Sperm-Ovum Interactions

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  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sexual selection is known to play a major role in the evolution of insect sperm size, whereas natural selection is thought to be a major driver of insect egg size. Despite these differing forms of selection operating, it is possible coevolution between male and female gametes can occur owing to their vital interactions during fertilization. We tested egg-sperm coevolution in insects and found that longer sperm correlated to longer and wider eggs. Moreover, the size of the entry point of sperm into insect eggs (micropyles), was positively related to the diameter of sperm, on average being approximately three times the diameter of the sperm. This suggests a function in reducing and channelling sperm entry, but potentially still leaving space for movement. Our work suggests that greater attention needs to be paid to egg-sperm interactions prior to the point of fertilization as they may influence the evolution of gametes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In avian species, male fertility significantly impacts reproductive success. This study investigates the relationship between proctodeal gland size in male Japanese quails and sperm function, as well as female fertility duration. Six hundred adult Japanese quails were selected and housed in individual cages. Males (n = 300) were divided into 6 groups (50/group) based on the size of their proctodeal glands. Females (n = 300) were randomly assigned to corresponding groups. After acclimatization, sperm kinematics and the frequency and weight of foam discharge were evaluated. Males were paired with females for 24 h, and eggs were collected for 20 d postcopulation. Eggs were incubated to assess fertility duration. Fresh eggs (n = 20/group/d) were used to assess sperm penetration into the perivitelline membrane on the 2nd, 9th, and 16th d postinsemination. Plasma testosterone levels and the testes\' relative weight were determined. The results indicated a significant increase (p < 0.0001) in sperm concentration, total and progressive motility, and nearly all sperm kinematic parameters such as VSL, VCL, VAP, LIN, WOB, and STR values as the size of the proctodeal gland increased. Quails copulated with males having a small and average proctodeal gland area (<400 mm2) laid fertile eggs for a shorter period and had significantly fewer sperm penetration holes than those mated with males having a larger proctodeal gland area (>400 mm2). The proctodeal gland size was positively correlated with testicular weight, plasma testosterone concentrations, and sperm kinetic variables. The results indicate that the size of the proctodeal gland in males can be used to predict sperm function and the duration of fertility in Japanese quail.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Context Extracellular vesicles (EVs) derived from the oviductal fluid (oEVs) play a critical role in various reproductive processes, including sperm capacitation, fertilisation, and early embryo development. Aims To characterise porcine oEVs (poEVs) from different stages of the estrous cycle (late follicular, LF; early luteal, EL; mid luteal, ML; late luteal, LL) and investigate their impact on sperm functionality. Methods poEVs were isolated, characterised, and labelled to assess their binding to boar spermatozoa. The effects of poEVs on sperm motility, viability, acrosomal status, protein kinase A phosphorylation (pPKAs), tyrosine phosphorylation (Tyr-P), and in in vitro fertility were analysed. Key results poEVs were observed as round or cup-shaped membrane-surrounded vesicles. Statistical analysis showed that poEVs did not significantly differ in size, quantity, or protein concentration among phases of the estrous cycle. However, LF poEVs demonstrated a higher affinity for binding to sperm. Treatment with EL, ML, and LL poEVs resulted in a decrease in sperm progressive motility and total motility. Moreover, pPKA levels were reduced in presence of LF, EL, and ML poEVs, while Tyr-P levels did not differ between groups. LF poEVs also reduced sperm penetration rate and the number of spermatozoa per penetrated oocyte (P Conclusions poEVs from different stages of the estrous cycle play a modulatory role in sperm functionality by interacting with spermatozoa, affecting motility and capacitation, and participating in sperm-oocyte interaction. Implications The differential effects of LF and LL poEVs suggest the potential use of poEVs as additives in IVF systems to regulate sperm-oocyte interaction.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    A crucial event in sexual reproduction is when haploid sperm and egg fuse to form a new diploid organism at fertilization. In mammals, direct interaction between egg JUNO and sperm IZUMO1 mediates gamete membrane adhesion, yet their role in fusion remains enigmatic. We used AlphaFold to predict the structure of other extracellular proteins essential for fertilization to determine if they could form a complex that may mediate fusion. We first identified TMEM81, whose gene is expressed by mouse and human spermatids, as a protein having structural homologies with both IZUMO1 and another sperm molecule essential for gamete fusion, SPACA6. Using a set of proteins known to be important for fertilization and TMEM81, we then systematically searched for predicted binary interactions using an unguided approach and identified a pentameric complex involving sperm IZUMO1, SPACA6, TMEM81 and egg JUNO, CD9. This complex is structurally consistent with both the expected topology on opposing gamete membranes and the location of predicted N-glycans not modeled by AlphaFold-Multimer, suggesting that its components could organize into a synapse-like assembly at the point of fusion. Finally, the structural modeling approach described here could be more generally useful to gain insights into transient protein complexes difficult to detect experimentally.