Skull Fracture, Depressed

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the obstetric factors affecting the development of depressed skull fracture in neonates.
    METHODS: This was a retrospectively cohort study on neonates born between July 2016 and August 2021. Neonates diagnosed with depressed skull fractures within one week of birth through X-ray and/or brain ultrasonography were included, and their mothers\' obstetric characteristics were reviewed.
    RESULTS: There were 12 cases in 6791 live births. Five women were over 35 years old. All except two were nulliparous. Five cases were delivered from labor induction and others presented with spontaneous labor. Except for two cases, delivery occurred within an hour after full cervical dilatation. Two cases were assisted by vacuum. None displayed fetal distress signs such as low Apgar scores below 7, meconium staining, and umbilical cord pH under 7.2. All depressed fractures were found in the right parietal area. Three cases resulted in focal hyperechoic lesion in brain ultrasonography and two of them showed small hemorrhage-like lesion in magnetic resonance imaging. All depressed skull fractures improved within 6 months in followed X-rays or ultrasonography.
    CONCLUSIONS: There was no definitely associated obstetric condition for depressed skull fracture of neonates although nulliparous women were majority of the affected cases.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    This case study describes a fatal head injury in a 1-year-old child involved in a motor vehicle accident in Japan. The child, secured in a rear-facing child seat, was a passenger in a car driven by their mother when the offset car-to-car collision occurred. The car rotated counterclockwise before coming to a stop. Despite remaining secured in the child seat, the child suffered severe head trauma, leading to cardiac arrest. Autopsy computed tomography revealed a right open depressed fracture, left head contusion, traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage, intraventricular hemorrhage, and pneumocephalus. The injury mechanism involved the child\'s head striking the right headrest, followed by a swing to the left, induced by the initial impact and subsequent rotational movement. This case highlights the importance of age-specific data in understanding pediatric injuries in motor vehicle accidents and improving child seat safety measures.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Depressed skull fractures occur when broken bones displace inward, meaning that a portion of the outer table of the fracture line lies below the normal anatomical position of the inner table. They typically result from force trauma, when the skull is struck by an object with a moderately large amount of kinetic energy but a small surface area, or when an object with a large amount of kinetic energy impacts only a small area of the skull. In the present case, a depressed fracture of the frontal bone was detected at the autopsy of a 52-year-old man who, according to the belated confession of the assailant, was kicked in the head. The assailant was wearing sneakers. Could such a fracture be caused \"just\" by a kick? In this case it was possible due to an extraordinarily thin cranial vault (0.2 cm frontal, 0.3 cm occipital), which allowed the fractures to occur from a kinetic force that might not have been sufficient with a normal cranial vault thickness. An important role in the forensic analysis of the case was played by the 3D CT reconstruction.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Injury and subsequent thrombosis of the cerebral venous sinuses may be caused by closed head injuries secondary to a variety of different mechanisms. Skull fractures can lacerate or otherwise disrupt adjacent dural sinuses. The sequelae of such injuries may include thrombosis and either partial or total occlusion of the sinus, ultimately resulting in significant venous congestion. Sagittal sinus injury is associated with a more serious outcome due to the obligatory flow into the sinus, especially posterior to the coronal suture. In such cases, venous infarction may be a severe and life-threatening complication of head injury.
    METHODS: A 2-year-old female presented with a depressed skull fracture near the midline and a thrombus in the sagittal sinus. Anticoagulation, the standard treatment cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), was contraindicated due to intracranial hemorrhage, so immediate thrombectomy was performed with successful neurologic recovery at 9-month follow-up. To our knowledge, this case is the youngest patient documented to receive mechanical thrombectomy for superior sagittal sinus (SSS) thrombosis due to trauma.
    CONCLUSIONS: Closed head injuries in pediatric patients may be associated with CVST, with resulting venous drainage compromise and profound neurologic sequelae. Unlike adult patients with spontaneous CVST in which anticoagulation are the standard of care, pediatric patients experiencing traumatic CVST may have contraindications to anticoagulants. If the patient has a contraindication to anticoagulation such as intracranial bleeding, endovascular mechanical thrombectomy may be an effective intervention when performed by an experienced neurointerventionalist.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: Depressed (\"ping-pong\") skull fractures can be treated by different means, including observation, non-surgical treatments, or surgical intervention. The authors describe their experience with vacuum-assisted elevation of ping-pong skull fractures and evaluate variables associated with surgical outcomes.
