
  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    An experiment was carried out in 1985-87 against schistosomiasis using products neutralizing the intermediate stages of schistosomes. In the laboratory, it had been shown that lauryl betaines, amphoteric substances, used for children\'s shampoos, quickly immobilized miracidiums and cercariae. Studies in Niger in field conditions with water laden with organic matter gave similar results. This surfactant can be incorporated into ordinary soaps at a dose of 5% without changing their characteristics. Betaine soaps were put on sale in ordinary commercial channels in Niger then in Côte d\'Ivoire, in hyperendemic villages for Schistosoma haematobium. Betaines diffused without external intervention into the water used by populations for washing. The soaps were well accepted by these populations. However, after one year, the results in tested villages compared to control ones were unclear on the dynamics of urinary schistosomiasis in terms of prevalence and oviuria. Anti-schistosome treatment seems necessary at the start of the procedure. The use of soap by populations needed to be measured. In conclusion, this promising laboratory action deserves to be evaluated again in the field, in addition to health education and systematic treatment actions.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The search for new technologies and related new biological materials for use in the cosmetics industry requires many studies and analyses of not only chemical but also physical properties. This study attempts to assess the properties of soap produced with the addition of crushed hazelnut shells. This additive is intended to improve the friction properties of the soap, which in turn enhances the quality of removing impurities from the skin. Friction tests for wet and dry skin were performed on an appropriately designed measuring station using the Texture Analyser XT plus device. The obtained results indicate an increase in dynamic friction value compared to the control sample. This work proposes an unconventional use of ground hazelnut shells as one of the additives in soap production to improve its quality.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)\'s Job Dispatcher framework provides access to a wide range of core databases and analysis tools that are of key importance in bioinformatics. As well as providing web interfaces to these resources, web services are available using REST and SOAP protocols that enable programmatic access and allow their integration into other applications and analytical workflows and pipelines. This article describes the various options available to researchers and bioinformaticians who would like to use our resources via the web interface employing RESTful web services clients provided in Perl, Python, and Java or who would like to use Docker containers to integrate the resources into analysis pipelines and workflows. © 2024 The Authors. Current Protocols published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. Basic Protocol 1: Retrieving data from EMBL-EBI using Dbfetch via the web interface Alternate Protocol 1: Retrieving data from EMBL-EBI using WSDbfetch via the REST interface Alternate Protocol 2: Retrieving data from EMBL-EBI using Dbfetch via RESTful web services with Python client Support Protocol 1: Installing Python REST web services clients Basic Protocol 2: Sequence similarity search using FASTA search via the web interface Alternate Protocol 3: Sequence similarity search using FASTA via RESTful web services with Perl client Support Protocol 2: Installing Perl REST web services clients Basic Protocol 3: Sequence similarity search using NCBI BLAST+ RESTful web services with Python client Basic Protocol 4: Sequence similarity search using HMMER3 phmmer REST web services with Perl client and Docker Support Protocol 3: Installing Docker and running the EMBL-EBI client container Basic Protocol 5: Protein functional analysis using InterProScan 5 RESTful web services with the Python client and Docker Alternate Protocol 4: Protein functional analysis using InterProScan 5 RESTful web services with the Java client Support Protocol 4: Installing Java web services clients Basic Protocol 6: Multiple sequence alignment using Clustal Omega via web interface Alternate Protocol 5: Multiple sequence alignment using Clustal Omega with Perl client and Docker Support Protocol 5: Exploring the RESTful API with OpenAPI User Inferface.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Early detection of adverse events and their management are crucial to improving anticancer treatment outcomes, and listening to patients\' subjective opinions (patients\' voices) can make a major contribution to improving safety management. Recent progress in deep learning technologies has enabled various new approaches for the evaluation of safety-related events based on patient-generated text data, but few studies have focused on the improvement of real-time safety monitoring for individual patients. In addition, no study has yet been performed to validate deep learning models for screening patients\' narratives for clinically important adverse event signals that require medical intervention. In our previous work, novel deep learning models have been developed to detect adverse event signals for hand-foot syndrome or adverse events limiting patients\' daily lives from the authored narratives of patients with cancer, aiming ultimately to use them as safety monitoring support tools for individual patients.
    OBJECTIVE: This study was designed to evaluate whether our deep learning models can screen clinically important adverse event signals that require intervention by health care professionals. The applicability of our deep learning models to data on patients\' concerns at pharmacies was also assessed.
