Skeletal muscle fiber

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The ex vivo myofiber culture system has proven to be a useful methodology to explore the biology and behavior of satellite cells within their niche environment. However, a limitation of this system is that myofibers and their associated satellite cells are commonly examined using conventional fluorescence microscopy, which renders a three-dimensional system into two-dimensional imaging, leading to the loss of precious information or misleading interpretation of observations. Here, we report on the use of light-sheet fluorescence microscopy to generate three-dimensional and live imaging of satellite cells on myofibers. Light-sheet microscopy offers high imaging speed and good spatial resolution with minimal photo-bleaching, allowing live imaging and three-dimensional acquisition of skeletal muscle fiber specimen. The potentials of this technology are wide, ranging from the visualization of satellite cell behavior such as cell division and cell migration to imaging the sub-cellular localization of proteins or organelles.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    TRAAK channels are mechano-gated two-pore-domain K+ channels. Up to now, activity of these channels has been reported in neurons but not in skeletal muscle, yet an archetype of tissue challenged by mechanical stress. Using patch clamp methods on isolated skeletal muscle fibers from adult zebrafish, we show here that single channels sharing properties of TRAAK channels, i.e., selective to K+ ions, of 56 pS unitary conductance in the presence of 5 mM external K+, activated by membrane stretch, heat, arachidonic acid, and internal alkaline pH, are present in enzymatically isolated fast skeletal muscle fibers from adult zebrafish. The kcnk4b transcript encoding for TRAAK channels was cloned and found, concomitantly with activity of mechano-gated K+ channels, to be absent in zebrafish fast skeletal muscles at the larval stage but arising around 1 mo of age. The transfer of the kcnk4b gene in HEK cells and in the adult mouse muscle, that do not express functional TRAAK channels, led to expression and activity of mechano-gated K+ channels displaying properties comparable to native zebrafish TRAAK channels. In whole-cell voltage-clamp and current-clamp conditions, membrane stretch and heat led to activation of macroscopic K+ currents and to acceleration of the repolarization phase of action potentials respectively, suggesting that heat production and membrane deformation associated with skeletal muscle activity can control muscle excitability through TRAAK channel activation. TRAAK channels may represent a teleost-specific evolutionary product contributing to improve swimming performance for escaping predators and capturing prey at a critical stage of development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) affect multiple organs, and some of the effects are mediated by interfering with thyroid hormone (TH) signaling that regulates physiological processes in mammals. It remains unclear how PCBs affect skeletal muscle (SM). In our study, wistar rats were injected 2,3\',4,4\',5-pentachlorobiphenyl (PCB118) intraperitoneally at 0, 10, 100, and 1000 μg/kg/day for 13 weeks, and C2C12 myoblasts were treated PCB118 (0, 0.25, 25, and 50 nM) for 24 h or 48 h. We found that myocyte cross-sectional area (MCSA) was reduced, MyHC IIa and MyHC IIb mRNA levels significantly decreased, and muscle strength was weakened in PCB118-exposed rats. TH receptor α (TRα) and iodothyronine deiodinase type 2 (DIO2) were upregulated after PCB118 exposure both in vivo and in vitro. Transmission electron microscopy showed significant mitochondrial abnormalities in PCB118-treated rats, and the expression of mitochondrial regulators such as PTEN-induced kinase 1 (PINK1) and GTPase dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) were altered after PCB118 exposure. These results suggest that PCB118 could weaken muscle strength and attenuate fast-twitch fibers and fiber size of SM in rats. TH signaling, mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy were also disturbed by PCB118, which may contribute to the alternations of SM structure and function.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    目的: 探讨间歇速度训练和耐力训练对大鼠骨骼肌纤维类型转化及钙调蛋白激酶/肌细胞增强因子2(CaMK II/MEF2)信号传导通路的影响。方法: 成年雄性SD大鼠(8周龄)18只,随机分成间歇速度训练组(IST),耐力训练组(ET),设空白组(C),每组6只,IST组采用75 m/min×1 min、20 m/min×1 min的交替训练6次,跑台坡度15,持续时间12 min/d;ET组采用速度30 m/ min、跑台坡度7、持续时间90 min/d的耐力训练。干预8周后,分别取小鼠右侧胫骨前肌、比目鱼肌,酶联免疫吸附法检测骨骼肌琥珀酸脱氢酶(SDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)活性,ATP酶染色法观察I、Ⅱ型肌纤维面密度、数密度变化情况,SDS-PAGE凝胶电泳技术观察骨骼肌MHC亚型百分比含量、骨骼肌mRNA表达谱测序分析及qRT-PCR技术检测CaN、CaMKII、MEF2水平。结果: 相比C组,ET组SDH活性显著上升,LDH活性降低(P<0.05);IST组胫骨前肌中LDH活性值升高(P<0.01)。ET组胫骨前肌MHCIIa%升高,MHCIIb%降低(P<0.05),比目鱼肌MHCI% 和MHCIIa%升高,MHCIIb%均降低(P<0.05)。相比IST组,ET组胫骨前肌MHCIIx%升高(P<0.05)。相比C组,ET组胫骨前肌 I、II 型纤维纤维密度上升,IST组II型纤维纤维密度提高,IST组、ET组比目鱼肌I型纤维纤维密度上升(P<0.05)。相比C组,ET组骨骼肌CaN、CaMKII、MEF2 mRNA表达水平增高,IST组CaN、CaMKII、MEF2 mRNA表达水平下降(P<0.01)。