
  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    In Atlantic salmon, age at maturation is a life history trait governed by a sex-specific trade-off between reproductive success and survival. Following environmental changes across large areas of the Northeast Atlantic, many populations currently display smaller size at age and higher age at maturation. However, whether these changes reflect rapid evolution or plasticity is unknown. Approximately 1500 historical and contemporary salmon from the river Etne in Western Norway, genotyped at 50,000 SNPs, revealed three loci associated with age at maturation. These included vgll3 and six6 which collectively explained 36%-50% of the age at maturation variation in the 1983-1984 period. These two loci also displayed sex-specific epistasis, as the effect of six6 was only detected in males bearing two copies of the late maturation allele for vgll3. Strikingly, despite allelic frequencies at vgll3 remaining unchanged, the combined influence of these genes was nearly absent in all samples from 2013 to 2016, and genome-wide heritability strongly declined between the two time-points. The difference in age at maturation between males and females was upheld in the population despite the loss of effect from the candidate loci, which strongly points towards additional causative mechanisms resolving the sexual conflict. Finally, because admixture with farmed escaped salmon was excluded as the origin of the observed disconnection between gene(s) and maturation age, we conclude that the environmental changes observed in the North Atlantic during the past decades have led to bypassing of the influence of vgll3 and six6 on maturation through growth-driven plasticity.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Retinogenesis involves the specification of retinal cell types during early vertebrate development. While model organisms have been critical for determining the role of dynamic chromatin and cell-type specific transcriptional networks during this process, an enhanced understanding of the developing human retina has been more elusive due to the requirement for human fetal tissue. Pluripotent stem cell (PSC) derived retinal organoids offer an experimentally accessible solution for investigating the developing human retina. To investigate cellular and molecular changes in developing early retinal organoids, we developed SIX6-GFP and VSX2-tdTomato (or VSX2-h2b-mRuby3) dual fluorescent reporters. When differentiated as 3D organoids these expressed GFP at day 15 and tdTomato (or mRuby3) at day 25, respectively. This enabled us to explore transcriptional and chromatin related changes using RNA-seq and ATAC-seq from pluripotency through early retina specification. Pathway analysis of developing organoids revealed a stepwise loss of pluripotency, while optic vesicle and retina pathways became progressively more prevalent. Correlating gene transcription with chromatin accessibility in early eye field development showed that retinal cells underwent a clear change in chromatin landscape, as well as gene expression profiles. While each dataset alone provided valuable information, considering both in parallel provided an informative glimpse into the molecular nature eye development.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Understanding the potential of natural populations to adapt to altered environments is becoming increasingly relevant in evolutionary research. Currently, our understanding of adaptation to human alteration of the environment is hampered by lack of knowledge on the genetic basis of traits, lack of time series, and little or no information on changes in optimal trait values. Here, we used time series data spanning nearly a century to investigate how the body mass of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) adapts to river regulation. We found that the change in body mass followed the change in waterflow, both decreasing to ∼1/3 of their original values. Allele frequency changes at two loci in the regions of vgll3 and six6 predicted more than 80% of the observed body mass reduction. Modeling the adaptive dynamics revealed that the population mean lagged behind its optimum before catching up approximately six salmon generations after the initial waterflow reduction. Our results demonstrate rapid adaptation mediated by large-effect loci and provide insight into the temporal dynamics of evolutionary rescue following human disturbance.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The development of the vertebrate eyes is a complex process starting from anterior-posterior and dorso-ventral patterning of the anterior neural tube, resulting in the formation of the eye field. Symmetrical separation of the eye field at the anterior neural plate is followed by two symmetrical evaginations to generate a pair of optic vesicles. Next, reciprocal invagination of the optic vesicles with surface ectoderm-derived lens placodes generates double-layered optic cups. The inner and outer layers of the optic cups develop into the neural retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), respectively. In vitro produced retinal tissues, called retinal organoids, are formed from human pluripotent stem cells, mimicking major steps of retinal differentiation in vivo. This review article summarizes recent progress in our understanding of early eye development, focusing on the formation the eye field, optic vesicles, and early optic cups. Recent single-cell transcriptomic studies are integrated with classical in vivo genetic and functional studies to uncover a range of cellular mechanisms underlying early eye development. The functions of signal transduction pathways and lineage-specific DNA-binding transcription factors are dissected to explain cell-specific regulatory mechanisms underlying cell fate determination during early eye development. The functions of homeodomain (HD) transcription factors Otx2, Pax6, Lhx2, Six3 and Six6, which are required for early eye development, are discussed in detail. Comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms of early eye development provides insight into the molecular and cellular basis of developmental ocular anomalies, such as optic cup coloboma. Lastly, modeling human development and inherited retinal diseases using stem cell-derived retinal organoids generates opportunities to discover novel therapies for retinal diseases.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Human pluripotent stem cells (PSCs) represent a powerful tool to investigate human eye development and disease. When grown in 3D, they can self-assemble into laminar organized retinas; however, variation in the size, shape and composition of individual organoids exists. Neither the microenvironment nor the timing of critical growth factors driving retinogenesis are fully understood. To explore early retinal development, we developed a SIX6-GFP reporter that enabled the systematic optimization of conditions that promote optic vesicle formation. We demonstrated that early hypoxic growth conditions enhanced SIX6 expression and promoted eye formation. SIX6 expression was further enhanced by sequential inhibition of Wnt and activation of sonic hedgehog signaling. SIX6 + optic vesicles showed RNA expression profiles that were consistent with a retinal identity; however, ventral diencephalic markers were also present. To demonstrate that optic vesicles lead to bona fide \"retina-like\" structures we generated a SIX6-GFP/POU4F2-tdTomato dual reporter line that labeled the entire developing retina and retinal ganglion cells, respectively. Additional brain regions, including the hypothalamus and midbrain-hindbrain (MBHB) territories were identified by harvesting SIX6 + /POU4F2- and SIX6- organoids, respectively. Using RNAseq to study transcriptional profiles we demonstrated that SIX6-GFP and POU4F2-tdTomato reporters provided a reliable readout for developing human retina, hypothalamus, and midbrain/hindbrain organoids.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    14q22q23 microdeletion syndrome, also called Frias syndrome, is an extremely rare partial deletion of the long arm of chromosome 14 characterized by the anomalies of the pituitary gland, eyes, and hand/foot. Intellectual disability and facial dysmorphism are other common manifestations. Haploinsufficiency of the genes bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP4) and orthodenticle homeobox 2 (OTX2) accounts for most of the phenotypic abnormalities seen in these patients. There are only a few cases reported with Frias syndrome in the literature, and there are multiple variations present, which are not well recognized due to different set of genes involved. This case report presents the case of a young child with a deletion in 14q22.2q23.1 region containing both BMP4 and OTX2 genes as well as sineoculis homeobox homolog 1 (SIX1) and sineoculis homeobox homolog 6 (SIX6) genes. The case report illustrates the wide phenotypic findings associated with these genes along with additional unique findings that previously have not been commonly reported.






