Sister-Chromatid Cohesion

  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    The 16-subunit Constitutive Centromere-associated Network (CCAN)-based inner kinetochore is well-known for connecting centromeric chromatin to the spindle-binding outer kinetochore. Here, we report a non-canonical role for the inner kinetochore in directly regulating sister-chromatid cohesion at centromeres. We provide biochemical, X-ray crystal structure, and intracellular ectopic localization evidence that the inner kinetochore directly binds cohesin, a ring-shaped multi-subunit complex that holds sister chromatids together from S-phase until anaphase onset. This interaction is mediated by binding of the 5-subunit CENP-OPQUR sub-complex of CCAN to the Scc1-SA2 sub-complex of cohesin. Mutation in the CENP-U subunit of the CENP-OPQUR complex that abolishes its binding to the composite interface between Scc1 and SA2 weakens centromeric cohesion, leading to premature separation of sister chromatids during delayed metaphase. We further show that CENP-U competes with the cohesin release factor Wapl for binding the interface of Scc1-SA2, and that the cohesion-protecting role for CENP-U can be bypassed by depleting Wapl. Taken together, this study reveals an inner kinetochore-bound pool of cohesin, which strengthens centromeric sister-chromatid cohesion to resist metaphase spindle pulling forces.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    DNA replication transforms cohesin rings dynamically associated with chromatin into the cohesive form to establish sister-chromatid cohesion. Here, we show that, in human cells, cohesin loading onto chromosomes during early S phase requires the replicative helicase MCM2-7 and the kinase DDK. Cohesin and its loader SCC2/4 (NIPBL/MAU2 in humans) associate with DDK and phosphorylated MCM2-7. This binding does not require MCM2-7 activation by CDC45 and GINS, but its persistence on activated MCM2-7 requires fork-stabilizing replisome components. Inactivation of these replisome components impairs cohesin loading and causes interphase cohesion defects. Interfering with Okazaki fragment processing or nucleosome assembly does not impact cohesion. Therefore, MCM2-7-coupled cohesin loading promotes cohesion establishment, which occurs without Okazaki fragment maturation. We propose that the cohesin-loader complex bound to MCM2-7 is mobilized upon helicase activation, transiently held by the replisome, and deposited behind the replication fork to encircle sister chromatids and establish cohesion.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Proper segregation of chromosomes in meiosis is essential to prevent miscarriages and birth defects. This requires that sister chromatids maintain cohesion at the centromere as cohesion is released on the chromatid arms when the homologs segregate at anaphase I. The Shugoshin proteins preserve centromere cohesion by protecting the cohesin complex from cleavage, and this has been shown in yeasts to be mediated by recruitment of the protein phosphatase 2A B\' (PP2A B\'). In metazoans, delineation of the role of PP2A B\' in meiosis has been hindered by its myriad of other essential roles. The Drosophila Shugoshin MEI-S332 can bind directly to both of the B\' regulatory subunits of PP2A, Wdb and Wrd, in yeast two-hybrid experiments. Exploiting experimental advantages of Drosophila spermatogenesis, we found that the Wdb subunit localizes first along chromosomes in meiosis I, becoming restricted to the centromere region as MEI-S332 binds. Wdb and MEI-S332 show colocalization at the centromere region until release of sister-chromatid cohesion at the metaphase II/anaphase II transition. MEI-S332 is necessary for Wdb localization, but, additionally, both Wdb and Wrd are required for MEI-S332 localization. Thus, rather than MEI-S332 being hierarchical to PP2A B\', these proteins reciprocally ensure centromere localization of the complex. We analyzed functional relationships between MEI-S332 and the two forms of PP2A by quantifying meiotic chromosome segregation defects in double or triple mutants. These studies revealed that both Wdb and Wrd contribute to MEI-S332\'s ability to ensure accurate segregation of sister chromatids, but, as in centromere localization, they do not act solely downstream of MEI-S332.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Cyclin-dependent kinase 11 is a relatively neglected member of the transcriptional CDKs subfamily, despite possibly being the most versatile CDK in this group. Different CDK11 variants are known to play essential roles in major cellular processes as mRNA transcription (CDK11p110), mitosis (CDK11p58), and apoptosis (CDK11p46 and CDK11p60). Each CDK11 species targets a particular set of substrates related to its functional background, but all isoforms originate from the CDC2L gene complex in human chromosome 1p36.2. CDK11p110 is synthesized through regular cap-dependent translation of CDK11 mRNA, whereas CDK11p58 translation is initiated through an IRES, and occurs only at G2 and M phases. CDK11p46 and CDK11p60, in turn, are the products of caspase cleavage of the larger isoforms during apoptosis. L-type cyclins are the main partners of CDK11, although CDK11p58 species interacts specifically with cyclin D3. The link between CDK11 dysfunction and cancer has been known for a long time, and critical roles in the proliferation of different cancer cell lines have been assigned to CDK11. This review summarizes more than 25 years of studies that unraveled CDK11 genetic and functional aspects.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the cell cycle, duplicated sister chromatids become physically connected during S phase through a process called sister-chromatid cohesion. Cohesion is terminated during the metaphase-to-anaphase transition to trigger sister-chromatid segregation. The establishment and dissolution of cohesion are highly regulated by the cohesin complex and its multitude of regulators. In particular, the cohesin regulator Wapl promotes the release of cohesin from chromosomes during both interphase and mitosis. Here, we describe in vitro protein binding assays between Wapl and a cohesin subcomplex, and cellular assays in human cells that probe the functions of Wapl in cohesin release.