Illumina高通量测序筛选骨骼肌纤维转化相关因子及关联分析,运动干预促使骨骼肌纤维转化相关因子表达变化富集于TGF-β/Smad3、CaN/MEF2、AdipoQ等信号通路,而耐力训练显著提高骨骼肌纤维转化、干细胞功能相关信号通路的富集。结论: 耐力训练促进向氧化型肌纤维转化(慢肌),而间歇速度训练向酵解型肌纤维转化(快肌),并伴随着CaMK II/MEF2传导途径中CaN、CaMKII、MEF2基因的高表达。.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In obesity, skeletal muscle mitochondrial activity changes to cope with increased nutrient availability. Autophagy has been proposed as an essential mechanism involved in the regulation of mitochondrial metabolism. Still, the contribution of autophagy to mitochondrial adaptations in skeletal muscle during obesity is unknown. Here, we show that in response to high-fat diet (HFD) feeding, distinct skeletal muscles in mice exhibit differentially regulated autophagy that may modulate mitochondrial activity. We observed that after 4 and 40 weeks of high-fat diet feeding, OXPHOS subunits and mitochondrial DNA content increased in the oxidative soleus muscle. However, in gastrocnemius muscle, which has a mixed fiber-type composition, the mitochondrial mass increased only after 40 weeks of HFD feeding. Interestingly, fatty acid-supported mitochondrial respiration was enhanced in gastrocnemius, but not in soleus muscle after a 4-week HFD feeding. This increased metabolic profile in gastrocnemius was paralleled by preserving autophagy flux, while autophagy flux in soleus was reduced. To determine the role of autophagy in this differential response, we used an autophagy-deficient mouse model with partial deletion of Atg7 specifically in skeletal muscle (SkM-Atg7+/- mice). We observed that Atg7 reduction resulted in diminished autophagic flux in skeletal muscle, alongside blunting the HFD-induced increase in fatty acid-supported mitochondrial respiration observed in gastrocnemius. Remarkably, SkM-Atg7+/- mice did not present increased mitochondria accumulation. Altogether, our results show that HFD triggers specific mitochondrial adaptations in skeletal muscles with different fiber type compositions, and that Atg7-mediated autophagy modulates mitochondrial respiratory capacity but not its content in response to an obesogenic diet.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Low-temperature is one of the most significant risks for the animal industry. In light of this, the present study aimed to explore the effects of low-temperature on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, myofiber types and mitochondrial function in weaned piglets. A total of sixteen 21-day-old male Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire (DLY) piglets were randomly divided into a control group (CON, 26 ± 1 °C) and a low-temperature group (LT, 15 ± 1 °C), with eight duplicate piglets in each group. The trial period lasted for 21 days. We showed that LT not only increased the ADFI (p < 0.05), as well as increasing the diarrhea incidence and diarrhea index of weaned piglets in the early stage of the experiment (p < 0.01), but it also decreased the apparent digestibility of crude protein (CP), organic matter (OM) and dry matter (DM) (p < 0.05). Meanwhile, in the LT group, the mRNA expression of MyHC IIa (p < 0.05) in longissimus dorsi muscle (LM) and MyHC I (p < 0.01) in psoas muscle (PM) were increased, while the mRNA expression of MyHC IIx in PM was decreased (p < 0.05). In addition, LT increased the mRNA expression of mitochondrial function-related genes citrate synthase (CS) and succinate dehydrogenase-b (SDHB) in LM, as well as increased the mRNA expression of CS (p < 0.05) and carnitine palmitoyl transferase-1b (CPT-1b) (p < 0.01) in PM. Furthermore, LT increased the T-AOC activity in serum and LM (p < 0.01), as well as increased the T-SOD activity in PM (p < 0.05). Taken together, these findings showed that low-temperature could negatively affect the growth performance and nutrient digestibility, but resulted in a shift toward oxidative muscle fibers, which may occur through mitochondrial function regulation.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The complete polarization state of second harmonic (SH) light was measured and characterized by collagen type I and skeletal muscle fiber using a Stokes vector-based SHG microscope. The polarization states of the SH signal are analyzed in a pixel-by-pixel manner and displayed through two dimensional (2D) Stokes vector images. Various polarization parameters are reconstructed using Stokes values to quantify the polarization properties of SH light. Also, the measurements are extended for different input polarization states to investigate the molecular structure of second harmonic generation (SHG) active molecules such as collagen type I and myosin.