants of CHD4 cause Sifrim-Hitz-Weiss syndrome (SIHIWES). Patients with SIHIWES show delayed development, intellectual disability, facial dysmorphism, and hearing loss. Many cochlear cell types, including spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs), express CHD4. SGNs are the primary afferent neurons that convey sound information from the cochlea, but the function of CHD4 in SGNs is unknown. We employed the Neurog1(Ngn1) CreERT2 Chd4 conditional knockout animals to delete Chd4 in SGNs. SGNs are classified as type I and type II neurons. SGNs lacking CHD4 showed abnormal fasciculation of type I neurons along with improper pathfinding of type II fibers. CHD4 binding to chromatin from immortalized multipotent otic progenitor-derived neurons was used to identify candidate target genes in SGNs. Gene ontology analysis of CHD4 target genes revealed cellular processes involved in axon guidance, axonal fasciculation, and ephrin receptor signaling pathway. We validated increased Epha4 transcripts in SGNs from Chd4 conditional knockout cochleae. The results suggest that CHD4 attenuates the transcription of axon guidance genes to form the stereotypic pattern of SGN peripheral projections. The results implicate epigenetic changes in circuit wiring by modulating axon guidance molecule expression and provide insights into neurodevelopmental diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Congenital cytomegalovirus (cCMV) infection is the most common fetal viral infection and contributes to about 25% of childhood hearing loss by the age of 4 years. It is the leading nongenetic cause of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL). Infants born to seroimmune mothers are not completely protected from SNHL, although the severity of their hearing loss may be milder than that seen in those whose mothers had a primary infection. Both direct cytopathic effects and localized inflammatory responses contribute to the pathogenesis of cytomegalovirus (CMV)-induced hearing loss. Hearing loss may be delayed onset, progressive or fluctuating in nature, and therefore, a significant proportion will be missed by universal newborn hearing screening (NHS) and warrants close monitoring of hearing function at least until 5-6 years of age. A multidisciplinary approach is required for the management of hearing loss. These children may need assistive hearing devices or cochlear implantation depending on the severity of their hearing loss. In addition, early intervention services such as speech or occupational therapy could help better communication, language, and social skill outcomes. Preventive measures to decrease intrauterine CMV transmission that have been evaluated include personal protective measures, passive immunoprophylaxis and valacyclovir treatment during pregnancy in mothers with primary CMV infection. Several vaccine candidates are currently in testing and one candidate vaccine in phase 3 trials. Until a CMV vaccine becomes available, behavioral and educational interventions may be the most effective strategy to prevent maternal CMV infection.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    GJB2 gene mutations are the most common causes of autosomal recessive non-syndromic hereditary deafness. For individuals suffering from severe to profound GJB2-related deafness, cochlear implants have emerged as the sole remedy for auditory improvement. Some previous studies have highlighted the crucial role of preserving cochlear neural components in achieving favorable outcomes after cochlear implantation. Thus, we generated a conditional knockout mouse model (Cx26-CKO) in which Cx26 was completely deleted in the cochlear supporting cells driven by the Sox2 promoter. The Cx26-CKO mice showed severe hearing loss and massive loss of hair cells and Deiter\'s cells, which represented the extreme form of human deafness caused by GJB2 gene mutations. In addition, multiple pathological changes in the peripheral auditory nervous system were found, including abnormal innervation, demyelination, and degeneration of spiral ganglion neurons as well as disruption of heminodes in Cx26-CKO mice. These findings provide invaluable insights into the deafness mechanism and the treatment for severe deafness in Cx26-null mice.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sound information is transduced from mechanical vibration to electrical signals in the cochlea, conveyed to and further processed in the brain to form auditory perception. During the process, spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs) are the key cells that connect the peripheral and central auditory systems by receiving information from hair cells in the cochlea and transmitting it to neurons of the cochlear nucleus (CN). Decades of research in the cochlea greatly improved our understanding of SGN function under normal and pathological conditions, especially about the roles of different subtypes of SGNs and their peripheral synapses. However, it remains less clear how SGN central terminals or auditory nerve (AN) synapses connect to CN neurons, and ultimately how peripheral pathology links to structural alterations and functional deficits in the central auditory nervous system. This review discusses recent progress about the morphological and physiological properties of different subtypes of AN synapses and associated postsynaptic CN neurons, their changes during aging, and the potential mechanisms underlying age-related hearing loss.