Species at risk

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    First detected in Atlantic Canada in December 2021, highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) subtype H5N1 clade, A/Goose/Guangdong/1/96 lineage, has caused massive mortality in wild birds and domestic poultry in North America. Swallows (Hirundinidae), abundant in North American agricultural ecosystems, have been proposed as possible (bridge) species for HPAIV transmission between wild and domestic birds. We aimed to seek evidence of the potential role of swallows in bridging AIV infection between wild bird reservoirs and poultry flocks in eastern Canada. During a wide-scale outbreak of HPAIV in wild birds and poultry farms across eastern Canada, 200 samples were collected from swallow breeding sites in the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, and Quebec, June-August 2022. Samples came from Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica; n=142), Tree Swallow (Tachycineta bicolor; n=56), and Cliff Swallow (Petrochelidon pyrrhonota; n=2) nests. All samples tested negative for AIV, suggesting that HPAIV and low pathogenic AIV (LPAIV) strains were probably not circulating widely in swallows during the 2022 breeding season in eastern Canada; thus swallows may present a low risk of transmitting AIV. Within a management context, these findings suggest that removing nests of Barn Swallows, a species at risk in Canada, from the exterior of biosecure domestic poultry facilities may not significantly reduce risks of HPAI transmission to poultry.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Energy absorption and flow through a nest is an important aspect of embryonic development in many reptile species including turtles. To date, few studies have explicitly attempted to quantify the energy flow through turtle nests, opting instead for the simplified approach offered by temperature index models. However, the quantification of the energy can provide an explicit abiotic link that can link biological models to biometeorological and ecohydrological processes and models. We investigated the energy flow through turtle nests occupying different bedrock morphologies within a Canadian Shield Rock Barren landscape, in Ontario, Canada. The taxons studied were Spotted Turtle (Clemmys guttata), Midland Painted Turtle (Chrysemys picta marginata), and Blanding\'s Turtle (Emydoidea blandingii). Nest temperature and soil moisture were measured in 2018 and 2019 using sensors placed in the soil adjacent to 12 turtle nest cavities. Three main rock morphologies were identified for each nest location, Crevice, Ledge, and Flat types, that are in order of decreasing bedrock percentage contact with the nest site. Ground heat flux and change in heat storage were determined using the calorimetric method for each nest, while the direction of energy flux between the atmosphere and the underlying rock was also determined. The Crevice nest morphology experienced the lowest ground heat flux on average (1.56 × 10-1 W m-2) and lowest cumulative heat storage (230 MJ) compared to the Flat (440 MJ) and Ledge (331 MJ) nests. However, over the diurnal cycle, large heat gains by Flat nests were mostly balanced out by nighttime heat losses. While Crevice nests saw the lowest daily heat storage gains, they experienced much lower heat losses over the evening period compared to the other nest types. Furthermore, we found that 59% of the energy is directed from the underlying bedrock into the Crevice nest, highlighting the importance of the bedrock in controlling thermal dynamics in the turtle nesting habitat. The lower variability in energy parameters for Crevice nest types can be attributed to higher amounts of nest-to-bedrock contact, compared to the flat nest types. Our results indicate that Crevice morphology may be ideal for turtles nesting at their northern limits because minimal heat loss during the evening can result in a more stable thermal incubation environment. Future conservation and habitat restoration efforts should consider the importance of bedrock morphology and prioritize the protection of Crevice nest sites. Furthermore, this work highlights important opportunities for potential interdisciplinary work between ecologists, climatologists, biologists, and hydrologists, specifically the integration of ecohydrological and biological models. This work also underscores the potential uncertainty of climate change impacts on turtle egg hatching success and nest sex ratios.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic stressors such as agriculture and urbanization can increase river turbidity, which can negatively impact fish gill morphology and growth due to reduced oxygen in the benthic environment. We assessed the gill morphology, field metabolic rate (FMR), and two hypoxia tolerance metrics (oxygen partial pressure at loss of equilibrium, PO2 at LOE, and critical oxygen tension, Pcrit) of eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida), a small benthic fish listed as threatened under the Species at Risk Act in Canada, from rivers in southern Ontario. Field trials were conducted streamside in the Grand River (August 2019; mean NTU 8) and in the comparatively more turbid Thames River (August 2020; mean NTU 94) to test the effect of turbidity on each physiological endpoint. Gills were collected from incidental mortalities and museum specimens, and were assessed using hematoxylin and eosin and immunofluorescent staining. The between-river comparison indicated that turbidity significantly increased interlamellar space and filament width but had no significant influence on other gill morphometrics or FMR. Turbidity significantly increased PO2 at LOE (i.e., fish had a lower hypoxia tolerance) but did not significantly impact Pcrit. Therefore, although turbidity influences hypoxia tolerance through LOE, turbidity levels were not sufficiently high in the study rivers to contribute to measurable changes in gill morphology or metabolism in the wild. Determining whether changes in gill morphology or metabolism occur under higherturbidity levels would help resolve the ecological importance of turbidity on species physiology in urban and agricultural ecosystems.