Sodium Isotopes

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: To study the reproducibility of 23Na magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements from breast tissue in healthy volunteers.
    METHODS: Using a dual-tuned bilateral 23Na/1H breast coil at 3-T MRI, high-resolution 23Na MRI three-dimensional cones sequences were used to quantify total sodium concentration (TSC) and fluid-attenuated sodium concentration (FASC). B1-corrected TSC and FASC maps were created. Two readers manually measured mean, minimum and maximum TSC and mean FASC values using two sampling methods: large regions of interest (LROIs) and small regions of interest (SROIs) encompassing fibroglandular tissue (FGT) and the highest signal area at the level of the nipple, respectively. The reproducibility of the measurements and correlations between density, age and FGT apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values were evaluatedss.
    RESULTS: Nine healthy volunteers were included. The inter-reader reproducibility of TSC and FASC using SROIs and LROIs was excellent (intraclass coefficient range 0.945-0.979, p < 0.001), except for the minimum TSC LROI measurements (p = 0.369). The mean/minimum LROI TSC and mean LROI FASC values were lower than the respective SROI values (p < 0.001); the maximum LROI TSC values were higher than the SROI TSC values (p = 0.009). TSC correlated inversely with age but not with FGT ADCs. The mean and maximum FGT TSC and FASC values were higher in dense breasts in comparison to non-dense breasts (p < 0.020).
    CONCLUSIONS: The chosen sampling method and the selected descriptive value affect the measured TSC and FASC values, although the inter-reader reproducibility of the measurements is in general excellent.
    CONCLUSIONS: 23Na MRI at 3 T allows the quantification of TSC and FASC sodium concentrations. The sodium measurements should be obtained consistently in a uniform manner.
    CONCLUSIONS: • 23Na MRI allows the quantification of total and fluid-attenuated sodium concentrations (TSC/FASC). • Sampling method (large/small region of interest) affects the TSC and FASC values. • Dense breasts have higher TSC and FASC values than non-dense breasts. • The inter-reader reproducibility of TSC and FASC measurements was, in general, excellent. • The results suggest the importance of stratifying the sodium measurements protocol.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) studies often use Cartesian gradient-echo (GRE) sequences with ~2-ms echo times (TEs) to monitor apparent total sodium concentration (aTSC). We compared Cartesian GRE and ultra-short echo time three-dimensional (3D) radial-readout sequences for measuring skeletal muscle aTSC.
    METHODS: We retrospectively evaluated 211 datasets from 112 volunteers aged 62.3 ± 12.1 years (mean ± standard deviation), acquired at 3 T from the lower leg. For 23Na MRI acquisitions, we used a two-dimensional Cartesian GRE sequence and a density-adapted 3D radial readout sequence with cuboid field-of-view (DA-3D-RAD-C). We calibrated the 23Na MR signal using reference tubes either with or without agarose and subsequently performed a relaxation correction. Additionally, we employed a six-echo 1H GRE sequence and a multi-echo spin-echo sequence to calculate proton density fat fraction (PDFF) and water T2. Paired Wilcoxon signed-rank test, Cohen dz for paired samples, and Spearman correlation were used.
    RESULTS: Relaxation correction effectively reduced the differences in muscle aTSC between the two acquisition and calibration methods (DA-3D-RAD-C using NaCl/agarose references: 20.05 versus 19.14 mM; dz = 0.395; Cartesian GRE using NaCl/agarose references: 19.50 versus 18.82 mM; dz = 0.427). Both aTSC of the DA-3D-RAD-C and Cartesian GRE acquisitions showed a small but significant correlation with PDFF as well as with water T2.
    CONCLUSIONS: Different 23Na MRI acquisition and calibration approaches affect aTSC values. Applying relaxation correction is advised to minimize the impact of sequence parameters on quantification, and considering additional fat correction is advisable for patients with increased fat fractions.
    CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights relaxation correction\'s role in improving sodium MRI accuracy, paving the way for better disease assessment and comparability of measured sodium signal in patients.
