Southern Africa

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Amblyomma spp. ticks, known for their long mouthparts, bright ornate appearance and aggressive hunting behaviour, are vectors of a number of important pathogens. In southern Africa, 17 Amblyomma spp. are currently documented. Of these species, Amblyomma hebraeum and Amblyomma variegatum have been well studied due to their wide geographical range and their status as competent vectors of pathogens that are of veterinary and medical importance. Studies on other Amblyomma spp. in southern Africa have been neglected, fostering ongoing debates on the validity of certain species such as Amblyomma pomposum. This study investigated the inter- and intra-species variation of Amblyomma ticks collected in southern Africa, focusing on resolving the dispute about A. pomposum and A. variegatum being distinct species.
    METHODS: Four Amblyomma tick species were collected from Angola, Mozambique, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and were identified morphologically as Amblyomma eburneum (208), A. hebraeum (4758), A. pomposum (191) and A. variegatum (2577) using identification keys. Gene amplification targeting the 12S and 16S rRNA, cytochrome oxidase I, cytochrome B and internal transcribed spacer-2 genes was conducted for 204 ticks, for which varying success was achieved during amplification for each of the markers. Maximum likelihood analyses were performed in IQ-TREE.
    RESULTS: The phylogenetic topologies and ABGD analyses of each individual gene clustered A. pomposum within the A. variegatum clade, while clearly separating A. eburneum and A. hebraeum from all other species. None of the genetic markers indicated intraspecific structuring on the basis of geographical origin, despite great distances between sampling sites.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our study concludes that there is insufficient molecular evidence to differentiate A. pomposum and A. variegatum from each other. We highlight the need for whole mitochondrial genome sequencing of these two species to resolve the ongoing controversies. Furthermore, we propose mating and hybrid viability studies between the two species to confirm their reproductive isolation.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Southern African region suffers from drought and food system uncertainty with increased risks due to climate change, natural disasters, and global catastrophes. Increasing crop diversity with more appropriate and resilient crops is an effective way of increasing food system resilience. We focus on crop species that are native or naturalized to an area because of their increased resilience than those that are not naturally occurring. Additionally, crops that are easily stored are more useful in times of drought and disaster. In this systematic review, we use scientific interest in neglected and underutilized species (NUS) from Southern Africa to help define next steps toward their cultivation and development as a marketable crop. We found that although scientific interest is minimal for storable Southern African NUS, these crops are worth scaling up due to their economic and nutritional value. We outline next actionable steps and specific NUS for production in a more agrobiodiverse and resilient agriculture system.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Female genital schistosomiasis (FGS) and male genital schistosomiasis (MGS) are gender-specific manifestations of urogenital schistosomiasis. Morbidity is a consequence of prolonged inflammation in the human genital tract caused by the entrapped eggs of the waterborne parasite, Schistosoma (S.) haematobium. Both diseases affect the sexual and reproductive health (SRH) of millions of people globally, especially in sub-Sahara Africa (SSA). Awareness and knowledge of these diseases is largely absent among affected communities and healthcare workers in endemic countries. Accurate burden of FGS and MGS disease estimates, single and combined, are absent, mostly due to the absence of standardized methods for individual or population-based screening and diagnosis. In addition, there are disparities in country-specific FGS and MGS knowledge, research and implementation approaches, and diagnosis and treatment. There are currently no WHO guidelines to inform practice. The BILGENSA (Genital Bilharzia in Southern Africa) Research Network aimed to create a collaborative multidisciplinary network to advance clinical research of FGS and MGS across Southern African endemic countries. The workshop was held in Lusaka, Zambia over two days in November 2022. Over 150 researchers and stakeholders from different schistosomiasis endemic settings attended. Attendees identified challenges and research priorities around FGS and MGS from their respective countries. Key research themes identified across settings included: 1) To increase the knowledge about the local burden of FGS and MGS; 2) To raise awareness among local communities and healthcare workers; 3) To develop effective and scalable guidelines for disease diagnosis and management; 4) To understand the effect of treatment interventions on disease progression, and 5) To integrate FGS and MGS within other existing sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services. In its first meeting, the BILGENSA Network set forth a common research agenda across S. haematobium endemic countries for the control of FGS and MGS.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Disturbed sleep during infancy and early childhood can have a detrimental effect on parental sleep and consequently parental well-being. However, there is a paucity of research on how perceived child sleep problems and behavioural sleep interventions as treatment influence maternal subjective well-being.
    UNASSIGNED: This study aimed to explore the incidence of subjective well-being in mothers of children with sleep problems and whether implementing two behavioural sleep interventions changed their well-being.
    UNASSIGNED: The research was conducted in a community setting, with parents voluntarily approaching a sleep consultancy based in South Africa.