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Animal movement is increasingly affected by human alterations to habitat and climate change. In wetland systems, widespread hydrologic alterations from agriculture have changed the shape, function, and stability of shallow streams and wetland habitats. These changes in habitat quality and quantity may be especially consequential for freshwater fishes such as Grass Pickerel (Esox americanus vermiculatus), a small predatory fish found in disjunct populations across southern Ontario and listed as Special Concern under Canada\'s Species at Risk Act. To characterize Grass Pickerel movement response to stream-channel alterations, Fisheries and Oceans Canada implemented a tracking study to monitor the movements of a Grass Pickerel population in an agricultural drain on the Niagara Peninsula (Ontario, Canada). From 2009 to 2013, 2007 Grass Pickerel were tagged and tracked in the 37.3 km2 Beaver Creek watershed using a combination of mark-recapture surveys and eight fully automated passive integrated transponder tag antennas. Most individuals moved within 500 m (i.e., stationary fish) while 16% of the fish moved > 500 m (i.e., mobile fish), with a maximum median movement distance of 1.89 km and a maximum movement distance of 13.5 km (a long-tail distribution). Most movements occurred near the largest confluence where only a few were long-distance upstream or downstream movements. Mobile fish were larger than their stationary counterparts. Grass Pickerel in sites with higher abundance had more mobile fish, implying potential density dependence. Our results highlight that, while a long-distance dispersal ability exists in extant Grass Pickerel populations, the current conditions of riverscapes may prevent these dispersals from occurring. For declining Grass Pickerel populations, limitations to their movement ecology may substantially increase the likelihood of local extirpations.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Conflicts between economic development and conservation are increasingly hampering efforts to restore imperiled wildlife populations. Public opinion can influence how these conflicts translate into conservation actions, encouraging stakeholders to express their views through various public channels. The outcome of these campaigns typically remains unknown. Via an online survey, we collected to the opinion of 1000 citizens of Québec, Canada, regarding the ongoing conflict between logging and the conservation of at-risk caribou populations (Rangifer tarandus). We found that people expect conservation actions that are sufficient to recover caribou populations, even if millions of government investment are required and jobs are lost in the process. When respondents learned that academic caribou researchers indicated that the two management strategies being studied by government would be insufficient for population recovery, one-third withdrew their support for either strategy. Age, gender and education all explain variation in public opinion, but it was the region of residence that most consistently explained variation in opinion. Residents of caribou-inhabited regions were less concerned about caribou conservation and more supportive of forestry than residents of other regions, reflecting regional differences in expected economic impacts of conservation, not negative interactions with caribou. In fact, most people supported strong conservation actions for the recovery of caribou populations, regardless of their socio-demographics. Our analysis provides general insights into how public opinion on the trade-off between conservation and economy is influenced by socio-demographics and scientific conclusions. We found that current government conservation actions (or lack thereof) are not in line with mainstream public opinion. Moreover, we show that making species at-risk lists does not ensure that the species will benefit from strong conservation actions without lengthy delays, even for a high-profile, flagship species like caribou. This observation echoes concerns about the fate of less charismatic, at-risk species, and thus about future biodiversity conservation efforts.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Metabolic rate and hypoxia tolerance are highly variable among individual fish in a stable environment. Understanding the variability of these measures in wild fish populations is critical for assessing adaptive potential and determining local extinction risks as a result of climate-induced fluctuations in temperature and hypoxic conditions. We assessed the field metabolic rate (FMR) and two hypoxia tolerance metrics, oxygen pressure at loss of equilibrium (PO2 at LOE) and critical oxygen tolerance (Pcrit) of wild-captured eastern sand darter (Ammocrypta pellucida), a threatened species in Canada, using field trials (June to October) that encompassed ambient water temperatures and oxygen conditions typically experienced by the species. Temperature was significantly and positively related to hypoxia tolerance but not FMR. Temperature alone explained 1%, 31% and 7% of the variability observed in FMR, LOE, and Pcrit, respectively. Environmental and fish-specific factors such as reproductive season and condition explained much of the residual variation. Reproductive season significantly affected FMR by increasing it by 159-176% over the tested temperature range. Further understanding the impact of reproductive season on metabolic rate over a temperature range is crucial for understanding how climate change could impact species fitness. Among-individual variation in FMR significantly increased with temperature while among-individual variation in both hypoxia tolerance metrics did not. A large degree of variation in FMR in the summer might allow for evolutionary rescue with increasing mean and variance of global temperatures. Findings suggest that temperature may be a weak predictor in a field setting where biotic and abiotic factors can act concurrently on variables that affect physiological tolerance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Protecting habitat of species at risk is critical to their recovery, but can be contentious. For example, protecting species that