Social norms

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Engagement in hand-held phone use while driving among young drivers is a prevalent concern in society, despite countermeasures to deter the behavior. The social norm approach has been effective in reducing negative behaviors in young adults (e.g., binge drinking, drink driving). However, whether this approach can reduce hand-held phone use while driving in this population has not been thoroughly investigated.
    METHODS: The qualitative study explored young drivers\' attitudes and opinions on social norm messages designed to reduce hand-held phone use while driving. In addition, young drivers\' opinions on current campaigns were explored to provide further insight into the effectiveness of these messages. Thirty young drivers were interviewed and shown six social norm messages.
    RESULTS: The data were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis, resulting in five themes and one sub-theme: (1) Road safety messages with minimal impact on hand-held phone use while driving; (2) What constitutes an effective road safety message for hand-held phone use while driving; (3) Comparisons between social norm messages and road safety messages; (4) The potential benefits of combined social norms, (4a) Improving and optimizing the message; and (5) \"It\'s kinda just numbers on a screen\": Negative views on social norm messages. Results highlight the diverse opinions towards road safety campaigns and the need to increase exposure to these messages. Further, a combined social norm message was perceived as most effective in reducing engagement in hand-held phone use while driving.
    CONCLUSIONS: The current study provides preliminary evidence that the social norm approach may be effective in reducing hand-held phone use among young drivers. Further, this study highlights the need to maximize exposure to phone use while driving campaigns in this high-risk cohort.
    CONCLUSIONS: Results support the development of a social norm messaging intervention to reduce young drivers hand-held phone use while driving.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Sexual and gender minority (SGM) people are at heightened risk for alcohol use, hazardous drinking, and alcohol use disorder compared to heterosexual and cisgender individuals. This paper: (a) presents an oppression framework that integrates intersectionality, stress, stigma, and addiction-based theories to examine the complex and nuanced ways oppression-based stress (e.g., minority stress) leads to sexual orientation and gender identity inequities in alcohol use; (b) conducts a narrative review that summarizes recent and novel advancements in the literature on the impact of oppression-based stressors on alcohol use outcomes across structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal domains among SGM people; and (c) provides future research and intervention directions for the alcohol field.
    METHODS: A select review of the literature was conducted on July 10, 2023, using multiple electronic databases (i.e., PsycInfo, PubMed, Web of Science) and focusing on studies that had examined the associations between oppression-based stressors and alcohol use outcomes across structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. Search terms focused on alcohol consumption; SGM people, particularly SGM people of color; and oppression-based stress. Cross-sectional studies that focused on heterosexism-based and anti-bisexual oppression-based stressors at the interpersonal or intrapersonal levels and alcohol use outcomes were excluded as they have been included in prior reviews of the literature.
    UNASSIGNED: The initial and combined search across the databases resulted in 3,205 articles. Of those, the narrative review included 50 peer-reviewed articles that focused on the following four areas of the literature on the associations between oppression-based stressors and alcohol use outcomes: (1) experimental, longitudinal, and experience sampling studies of heterosexism- and anti-bisexual oppression-based stressors (22 articles); (2) any studies of cissexism-based stressors (12 articles); (3) any studies of intersectional oppression among SGM people of color (seven articles, one article overlapped with the first category and another overlapped with the fourth category); and (4) any studies of structural oppression (11 articles).
    CONCLUSIONS: Results of this narrative review indicate that mounting evidence implicates oppression-based stress in inequities in alcohol use, hazardous drinking, and alcohol use disorder in SGM populations. This reflects SGM people\'s embodiment of oppression and injustice at the structural, interpersonal, and intrapersonal levels. Given some inconsistent and mixed patterns of findings, future research needs greater specificity in drinking inclusion criteria, robust and well-validated measures, more attention to culturally and developmentally relevant moderating and mediating mechanisms across the lifespan, application of sophisticated methodologies, and integration of intersectional and addiction frameworks.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Much remains unknown about how complex community-based programmes can successfully achieve long-term impact. More insight is needed to understand the key mechanisms through which these programmes work. Therefore, we conducted an in-depth study in five communities that implemented the Healthy Youth, Healthy Future (JOGG) approach, a Dutch community-based obesity prevention programme. We aimed to identify perceived outcomes and long-term impacts among local stakeholders and explore potential causal pathways and working mechanisms.
    METHODS: We used ripple effects mapping (REM), a qualitative participatory method to map outcomes and identify causal pathways, in five communities. We involved 26 stakeholders, professionals and policy-makers affiliated with the local JOGG approach, spread over eight REM sessions and conducted individual interviews with 24 additional stakeholders. To uncover working mechanisms, we compared outcomes and causal pathways across communities.
