Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a severe genetic disorder characterized by the loss of motor neurons, leading to progressive muscle weakness, loss of mobility, and respiratory complications. In its most severe forms, SMA can result in death within the first two years of life if untreated. The condition arises from mutations in the SMN1 (survival of motor neuron 1) gene, causing a deficiency in the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. Humans possess a near-identical gene, SMN2, which modifies disease severity and is a primary target for therapies. Recent therapeutic advancements include antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), small molecules targeting SMN2, and virus-mediated gene replacement therapy delivering a functional copy of SMN1. Additionally, recognizing SMA\'s broader phenotype involving multiple organs has led to the development of SMN-independent therapies. Evidence now indicates that SMA affects multiple organ systems, suggesting the need for SMN-independent treatments along with SMN-targeting therapies. No single therapy can cure SMA; thus, combination therapies may be essential for comprehensive treatment. This review addresses the SMA etiology, the role of SMN, and provides an overview of the rapidly evolving therapeutic landscape, highlighting current achievements and future directions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: The U1 small nuclear RNA (snRNA) forms ribonucleoprotein particles (RNPs) such as U1 snRNP and U1-TAF15 snRNP. U1 snRNP is one of the most studied RNPs due to its critical role in pre-mRNA splicing in defining the 5\' splice site (5\'ss) of every exon through direct interactions with sequences at exon/intron junctions. Recent reports support the role of U1 snRNP in all steps of transcription, namely initiation, elongation, and termination. Functions of U1-TAF15 snRNP are less understood, though it associates with the transcription machinery and may modulate pre-mRNA splicing by interacting with the 5\'ss and/or 5\'ss-like sequences within the pre-mRNA. An anti-U1 antisense oligonucleotide (ASO) that sequesters the 5\' end of U1 snRNA inhibits the functions of U1 snRNP, including transcription and splicing. However, it is not known if the inhibition of U1 snRNP influences post-transcriptional regulation of pre-mRNA splicing through deep intronic sequences.
    UNASSIGNED: We examined the effect of an anti-U1 ASO that sequesters the 5\' end of U1 snRNA on transcription and splicing of all internal exons of the spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) genes, SMN1 and SMN2. Our study was enabled by the employment of a multi-exon-skipping detection assay (MESDA) that discriminates against prematurely terminated transcripts. We employed an SMN2 super minigene to determine if anti-U1 ASO differently affects splicing in the context of truncated introns.
    UNASSIGNED: We observed substantial skipping of multiple internal exons of SMN1 and SMN2 triggered by anti-U1 treatment. Suggesting a role for U1 snRNP in interacting with deep intronic sequences, early exons of the SMN2 super minigene with truncated introns were resistant to anti-U1 induced skipping. Consistently, overexpression of engineered U1 snRNAs targeting the 5\'ss of early SMN1 and SMN2 exons did not prevent exon skipping caused by anti-U1 treatment.
    UNASSIGNED: Our results uncover a unique role of the U1 snRNA-associated RNPs in splicing regulation executed through deep intronic sequences. Findings are significant for developing novel therapies for SMA based on deep intronic targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the dynamic landscape of biomedical science, the pursuit of effective treatments for motor neuron disorders like hereditary spastic paraplegia (HSP), amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), and spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) remains a key priority. Central to this endeavor is the development of robust animal models, with the zebrafish emerging as a prime candidate. Exhibiting embryonic transparency, a swift life cycle, and significant genetic and neuroanatomical congruencies with humans, zebrafish offer substantial potential for research. Despite the difference in locomotion-zebrafish undulate while humans use limbs, the zebrafish presents relevant phenotypic parallels to human motor control disorders, providing valuable insights into neurodegenerative diseases. This review explores the zebrafish\'s inherent traits and how they facilitate profound insights into the complex behavioral and cellular phenotypes associated with these disorders. Furthermore, we examine recent advancements in high-throughput drug screening using the zebrafish model, a promising avenue for identifying therapeutically potent compounds.