    CONCLUSIONS: • Differences in MRI acquisition methods hamper the comparability of sodium MRI measurements. • Measured sodium values depend on used MRI sequences and calibration method. • Relaxation correction during postprocessing mitigates these discrepancies. • Thus, relaxation correction enhances accuracy of sodium MRI, aiding its clinical use.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Magnetic resonance (MR) with sodium (23Na) is a noninvasive tool providing quantitative biochemical information regarding physiology, cellular metabolism, and viability, with the potential to extend MR beyond anatomical proton imaging. However, when using clinical scanners, the low detectable 23Na signal and the low 23Na gyromagnetic ratio require the design of dedicated radiofrequency (RF) coils tuned to the 23Na Larmor frequency and sequences, as well as the development of dedicated phantoms for testing the image quality, and an MR scanner with multinuclear spectroscopy (MNS) capabilities. In this work, we propose a hardware and software setup for evaluating the potential of 23Na magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with a clinical scanner. In particular, the reliability of the proposed setup and the reproducibility of the measurements were verified by multiple acquisitions from a 3T MR scanner using a homebuilt RF volume coil and a dedicated sequence for the imaging of a phantom specifically designed for evaluating the accuracy of the technique. The final goal of this study is to propose a setup for standardizing clinical and research 23Na MRI protocols.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To develop a new sequence to simultaneously acquire Cartesian sodium (23Na) MRI and accelerated Cartesian single (SQ) and triple quantum (TQ) sodium MRI of in vivo human brain at 7 T by leveraging two dedicated low-rank reconstruction frameworks.
    METHODS: The Double Half-Echo technique enables short echo time Cartesian 23Na MRI and acquires two k-space halves, reconstructed by a low-rank coupling constraint. Additionally, three-dimensional (3D) 23Na Multi-Quantum Coherences (MQC) MRI requires multi-echo sampling paired with phase-cycling, exhibiting a redundant multidimensional space. Simultaneous Autocalibrating and k-Space Estimation (SAKE) were used to reconstruct highly undersampled 23Na MQC MRI. Reconstruction performance was assessed against five-dimensional (5D) CS, evaluating structural similarity index (SSIM), root mean squared error (RMSE), signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and quantification of tissue sodium concentration and TQ/SQ ratio in silico, in vitro, and in vivo.
    RESULTS: The proposed sequence enabled the simultaneous acquisition of fully sampled 23Na MRI while leveraging prospective undersampling for 23Na MQC MRI. SAKE improved TQ image reconstruction regarding SSIM by 6% and reduced RMSE by 35% compared to 5D CS in vivo. Thanks to prospective undersampling, the spatial resolution of 23Na MQC MRI was enhanced from 8 × 8 × 15 $$ 8\\times 8\\times 15 $$ mm3 to 8 × 8 × 8 $$ 8\\times 8\\times 8 $$ mm3 while reducing acquisition time from 2 × 31 $$ 2\\times 31 $$ min to 2 × 23 $$ 2\\times 23 $$ min.
    CONCLUSIONS: The proposed sequence, coupled with low-rank reconstructions, provides an efficient framework for comprehensive whole-brain sodium MRI, combining TSC, T2*, and TQ/SQ ratio estimations. Additionally, low-rank matrix completion enables the reconstruction of highly undersampled 23Na MQC MRI, allowing for accelerated acquisition or enhanced spatial resolution.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: 23Na MRI can be used to quantify in-vivo tissue sodium concentration (TSC), but the inherently low 23Na signal leads to long scan times and/or noisy or low-resolution images. Reconstruction algorithms such as compressed sensing (CS) have been proposed to mitigate low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR); although, these can result in unnatural images, suboptimal denoising and long processing times. Recently, machine learning has been increasingly used to denoise 1H MRI acquisitions; however, this approach typically requires large volumes of high-quality training data, which is not readily available for 23Na MRI. Here, we propose using 1H data to train a denoising convolutional neural network (CNN), which we subsequently demonstrate on prospective 23Na images of the calf.