    UNASSIGNED: Using data from 119 mothers voluntarily approaching a sleep consultancy in South Africa, a pre-test-post-test design was employed to investigate changes in life satisfaction, affect, couple satisfaction, perceived stress and depression approximately 3 weeks after implementation of a sleep intervention.
    UNASSIGNED: Results indicate that mothers of children with sleep problems experienced moderate to high life satisfaction and positive affect although the presence of moderate negative affect, couple satisfaction and stress and mild depression suggest possible decreased subjective well-being.
    UNASSIGNED: Findings suggest implementation of graduated extinction and extinction with parental presence sleep interventions may improve life satisfaction, affect, stress and depression but not couple satisfaction in the short-term.
    UNASSIGNED: This study contributes towards understanding the effect of sleep loss on the subjective well-being of mothers and provides preliminary evidence regarding the benefits of two sleep interventions for improving maternal subjective well-being.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Avian species diversity in Southern Africa is remarkably high, yet the mechanisms responsible for that diversity are poorly understood. While this is particularly true with respect to species endemic to the subregion, it is unclear as to how more broadly distributed African species may have colonized southern Africa. One process that may in part account for the high bird species diversity in southern Africa is a \"species pump\" model, wherein the region was repeatedly colonized by lineages from areas further north: a pattern related to climate cycling and the eastern African arid corridor. Once occupying southern Africa, with its many varied biomes, it is possible that climate cycling further affected lineages by generating genetic diversity in multiple refugia, a pattern recently shown for several southern African bird species. Here, we used mtDNA to address these questions in a widespread, sedentary habitat generalist bird species, the familiar chat (Oenanthe familiaris). The phylogenetic structure suggests a north-to-south colonization pattern, supporting the \"species pump\" model. Haplotype diversity was partitioned into two distinct clusters: southern Africa and Malawi (East Africa). Southern African haplotypes were not geographically partitioned, and we hypothesize that this pattern has arisen because this species is a habitat generalist, and as such resilient to habitat-altering climate perturbations. Based on our phylogenetic results, we discuss the validity of currently recognized subspecies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Data collection was implemented through an initiative by the Child Health and Mortality Prevention Surveillance (CHAMPS) Network to assess whether lockdowns and other social distancing policies during COVID-19 had implications for household economic status, maternal and child health, and healthcare accessibility for pregnant women and children. The data were collected from April 2021 until February 2022 from a population living in a rural community of Mozambique. This rural community is located within a Health and Demographic Surveillance System (HDSS) that operates in the Manhiça district of Maputo province. The survey instrument used for data collection was specifically designed to examine household awareness, knowledge, and prevalence of COVID-19; it was also designed to document hardships experienced by households during the pandemic period such as food insecurity, job losses and/or business closures of household members, and access to healthcare. The data are generalizable to a contiguous community in Manhiça, Mozambique of approximately 200,000 inhabitants.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Gut bacterial communities provide flexibility to hosts during dietary changes. Despite the increasing number of studies exploring the associations between broader dietary guilds of mammalian hosts and their gut bacteria, it is generally unclear how diversity and variability in consumed diets link to gut bacterial taxa in wild non-primate mammals, particularly in omnivores. Here, we contribute to filling this gap by exploring consumed diets and gut bacterial community compositions with metabarcoding of faecal samples for two African mammals, Civettictis civetta and Genetta spp., from the family Viverridae. For each individual sample, we characterised bacterial communities and identified dietary taxa by sequencing vertebrate, invertebrate and plant markers. This led us to establish diet compositions that diverged from what has previously been found from visual identification methods. Specifically, while the two genera have been categorised into the same dietary guild, we detected more animal dietary items than plant items in C. civetta, while in Genetta spp., we observed the opposite. We further found that individuals with similar diets have similar gut bacterial communities within both genera. This association tended to be driven by specific links between dietary items and gut bacterial genera, rather than communities as a whole, implying diet-driven selection for specific gut microbes in individual wild hosts. Our findings underline the importance of molecular tools for improving characterisations of omnivorous mammalian diets and highlight the opportunities for simultaneously disentangling links between diets and gut symbionts. Such insights can inform robustness and flexibility in host-microbe symbioses to dietary change associated with seasonal and habitat changes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Angola has an extraordinary plant diversity and a great ethnobotanical potential. However, there is a general lack of information about the first botanical explorations in the country and their contribution to the knowledge of the medicinal flora.
    OBJECTIVE: The main aim of this study was to unveil the ethnobotanical legacy of José Maria Antunes and Eugène Dekindt, priests of the first Catholic mission in Huíla (Angola) and shed light on their contribution to the knowledge of medicinal wild plants of the country, including information on the uses, plant parts used, and preparation methods documented in the late 19th century. The findings are discussed considering recent ethnobotanical studies to offer a more comprehensive understanding of the historical and traditional uses of plants in Angola over the last two centuries.