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a severe neuromuscular disorder that is caused by mutations in the survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1) gene, hindering the production of functional survival motor neuron (SMN) proteins. Antisense oligonucleotides (ASOs), a versatile DNA-like drug, are adept at binding to target RNA to prevent translation or promote alternative splicing. Nusinersen is an FDA-approved ASO for the treatment of SMA. It effectively promotes alternative splicing in pre-mRNA transcribed from the SMN2 gene, an analog of the SMN1 gene, to produce a greater amount of full-length SMN protein, to compensate for the loss of functional protein translated from SMN1. Despite its efficacy in ameliorating SMA symptoms, the cellular uptake of these ASOs is suboptimal, and their inability to penetrate the CNS necessitates invasive lumbar punctures. Cell-penetrating peptides (CPPs), which can be conjugated to ASOs, represent a promising approach to improve the efficiency of these treatments for SMA and have the potential to transverse the blood-brain barrier to circumvent the need for intrusive intrathecal injections and their associated adverse effects. This review provides a comprehensive analysis of ASO therapies, their application for the treatment of SMA, and the encouraging potential of CPPs as delivery systems to improve ASO uptake and overall efficiency.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare autosomal recessive neuromuscular disorder characterized by the loss of motor neurons in the spinal cord that results in progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. Most often, the gene involved in this disorder is the survival motor neuron (SMN1) gene, located on the telomeric regions of chromosome 5q13. This gene is involved in the processing of pre-mRNA required for the formation of dendrites and axons. Here we present the case of a 47-year-old female with an extensive past medical history of progressive muscle weakness who, after numerous specialist evaluations, was sent for germline mutation panel sequencing and analysis and was incidentally found to have a pathogenic heterozygous deletion encompassing the exon 8 region of the SMN1 gene. This case report aims to highlight the importance of timely identification and management for individuals who present with early clinical signs of the disease to reduce the morbidity and mortality associated with it.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In the United States and around the world, newborns are screened on a population basis for conditions benefiting from pre-symptomatic diagnosis and treatment. The number of screened conditions continues to expand as novel technologies for screening, diagnosing, treating, and managing disease are discovered. While screening all newborns facilitates early diagnosis and treatment, most screened conditions are treatable but not curable. Patients identified by newborn screening often require lifelong medical management and community support to achieve the best possible outcome. To advance the long-term follow-up of infants identified through newborn screening (NBS), the Long-Term Follow-up Cares and Check Initiative (LTFU-Cares and Check) designed, implemented, and evaluated a system of longitudinal data collection and annual reporting engaging parents, clinical providers, and state NBS programs. The LTFU-Cares and Check focused on newborns identified with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) through NBS and the longitudinal health information prioritized by parents and families. Pediatric neurologists who care for newborns with SMA entered annual data, and data tracking and visualization tools were delivered to state NBS programs with a participating clinical center. In this publication, we report on the development, use of, and preliminary results from the LTFU-Cares and Check Initiative, which was designed as a comprehensive model of LTFU. We also propose next steps for achieving the goal of a national system of LTFU for individuals with identified conditions by meaningfully engaging public health agencies, clinicians, parents, families, and communities.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Stasimon/Tmem41b is a transmembrane protein with phospholipid scrambling activity that resides in the endoplasmic reticulum and has been implicated in autophagy, lipid metabolism, and viral replication. Stasimon/Tmem41b has also been linked to the function of sensory-motor circuits and the pathogenesis of spinal muscular atrophy. However, the early embryonic lethality of constitutive knockout in mice has hindered the analysis of spatial and temporal requirements of Stasimon/Tmem41b in vivo. To address this, we developed a novel mouse line harboring a conditional knockout allele of the Stasimon/Tmem41b gene in which exon 4 has been flanked by loxP sites (Stas/Tmem41bCKO). Cre-mediated recombination of Stas/Tmem41bCKO generates a functionally null allele (Stas/Tmem41bΔ4) resulting in loss of protein expression and embryonic lethality in the homozygous mouse mutant. Here, using a ubiquitously expressed, tamoxifen inducible Cre recombinase in the homozygous Stas/Tmem41bCKO mice, we demonstrate that postnatal depletion of Stasimon/Tmem41b rapidly arrests weight gain in adult mice and causes motor dysfunction and death approximately three weeks after tamoxifen treatment. Moreover, we show that depletion of Stasimon/Tmem41b severely affects cell proliferation in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. This study provides new insights into the essential requirement of Stasimon/Tmem41b for cellular and organismal fitness and expands the experimental toolkit to investigate its functions in the mammalian system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Insufficiency of respiratory muscles is the most important reason for mortality in the natural history of SMA. Thus, improvement or stabilization of respiratory function by disease-modifying therapies (DMT) is a very important issue.