    METHODS: 1893 1H fat-saturated transverse slices of the knee from the open-source fastMRI dataset were used to train denoising CNNs for different levels of noise. Synthetic low SNR images were generated by adding gaussian noise to the high-quality 1H k-space data before reconstruction to create paired training data. For prospective testing, 23Na images of the calf were acquired in 10 healthy volunteers with a total of 150 averages over ten minutes, which were used as a reference throughout the study. From this data, images with fewer averages were retrospectively reconstructed using a non-uniform fast Fourier transform (NUFFT) as well as CS, with the NUFFT images subsequently denoised using the trained CNN.
    RESULTS: CNNs were successfully applied to 23Na images reconstructed with 50, 40 and 30 averages. Muscle and skin apparent TSC quantification from CNN-denoised images were equivalent to those from CS images, with <0.9 mM bias compared to reference values. Estimated SNR was significantly higher in CNN-denoised images compared to NUFFT, CS and reference images. Quantitative edge sharpness was equivalent for all images. For subjective image quality ranking, CNN-denoised images ranked equally best with reference images and significantly better than NUFFT and CS images.
    CONCLUSIONS: Denoising CNNs trained on 1H data can be successfully applied to 23Na images of the calf; thus, allowing scan time to be reduced from ten minutes to two minutes with little impact on image quality or apparent TSC quantification accuracy.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Despite the technical challenges that require lengthy acquisitions to overcome poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), sodium (23 Na) magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an intriguing area of research due to its essential role in human metabolism. Low SNR images can impact the measurement of the point-spread function (PSF) by adding uncertainty into the resulting quantities. Here, we present methods to calculate the PSF by using the modulation transfer function (MTF), and a 3D-printed line-pair phantom in the context of 23 Na MRI. A simulation study investigated the effect of noise on the resulting MTF curves, which were derived by direct modulation (DM) and a method utilizing Fourier harmonics (FHs). Experimental data utilized a line-pair phantom with nine spatial frequencies, filled with different concentrations (15, 30, and 60 mM) of sodium in 3% agar. MTF curves were calculated using both methods from data acquired from density-adapted 3D radial projections (DA-3DRP) and Fermat looped orthogonally encoded trajectories (FLORET). Simulations indicated that the DM method increased variability in the MTF curves at all tested noise levels over the FH method. For the experimental data, the FH method resulted in PSFs with a narrower full width half maximum with reduced variability, although the improvement in variability was not as pronounced as predicted by simulations. The DA-3DRP data indicated an improvement in the PSF over FLORET. It was concluded that a 3D-printed line-pair phantom represents a convenient method to measure the PSF experimentally. The MTFs from the noisy images in 23 Na MRI have reduced variability from a FH method over DM.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sodium MRI (23Na MRI) derived biomarkers such as tissue sodium concentration (TSC) provide valuable information on cell function and brain tissue viability and has become a reliable tool for the assessment of brain tumors and ischemic stroke beyond pathoanatomical morphology. Patients with major stroke often suffer from different degrees of underlying white matter lesions (WMLs) attributed to chronic small vessel disease. This study aimed to evaluate the WM TSC in patients with an acute ischemic stroke and to correlate the TSC with the extent of small vessel disease. Furthermore, the reliability of relative TSC (rTSC) compared to absolute TSC in these patients was analyzed.
    We prospectively examined 62 patients with acute ischemic stroke (73 ± 13 years) between November 2016 and August 2019 from which 18 patients were excluded and thus 44 patients were evaluated. A 3D 23Na MRI was acquired in addition to a T2-TIRM and a diffusion-weighted image. Coregistration and segmentation were performed with SPM 12 based on the T2-TIRM image. The extension of WM T2 hyperintense lesions in each patient was classified using the Fazekas scale of WMLs. The absolute TSC in the WM region was correlated to the Fazekas grades. The stroke region was manually segmented on the coregistered absolute diffusion coefficient image and absolute, and rTSC was calculated in the stroke region and compared to nonischemic WM region. Statistical significance was evaluated using the Student t-test.