  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    During the cell cycle, sister-chromatid cohesion tethers sister chromatids together from S phase to the metaphase-anaphase transition and ensures accurate segregation of chromatids into daughter cells. N-terminal acetylation is one of the most prevalent protein covalent modifications in eukaryotes and is mediated by a family of N-terminal acetyltransferases (NAT). Naa50 (also called San) has previously been shown to play a role in sister-chromatid cohesion in metazoans. The mechanism by which Naa50 contributes to cohesion is not understood however. Here, we show that depletion of Naa50 in HeLa cells weakens the interaction between cohesin and its positive regulator sororin and causes cohesion defects in S phase, consistent with a role of Naa50 in cohesion establishment. Strikingly, co-depletion of NatA, a heterodimeric NAT complex that physically interacts with Naa50, rescues the sister-chromatid cohesion defects and the resulting mitotic arrest caused by Naa50 depletion, indicating that NatA and Naa50 play antagonistic roles in cohesion. Purified recombinant NatA and Naa50 do not affect each other\'s NAT activity in vitro Because NatA and Naa50 exhibit distinct substrate specificity, we propose that they modify different effectors and regulate sister-chromatid cohesion in opposing ways.







  • 文章类型: Journal Article
    Aim of this study was to explore cellular changes associated with increased resistance to atmospheric oxygen using high-resolution DNA and RNA profiling combined with functional studies. Two independently selected oxygen-resistant substrains of HeLa cells (capable of proliferating at >80% O2, i.e. hyperoxia) were compared with their parental cells (adapted to growth at 20% O2, but unable to grow at >80% O2). A striking consistent alteration found to be associated with the oxygen-resistant state appeared to be an amplified and overexpressed region on chromosome 16p13.3 harboring 21 genes. The driver gene of this amplification was identified by functional studies as NARFL, which encodes a component of the cytosolic iron-sulfur cluster assembly system. In line with this result we found the cytosolic c-aconitase activity as well as the nuclear protein RTEL1, both Fe-S dependent proteins, to be protected by NARFL overexpression under hyperoxia. In addition, we observed a protective effect of NARFL against hyperoxia-induced loss of sister-chromatid cohesion. NARFL thus appeared to be a key factor in the cellular defense against hyperoxia-induced oxidative stress in human cells. Our findings suggest that new insight into age-related degenerative processes may come from studies that specifically address the involvement of iron-sulfur proteins.