    UNASSIGNED: We examined respiratory function using forced vital capacity (FVC) in 42 adult SMA patients (2 SMA type 1, 15 SMA type 2, 24 SMA type 3, 1 SMA type 4, median age 37 years, range 17-61 years) treated with nusinersen for a median of 22.1 months (range 2.1 to 46.7 months). Change in FVC was assessed using mixed effects linear regression models.
    UNASSIGNED: Baseline FVC differed significantly between SMA type 1 (4.0, 8.0%), 2 (median 22.0%, IQR 18.0-44.0), 3 (median 81.0%, IQR 67.0-90.8) and, respectively, type 4 (84.0%) patients reflecting the heterogeneity of respiratory impairment based on the SMA type in adulthood (p < 0.0001). FVC remained stable during follow-up (mean -0.047, 95% CI -0.115 to 0.020, p = 0.17); however, subgroup analysis showed an increase in FVC of type 2 patients (mean 0.144, 95% CI 0.086 to 0.202, p < 0.0001) and a decrease in FVC of type 3/4 patients (-0.142, 95% CI -0.239 to -0.044, p = 0.005).
    UNASSIGNED: The observed improvement in FVC in patients with SMA type 2 can be seen as a therapeutic response differing from the progressive decline typically seen in the spontaneous course. For SMA type 3/4 patients approaching normal spirometry at baseline, FVC may only be of limited use as an outcome parameter due to ceiling effects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is an autosomal recessive neuromuscular disease characterized by progressive muscle weakness and atrophy. Clinical trial data suggest early diagnosis and treatment are critical. The purpose of this study was to evaluate neurology appointment wait times for newborn screening identified infants, pediatric cases mirroring SMA symptomatology, and cases in which SMA is suspected by the referring physician. Approaches for triaging and expediting referrals in the US were also explored.
    METHODS: Cure SMA surveyed healthcare professionals from two cohorts: (1) providers affiliated with SMA care centers and (2) other neurologists, pediatric neurologists, and neuromuscular specialists. Surveys were distributed directly and via Medscape Education, respectively, between July 9, 2020, and August 31, 2020.
    RESULTS: Three hundred five total responses were obtained (9% from SMA care centers and 91% from the general recruitment sample). Diagnostic journeys were shorter for infants eventually diagnosed with SMA Type 1 if they were referred to SMA care centers versus general sample practices. Appointment wait times for infants exhibiting \"hypotonia and motor delays\" were significantly shorter at SMA care centers compared to general recruitment practices (p = 0.004). Furthermore, infants with SMA identified through newborn screening were also more likely to be seen sooner if referred to a SMA care center versus a general recruitment site. Lastly, the majority of both cohorts triaged incoming referrals. The average wait time for infants presenting at SMA care centers with \"hypotonia and motor delay\" was significantly shorter when initial referrals were triaged using a set of \"key emergency words\" (p = 0.036).
    CONCLUSIONS: Infants directly referred to a SMA care center versus a general sample practice were more likely to experience shorter SMA diagnostic journeys and appointment wait times. Triage guidelines for referrals specific to \"hypotonia and motor delay\" including use of \"key emergency words\" may shorten wait times and support early diagnosis and treatment of SMA.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most cellular ubiquitin signaling is initiated by UBA1, which activates and transfers ubiquitin to tens of E2 enzymes. Clonally acquired UBA1 missense mutations cause an inflammatory-hematologic overlap disease called VEXAS (vacuoles, E1, X-linked, autoinflammatory, somatic) syndrome. Despite extensive clinical investigation into this lethal disease, little is known about the underlying molecular mechanisms. Here, by dissecting VEXAS-causing UBA1 mutations, we discovered that p.Met41 mutations alter cytoplasmic isoform expression, whereas other mutations reduce catalytic activity of nuclear and cytoplasmic isoforms by diverse mechanisms, including aberrant oxyester formation. Strikingly, non-p.Met41 mutations most prominently affect transthioesterification, revealing ubiquitin transfer to cytoplasmic E2 enzymes as a shared property of pathogenesis amongst different VEXAS syndrome genotypes. A similar E2 charging bottleneck exists in some lung cancer-associated UBA1 mutations, but not in spinal muscular atrophy-causing UBA1 mutations, which instead, render UBA1 thermolabile. Collectively, our results highlight the precision of conformational changes required for faithful ubiquitin transfer, define distinct and shared mechanisms of UBA1 inactivation in diverse diseases, and suggest that specific E1-E2 modules control different aspects of tissue differentiation and maintenance.





