Sodium pyrophosphate

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This study investigated the effects of sodium pyrophosphate (SPP) and catechin (C) on the in vitro enzymatic digestion of oxidatively damaged myofibrillar protein (MP) gel. The results indicated that SPP increased the β-sheet content and the gastric digestibility of the MP gel, while C hindered the transition from α-helix to β-sheet structure, leading to decreased digestibility. Notably, neither compound significantly affected intestinal digestibility. Furthermore, SPP and C significantly enhanced the antioxidant activity of MP gel digestion products. Notably, their synergistic hydrolysis products, simulating both gastric and gastrointestinal stages, chelated 91.4 % and 89.1 % of Fe2+ and scavenged 59.4 % and 77.6 % of hydroxyl radicals, respectively. Moreover, the final digestion products of the MP gel treated with SPP and C exhibited the highest content of negatively charged amino acids and absolute Zeta potential values. Overall, this study demonstrated that incorporating SPP and C could positively impact the digestion of oxidatively damaged MP gels.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    This work investigated the cryoprotective effect of trehalose (TH) and sodium pyrophosphate (SPP) alone and in combination on myofibrillar protein (MP) oxidation and structural changes in silver carp surimi during 90 days of frozen storage (-20 °C). TH combined with SPP was significantly more effective than single TH or SPP in preventing MP oxidation (P < 0.05), showing a higher SH content (6.05 nmol/mg protein), and a lower carbonyl (4.24 nmol/mg protein) and dityrosine content (1280 A.U.). SDS-PAGE results indicated that TH combined with SPP did not differ significantly from TH and SPP in inhibiting protein degradation but was more effective in inhibiting protein crosslinking. Moreover, all cryoprotectants could stabilise the secondary and tertiary structures and inhibit unfolded and aggregation of MP, with the combination of TH and SPP being the best. It\'s worth noting that TH combined with SPP had a synergistic effect on inhibiting the decrease in α-helix content and gel-forming ability, and the increase in surface hydrophobicity. Overall, TH combined with SPP could significantly inhibited MP oxidation and structural changes in surimi during frozen storage and improve the gel-forming ability, which was significantly better than single TH or SPP.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sediment siltation has been regarded as the serious challenge in sewer system, which dominantly root in the gelatinous extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) structure and cohesive ability. Considering the crucial roles of divalent cation bridging and macromolecular biopolymer winding in sediment EPS formation and adhesive behavior, an innovative combination strategy of sodium pyrophosphate (SP)-mediated divalent cation chelation and alkaline biopolymer hydrolysis was developed to degenerate sediment adhesion. At the SP dosage of 0.25 g/g TS and the alkaline pH 12, the SP + pH 12 treatment triggered structural transformation of aromatic proteins (α-helix to β-turn) and functional group shifts of macromolecular biopolymers. In this case, the deconstruction and outward dissolution of gelatinous biopolymers were achievable, including proteins (tyrosine-like proteins, tryptophan-like proteins), humic acids, fulvic acids, polysaccharides and various soluble microbial products. These were identified as the major driving forces for sediment EPS matrix disintegration and bio-aggregation deflocculation. The extraction EPS content was obviously increased by 18.88 mg COD/g TS. The sediment adhesion was sensitive to EPS matrix damage and gelatinous biopolymer deconstruction, leading to considerable average adhesion degeneration to 0.98 nN with reduction rate of 78.32%. As such, the sediments could be disrupted into dispersive fragments with increased surface electronegativity and electric repulsion (up to -45.6 mV), thereby the sediment resistance to hydraulic erosion was impaired, providing feasibility for in-situ sediment floating and removal by gravity sewage flow in sewer.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In order to explore the adsorption characteristics of phosphorus from molecules with different molecular structures and varying number of phosphate groups on metal-modified biochar, walnut shell biochar was modified with LaCl3 to prepare lanthanum-loaded biochar (BC-La). Adsorption of four polar components, namely phytic acid (IHP), adenosine-5\'-disodium triphosphate (5-ATP), hydroxyethylidene diphosphonic acid (HEDP), and sodium pyrophosphate (PP), was studied. The adsorption properties and mechanism of phosphorus sorption by BC-La were analyzed by SEM-EDS and FTIR for the different structures. The results showed that the maximum adsorption capacity of BC-La for IHP, 5-ATP, HEDP, and PP was 85.85, 9.04, 15.80, and 14.45 mg/g, respectively. The adsorption capacity was positively correlated with the polarity of organic phosphorus. The adsorption behavior conformed to the quasi second-order kinetic fitting equation, and the increase of temperature was conducive to the removal of all four phosphorus pollutants. BC-La adsorbs IHP and HEDP mainly through electrostatic attraction. The adsorption of 5-ATP and PP is dominated by complexation. The La-modified biochar has broad prospects in water remediation, which can provide a theoretical basis for removal of different forms of phosphorus pollutants and prevention and control of water eutrophication.