    RESULTS: Over 5-9 years of implementation, participants perceived that JOGG had improved ownership of local stakeholders, health policies, intersectoral collaboration and social norms towards promoting healthy lifestyles. Causal pathways comprised small initial outcomes that created the preconditions to enable the achievement of long-term impact. Although exact JOGG actions varied widely between communities, we identified five common working mechanisms through which the JOGG approach contributed to causal pathways: (1) creating a positive connotation with JOGG, (2) mobilizing stakeholders to participate in the JOGG approach, (3) facilitating projects to promote knowledge and awareness among stakeholders while creating successful experiences with promoting healthy lifestyles, (4) connecting stakeholders, thereby stimulating intersectoral collaboration and (5) sharing stakeholder successes that promote healthy lifestyles, which gradually created a social norm of participation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The JOGG approach seems to work through activating initial stakeholder participation and bolstering the process towards ownership, policy change, and intersectoral collaboration to promote healthy lifestyles. Key working mechanisms can inform further development of JOGG as well as other complex community-based prevention programmes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    UNASSIGNED: Environmental degradation poses a significant threat, making the comprehension of sustainable behaviour imperative for both environmental and business reasons. Embracing sustainable practices and reducing the unnecessary consumption of resources is essential in our current times. One can be sustainable by focusing on either buying sustainable or green products or by using fewer resources, i.e., by adopting curtailment behaviour. The purpose of this study is to determine various factors and their impact on the curtailment behaviour of youths.
    UNASSIGNED: We used an exploratory and descriptive research design. Responses were generated from 513 young respondents using a structured questionnaire developed based on the extant literature.
    UNASSIGNED: The structural model findings showed that social norms, eco-concern, and religiosity significantly and positively affect curtailment behaviour. However, we observed no significant influence of financial concern or government policy on curtailment behaviour. We also tested the moderation impact of government policy on the relationship between economic concern and curtailment behaviour. The findings suggest that the relationship between eco-concern and curtailment behaviour is stronger for consumers exhibiting higher commitment to government policy.
    UNASSIGNED: It is imperative that politicians exercise critical thought and devise strategies to encourage more sustainable consumer behaviour. With the strains that our world is under now and in the future, we need to unite around a common goal: ensuring that our planet is sustainable for coming generations. The study findings are useful for academicians, marketers, and policymakers.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    With a keen awareness of the size and health needs of the global adolescent population, governments, nongovernment organizations and the technical and funding agencies that support them continue to seek innovative answers to persistent programming challenges to increasing contraceptive use among sexually active adolescents. Adolescents 360 (A360) is a project implemented by Population Services International (PSI) and partners with funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) and the Children\'s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF). The first phase of the project was implemented from 2016 - 2020 in Ethiopia, Nigeria, and Tanzania. A360 hypothesized that human centered design (HCD) could catalyze new insights into identifying and solving problems that limit adolescents\' use of contraception. Despite initial promising results, A360 demonstrated very limited impact on modern contraceptive uptake among adolescents. The authors of this commentary were members of a technical advisory group to A360 and are uniquely positioned to provide insights on this project to complement those of A360\'s staff and evaluators, which are already in the public arena. Our analysis suggests that all stakeholders should take steps to rebalance their programs and investments to not only seek new solutions (i.e. game changers), but to also invest in the institutionalization of the solutions that have been generated over the past 40 years, prioritizing those that have shown evidence of effectiveness (i.e. adolescent responsive health service delivery) and those that demonstrate significant promise (i.e. social norm change).






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Informing humanitarian action directly from community members is recognized as critical. However, collecting community insights is also a challenge in practice. This paper reports data collected among community members and Red Crescent volunteers in the occupied Palestinian territory. The aim was to test a data collection tool, situational judgment tests (SJTs), to collect insights in the community around three themes.
    METHODS: The SJTs covered violence prevention, road safety, and environmental pollution (waste), and were constituted of hypothetical scenarios to which respondents indicated how they would react. For each theme, the answers\' pattern provides insights for humanitarian action regarding which beliefs to address. A cross-sectional survey was conducted in January and February 2023 with 656 community members, and 239 Red Crescent volunteers.
    RESULTS: Data showed that violence is the theme for which the need is the highest among community members. Some responses varied according to the public (age, governorate, or disability level), suggesting actions could be tailored accordingly.
    CONCLUSIONS: Despite many difficulties during data collection, this study show that the tool allowed to collect community insights, a crucial task to ensure adequate response to the challenges faced by community members and Red Crescent volunteers in occupied Palestine.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Armenia\'s and Georgia\'s high rates of smoking and secondhand smoke and recent implementation of smoke-free laws provide a timely opportunity to examine factors that increase compliance, like social enforcement and support for governmental enforcement.
    METHODS: Using 2022 data from 1468 Armenian and Georgian adults (mean age=42.92 years, 48.6% male, 31.6% past-month smoking), multilevel linear regression examined tobacco-related media exposures, social exposures, and perceptions/attitudes in relation to: 1) likelihood of asking someone to extinguish cigarettes where a) prohibited and b) allowed; and 2) support of fines for smoke-free violations (1=not at all to 4=very).