are locally imperilled but globally common is often thought to distract from protecting globally imperilled species. However, such perceived trade-offs are based on the assumption that threatened groups have little spatial overlap, which is rarely quantified. We compiled range maps of terrestrial species at risk in Canada to assess the geographic overlap of nationally and globally at-risk species with each other, among taxonomic groups, and with protected areas. While many nationally at-risk taxa only occur in Canada at their northern range edge, they are not significantly more peripheral in Canada than globally at-risk species. Further, 56% of hotspots of nationally at-risk taxa are also hotspots of globally at-risk species, undercutting the perceived trade-off in their protection. While strong spatial overlap across threat levels and taxa should facilitate efficient habitat protection, less than 7% of the area in Canada\'s at-risk hotspots is protected, and two-thirds of nationally and globally at-risk species in Canada have less than 10% of their Canadian range protected. Our results counter the perception that protecting nationally versus globally at-risk species are at odds, and identify critical areas to target as Canada strives to increase its protected areas and promote recovery of species at risk.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Investigation of the reproductive phenology and spawning behaviour of imperilled species in relation to environmental variability is needed to understand a critical component of species life history. In this study, we used redside dace (Clinostomus elongatus), a freshwater leuciscid listed as Endangered under Canada\'s Species at Risk Act, to model spawning phenology and make predictions about spawning initiation using historical and climate change projected thermal cues (measured as cumulative growing degree days), and provide an ethological description of spawning behaviour. Logistic regression models applied to 4 years of average daily stream water temperature data and field behavioural observations of the onset of spawning activity indicated a 50% probability of spawning initiation when cumulative growing degree days reached 214°C days and a 95% probability of spawning initiation at 288°C days. Using two climate change scenarios (i.e., a mid-century 1.6°C increase and an end of century 3.6°C increase), spawning initiation was predicted to advance 3 days by the year 2050 and 7 days by the year 2100. Underwater video cameras placed at two sites within an urban stream captured 73 unique spawning events revealing that redside dace spawn in pairs as well as in dense, tightly packed groups (more than 20 individuals). Moreover, there is evidence of redside dace having a polygynandrous mating system, as female redside dace spawned with multiple males in 45.2% of the total spawning events recorded. Taken together, this study provides important insights into redside dace spawning initiation and behaviour, key life-history traits having conservation implications for future reproductive success and, ultimately, population dynamics.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Anthropogenic noise from navigation is a major contributor to the disturbance of the acoustic soundscape in underwater environments containing noise-sensitive life forms. While previous studies mostly developed protocols for the empirical determination of noise source levels associated with the world\'s commercial fleet, this work explores the radiated noise emitted by small recreational vessels that thrive in many coastal waters, such as in the St. Lawrence Estuary beluga population\'s summer habitat. Hydrophone-based measurements in the Saguenay River (QC, Canada) were carried out during the summers of 2021 and 2022. Shore-based observations identified 45 isolated transits of small, motorized vessels and were able to track their displacement during their passage near the hydrophone. Received noise levels at the hydrophone typically fell below the hearing audiogram of the endangered St. Lawrence Estuary beluga. Monopole source levels at low frequencies (0.1-≲2 kHz) held on average twice the acoustic power compared to their mid-frequency (≳2-30 kHz) counterparts. The speed over ground of recreational vessel showed a positive correlation with the back-propagated monopole source levels. Estimations of the mid-frequency noise levels based on low-frequency measurements should be used moderately.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Most research on boreal populations of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) has been conducted in areas of high anthropogenic disturbance. However, a large portion of the species\' range overlaps relatively pristine areas primarily affected by natural disturbances, such as wildfire. Climate-driven habitat change is a key concern for the conservation of boreal-dependent species, where management decisions have yet to consider knowledge from multiple ecological domains integrated into a cohesive and spatially explicit forecast of species-specific habitat and demography. We used a novel ecological forecasting framework to provide climate-sensitive projections of habitat and demography for five boreal caribou monitoring areas within the Northwest Territories (NWT), Canada, over 90 years. Importantly, we quantify uncertainty around forecasted mean values. Our results suggest habitat suitability may increase in central and southwest regions of the NWT\'s Taiga Plains ecozone but decrease in southern and northwestern regions driven by conversion of coniferous to deciduous forests. We do not project that boreal caribou population growth rates will change despite forecasted changes to habitat suitability. Our results emphasize the importance of efforts to protect and restore northern boreal caribou habitat despite climate uncertainty while highlighting expected spatial variations that are important considerations for local people who rely on them. An ability to reproduce previous work, and critical thought when incorporating sources of uncertainty, will be important to refine forecasts, derive management decisions, and improve conservation efficacy for northern species at risk.