  • 文章类型: Case Reports
    BACKGROUND: Juvenile-onset primary open-angle glaucoma (JOAG), characterized by severe elevation of intraocular pressure and optic neuropathy prior to the age of 40, is a rare subtype of primary open-angle glaucoma. Several genetic mutations have been associated with JOAG.
    METHODS: The proband patient was a young male, diagnosed with primary open-angle glaucoma at the age of 27. The patient and his unaffected parents who have been excluded from classic genetic mutations for primary open-angle glaucoma were included to explore for other possible genetic variants through whole genome sequencing and bioinformatics analysis. In this trio, we found two heterozygous variants inherited from the parents in the proband: c.281G>A, p.Arg94His in OLFM2 and c.177C>G, p.Ile59Met in SIX6. Both genetic mutations are predicted through bioinformatics analysis to replace evolutionary conserved amino acids, therefore rendering a pathogenic effect on proteins. In contrast, very low frequencies for these genetic mutations were recorded in most common control databases.
    CONCLUSIONS: This is the first report on coinherited mutations of OLFM2 and SIX6 in a JOAG family, which shows the complexity of JOAG inheritance. Large-scale clinical screening and molecular functional investigations on these coinherited mutations are imperative to improve our understanding of the development of JOAG.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The Atlantic salmon has been studied extensively, particularly as a model for understanding the genetic and environmental contributions to the evolution and development of life history traits. Expression pattern analysis in situ, however, is mostly lacking in salmon. We examine the embryonic developmental expression of six6, a candidate gene previously identified to be associated with spawning ecotypes and age at sexual maturity, in Atlantic salmon. Six6 is a member of the sine oculis homeobox family of transcription factors and is known to regulate eye and brain development in other vertebrates. We assay the expression of this gene in embryonic Atlantic salmon Salmo salar by whole-mount in situ hybridization. In line with earlier studies in other vertebrate species, we find conserved expression in the developing brain and sensory organs, including optic and olfactory primordia. However, we also find previously unreported domains of expression that suggest additional roles in axial and appendicular development, cardiovascular, intestinal, and sensory organogenesis. Each of these systems are important in the sensory ecology of Atlantic salmon, suggesting it is plausible that six6 may have pleiotropic roles in this complex phenotype.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) is a hematological malignancy driven by abnormal activity of transcription factors. Here we report an aberrant expression of the developmental transcription factor SIX6 in the TAL1-subtype of T-ALL. Our results demonstrate that the binding of TAL1 and GATA3 transcription factors into an upstream enhancer element directly regulates SIX6 expression. High expression of SIX6 was associated with inferior event-free survival within three independent patient cohorts. At a functional level, CRISPR-Cas9-mediated knockout of the SIX6 gene in TAL1 positive Jurkat cells induced changes in genes associated with the mTOR-, K-RAS-, and TNFα-related molecular signatures but did not impair cell proliferation or viability. There was also no acceleration of T-ALL development within a Myc driven zebrafish tumor model in vivo. Taken together, our results show that SIX6 belongs to the TAL1 regulatory gene network in T-ALL but is alone insufficient to influence the development or maintenance of T-ALL.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The histoarchitecture and function of eye and forebrain depend on a well-controlled balance between cell proliferation and differentiation. For example, the binding of the cell cycle regulator GEMININ to CDT1, which is a part of the pre-replication complex, promotes cell differentiation. Homeodomain transcription factors SIX3 and SIX6 also interact with GEMININ of which SIX3-GEMININ interaction promotes cell proliferation, whereas the nature of SIX6-GEMININ interaction has not been studied to date. We investigated SIX3/SIX6 and GEMININ interactions using bimolecular fluorescence complementation, surface plasmon resonance and isothermal titration calorimetry. Interactions between SIX3/SIX6 and GEMININ were detected in mammalian cells in culture. The presence of the C-terminal regions of SIX3 and SIX6 proteins, but not their SIX domains or homeodomains as previously thought, were required for interaction with GEMININ. Interestingly, the disordered C- and N- terminal regions of GEMININ were involved in binding to SIX3/SIX6. The coiled-coil region of GEMININ, which is the known protein-binding domain and also interacts with CDT1, was not involved in GEMININ-SIX3/SIX6 interaction. Using SPR and ITC, SIX3 bound GEMININ with a micromolar affinity and the binding stoichiometry was 1:2 (SIX3 - GEMININ). The present study gives new insights into the binding properties of SIX proteins, especially the role of their variable and disordered C-terminal regions.