    METHODS: Based on the information available in manuscripts and on the study of botanical collections preserved in herbaria of Portugal and Angola, we extracted relevant information about the species used in traditional medicine by the rural population of Huíla, the health conditions treated, and the mode of preparation and application.
    RESULTS: Our results revealed that Antunes and Dekindt conducted the first ethnobotanical study in Huíla, and documented a large number of medicinal wild plants. From these, we report 191 medicinal species, including 25 endemic and four introduced species, belonging to 56 plant families and 146 genera. Fabaceae family presents the highest richness of medicinal plants (39 taxa), followed by Rubiaceae (13), Asteraceae (10), and Apocynaceae (9). The illnesses reported were classified into 15 different categories, with the highest number of species (49) corresponding to unspecific conditions, such as general pains, chills, and fever. Thirty-seven species were reported for respiratory diseases, 31 for musculoskeletal problems, and 30 for digestive issues. Leaves were the most used plant part for medicinal purposes (84 species). Infusion was the most frequently described preparation method (40 species), followed by maceration (24 species), and powdering (36 species).
    CONCLUSIONS: The legacy of Antunes and Dekindt\'s work improves our understanding of Angola\'s botanical richness and traditional uses of plant resources. Our findings highlight the presence of unique medicinal resources in Angola, especially among endemic species, which hold the potential to improve the quality of life of rural communities. Moreover, our research underscores the lack of knowledge of medicinal species, emphasizing the risk of losing valuable historical information.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    While ear, nose, and throat (ENT) diseases are a substantial threat to global health, comprehensive reviews of ENT services in Southern Africa remain scarce.
    This scoping review provides a decade-long overview of ENT services in Southern Africa and identifies gaps in healthcare provision. From the current literature, we hope to provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate the challenges faced by the resource-limited ENT service.
    PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCOhost, Cochrane Library, Cochrane Library, and Scopus.
    On several databases, we conducted a comprehensive literature search on both quantitative and qualitative studies on ENT services in Southern Africa, published between 1 January 2014 and 27 February 2024. The extracted data from the analyzed studies was summarized into themes.
    Four themes in the fourteen studies included in the final analysis described the existing ENT services in Southern Africa: 1. Workforce scarcity and knowledge inadequacies, 2. Deficiencies in ENT infrastructure, equipment, and medication, 3. Inadequate ENT disease screening, management, and rehabilitation and 4. A lack of telehealth technology.
    The Southern African ENT health service faces many disease screening, treatment, and rehabilitation challenges, including critical shortages of workforce, equipment, and medication. These challenges, impeding patient access to ENT healthcare, could be effectively addressed by implementing deliberate policies to train a larger workforce, increase ENT funding for equipment and medication, promote telehealth, and reduce the patient cost of care.
    Main findings: Ear, nose and throat (ENT) healthcare in Southern Africa faces critical shortages of workforce, equipment, and medication for disease screening, treatment and rehabilitation.Added knowledge: In this review, we identify challenges in the resource-limited Southern African ENT healthcare provision and provide evidence-based recommendations to mitigate these challenges.Global health impact for policy and action: Improving ENT service delivery in the resource-limited world requires deliberate policies that improve health worker training, expand financing and resource availability, incorporate new technology, and lower patient costs of care.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This paper provides an overview of the HEAT (Healthy Environments for AthleTes) project, which aims to understand the impact of environmental conditions on athlete health and performance during major sporting events such as long-distance running, cycling, and triathlons. In collaboration with the SAFER (Strategies to reduce Adverse medical events For the ExerciseR) initiative, the HEAT project carried out a field campaign at the 2022 Comrades Marathon in the KwaZulu-Natal province of South Africa. The measurement campaign deployed seven weather stations, seven PM2.5 monitors and one spore trap along the 90 km route to capture spatially representative measurements of complex micro-climates, allergenic aerospora, and particulate matter exposure. The results indicate that runners were exposed to moderate risk heat stress conditions. Novel findings from this initial campaign shows elevated and potentially harmful PM2.5 levels at spectator areas, possibly coinciding with small fire events around the race day festivities. Our findings show values PM2.5 levels over the WHO 24-h guidelines at all stations, while 2000 µg/m3 at two stations. However, the lack of an acute exposure standard means direct health impacts cannot be quantified in the context of a sport event. The HEAT project highlights important aspects of race day monitoring; regional scale climatology has an impact on the race day conditions, the microclimatic conditions (pollution and meteorology) are not necessarily captured by proximity instruments and direct environmental measurements are required to accurately capture conditions along the route.