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In response to excitation of skeletal muscle fibers, trains of action potentials induce changes in the configuration of the dihydropyridine receptor (DHPR) anchored in the tubular membrane which opens the Ca2+ release channel in the sarcoplasmic reticulum membrane. The DHPR also functions as a voltage-gated Ca2+ channel that conducts L-type Ca2+ currents routinely recorded in mammalian muscle fibers, which role was debated for more than four decades. Recently, to allow a closer look into the role of DHPR Ca2+ influx in mammalian muscle, a knock-in (ki) mouse model (ncDHPR) carrying mutation N617D (adjacent to domain II selectivity filter E) in the DHPRα1S subunit abolishing Ca2+ permeation through the channel was generated [Dayal et al., 2017]. In the present study, the Mn2+ quenching technique was initially intended to be used on voltage-clamped muscle fibers from this mouse to determine whether Ca2+ influx through a pathway distinct from DHPR may occur to compensate for the absence of DHPR Ca2+ influx. Surprisingly, while N617D DHPR muscle fibers of the ki mouse do not conduct Ca2+, Mn2+ entry and subsequent quenching did occur because Mn2+ was able to permeate and produce L-type currents through N617D DHPR. N617D DHPR was also found to conduct Ba2+ and Ba2+ currents were strongly blocked by external Ca2+. Ba2+ permeation was smaller, current kinetics slower and Ca2+ block more potent than in wild-type DHPR. These results indicate that residue N617 when replaced by the negatively charged residue D is suitably located at entrance of the pore to trap external Ca2+ impeding in this way permeation. Because Ba2+ binds with lower affinity to D, Ba2+ currents occur, but with reduced amplitudes as compared to Ba2+ currents through wild-type channels. We conclude that mutations located outside the selectivity filter influence channel permeation and possibly channel gating in a fully differentiated skeletal muscle environment.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The alteration in skeletal muscle fiber is a critical factor affecting livestock meat quality traits and human metabolic diseases. Long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs) are a diverse class of non-coding RNAs with a length of more than 200 nucleotides. However, the mechanisms underlying the regulation of lncRNAs in skeletal muscle fibers remain elusive. To understand the genetic basis of lncRNA-regulated skeletal muscle fiber development, we performed a transcriptome analysis to identify the key lncRNAs affecting skeletal muscle fiber and meat quality traits on a pig model. We generated the lncRNA expression profiles of fast-twitch Biceps femoris (Bf) and slow-twitch Soleus (Sol) muscles and identified the differentially expressed (DE) lncRNAs using RNA-seq and performed bioinformatics analyses. This allowed us to identify 4581 lncRNA genes among six RNA libraries and 92 DE lncRNAs between Bf and Sol which are the key candidates for the conversion of skeletal muscle fiber types. Moreover, we detected the expression patterns of lncRNA MSTRG.42019 in different tissues and skeletal muscles of various development stages. In addition, we performed a correlation analyses between the expression of DE lncRNA MSTRG.42019 and meat quality traits. Notably, we found that DE lncRNA MSTRG.42019 was highly expressed in skeletal muscle and its expression was significantly higher in Sol than in Bf, with a positive correlation with the expression of Myosin heavy chain 7 (MYH7) (r = 0.6597, p = 0.0016) and a negative correlation with meat quality traits glycolytic potential (r = -0.5447, p = 0.0130), as well as drip loss (r = -0.5085, p = 0.0221). Moreover, we constructed the lncRNA MSTRG.42019-mRNAs regulatory network for a better understanding of a possible mechanism regulating skeletal muscle fiber formation. Our data provide the groundwork for studying the lncRNA regulatory mechanisms of skeletal muscle fiber conversion, and given the importance of skeletal muscle fiber types in muscle-related diseases, our data may provide insight into the treatment of muscular diseases in humans.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In recent years, considerable evidence is accumulated pointing to participation of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in intercellular signaling in the peripheral nervous system, including, in particular, neuromuscular transmission. However, where in the neuromuscular synapse GABA is synthesized remains not quite clear. We used histochemical methods to detect GABA and L-glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) in developing skeletal muscle fibers and in cultured motor neurons. We found that GABA can be detected already in myocytes, but with further muscle maturation, GABA synthesis gradually attenuates and completely ceases in early postnatal development. We found also that formation of GABA in muscle tissue does not depend on activity of GAD, but presumably proceeds through some other, alternative pathways. In motor neurons, GABA and GAD can be detected at the early stage of development (prior to synapse formation). Our data support the hypothesis that GABA and GAD, which are detectable in adult neuromuscular junctions, have neuronal origin. The mechanism of GABA production and its role in developing muscle tissue need further clarification.