    METHODS: Pharmaceutical care records at community pharmacies were used for the evaluation of our deep learning models. The records followed the SOAP format, consisting of subjective (S), objective (O), assessment (A), and plan (P) columns. Because of the unique combination of patients\' concerns in the S column and the professional records of the pharmacists, this was considered a suitable data for the present purpose. Our deep learning models were applied to the S records of patients with cancer, and the extracted adverse event signals were assessed in relation to medical actions and prescribed drugs.
    RESULTS: From 30,784 S records of 2479 patients with at least 1 prescription of anticancer drugs, our deep learning models extracted true adverse event signals with more than 80% accuracy for both hand-foot syndrome (n=152, 91%) and adverse events limiting patients\' daily lives (n=157, 80.1%). The deep learning models were also able to screen adverse event signals that require medical intervention by health care providers. The extracted adverse event signals could reflect the side effects of anticancer drugs used by the patients based on analysis of prescribed anticancer drugs. \"Pain or numbness\" (n=57, 36.3%), \"fever\" (n=46, 29.3%), and \"nausea\" (n=40, 25.5%) were common symptoms out of the true adverse event signals identified by the model for adverse events limiting patients\' daily lives.
    CONCLUSIONS: Our deep learning models were able to screen clinically important adverse event signals that require intervention for symptoms. It was also confirmed that these deep learning models could be applied to patients\' subjective information recorded in pharmaceutical care records accumulated during pharmacists\' daily work.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The present study investigated several properties such as friction, hardness, penetration work, and cutting forces in soaps formulated with apple and carrot pomace at varying concentrations of 5%, 10%, and 15%. To gain insights into the molecular-level alterations within the formulated soap samples, they were spectroscopically analyzed using Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. The sliding friction analyses revealed that the investigated extrudate additives had no significant impact on the frictional forces of the soaps. However, notable differences were observed in the cutting force, hardness, and penetration work between the control and pomace-added samples. Excluding the control samples, no statistically significant distinctions were found between the cutting force, hardness, and work of penetration of soaps containing apple pomace and carrot pomace. Moreover, the quantity of pomace incorporated did not induce any significant variations in the results. The obtained samples were characterised at the molecular level using FTIR Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. On the other hand, alterations in band intensities suggested improved molecular packing of the compounds within the samples due to the presence of the additives.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Bangladesh, body soaps are very popular among consumers due to their flavors and low alkali content. The current study assesses the contamination of several trace metals (TMs) such as iron (Fe), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), chromium (Cr), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb) in some of the body soaps most commonly used in Bangladesh. The concentrations of Fe, Cu, Zn, Cr, and Mn were found within the acceptable limits stipulated by the World Health Organization (WHO); however, in contrast, the concentrations of Ni, Cd, and Pb remained below the detection limit. Notably, the concentration of Cr in two soap samples (S-2, S-3) out of twenty-one soap samples exceeded the permissible limit stipulated by the WHO. Health risks associated with the TM intake via dermal routes were evaluated in terms of chronic daily intake (CDI) and hazard quotient (HQ). The results indicated that no non-carcinogenic risks (NCR) are likely to occur owing to the use of those body soaps. The carcinogenic risk (CR) estimated for Cr revealed no possibility of probable carcinogenic diseases. Though the NCR and CR are unlikely to occur resulting from the long-term uses of these soaps, the present study provides baseline information on the possible contaminations of TMs in the beauty soaps that do not seem to have been reported so far in Bangladesh. In light of the above information, it can be concluded that the presence of TMs in the body soaps could be a warning for people in general thereby suggesting continuous monitoring.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) play a crucial role in the formation of ozone (O3) and secondary organic aerosol (SOA). We conducted measurements of VOC ambient mixing ratios during both summer and winter at two stations: a Barcelona urban background station (BCN) and the Montseny rural background station (MSY). Subsequently, we employed positive matrix factorization (PMF) to analyze the VOC mixing ratios and identify their sources. Our analysis revealed five common sources: anthropogenic I (traffic & industries); anthropogenic II (traffic & biomass burning); isoprene oxidation; monoterpenes; long-lifetime VOCs. To assess the impact of these VOCs on the formation of secondary pollutants, we calculated the ozone formation potential (OFP) and secondary organic aerosol formation potential (SOAP) associated with each VOC. In conclusion, our study provides insights into the sources of VOCs and their contributions to the formation of ozone and SOA in NE Spain. The OFP was primarily influenced by anthropogenic aromatic compounds from the traffic & industries source at BCN (38-49 %) and during winter at MSY (34 %). In contrast, the summer OFP at MSY was primarily driven by biogenic contributions from monoterpenes and isoprene oxidation products (45 %). Acetaldehyde (10-35 %) and methanol (13-14 %) also made significant OFP contributions at both stations. Anthropogenic aromatic compounds originating from traffic, industries, and biomass burning played a dominant role (88-93 %) in SOA formation at both stations during both seasons. The only exception was during the summer at MSY, where monoterpenes became the primary driver of SOA formation (41 %). These findings emphasize the importance of considering both anthropogenic and biogenic VOCs in air quality management strategies.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: The 2023 Match saw over 500 unfilled positions in emergency medicine (EM). Geographic location is the third most important factor for all United States (US) EM-bound senior medical students when selecting programs to rank and can be affected by political climate. Given the perceived importance of geography on program selection and recent changes to reproductive rights in the US, we sought to evaluate the impact of geography and reproductive rights on unmatched positions among EM programs.