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cobalt is widely used in the medical industry, mainly including cobalt alloy joint implants and cobalt-chromium porcelain crowns. However, unexplained ototoxicity and neurotoxicity often occur in the clinical use of cobalt agents at present, which limits the development of the cobalt industry. In this study, based on the clinical problem of cobalt ototoxicity, we first conducted an extensive search and collation of related theories, and on this basis, prepared an HEI-OC1 cell model and basilar membrane organotypic cultures after cobalt treatment. We used immunofluorescence staining, western blot, CCK8, and si-RNA to investigate the mechanism of cobalt ototoxicity, to discover its potential therapeutic targets. After comparing the reactive oxygen species, mitochondrial transmembrane potential, apoptosis-related protein expression, and cell viability of different treatment groups, the following conclusions were drawn: cobalt causes oxidative stress in the inner ear, which leads to apoptosis of inner ear cells; inhibition of oxidative stress and apoptosis can alleviate the damage of cobalt on inner ear cells; and the Dicer protein plays a role in the mechanism of inner ear damage and is a potential target for the treatment of cobalt-induced inner ear damage. Taken together, these results suggest that cobalt-induced ototoxicity triggered by oxidative stress activates a cascade of apoptotic events where cCaspase-3 decreases Dicer levels and amplifies this apoptotic pathway. It may be possible to prevent and treat cobalt ototoxicity by targeting this mechanism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Tinnitus, the generation of phantom sounds, can be the result of noise exposure, however, understanding of its underlying mechanisms is limited. Purpose of the study was is to determine whether different concentrations of salicylate can cause tinnitus of different intensity.
    METHODS: For the purposes of this study 50 male Wistar rats were used. The animals were divided into 5 groups (10 rats in each group). The animals that did not receive any substance were allocated to the control group (Group A). The second group (Group B) of rats received salicylate (Sigma Aldrich) intraperitoneally for 7 days (300 mg/Kg/day). The 3rd group (Group C) received salicylate intraperitoneally for 7 days, but at twice the concentration of the animals in the second group (600 mg/kg/d). The 4th group (Group D) simultaneously received salicylate (300 mg/Kg/day) and pure Memantine (Sigma Aldrich, 10 mg/kg/d) intraperitoneally for 7 days. The 5th group (Group E) did not receive any substance but was exposed for 168 consecutive hours (7 days) to sound to induce tinnitus. Cochlear activity was evaluated with the use of Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAEs). At the end of the experimental period, the animals were sacrificed, and the right cochlea was removed and prepared for further histological and immunohistochemical studies.
    RESULTS: The DPOAEs of animals treated either with salicylate as monotherapy or salicylate combined with memantine were indistinguishable from the noise floor, did not differ significantly compared to the animals of the control group or those expose to constant noise. The cochlear structures of Group E remained anatomically and functionally unaffected from the exposure to constant noise. Memantine does not seem to offer substantial protection to the cochlear structures, according to histological examination and hearing tests, however, the rats receiving it exhibited better results in behavioral tests.
    CONCLUSIONS: The administration of memantine does not contribute significantly to the reduction of tinnitus.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) is caused by the loss of sensory hair cells (HCs) and/or connected spiral ganglion neurons (SGNs). The current clinical conventional treatment for SNHL is cochlear implantation (CI). The principle of CI is to bypass degenerated auditory HCs and directly electrically stimulate SGNs to restore hearing. However, the effectiveness of CI is limited when SGNs are severely damaged. In the present study, oriented nanofiber scaffolds were fabricated using electrospinning technology to mimic the SGN spatial microenvironment in the inner ear. Meanwhile, different proportions of polyaniline (PANI), poly-l-lactide (PLLA), gelatin (Gel) were composited to mimic the composition and mechanical properties of auditory basement membrane. The effects of oriented PANI/PLLA/Gel biomimetic nanofiber scaffolds for neurite outgrowth were analyzed. The results showed the SGNs grew in an orientation along the fiber direction, and the length of the protrusions increased significantly on PANI/PLLA/Gel scaffold groups. The 2% PANI/PLLA/Gel group showed best effects for promoting SGN adhesion and nerve fiber extension. In conclusion, the biomimetic oriented nanofiber scaffolds can simulate the microenvironment of SGNs as well as promote neurite outgrowth in vitro, which may provide a feasible research idea for SGN regeneration and even therapeutic treatments of SNHL in future.