    METHODS: The authors present a retrospective review of all ping-pong skull fractures treated with vacuum-assisted elevation at the Children\'s Hospital of Orange County in 2021-2022. Variables included patient age, mechanism of injury, fracture depth, bone thickness at the fracture site, and degree of elevation.
    RESULTS: Seven patients underwent vacuum-assisted elevation of ping-pong fractures at the bedside without the use of anesthesia. Fractures caused by birth-related trauma were deeper than those caused by falls (p < 0.001). There was no significant difference between groups in bone thickness at the fracture site (2.10 mm vs 2.16 mm, n.s). Six of the seven patients experienced significant improvement in fracture site depression, with four displaying a complete fracture reduction and two displaying a significant reduction. The degree of fracture reduction was modestly related to the depth of fracture, with the two deepest fractures failing to achieve full reduction. Age appeared to be related to fracture reduction, with the lowest reduction observed in one of the oldest patients in this sample. No complications were observed in any patient other than temporary mild swelling at the suction site, and no re-treatment or surgery for the fractures was required.
    CONCLUSIONS: Vacuum-assisted elevation of ping-pong skull fractures is a safe and effective noninvasive treatment option for infants that can be used under certain circumstances. The procedure can be done safely at the bedside and is a relatively quick procedure. It avoids the need for open surgical intervention, anesthesia, or hospital admission, and can lead to excellent outcomes.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Post-traumatic seizures (PTS) are common among patients with depressed skull fractures (DSF). Understanding the burden of post traumatic seizures and the factors associated among adult patients with DSF is important to improve clinical care.
    OBJECTIVE: To determine the prevalence and factors associated with post-traumatic seizures among adult patients with DSF at Mulago National Referral hospital (MNRH).
    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted among 333 study participants between March 2021 and February 2022. Socio-demographic, clinical laboratory factors and anti-seizure medications were collected using a study questionnaire. Data was analysed to determine the prevalence of PTS and factors associated with occurrence of PTS among patients with DSF.
    RESULTS: The mean age (±SD) of study participants was 31.2, (±10.5) years, with a male to female ratio of 10.4:1. Nearly half of the study participants had attained secondary level of education, while 31.6 % (105) were peasants (subsistence farmers). The overall prevalence of PTS among DSF study participants was 16.2 % (54participants). Late presentation of PTS was the highest at 9.0 % (30) followed by early PTS at 3.9 % [13] and immediate PTS at 3.3 % [11]. Moderate Glasgow coma score (GCS: 9-13), p < 0.015, severe traumatic brain injury (GCS: 3-8), p < 0.026 at the time of admission and midline brain shift (≥5mm), p < 0.009 were associated with PTS. Phenytoin (94.3 %) was the most commonly used ASM followed by phenobarbitone (1.4 %) and Valproate (1.1 %) among study participants.
    CONCLUSIONS: Patients with moderate and severe traumatic brain injury and midline brain shift were associated with post traumatic seizures. Early identification and intervention may reduce the burden of posttraumatic seizures in this category of patients.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    BACKGROUND: Penetrating craniocerebral injury associated with depressed skull fracture is an infrequent yet timely neurosurgical emergency. Such injury frequently occurs in the frontal region during traffic accident or stone throw in the civilian setting. As military neurosurgeons, we present our experience in the surgical debridement and reconstruction of this peculiar type of traumatic brain injury.
    METHODS: The patient lies supine, the head in neutral position heal by a Mayfield head clamp. The first step is the debridement of the frontal wound. Then, the depressed skull fracture is operated on using a tailored coronal approach through Merkel dissection plane, in order to keep a free pericranial flap. The bone flap is cut around the depressed skull fracture. Neuronavigation allows to locate the frontal sinus depending on whether it has been breached and thus requires cranialization. Brain and dura mater debridement and plasty are performed. Cranioplasty is performed using either native bone fragments fixed with bone plates or tailored titanium plate if they are too damaged.
    CONCLUSIONS: Performing wounded skin closure first and then a tailored coronal approach with free pericranial flap and a craniotomy encompassing the depressed skull fracture allows to treat frontal penetrating craniocerebral injury in an easy-to-reproduce manner.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    Depressed skull fractures without a clear explanation as to their origin point to trauma with a blunt object and suspected child abuse. In the case of newborn infants, their young age is a vulnerability factor and requires an exhaustive assessment. When child abuse is suspected, an assessment of the differential diagnoses is required to make the most appropriate intervention possible. Both an excessive intervention and an omission of a necessary intervention should be avoided. Congenital depressed skull fractures, described as \"ping-pong fractures\", are rare (0.3 to 2/10 000 births). They may appear without any trauma history or in instrumentalized childbirth. Here we describe the case of a newborn infant with a ping-pong fracture as an example of an accidental fracture.