    RESULTS: There was low average likelihood of asking someone to extinguish cigarettes where allowed (mean=1.01, SD=1.12) or prohibited (mean=1.57, SD=1.21) and \'little\' agreement with fines for smoke-free violations (mean=2.13, SD=1.06). Having fewer friends who smoked, greater support for indoor smoke-free laws, and no past-month cigarette use were positively associated with all 3 outcomes. Greater exposure to media and community-based action supporting smoke-free policies, and witnessing more requests to stop smoking where prohibited, were associated with higher likelihood of asking someone to extinguish cigarettes where allowed or prohibited. Less exposure to news stories opposing smoke-free policies and cigarette ads and higher perceived harm of cigarettes were also related to higher likelihood of asking someone to stop smoking where prohibited. Higher perceived harm of cigarettes was also associated with greater agreement with fines for smoke-free violations.
    CONCLUSIONS: Comprehensive strategies targeting social norms, media exposure, and risk perceptions are needed to effectively facilitate strategies to enhance smoke-free law enforcement.






  • 文章类型: Clinical Trial Protocol
    BACKGROUND: Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are vital for both individual well-being and development. Bangladesh has made long strides in improving SRHR over the last few decades. However, the progress has been uneven across various groups of reproductive-aged females, with the married adolescent girls (MAGs) often being more vulnerable to denial of SRHR than other women. This study intends to develop Balika Bodhu, a combined empowerment and social norm intervention for promoting SRHR among the MAGs and assess its impact.
    METHODS: The evaluation will employ a mixed-method two-arm Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial (CRCT) design, where Arm 1 receives the intervention, and Arm 2 serves as the control. The trial will cover 32 clusters (villages) in Rajbari Sadar sub-district, randomized into two equally distributed study arms. A total of 1,120 MAGs aged 15-19 years will be randomly selected from the clusters (35 per cluster) to form a cohort. The MAGs, their husbands, selected elderly women (26 per village) and influential community members (26 per village) will receive group sessions in the intervention clusters. The MAGs and their husbands will be interviewed at baseline and endline. A randomly selected cross-sectional sample of community members aged 35-59 years at baseline and endline will also be surveyed to measure attitudes and social norm regarding SRHR of MAGs. Qualitative data will be collected using 32 In-depth Interviews, six Key Informant Interviews, and eight Focus Group Discussions from two intervention villages. Intention-to-treat (ITT) analysis will be performed to assess the impact of the intervention. Narrative analysis and the Grounded Theory approach will be used to analyze the qualitative data.
    CONCLUSIONS: Rigorous evaluation of Balika Bodhu should contribute to the literature on what works and what does not in addressing denial of SRHR to MAGs using empowerment and social norm intervention and inform policies and programs.
    BACKGROUND: identifier: NCT06126770; Date: Oct 7, 2023. Version 1.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Background: The prevalence of vaping among young people is a public health crisis. Social norms can contribute to the problem, but also to the solution. Objective: The current study examined young adults\' responses to anti-vaping messages that varied on two features: social norms and behavioral framing. Methods: College students (N = 270) were randomly assigned to one of five conditions in a 2 (social norm: dynamic norm, static norm) X 2 (behavioral framing: vaping, not vaping) between-subjects factorial design with a no message control condition (n range = 49-58 in each condition). Results: Independent samples t-test, univariate analysis of variance, and structural equation modeling were used to test hypotheses and answer research questions. Results showed main effects of social norm, such that the dynamic (vs. static) norm message led to higher preconformity (p <.001) and self-efficacy (p = .012), and lower freedom threat (p = .040) and reactance (p < .001). There was also an indirect effect of dynamic norm on attitude as mediated by self-efficacy (p = .040). No main effect of behavioral framing was observed. Few interactions between social norm and behavioral framing were observed on preconformity (p < .001), anger (p < .001), and negative cognitions (p = .003). Conclusion: Overall, findings suggest a persuasive advantage for a dynamic norm relative to a static norm. Theoretically, these findings add to the literature suggesting the persuasiveness of dynamic norms. Practically, these results imply anti-vaping campaigns targeting young populations should communicate the changing (dynamic) norms in regard to (not) vaping.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: As part of a wider study describing the impact of a breast cancer diagnosis on lifestyle behaviours, this paper describes the impact of a breast cancer diagnosis on alcohol consumption and factors influencing consumption.
    METHODS: Cross-sectional online survey of 140 people (138 women) and interviews with 21 women diagnosed with breast cancer in the last 10 years.
    RESULTS: Of the 100 survey participants who drank alcohol 25% were drinking at increasing or higher risk levels and 17% strongly wanted to change their drinking behaviour. The habitual aspects of alcohol consumption were the strongest predictor of current alcohol consumption behaviours. Social norms and perceptions about conflicting information were substantial barriers to change.
    CONCLUSIONS: Breast cancer survivors need accurate information about the risks of alcohol consumption and guidelines in order to make informed decisions about making changes to their behaviour. Interventions to support breast cancer survivors to reduce alcohol consumption need to focus on the development of healthy habits and may benefit from a focus which includes partners and friends.