    METHODS: This was a cross-sectional study assessing Match rates in EM by program US state, region, and degree of reproductive rights. We included all EM programs participating in the 2023 Match year. Our primary outcome was to determine the unfilled programs and positions rate per US state. Secondary outcomes included Match rates by region and by degree of reproductive rights.
    RESULTS: We found notable differences in unfilled programs by US state, with the highest percentage of unfilled programs and positions in Arkansas (100%, 56.3%), Nevada (100%, 35.5%), Kansas (100%, 40.0%), Ohio (81.3%, 33.3%), and Michigan (80.0%, (36.8%). Among regions, the highest percentage of unfilled programs (62.5%) and residency positions (26.0%) was East North Central (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI). US states with limited reproductive rights had the highest percent (52.9%) of programs with unmatched positions and the highest percent (20.5%) of unfilled positions.
    CONCLUSIONS: We identified notable differences in unmatched positions by US state and region, as well as the highest rate of unmatched positions in US states with more limited reproductive rights.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The aim of this paper was to map consumers\' food hygiene practices from 10 European countries and evaluate which demographic groups are more likely to be exposed to foodborne pathogens and establish a ranking of adherence to food hygiene practices in 10 European countries.
    The research design consisted of a cross-national quantitative consumer survey regarding food safety and hygiene practices during meal preparation (SafeConsume project) and was conducted in ten European countries (France, Denmark, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and UK). The survey questions were based on recommended hand hygiene practices and on observed practices from a field study performed in 90 European households from six of the countries covered by the survey (France, Hungary, Norway, Portugal, Romania, and UK). SPSS Statistics 26 (IBM Software Group, Chicago, IL) was used for the descriptive and regression analyses of the data. Regression analyses were used to check the relation between demographic characteristics, country of origin and self-reported hand hygiene practices.
    According to the regression models, families with elderly members aged over 65 showed a higher tendency to follow proper hand washing practices compared to families without elderly members. Meanwhile, families with children under the age of 6 reported being up to twice as likely to wash their hands at critical moments compared to families without children. Overall, taking into consideration the likelihood of washing hands after touching raw chicken and the percentages scores for proper hand cleaning methods and key moments for hand washing, the rank of the countries regarding proper hand hygiene practices was the following: Denmark, Greece, Norway, Romania, Hungary, Germany, UK, Portugal, France, and Spain.
    Information and education should point both at the key moments as suggested by the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) and the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene (IFH) and safe practices. Public health burden generated by improper hand washing may be significantly reduced if education is targeted on consumers\' behaviour and practices.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Introduction The emergency medicine (EM) match has undergone significant shifts in 2022 and 2023. While variation in specialty fill rates is expected over time, EM programs noted a significant increase in open positions starting in 2022. Utilizing National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) data over a 10-year period, we identified significant deviations in the emergency medicine match. Methods Shewhart control charts were used to plot the match results over time. A 10-year sample was used to establish the baseline value. From this value, the upper and lower control limits were established. Residency program expansion, decreasing applicant numbers, and changing applicant types were evaluated to detect any non-random changes to the process. Results While the number of EM PGY-1 positions added over time was within the expected range, both the number of unmatched positions and the change in the number of total US MD applicants were outside of this range and are considered to be \"out of control.\" Conclusion It is not yet clear which contributing causes may underlie this sudden change. Several potential etiologies exist, including mismatches in supply and demand for positions, changes in perceptions of the specialty, the effects of COVID-19, and changing workforce needs. Historically similar experiences affecting other specialties, including anesthesia and radiation oncology, are analyzed. Potential solutions for returning to the necessary and usual success of the emergency medicine specialty match are explored.