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    To improve the gel properties of duck egg white gel and increase the industrial value of duck egg white, the mechanisms of ultrasound and synergetic phosphorylation/ultrasound treatments were examined in this study. It was found that as the ultrasound power increased, the surface hydrophobicity, hardness, and cohesiveness of the gel system increased, and the ζ-potential and water mobility decreased. Of the two treatments, phosphorylation/ultrasound had the strongest impact on the conformation and crystallinity of the gel system and promoted the formation of high molecular polymers. Both gel systems displayed enhanced compactness, stability, and gel strength because of the enhanced protein-protein interactions via hydrogen bonds and protein aggregation, and increased the content of intramolecular β-sheets following ultrasound treatment, and synergetic phosphorylation/ultrasound further improved the stability, water binding and gel properties. This experiment showed that ultrasound and, particularly, phosphorylation/ultrasound are effective methods to improve the gel properties of duck egg white. This study enhanced our understanding of the interactions of sodium pyrophosphate and egg white under ultrasound treatment, and promote the potential application of sodium pyrophosphate and ultrasound treatment of novel food products.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Photosynthetic bacteria have flexible metabolisms and strong environmental adaptability, and require cheap, but plentiful, energy supplements, which all enable their use in Cr(VI)-remediation. In this study, the effects of culture conditions on the total Cr removal rate were investigated for a newly identified strain of Rhodobacter sphaeroides SC01. The subcellular distribution and Cr(VI) reduction ability of four different cellular fractions were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Experiments indicated that the optimal culture conditions for total Cr removal included a culture temperature of 35 °C, pH of 7.20, an NaCl concentration of 5 g L-1, a light intensity of 4000 lx, and an initial cell concentration (OD680) of 0.15. In addition, most Cr was found in the cell membrane in the form of Cr (III) after reduction, while cell membranes had the highest Cr(VI) reduction rate (99%) compared to other cellular components. In addition, the physical and chemical properties of SC01 cells were characterized by FTIR, XPS, and XRD analyses, confirming that Cr was successfully absorbed on bacterial cell surfaces. CrPO4‧6H2O and Cr5(P3O10)3 precipitates were particularly identified by XRD analysis. After screening supplementation with five phosphor salts, Cr(VI) reduction due to bioprecipitation was improved by the addition of Na4P2O7 and (NaPO3)6 salts, with the Cr(VI)-reduction rate combined with Na4P2O7 addition being 15% higher than that of the control. Thus, this study proposes a new Cr(VI)-removal strategy based on the combined use of photosynthetic bacteria and phosphor salts, which importantly increases its potential application in treating wastewater.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Myofibrillar protein isolated from beef muscles were treated with 3 phosphates (Sodium Hexametaphosphate, sodium tripolyphosphate, sodium pyrophosphate) with different concentrations of 0.3%, 0.6%, 0.9%, 1.2% respectively. Protein solubility, surface hydrophobicity and reactive sulfhydryl group was determined. Atomic force microscopy was used to observe the microscopic protein surface. SDS-PAGE was carried out to determine the proteolysis of myofibrillar protein. The solubility and surface hydrophobic bond of myofibrillar protein was highly increased and the diameter decreased by SHMP, TSPP, STPP. Reactive sulfhydryl groups increased after SHMP addition, but slightly decreased in STPP and TSPP treated MP. TSPP and STPP had the same effect on myofibrillar microstructure and was different from SHMP. Three phosphates all caused MP unfolding. The MP gel complexity was increased, and roughness was decreased after phosphates addition, indicating phosphates helped to construct a more ordered and smoother gel microcosmic surface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Characterization and understanding of natural nanomaterials (NNMs) properties is essential to differentiate engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) from NNMs. However, NNMs in environmental samples typically occur as heteroaggregates with other particles, e.g., NNMs, ENMs, and larger particles. Therefore, there is a need to isolate NNMs into their primary particles to better characterize their physicochemical properties. Here, we evaluated the efficiency of sodium hydroxide, sodium oxalate, and sodium pyrophosphate to extract NNMs from surface waters. The extracted NNMs were characterized for total metal concentration by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) following