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    All mammalian eggs are surrounded by a relatively thick extracellular matrix (ECM) or zona pellucida (ZP) to which free-swimming sperm bind in a species-restricted manner during fertilization. The ZP consists of either three (e.g., Mus musculus) or four (e.g., Homo sapiens) glycosylated proteins, called ZP1-4. These proteins are unlike those found in somatic cell ECM, are encoded by single-copy genes on different chromosomes, and are well conserved among different mammals. Mammalian ZP proteins are synthesized as polypeptide precursors by growing oocytes that will become ovulated, unfertilized eggs. These precursors are processed to remove a signal-sequence and carboxy-terminal propeptide and are secreted into the extracellular space. Secreted ZP proteins assemble into long, crosslinked fibrils that exhibit a structural repeat due to the presence of ZP2-ZP3 dimers every 140 Å or so along fibrils. Fibrils are crosslinked by ZP1 and are oriented either perpendicular, parallel, or randomly to the plasma membrane of eggs depending on their position in the ZP. Free-swimming mouse sperm recognize and bind to ZP2 or ZP3 that serve as sperm receptors. Acrosome-intact sperm bind to ZP3 oligosaccharides and acrosome-reacted sperm bind to ZP2 polypeptide. ZP fibrils fail to assemble in the absence of either nascent ZP2 or ZP3 and results in mouse eggs that lack a ZP and female infertility. Gene sequence variations due to point, missense, or frameshift mutations in genes encoding ZP1-4 result in human eggs that lack a ZP or have an abnormal ZP and female infertility. These and other features of the mouse and human egg\'s ZP are discussed here.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Because of the time-consuming nature of surgical neutering and the rapid rate of reproduction among domestic cats, it is crucial to investigate alternative, nonsurgical methods of contraception for this species. Sperm protein IZUMO1 and its oocyte receptor JUNO have been proposed as potential targets for nonsurgical contraceptives. This study aimed to demonstrate (1) the protein coding sequence of feline IZUMO1 and JUNO, (2) gene expression in specific organs by measuring mRNA levels in different visceral tissues, and (3) the expression of IZUMO1 and JUNO during sperm maturation and folliculogenesis, respectively. Amplification for sequencing of feline IZUMO1 and JUNO was performed using the RT-PCR method. Levels of gene expression in different tissues were evaluated using real-time PCR. In situ hybridization was performed to localize JUNO mRNA in ovarian tissues. The complete coding sequences of IZUMO1 and JUNO were obtained and analyzed. A comparison between protein orthologs demonstrated the conservation of IZUMO1 and JUNO in Felidae. The real-time PCR results from various visceral organs indicated that IZUMO1 was significantly higher in the testis than in other organs, whereas JUNO was significantly higher in the ovary than in other organs. Expression of IZUMO1 was found to be higher in the testes than in the caput, corpus, and cauda of epididymides. In situ hybridization revealed that JUNO mRNA was in the ooplasm and nucleus of the primordial, primary, secondary, and antral follicles. Importantly, this was the first study to demonstrate the IZUMO1 and JUNO genes in the testis and ovary of cats. The results are useful for future research related to these genes and for developing contraceptives against these targets.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Porcine seminal plasma (SP) is loaded with a heterogeneous population of extracellular vesicles (sEVs) that modulate several reproductive-related processes. This study investigated the effect of two sEV subsets, small (S-sEVs) and large (L-sEVs), on porcine in vitro fertilization (IVF). The sEVs were isolated from nine SP pools (five ejaculates/pool) using a size-exclusion chromatography-based procedure and characterized for quantity (total protein), morphology (cryogenic electron microscopy), size distribution (dynamic light scattering), purity and EV-protein markers (flow cytometry; albumin, CD81, HSP90β). The characterization confirmed the existence of two subsets of high purity (low albumin content) sEVs that differed in size (S- and L-sEVs). In vitro fertilization was performed with in vitro matured oocytes and frozen-thawed spermatozoa and the IVF medium was supplemented during gamete coincubation (1 h at 38.5 °C, 5 % CO2 in a humidified atmosphere) with three different concentrations of each sEV subset: 0 (control, without sEVs), 0.1, and 0.2 mg/mL. The first experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, decreased penetration rates and total IVF efficiency (P < 0.0001). In a subsequent experiment, it was shown that sEVs, regardless of subset and concentration, impaired the ability of spermatozoa to bind to the zona pellucida of oocytes (P < 0.0001). The following experiment showed that sEVs, regardless of the subset, bound to frozen-thawed sperm but not to in vitro matured oocytes, indicating that sEVs would affect sperm functionality but not oocyte functionality. The lack of effect on oocytes was confirmed by incubating sEVs with oocytes prior to IVF, achieving sperm-zona pellucida binding results similar to those of control. In the last experiment, conducted under IVF conditions, sperm functionality was analyzed in terms of tyrosine phosphorylation, acrosome integrity and metabolism. The sEVs, regardless of the subset, did not affect sperm tyrosine phosphorylation or acrosome integrity, but did influence sperm metabolism by decreasing sperm ATP production under capacitating conditions. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that the presence of sEVs on IVF medium impairs IVF outcomes, most likely by altering sperm metabolism.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Spermiogenesis is considered to be crucial for the production of haploid spermatozoa with normal morphology, structure and function, but the mechanisms underlying this process remain largely unclear. Here, we demonstrate that SPEM family member 2 (Spem2), as a novel testis-enriched gene, is essential for spermiogenesis and male fertility. Spem2 is predominantly expressed in the haploid male germ cells and is highly conserved across mammals. Mice deficient for Spem2 develop male infertility associated with spermiogenesis impairment. Specifically, the insufficient sperm individualization, failure of excess cytoplasm shedding, and defects in acrosome formation are evident in Spem2-null sperm. Sperm counts and motility are also significantly reduced compared to controls. In vivo fertilization assays have shown that Spem2-null sperm are unable to fertilize oocytes, possibly due to their impaired ability to migrate from the uterus into the oviduct. However, the infertility of Spem2-/- males cannot be rescued by in vitro fertilization, suggesting that defective sperm-egg interaction may also be a contributing factor. Furthermore, SPEM2 is detected to interact with ZPBP, PRSS21, PRSS54, PRSS55, ADAM2 and ADAM3 and is also required for their processing and maturation in epididymal sperm. Our findings establish SPEM2 as an essential regulator of spermiogenesis and fertilization in mice, possibly in mammals including humans. Understanding the molecular role of SPEM2 could provide new insights into future therapeutic treatment of human male infertility and development of non-hormonal male contraceptives.






  • 文章类型: Editorial