    For patients with Fazekas grade I (n = 25, age: 68.5 ± 15.1 years), mean TSC in WM was 55.57 ± 7.43 mM, and it was not statistically significant different from patients with Fazekas grade II (n = 7, age: 77.9 ± 6.4 years) with a mean TSC in WM of 53.9 ± 6.4 mM, p = 0.58. For patients with Fazekas grade III (n = 9, age: 81.4 ± 7.9 years), mean TSC in WM was 68.7 ± 10.5 mM, which is statistically significantly higher than the TSC in patients with Fazekas grade I and II (p < 0.001 and p = 0.05, respectively). There was a positive correlation between the TSC in WM and the Fazekas grade with r = 0.48 p < 0.001. The rTSC in the stroke region was statistically significant difference between low (0 and I) and high (2 and 3) Fazekas grades (p = 0.0353) whereas there was no statistically significant difference in absolute TSC in the stroke region between low (0 and I) and high (2 and 3) Fazekas grades.
    The significant difference in absolute TSC in WM in patients with severe small vessel disease; Fazekas grade 3 can lead to inaccuracies using rTSC quantification for evaluation of acute ischemic stroke using 23 Na MRI. The study, therefore, emphasizes the importance of absolute tissue sodium quantification.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Achieving direct imaging of the annihilation position of a positron on an event-by-event basis using an ultrafast detector would have a great impact on the field of nuclear medicine. Cherenkov emission is the most attractive physical phenomenon for realizing such an ultrafast timing performance. Moreover, a microchannel-plate photomultiplier tube (MCP-PMT) is one of the most promising photodetectors for fully exploiting the fast timing properties of Cherenkov emission owing to its excellent single photon time resolution of 25 ps full width at half maximum (FWHM). However, as the MCP structure generally contains a lead compound, the gamma rays frequently and directly interact with the MCP, resulting in the degradation of its timing performance and generation of undesirable side peaks in its coincidence timing histogram. To overcome this problem, we have developed a new MCP-PMT based on an MCP consisting of borosilicate glass, thus drastically reducing the probability of the photoelectric effect occurring in the MCP. To evaluate its insensitivity to gamma rays and its timing performance, a coincidence experiment was performed and showed that the probability of direct interactions was reduced by a factor of 3.4. Moreover, a coincidence time resolution of 35.4 ± 0.4 ps FWHM, which is equivalent to a position resolution of 5.31 mm, was obtained without any pulse height/area cut, improving to 28.7 ± 3.0 ps when selecting on the highest amplitude events by careful optimization of the voltage divider circuit of the new MCP-PMT. The timing performance of this new MCP-PMT presents an important step toward making direct imaging possible.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The signal acquired in sodium (23Na) MR imaging is proportional to the concentration of sodium in a voxel, and it is possible to convert between the two using external calibration phantoms. Postprocessing, and subsequent analysis, of sodium renal images is a simple task that can be performed with readily available software. Here we describe the process of conversion between sodium signal and concentration, estimation of the corticomedullary sodium gradient and the procedure used for quadrupolar relaxation analysis.This chapter is based upon work from the COST Action PARENCHIMA, a community-driven network funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) program of the European Union, which aims to improve the reproducibility and standardization of renal MRI biomarkers. This analysis protocol chapter is complemented by two separate chapters describing the basic concept and experimental procedure.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Sodium handling is a key physiological hallmark of renal function. Alterations are generally considered a pathophysiologic event associated with kidney injury, with disturbances in the corticomedullary sodium gradient being indicative of a number of conditions. This experimental protocol review describes the individual steps needed to perform 23Na MRI; allowing accurate monitoring of the renal sodium distribution in a step-by-step experimental protocol for rodents.This chapter is based upon work from the PARENCHIMA COST Action, a community-driven network funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) program of the European Union, which aims to improve the reproducibility and standardization of renal MRI biomarkers. This experimental protocol chapter is complemented by two separate chapters describing the basic concept and data analysis.