full digestion; size distribution, elemental composition and ratios by flow-field flow fractionation (AF4)-ICP-MS; and morphology by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Sodium pyrophosphate extraction resulted in the highest NNM concentration and the smallest NNM size distribution. Sodium hydroxide and sodium oxalate extraction generated heteroaggregates with a broad size distribution. The NNM extraction efficiency increased with extractant (sodium oxalate and sodium pyrophosphate) concentration. The concentration of metals in the sodium pyrophosphate-extracted NNMs compared to the total metal concentration was element-dependent and varied from as high as >80% for Cu, Zn, and Sr to as low as <5% for Al, Ti, and Nb. This study provides a simple protocol for NNM extraction from complex environmental samples and provides a better understanding of NNM physicochemical properties. The presented NNM extraction protocol forms the basis for ENM extraction from natural waters.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Characterization of natural nanomaterial (NNM) physicochemical properties - such as size, size distribution, elemental composition and elemental ratios - is often hindered by lack of methods to disperse NNMs from environmental samples. This study evaluates the effect of extractant composition, pH, and ionic strength on soil NNM extraction in term of recovery and release of primary particles/small aggregate sizes (i.e., <200 nm). The extracted NNMs were characterized for hydrodynamic diameter and zeta potential by dynamic light scattering and laser Doppler electrophoresis, natural organic matter desorption by UV-Vis spectroscopy, element composition by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS), size based elemental distribution by field flow fractionation coupled to ICP-MS, and morphology by transmission electron microscopy. The extracted NNM concentrations increased following the order of NaOH ≤ Na2CO3 < Na2C2O4 < Na4P2O7. Na4P2O7 was the most efficient extractant and results in 2-12 folds higher NNM extraction than other extractants. The Na4P2O7 extracted NNMs exhibited narrower size distribution with smaller modal size relative to NaOH, Na2CO3, Na2C2O4 extracted NNMs. Thus, Na4P2O7 enhances the extraction of primary NNMs and/or smaller NNM aggregates (i.e., size <200 nm). Na4P2O7 promote soil microaggregates breakup and release of NNMs by reducing free multivalent cation concentration in soil pore water by forming metal-phosphate complexes and by enhancing NNM surface charge via phosphate sorption on NNM surfaces. Additionally, the extracted NNM concentrations increased with the increase in extractant concentration and pH, except at 100 mM where the high ionic strength might have induced NNM aggregation. The improved NNM-extraction will improve the overall understanding of the physicochemical properties of NNMs in environmental systems. This study presents the key properties of NNMs that can be used as background information to differentiate engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) from NNMs in complex environmental media.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Environmental mercury (Hg) pollution is a matter of global concern. Mercury speciation controls its environmental behaviour, and stable isotope ratios can potentially trace Hg movement through environmental compartments. Here we investigated Hg in industrially contaminated soils and sediments (Visp, Valais, Switzerland) using concentration and stable isotope analysis (CV-MC-ICP-MS) of total digests, and a four-step sequential extraction procedure. The sequential extraction employed (1) water (labile Hg species), (2) NaOH or Na4P2O7 (organically-bound Hg), (3) hydroxylamine-HCl (Hg bound to Mn and Fe (oxyhydr)oxides), and (4) aqua regia (residual Hg pools). The majority of Hg was extracted in step 4 and up to 36% in step 2. Mercury bound to organic matter was the dominant source of Hg in water, NaOH and Na4P2O7 extracts. Sulfides and colloidal oxide minerals were possible additional sources of Hg in some samples. The inconsistent comparative performance of NaOH and Na4P2O7 extractions showed that these classical extractants may not extract Hg exclusively from the organically-bound pool. Samples taken at the industrial facility displayed the greatest isotopic variation (δ202Hg: -0.80‰ ± 0.14‰ to 0.25‰ ± 0.13‰, Δ199Hg: -0.10‰ ± 0.03‰ to 0.02‰ ± 0.03‰; all 2SD) whereas downstream of the facility there was much less variation around average values of δ202Hg = -0.47‰ ± 0.11‰ and Δ199Hg = -0.05‰ ± 0.03‰ (1SD, n = 19). We interpret the difference as the result of homogenisation by mixing of canal sediments containing Hg from the various sources at the industrial facility with preservation of the mixed industrial Hg signature downstream. In contrast to previous findings, Hg isotopes in the sequential extracts were largely similar to one another (2SD < 0.14‰), likely demonstrating that the Hg speciation was similar among the extracts. Our results reveal that Hg resides in relatively stable soil pools which record an averaged isotope signature of the industrial sources, potentially facilitating source tracing studies with Hg isotope signatures at larger spatial scales further downstream.