    Las fracturas con hundimiento de cráneo sin una explicación clara sobre su origen orientan al traumatismo con un objeto romo y a la sospecha de maltrato infantil. En el caso de los bebés recién nacidos, su corta edad es un factor de vulnerabilidad y obliga a una exhaustiva evaluación. Ante la sospecha de maltrato infantil, resulta importante evaluar los diagnósticos diferenciales para realizar la intervención más adecuada posible. Es necesario evitar tanto intervenciones excesivas como omitir la intervención que sea necesaria. Las fracturas craneales deprimidas congénitas, descritas como “fracturas pingpong”, son raras (0,3 a 2/10 000 partos). Pueden aparecer sin antecedentes traumáticos o en partos instrumentalizados. Se describe en este artículo el caso de un recién nacido con una fractura ping-pong como ejemplo de una fractura no intencional.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    OBJECTIVE: The management of depressed skull fractures in infants can be either conservative or surgical. This study aimed to examine the outcomes of management with a negative-pressure vacuum device on depressed skull fractures in newborns.
    METHODS: Twenty-eight patients (aged 1-6 days) with simple depressed skull fractures underwent skull elevation using negative-pressure vacuum devices. A protocol for nonsurgical management was adopted for infants with such fractures between 2010 and 2023. All patients were initially evaluated with neurological examination and complementary assessments-hematological and coagulation studies, transfontanel transcranial ultrasound, skull radiography, and computed tomography scanning with three-dimensional reconstruction-according to availability and clinical needs. Gentle (negative) extraction pressure was applied with one of several devices (according to institutional availability) for a maximum duration of 60 s; this was performed as soon as possible after diagnosis, preferably within 72 h. Follow-up data, available in the clinical records, were reported.
    RESULTS: All patients exhibited satisfactory elevation of the depressed bone without associated injuries, except one patient who presented with an associated cephalohematoma which prevented optimal device coupling to generate sufficient vacuum pressure for correction. Neither neurological deficits nor development of epilepsy was noted; normal neurological assessment and oral alimentation tolerance were confirmed within 24 h post procedure.
    CONCLUSIONS: According to our data, ping-pong skull fracture elevation using the vacuum method is a safe and satisfactory treatment in the neonatal period. Early treatment allows for quick resolution, and in our opinion is the strategy of choice for depressed skull fractures in newborns.






  • 文章类型: English Abstract
    OBJECTIVE: Is to develop a differential approach to determining the severity of harm caused to health in case of depressed skull injuries in infants, depending on their morphological features and the character of required treatment. The material included data from literature sources on the study of brain injuries in infants, clinical guidelines, describing the features of clinical picture and diagnosis of depressed skull fractures in infants and legal and regulatory framework of forensic medical evaluation of harm caused to health in injury. The following methods of research were used: logical-analytical, logical-synthetic (generalization), comparative, system-analytical (analysis of relations between facts) and radiological method. An algorithm for determining the severity of harm caused to health in depressed skull deformations by «ping-pong» type in an infant is proposed for discussion. The algorithm is based on the data from injury imaging techniques, including X-ray computed tomography, takes into account the clinical picture and the availability of indications for surgical treatment, and will allow to objectively assess the severity of harm caused to health in such cases.
    UNASSIGNED: Разработка дифференциального подхода к определению степени тяжести вреда, причиненного здоровью, при вдавленных повреждениях черепа у младенцев в зависимости от их морфологических особенностей и характера требовавшегося лечения. Материалом послужили данные источников литературы, посвященных исследованию черепно-мозговых травм у младенцев, клинические рекомендации, описывающие особенности клинической картины и диагностики вдавленных переломов костей черепа у младенцев, нормативно-правовая база судебно-медицинской оценки тяжести вреда здоровью при травме. Использовали следующие методы исследования: логико-аналитический, логико-синтетический (обобщение), сравнительный, системно-аналитический (анализ связей между фактами), метод лучевой диагностики. К обсуждению предложен алгоритм определения степени тяжести вреда здоровью при вдавленных деформациях черепа по типу «пинг-понг» у младенца. Алгоритм основывается на данных методов визуализации повреждения, в том числе рентгеновской компьютерной томографии, учитывает клиническую картину и наличие показаний к хирургическим методам лечения и позволит объективно оценить степень тяжести вреда, причиненного здоровью, в подобных случаях.





